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From Day One

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In First Thoughts

11/11/2008 etheruk: MESSENGERS: A game of psychics and messages from beyond
While I wait for response to High Stakes I was inspired to write up a draft from a very different game. Inspired by programs like Medium, Millenium, Wonderfalls and even…
In First Thoughts
Participants: etheruk.

11/11/2008 masqueradeball: Probabilities Please
I'm working on a fantasy game to replace the often frustrating experience that is D&D (in any edition). My "core mechanic" functions like so: Characters roll 2d if untrained or …
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, Eero Tuovinen, ShallowThoughts, NN, Rafu, Ben Lehman, chance.thirteen, Guy Srinivasan, big dummy, Rauðbjørn.

11/10/2008 Susan Calvin: Strategic-scale 1910's war
A group of players in a LARP steampunk-fantasy campaign will have the opportunity to play military commanders, intelligence personell and high-ranking officials and politicians. I would like to try using…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Susan Calvin, rafial, Eero Tuovinen, Vulpinoid, Nath.

11/8/2008 num3472: Wiki based rpg
[b]I want to make a dnd style game that is open for development by anyone. using a wiki as a base for development[/b] [hr] I've had the idea floating around…
In First Thoughts
Participants: num3472, Dementia Games, Vulpinoid, David C.

11/6/2008 vgunn: Triumph System -- please give feedback
Okay, I think that I might have finally settled on a system that I would like to develop. I appreciate all of the feedback from previous threads I've posted.  My…
In First Thoughts
Participants: vgunn, jmhpfan, Redeemer, soundmasterj.

11/5/2008 chance.thirteen: evaluating relative values of abstracted goals
Such an endearing title, but I wanted to be specific. I enjoyed reading through Burning Empires, but the end of conflict left me feeling rudderless. There were to be concessions,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chance.thirteen, Eero Tuovinen.

11/5/2008 Vulpinoid: Using CDs as a playing surface.
I'm not really sure whether this belongs more as a "first thought", or as a publishing idea. Since it's still in the first stages of development, I've included it here.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Vulpinoid, David C, Eero Tuovinen, StrongBadMun, David Artman.

11/5/2008 David C: "Destiny Mechanic" game meets story
This is actually a branch off of my other topic, "The power 19 cheat sheet." In my game, there is a gamist agenda, as well as some crunch. However, I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: David C, dindenver, Eero Tuovinen, Dementia Games, soundmasterj.

11/5/2008 Redeemer: New game and first post: Redeemer a game about choices and survival.
This is a basic intro to Redeemer, a post apocalyptic game I'm working on and I think I'm at the point where I need more feedback. I'll try to break…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Redeemer, Darcy Burgess, Ryel_ril_Ers, greyorm, David C.

11/4/2008 Aman the Rejected: [Grande Finale] Console style gaming, Problems with Conflict Resolution
So, I'm working on a game I've been calling Grande Finale. You can find the alpha doc <a href="">here</a> or <a href="">here</a>. So, I have two main mechanics in the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Aman the Rejected, Noon, StrongBadMun, dindenver.

11/4/2008 Dementia Games: Fear Mechanics
I'm working on a game I've already posted about here and ran into a problem before getting to playtest mode.  It uses accumulated stress (Mental Trauma) which is rolled against…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dementia Games, Eero Tuovinen, David C.

11/3/2008 vgunn: Resource Management / d6 Pool system -- I need some help in developing
Okay, here are my first thoughts. Please feel free to make suggestions, I am not married to anything at this point. My intitial desire is to create a d6 die…
In First Thoughts
Participants: vgunn, Tom Garnett.

11/3/2008 David C: The Power 19 cheat sheet?
I was writing my power 19 and I started encountering questions that definitely got me thinking about things. To begin, I need to provide you some background on my game…
In First Thoughts
Participants: David C, soundmasterj, Eero Tuovinen, dindenver, Peter Nordstrand.

11/3/2008 David C: Mechanic for advancing the game's calender
I have a mechanic that advances the calender of a game.  In many games, I became annoyed that (using a fantasy setting) we went from common farmers to slaying dragons…
In First Thoughts
Participants: David C, Eero Tuovinen, Nath, walruz, Levyathyn.

11/3/2008 decline: how to do very large combats/wars?
several times when running a game i've found the pc's getting into some very large combats of potentially hundreds/thousands of people.  in other words, they are in the midst of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: decline, Eero Tuovinen, David C, chance.thirteen, Nath.

10/31/2008 visioNationstudios: [dLITE] Power 19, First Draft
Allow me to preface this Power 19 list with a note that this game is primarily intended for play over the internet, via chat-based systems such as OpenRPG.  Also, it…
In First Thoughts
Participants: visioNationstudios, Vulpinoid.

10/31/2008 chronoplasm: Random Dungeon Generating Mechanic
OK, so I'll give you a brief synopsis of my idea to give this whole thing context. I just thought up an idea for a game called Goblin Mountain. You…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, greyorm, Rauðbjørn.

10/30/2008 hatch22: Mental Conflict
Greetings all, I haven't posted in forever and lurked very seldom because being in a Ph. D. program has really kept me from having much time for the hobby.  That…
In First Thoughts
Participants: hatch22, chance.thirteen, DWeird, Tom Garnett, dindenver, soundmasterj, Guy Srinivasan.

10/29/2008 Tom Garnett: Story-structure led game idea (GNS wrangling)
Hello, I'm new here (although I've lurked on and off for ages). Brief bio: Long-time gamer, occasional GM, LARPer, and organiser thereof. Most of my play experience is non-WoD White…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Tom Garnett, Eero Tuovinen.

10/28/2008 Paul T: Three-sided stakes are hurting my head ... [design help]
Hello, I'm posting here in hopes of receiving some help with a design problem I'm facing. I designed and wrote a game I feel quite happy with (although I have…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Paul T, anders_larsen, Eero Tuovinen, monkey, Vulpinoid, Tom Garnett, Guy Srinivasan, lumpley, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

11/12/2008 Caliban: Midnight Movie Madness
I've had this idea percolating in my head for sometime. It would be a tabletop, easy rules role playing game where one person plays the Director (The GM) and the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Caliban, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, dindenver.

11/12/2008 screwtape: Temptation and RPGs
hello! i've been a member of for about a month but now that i'm trying to work on my RPG idea with renewed vigor, i was directed here for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: screwtape, soundmasterj, Ron Edwards, Dementia Games.

11/13/2008 Jill: An RPG Optimised for Play-by-Post games.
I wanted to get some advice on the kind of game mechanics that might be most suitable for play-by-post games, because straightforward adaptation of existing tabeletop systems (A)  doesn't seem…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jill, Eero Tuovinen, soundmasterj, Noon, Ron Edwards.

11/14/2008 Rauðbjørn: The Scattered Stars
Hoi! I've an idea for a game, and I thought I'd throw it out there for comment. It's a multifaceted game of exploration, war, intrige, espionage and trade set against…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Rauðbjørn, soundmasterj, Dementia Games, Vulpinoid, dindenver, Adrian F., Ron Edwards, Levyathyn.

11/14/2008 ShallowThoughts: Alternative theory (or .. brother theory?) to GNS
Hi folks, I see the "Game Design" forum is closed, so I apologize if this post shouldn't be here. I haven't posted much on the Forge but am keenly interested…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Rauðbjørn, Ron Edwards, soundmasterj.

11/15/2008 Karoliina: Aulos - a storytelling game with cards
The game’s name is Aulos and it’s going to be my diploma work. I’m planning on some kind of publishing, but on a small scale. The game is in Finnish,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Karoliina.

11/16/2008 screwtape: finding muse/writing exercises
a question for those making RPGs: How do you find your muse? not just game ideas but also if you are struggling with how to set up a mechanic, are…
In First Thoughts
Participants: screwtape, Vulpinoid, Ron Edwards.

11/18/2008 vgunn: d10 blackjack resolution for an espionage type RPG
I would like to get some feedback on how to develop a xd10 blackjack mechanic. I was thinking about using it for a spy game. Here goes: xd10 = to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: vgunn, Vulpinoid, soundmasterj, masqueradeball.

11/18/2008 Teplin: [Ill Fated]
I finished my first rpg.  It's a psychological horror story game.  I don't have any specific questions, I just want to see what people think of it, and if it's…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Teplin, Ron Edwards.

11/19/2008 CSBone: <W6-Space Ranger> Need help with mechanics.
First a disclaimer. I was trying to create a pseudonym for my writing and was posting as Christopher Steven Bone when I was here last. Turned out to be too…
In First Thoughts
Participants: CSBone, dindenver, Gregor Hutton.

11/19/2008 Levyathyn: Blended Armor/Agility Mechanics
Hey, I'm new here and I figure the best way to break the ice would be to ask a question I've been dwelling on for a while now. I'm tired…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Levyathyn, David C, Vulpinoid, Noon, Creatures of Destiny.

11/20/2008 cra2: Are You Delusional?
a game wherein you regularly slip between being a patient/prisoner in a dark, scary mental hospital and being on the "outside" as members of a team that hunts the criminally…
In First Thoughts
Participants: cra2, Ron Edwards, Wolfen, Noon, Altaem, jag, JoyWriter.

11/20/2008 David C: Question about the flavor of "Mortal Wounds"?
First of all, my game uses a HP system.  However, if a character suddenly suffers serious damage, they gain what I call a "Mortal Wound."  Mortal Wounds cause the character…
In First Thoughts
Participants: David C, soundmasterj, Ron Edwards, Marshall Burns, jag, Eero Tuovinen, ShallowThoughts, Vulpinoid, LionDog.

11/20/2008 John Blaz: Action Dice - a core mechanic
Hey everyone, I've recently come up with an idea for a core rule. Action Dice. Now I'm sure everyone is familiar with "Action Points", where each combat round a character…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, dindenver, jag, Creatures of Destiny, Vulpinoid, Altaem, DWeird.

11/22/2008 masqueradeball: Scratch the Crunchy Itch
I'm working on a game system (currently called "Hack") that began as a D&D "fix" though one thats extensive enough that it would be neigh unrecognizable such (no d20's, no…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, walruz, David C.

11/23/2008 BioMetal: RPG styled after X-Com ('94)
Had the idea for quite some time now. The original X-Com was so great, it was suspenseful, challenging and had really cool weapons and gadgets. But somehow, I always wanted…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BioMetal, Noon, dindenver.

11/24/2008 masqueradeball: Social Oneupmanship
Here's a one page game that's very rough for handling social maneuvering up amongst the upper classes in a Victorian society. Any thoughts on how to make it better?…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, David C, MikeF, Noon.

11/25/2008 jb.teller4: Metagame Structure for a Story Game (no name yet)
This is my first post on the Forge.  I've been working on a game for a couple weeks now and I wanted to get some feedback and suggestions on a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jb.teller4, Eero Tuovinen, JoyWriter.

11/27/2008 Menigal: Dodging and Armor
Hi everyone, I've been toying around with some ideas I'd originally sketched out for use in a video game and trying to turn them into traditional pen and paper rules. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: Menigal, Darcy Burgess, Noon.

11/30/2008 nitrospectide: massaging mechanic ideas - need input
Greetings! I'm taking my first shot at putting together a game, and I'm curious to get feedback on some of the concepts I have and the questions they are raising…
In First Thoughts
Participants: nitrospectide, Vulpinoid, masqueradeball.

more subsequent topics >>