The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

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In First Thoughts

4/23/2007 011121: [Slumber] first thoughts on kid's RPG
Slumber is an RPG designed to be played by parents (or other adults) with young children.  The likely age range of interest is 3-8 or so, depending on the individual…
In First Thoughts
Participants: 011121, xenopulse, Eero Tuovinen, JasonWalters, Meguey, Eric J., komradebob.

4/22/2007 fantang7: Feedback & Suggestions Welcome
I'm currently working on one rules-lite diceless system for horror games and another epic fantasy game + setting.  I'm writing each of them up on my blog, and would love…
In First Thoughts
Participants: fantang7, jackson_tegu.

4/22/2007 T. Ettinger: [MoBSystem] How mathematical is too much to get "balance" in a system?
Howdy, I'm new here, but I've been designing RPGs for a while now.  One of my projects I've been working on (in one form or another) for two years, and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: T. Ettinger, Xeriar, sabbatregent, David C, Filip Luszczyk, Noon, xenopulse, CommonDialog.

4/22/2007 jackson_tegu: mathematicians, some assistance please -
hello there, everyone. i recently picked up a copy of Prince Valiant and would reccomend everyone who hasn't got one going out and snagging one right now, if only for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jackson_tegu, Noon, Xeriar, Eero Tuovinen, BlackSheep, Eric J..

4/21/2007 Xeriar: [Solar Storms] Setting Bash...
I'm... not entirely sure if this belongs here or in First Thoughts, if this doesn't belong here, I apologize.  It actually passed first thoughts nearly two years ago now, and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Xeriar.

4/21/2007 Froley: Mega Corporation
So far in my indie career i've made about 3 so far and i'm starting on my 4. My idea is a cyber-punk action rpg and i'm in need of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Froley, FLEB, LukeSineath, David C, Jarx.

4/18/2007 Jason Walters: [You Brought This On Yourself] Face List
Greeting everyone! This is my first time posting on The Forge, so please let me know if I unintentionally step out of bounds. I am working on a game entitled…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jason Walters, priestofroadkill, joepub, JasonWalters, jasonm.

4/18/2007 priestofroadkill: technically not an rpg, but it's rpg-like
hey guys, first thread here on the forge. anyway.. i was thinking of doing a system of game, maybe not really an rpg, but kind of. if any of you…
In First Thoughts
Participants: priestofroadkill, Ide, Noon, David Artman.

4/16/2007 chris_moore: magickal game
Inspired by this from Vincent: When you design a game, you coordinate what magic is IN the game's fiction with what magic does TO the game's fiction. Here's an idea. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: chris_moore, C.W.Richeson, lumpley, Jarx, Certified.

4/16/2007 northerain: [Obscure] First Thoughts
Alright...first thread for me here, I'm gonna try and describe my game idea and see if I can get some feedback for it. I started working on this rpg a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: northerain, Malcolm, priestofroadkill, Mike Sugarbaker, JasonWalters, Andy Kitkowski, joepub.

4/15/2007 Eric J.: Re: [Living Alchemy] - It's a PDF for your review
Um... so there was some kind of problem.  I guess it's an empty thread.  No matter!  I'll post it again!  If there are still problems, I'll contact an admin! Hello! …
In First Thoughts
Participants: Eric J., preludetotheend, xenopulse, David C, LandonSuffered, Spooky Fanboy.

4/13/2007 signoftheserpent: Wuxia Space Opera
I've started a blog for my design of a wuxia space opera game (something i brought up here briefly a long while back), initially dealing with the setting (gotta have…
In First Thoughts
Participants: signoftheserpent, preludetotheend, Thenomain, Ron Edwards.

4/13/2007 MJGraham: [Insurrection] Power 19.
Here is my attempt at answering the Power 19 for my game called Insurrection: 1.) What is your game about?** The game is about the tension between the characters virtues…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MJGraham.

4/11/2007 sabbatregent: Time travel
Hi, everyone. I'm on the process of designing a time-traveling RPG. Basically, the PCs are time-cops who use Matrix style fighting and Time witchraft to fight time-criminals and cults. On…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sabbatregent, jerry, MJGraham, David Artman, FLEB, Thenomain, Options, Hans, BlackTerror.

4/10/2007 Frank Tarcikowski: [Aller Tage Abend] License to Tweak
Hi there! This morning I had a very good conversation about role-playing and the ever-problematic issue of “cheating”, or, more precisely, tweaking the dice. For my game in (early) development…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, Eliarhiman6, Eero Tuovinen, anders_larsen, Filip Luszczyk, Noon, Ben Lehman.

4/10/2007 Sentience: Decay RPG - The Seesaw of Power!
Greetings! This thread is an extention of the discussion we were having here ( about the pro's and con's of Experience (power) Levels. This thread is meant to be a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sentience, xenopulse, Noon, Majidah.

4/10/2007 MJGraham: [Insurrection] GM Rewards
I'm working on an idea for my game where the both the players and the GM receives points for playing well. In return for winning these points players can make…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MJGraham, Eliarhiman6, Noon, David Artman, David C.

4/7/2007 FLEB: Glass and Steel - Idea Intro and Concerns: Enough latitude?
I'm in the initial stages (read: a couple days, a couple premise sketches) of hashing out this game idea, but it's a rather tightly encapsulated and pre-ordained plot+game package, and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: FLEB, Noon, joepub.

4/7/2007 phasmaphobic: LARP: Scene-Framing within the flow of the LARP
I've posted this elsewhere, but I think I might be able to get some good input from you folks here.  My major experiences with playing in LARPs leads me to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: phasmaphobic, Matt, David Artman, newsalor, Eliarhiman6, fantang7.

4/5/2007 phasmaphobic: LARP: Working on the foundations for our 2nd Edition Rules
I started a discussion in a previous thread, but the direction I'm going has changed significantly enough that I felt a new topic would allow me to put forth some…
In First Thoughts
Participants: phasmaphobic, Majidah.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

4/26/2007 pilot602: [Scoundrels] First new post in a while
Hi all, It's been a couple years since I last posted. Got busy with life, career and marriage. If any of you remember me it'll be for my Seven Systems…
In First Thoughts
Participants: pilot602, Eric J..

4/27/2007 billvolk: [Cops & Robbers] Childhood Memories?
I'm working on a sort of roleplaying meta-game that's based on the way I and some of my friends used to play as kids. Rules are added with adult players…
In First Thoughts
Participants: billvolk, TonyLB, Froley.

4/27/2007 chris_moore: [psi run] hide and seek, manhunt, or...?
So, I'm working on a game about "psychic runaways" as someone put it.  After another internal playtest, I'm realizing that the roles people take on in the game might not…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chris_moore, TonyLB, Kevin Allen Jr, Noon, Noclue, lumpley.

4/28/2007 Jarx: Re: FATUM- a roleplay in epic scenarios
It seems like it's unreadable so I try again. Fatum is inspired by books like, the illiad, paradise lost and book of revelations. It takes place in Sirathaír fifty years…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jarx, TonyLB, joepub, Noclue, slavemind.

4/28/2007 AJ_Flowers: A New System for Martial Arts Fighting
This is an idea I discussed briefly with Ron at Forge Midwest which he encouraged me to post up to First Thoughts!  Obviously, it's not a fully formed idea, since…
In First Thoughts
Participants: AJ_Flowers, Hereward The Wake, Noclue, slavemind, CommonDialog, Valamir, John Hyland, Ron Edwards, contracycle.

4/28/2007 pilot602: [KvD] Card/Board game?
Just a couple thoughts on my next endeavor ... The concept: KvD (to be disclosed later); a board game where "collectible card decks" are used as the conflict resolution and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: pilot602, matthijs, Ron Edwards.

4/28/2007 sabbatregent: [Neo-Cops] Inverse game design
Hi there again. Perhaps you remember me from my time traveling queries. Now that I have than beast (almost) tamed, I would like to talk you about my idea for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sabbatregent, Everspinner, matthijs.

4/28/2007 lincolnstoller: games as art
Oh dear, so much to say, so many voices... Here's the "skinny": I want to approach games as art, forget the commerce, the play, the money, just focus on creating…
In First Thoughts
Participants: lincolnstoller, C.W.Richeson, slavemind, matthijs, Ron Edwards, David C.

4/30/2007 Jarx: Magic metal
This was an idea i've had for a roleplay though i dont know how to make work, anyway the idea is that the characters are rock-musicians using their instrument for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jarx, Eero Tuovinen, Noclue.

4/30/2007 JasonWalters: [You Brought This On Yourself] Costume List
Many of you were helpful in adding to the list of "Faces" for my game, so I thought I would bounce my list of Maniac's "Costumes" off of you as…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JasonWalters, jasonm, GregStolze.

5/1/2007 DC Henderson: Comic Relief
Over the many RP sessions I've been involved in there have usually been one or two elements or characters to the session that add in some random humour, whether it…
In First Thoughts
Participants: DC Henderson, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, pells.

5/2/2007 chris_moore: [psi run] At the Crossroads
Okay, so characters are amnesiac psychics on the run from their handlers.  They try to keep their freedom while reclaiming their memories and identity.  Several posts about it in this…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chris_moore, lumpley, joepub.

5/2/2007 xenopulse: [Pentripolis] Answers to the Power 19
Before I get to the actual responses to the Power 19 about Pentripolis, let me point out that the game will give players several choices that influence the answer to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: xenopulse, Valamir, Troy_Costisick.

5/2/2007 Valamir: [Robots & Rapiers] Power 19
[b]1.) What is your game about?[/b] Robots & Rapiers is about characters discovering that everything they thought they knew about themselves and their world was a programmed illusion, and how…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Valamir, xenopulse, Dan Maruschak, Troy_Costisick, Miskatonic, Falc, Everspinner, Frank Tarcikowski, Age of Fable, AJ_Flowers.

5/2/2007 Luke Fleeman: [DATA System] Criticism and Suggestions
Greetings All, I posted some time back about a setting I was working on, and the discussion sent me off in the way of designing a system. In the time…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Luke Fleeman, contracycle, Adam Dray, thargas.

5/3/2007 dikaiosunh: Fiddling with Negotiation/Conflict Resolution Simulations
This represents my first shot at thinking about design, so I hope this is specific enough for feedback... I apologize if some of it is long-winded, but I want to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dikaiosunh, Ron Edwards, Noclue.

5/4/2007 sirogit: [Gears of Pain]The needs of the environment.
One of my latest developmental projects is Gears of Pain: , an attempt at a vigorous persistant online game with rules largely influenced by PTA, TSOY and Burnig Wheel…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sirogit, xenopulse, Eric J., Noon.

5/5/2007 Froley: Mega Corporation 2
Thanks for the ideas the really helped me out. I've decided to go with some sort of: bio-medicine company. Their medicines increase peoples (or animals) ablilities for a sort period…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Froley, James_Nostack.

5/6/2007 Troy_Costisick: [No Greater Love] Power 19
[b]1.) What is your game about?**[/b] No Greater Love is about getting the chance to die for something your say you would die for.  This is your chance to really…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Troy_Costisick, joepub, Malcolm, Arturo G., Wormwood, Everspinner.

5/8/2007 David Artman: [brainstorm] Use of Music and/or Singing as Mechanics
Hi, folks; Due to other threads here at The Forge and at, I have begun thinking about how one could use music performance, singing, both, or some other poesy…
In First Thoughts
Participants: David Artman, jasonm, Simon C, Noclue, okaynowa.

more subsequent topics >>