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In First Thoughts

6/24/2008 Big J Money: Social Evening/LARP fueled by Indie?
Brainstorm for a game I think might have both merit and an audience. Played in one evening LARP inspired Setting is on location, can be as simple…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Big J Money, Eliarhiman6.

6/23/2008 whiteknife: Tamers: Gotta {pick one: capture, grab, acquire, snatch, get, obtain} em' all!
I've always been interested in the idea of an RPG that dealt with the genre of monster catching. A group of normal guys who happen to have a bunch of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: whiteknife, Ron Edwards, StrongBadMun, First Oni, Will, Krippler, chronoplasm, Elberon, neko ewen.

6/23/2008 RadiantWind: Space Adventures Advanced Edition Mechanics
These are the mechanics of my game, Space Adventures: Advanced Edition. Keep in mind that this is the advanced version of my game, so it may be difficult to understand…
In First Thoughts
Participants: RadiantWind.

6/23/2008 RadiantWind: A space-themed RPG
Hello, I'm new here, and I'm wondering if a futuristic RPG sounds like a good idea. Most of the RPGs here are set in the past, and I want to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: RadiantWind, StrongBadMun, Lazy Wombat, First Oni, migo.

6/23/2008 dindenver: [DNAwesome] Grit
Hi!   OK, the regular resolution mechanics are kind of straight forward. So, I wanted to "kick it up a notch!"   So,I came up with Grit. This is a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dindenver, Will.

6/22/2008 tombowings: [Power 19] The Republic of Cambrai
Alright, I'm finally done sketching out my power. I have the ideas for the game pretty set, but am having some problems getting the mechanics together. Any help, criticism, and/or…
In First Thoughts
Participants: tombowings.

6/21/2008 StrongBadMun: When Darkness Falls, players don't roll?
So I'm working on my Horror RPG When Darkness Falls, heavily influenced by ghost hunters, hauntings, and games like Clive Barker's Jericho. My main idea for creating tension is that…
In First Thoughts
Participants: StrongBadMun, Will, Ron Edwards, FLEB.

6/20/2008 tombowings: Social Interruption/Conflict RPG (Not even to a power 19)
Hello everyone, I'm pretty new to RPG design, so bare with me here. I don't have much to show off and I've hit a bit of a roadblock. Here's the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: tombowings, Paul Czege, dindenver.

6/19/2008 Will: [Surreality Engine] call for comments on system.
Ok, I have been writing and rewriting this for long enough and I know exactly how it should work and it plays quite well with me running it, it's time…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Will, tombowings.

6/19/2008 evancolson: Power 19 concept
I'm a real first-timer here and after reading a few other people's posts, I have decided to sketch out a "Power 19" for a game I'm thinking of creating. Criticism…
In First Thoughts
Participants: evancolson, matthijs, dindenver.

6/18/2008 ChrisMcDee: Teen-Islanders High School Politics and Coconut Radios
I was toying with the idea of creating a game that could be playable solo, taking inspiration from the randomly generated content of Roguelikes. I ended up with the idea…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ChrisMcDee, whiteknife.

6/16/2008 ChrisMcDee: Inheritance - High-Powered Heroes of Classical Antiquity
I can't help but feel Connections was the wrong place to put this, so for your general feedback consideration here is Inheritance! Inheritance is a System…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ChrisMcDee, preludetotheend.

6/16/2008 Jumanji83: Corporate sell-out
So I've been thinking, and there is a game I'd like to design (it would be my first if I ever get around to it). The players' characters are all…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jumanji83, Will, Ron Edwards.

6/14/2008 Roadkill: 7 phrases
Ok this is not designed to be a serious game or even a game at all, just a light hearted idea/piece of fun perhaps. It could be played within an…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Roadkill, Vulpinoid, Willow, Will.

6/14/2008 Bullbar: A very, very narrow concept: The Bridge/The Drop
I'm not entirely sure if this is the right way to go about it, but I hope so. I've come up with a concept for a game set entirely between…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bullbar, Arturo G., Vulpinoid, Everspinner, madunkieg, Will, jag, RadiantWind.

6/14/2008 Grail-Shadowblade: Storm of Beginnings - Character Creation Queries and Thoughts
Bet you didn't expect to see me again folks! Anyway Raid Earth is taking a backburner for now while I focus on a dice based system that my recent D&D…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Grail-Shadowblade.

6/13/2008 chronoplasm: Go Fish inspired resolution system
So I'm working on a game where players play as townsfolk in a world full of monsters. Players can play as miners, farmers, merchants, fishermen and many other roles and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, Paul Czege, Will.

6/12/2008 dindenver: [DNAwesome] Mechanics so far
Hi!   So, this is the starting framework for the mechanics so far: In order to resolve a conflict, we need to know 3 things: 1) What Traits your character…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dindenver, ChadDubya, Will, Arturo G., Filip Luszczyk.

6/11/2008 dindenver: [DNAwesome] Simple Chargen
Hi!   I was trying to come up with a way to make a Supers game without the laundry list of powers. I think I have it, let me know…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dindenver, Arturo G., Filip Luszczyk.

6/7/2008 Big J Money: Before I can begin
I have a specific question concerning goals during game design.  How have some (of you) game designers found that a concious effort to designing a system toward specific GNS goals/rewards…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Big J Money, Eero Tuovinen.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

6/27/2008 quixoteles: Darwin's Charity
I read a game informer lately, in it was an article about co-op games. It mentions that innovation in competition and solo play in video games far out strips Co-operation.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: quixoteles, matthijs, Vulpinoid, baron samedi, GregStolze, Evlyn.

6/28/2008 Klaus Graziade: [Power 19] Godai (be warned...long post!)
Okay, so I've been working like crazy to get my game together.  After a good year of brainstorming, dead ends, and lost ideas, I've been struck by inspiration the past…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Klaus Graziade, whiteknife.

6/29/2008 dindenver: [DNAwesome] Setting so far...
Hi!   I really am looking to brainstorm this out a bit (I have some criteria, but other than that, its all flexible). Here is where I am starting from:…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dindenver, whiteknife, chronoplasm, Will, Ken.

6/30/2008 chronoplasm: Townsfolk Power 19
1.) What is your game about?** 2.) What do the characters do?** 3.) What do the players (including the GM if there is one) do?** In Townsfolk, players don't play…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, whiteknife, dindenver, StrongBadMun.

7/1/2008 preludetotheend: Base roll mechanics (Gears and Cogs: GaC)
Hello all,   Currently I am trying to cobble together Gears and Cogs a generic universal system for use with my works, as well as some friends and I am…
In First Thoughts
Participants: preludetotheend, chronoplasm, Ron Edwards, Precious Villain, Will, SpoDaddy.

7/2/2008 StrongBadMun: What should I do next?
Ok so Ember's going to reading and playtesting and while it may come back to me in need of a massive overhaul I'm pretty confident that what I've put together…
In First Thoughts
Participants: StrongBadMun, chronoplasm, Will, whiteknife, Ron Edwards.

7/2/2008 chronoplasm: Townsfolk Classes
OK, so in this game you play as a simple villager struggling to survive a world warped by thaumaturgic fallout after an alchemical war and populated by chimeric monsters. This…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, Eero Tuovinen, madunkieg.

7/4/2008 teckno72: My first, free, new rpg online
You can check out my new, free rpg at: It is based on my novel (not free): Thanks for critique.  I know it has many rough spots, as…
In First Thoughts
Participants: teckno72, preludetotheend.

7/5/2008 Petter: RPG in New York, 1877
My first post here! I´m writing a supplement for the Swedish RPG Western. It´s set in New York, around 1877. I will probably focus mainly on money, power and crime.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Petter, chronoplasm, Teramis, jasonm, matthijs.

7/7/2008 Luchaire: Ex Fabula: Intro and Power 19
Howdy. I'm sort of new here - that is, I've read nearly every post of the last few weeks and skimmed many going back a couple years. I've been lurking…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Luchaire, First Oni, chronoplasm, Will.

7/10/2008 jag: Making Public Goods more conflicted
I've been toying with a resolution pattern inspired by the Public Goods Game. Reading Ron's playtest of The People's Hero has precipitated this latest version, and although I don't see…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jag, Ron Edwards, GregStolze.

7/11/2008 Lethe: Wannabe game designer seeks help from good people of the Forge
Hi. I'm actually a little nervous to make a post here, is that stupid or what? There's not even an audience that I can imagine in their underwear, so that's…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Lethe, Eero Tuovinen, Selene Tan.

7/12/2008 DWeird: Pride - just what am I doing, here?
First time poster, long time reader... Given these boards first name policy: name's Daumantas, Dauma for short. Lithuanian, in case you wonder. The order of the post will be as…
In First Thoughts
Participants: DWeird, jag.

7/13/2008 dindenver: [DNAwesome] Break my chargen system, please!
Hi!   I was trying to come up with a way to make a Supers game without the laundry list of powers. I think I have it, but I need…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dindenver, Vulpinoid, Paul Czege, Ken, jag.

7/14/2008 talath1221: [Malls & Morons] Ideas
So, some years ago, I made this d20 game called Malls & Morons, and it was about teenagers who spent their free time in the mall causing shenanigans. People liked…
In First Thoughts
Participants: talath1221, jasonm, GregStolze, Marshall Burns.

7/14/2008 chronoplasm: [Townsfolk] Random Worldbuilding +Monster Creation
Alright, so when you enter an uncharted area on the map, you need to determine the terrain and the monster population of that area. You do this first by drawing…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, dindenver.

7/16/2008 JarrodHenry: Errant Knight Games?
I know they have a forum down there, but it seems unread.. I'm wanting to purchase or look at Kayfabe, but it seems that their site is now hosting trojans,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JarrodHenry, Matt Gwinn.

7/17/2008 BubbaBrown: Needing that other perspective
I've been monkeying around with this system as the platform for a few other projects I've got.  I decided recently to start ramping up development on it after a long…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BubbaBrown.

7/17/2008 jefgodesky: Requiring players to use oracles vs. leaving them as a backup option
Without digging into too much detail, my game could require some fairly intense bouts of creativity, like coming up with riddles.  I realize this is not something I can expect…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jefgodesky.

7/17/2008 was_fired: TOCC
Hi, I recently made a website for my game TOCC so I thought I should get the word out.  I talked about TOCC here a while ago.  TOCC is basically…
In First Thoughts
Participants: was_fired.

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