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In First Thoughts

11/19/2008 CSBone: <W6-Space Ranger> Need help with mechanics.
First a disclaimer. I was trying to create a pseudonym for my writing and was posting as Christopher Steven Bone when I was here last. Turned out to be too…
In First Thoughts
Participants: CSBone, dindenver, Gregor Hutton.

11/18/2008 Teplin: [Ill Fated]
I finished my first rpg.  It's a psychological horror story game.  I don't have any specific questions, I just want to see what people think of it, and if it's…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Teplin, Ron Edwards.

11/18/2008 vgunn: d10 blackjack resolution for an espionage type RPG
I would like to get some feedback on how to develop a xd10 blackjack mechanic. I was thinking about using it for a spy game. Here goes: xd10 = to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: vgunn, Vulpinoid, soundmasterj, masqueradeball.

11/16/2008 screwtape: finding muse/writing exercises
a question for those making RPGs: How do you find your muse? not just game ideas but also if you are struggling with how to set up a mechanic, are…
In First Thoughts
Participants: screwtape, Vulpinoid, Ron Edwards.

11/15/2008 Karoliina: Aulos - a storytelling game with cards
The game’s name is Aulos and it’s going to be my diploma work. I’m planning on some kind of publishing, but on a small scale. The game is in Finnish,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Karoliina.

11/14/2008 ShallowThoughts: Alternative theory (or .. brother theory?) to GNS
Hi folks, I see the "Game Design" forum is closed, so I apologize if this post shouldn't be here. I haven't posted much on the Forge but am keenly interested…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Rauðbjørn, Ron Edwards, soundmasterj.

11/14/2008 Rauðbjørn: The Scattered Stars
Hoi! I've an idea for a game, and I thought I'd throw it out there for comment. It's a multifaceted game of exploration, war, intrige, espionage and trade set against…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Rauðbjørn, soundmasterj, Dementia Games, Vulpinoid, dindenver, Adrian F., Ron Edwards, Levyathyn.

11/13/2008 Jill: An RPG Optimised for Play-by-Post games.
I wanted to get some advice on the kind of game mechanics that might be most suitable for play-by-post games, because straightforward adaptation of existing tabeletop systems (A)  doesn't seem…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jill, Eero Tuovinen, soundmasterj, Noon, Ron Edwards.

11/12/2008 screwtape: Temptation and RPGs
hello! i've been a member of for about a month but now that i'm trying to work on my RPG idea with renewed vigor, i was directed here for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: screwtape, soundmasterj, Ron Edwards, Dementia Games.

11/12/2008 Caliban: Midnight Movie Madness
I've had this idea percolating in my head for sometime. It would be a tabletop, easy rules role playing game where one person plays the Director (The GM) and the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Caliban, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, dindenver.

11/11/2008 big dummy: Martial Pool, a new (?) combat mechanic
Ok hopefully this will be ok to talk about here, I'm not going to mention the name of my book, just discuss one of the principle mechanics. I have probably…
In First Thoughts
Participants: big dummy, soundmasterj, chance.thirteen.

11/11/2008 etheruk: MESSENGERS: A game of psychics and messages from beyond
While I wait for response to High Stakes I was inspired to write up a draft from a very different game. Inspired by programs like Medium, Millenium, Wonderfalls and even…
In First Thoughts
Participants: etheruk.

11/11/2008 masqueradeball: Probabilities Please
I'm working on a fantasy game to replace the often frustrating experience that is D&D (in any edition). My "core mechanic" functions like so: Characters roll 2d if untrained or …
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, Eero Tuovinen, ShallowThoughts, NN, Rafu, Ben Lehman, chance.thirteen, Guy Srinivasan, big dummy, Rauðbjørn.

11/10/2008 Susan Calvin: Strategic-scale 1910's war
A group of players in a LARP steampunk-fantasy campaign will have the opportunity to play military commanders, intelligence personell and high-ranking officials and politicians. I would like to try using…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Susan Calvin, rafial, Eero Tuovinen, Vulpinoid, Nath.

11/8/2008 num3472: Wiki based rpg
[b]I want to make a dnd style game that is open for development by anyone. using a wiki as a base for development[/b] [hr] I've had the idea floating around…
In First Thoughts
Participants: num3472, Dementia Games, Vulpinoid, David C.

11/6/2008 vgunn: Triumph System -- please give feedback
Okay, I think that I might have finally settled on a system that I would like to develop. I appreciate all of the feedback from previous threads I've posted.  My…
In First Thoughts
Participants: vgunn, jmhpfan, Redeemer, soundmasterj.

11/5/2008 chance.thirteen: evaluating relative values of abstracted goals
Such an endearing title, but I wanted to be specific. I enjoyed reading through Burning Empires, but the end of conflict left me feeling rudderless. There were to be concessions,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chance.thirteen, Eero Tuovinen.

11/5/2008 Vulpinoid: Using CDs as a playing surface.
I'm not really sure whether this belongs more as a "first thought", or as a publishing idea. Since it's still in the first stages of development, I've included it here.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Vulpinoid, David C, Eero Tuovinen, StrongBadMun, David Artman.

11/5/2008 David C: "Destiny Mechanic" game meets story
This is actually a branch off of my other topic, "The power 19 cheat sheet." In my game, there is a gamist agenda, as well as some crunch. However, I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: David C, dindenver, Eero Tuovinen, Dementia Games, soundmasterj.

11/5/2008 Redeemer: New game and first post: Redeemer a game about choices and survival.
This is a basic intro to Redeemer, a post apocalyptic game I'm working on and I think I'm at the point where I need more feedback. I'll try to break…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Redeemer, Darcy Burgess, Ryel_ril_Ers, greyorm, David C.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

11/20/2008 cra2: Are You Delusional?
a game wherein you regularly slip between being a patient/prisoner in a dark, scary mental hospital and being on the "outside" as members of a team that hunts the criminally…
In First Thoughts
Participants: cra2, Ron Edwards, Wolfen, Noon, Altaem, jag, JoyWriter.

11/20/2008 David C: Question about the flavor of "Mortal Wounds"?
First of all, my game uses a HP system.  However, if a character suddenly suffers serious damage, they gain what I call a "Mortal Wound."  Mortal Wounds cause the character…
In First Thoughts
Participants: David C, soundmasterj, Ron Edwards, Marshall Burns, jag, Eero Tuovinen, ShallowThoughts, Vulpinoid, LionDog.

11/20/2008 John Blaz: Action Dice - a core mechanic
Hey everyone, I've recently come up with an idea for a core rule. Action Dice. Now I'm sure everyone is familiar with "Action Points", where each combat round a character…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, dindenver, jag, Creatures of Destiny, Vulpinoid, Altaem, DWeird.

11/22/2008 masqueradeball: Scratch the Crunchy Itch
I'm working on a game system (currently called "Hack") that began as a D&D "fix" though one thats extensive enough that it would be neigh unrecognizable such (no d20's, no…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, walruz, David C.

11/23/2008 BioMetal: RPG styled after X-Com ('94)
Had the idea for quite some time now. The original X-Com was so great, it was suspenseful, challenging and had really cool weapons and gadgets. But somehow, I always wanted…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BioMetal, Noon, dindenver.

11/24/2008 masqueradeball: Social Oneupmanship
Here's a one page game that's very rough for handling social maneuvering up amongst the upper classes in a Victorian society. Any thoughts on how to make it better?…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, David C, MikeF, Noon.

11/25/2008 jb.teller4: Metagame Structure for a Story Game (no name yet)
This is my first post on the Forge.  I've been working on a game for a couple weeks now and I wanted to get some feedback and suggestions on a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jb.teller4, Eero Tuovinen, JoyWriter.

11/27/2008 Menigal: Dodging and Armor
Hi everyone, I've been toying around with some ideas I'd originally sketched out for use in a video game and trying to turn them into traditional pen and paper rules. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: Menigal, Darcy Burgess, Noon.

11/30/2008 nitrospectide: massaging mechanic ideas - need input
Greetings! I'm taking my first shot at putting together a game, and I'm curious to get feedback on some of the concepts I have and the questions they are raising…
In First Thoughts
Participants: nitrospectide, Vulpinoid, masqueradeball.

12/2/2008 spittingimage: Supernatural game using action points as a mechanic
I'm working on a game concept where PCs fight ghosts and other supernatural beasties by leaving their bodies and entering the spirit realm to take the fight to them on…
In First Thoughts
Participants: spittingimage, Vulpinoid, ShallowThoughts, chance.thirteen, David C, jb.teller4.

12/3/2008 henricius: Mechanics for the "light" and "dark" side?
In my game I want a dark and light side in magic. Much like it is in Star Wars or in The Lord of The Rings where the ring bearer…
In First Thoughts
Participants: henricius, Marshall Burns, Darcy Burgess, David Artman, dindenver, opsneakie.

12/4/2008 DDurand: Need advice for damage dealing rules
Hi all. I just discovered this forum by the RPGnet one. Sorry for my bad english. ---- I work actually on an old rpg project of mine, that existed first…
In First Thoughts
Participants: DDurand, David C, Creatures of Destiny.

12/4/2008 Brimstone: Dice pool system with custom 1-7 range d20.
A d20 with numbers ranging from 1-7 A total of six: 4's A total of four each: 3's & 5's A total of two each: 2's & 6's A total…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Brimstone, Adam Dray, Lxndr, Noon, Erudite.

12/6/2008 John Blaz: damage in a success level system (Action Dice)
So with all the help from fellow Forgers, I managed to hammer out the basic outline of a system I'm working on (shown below in maroon). The problem I'm having…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, Vulpinoid, Hereward The Wake, Creatures of Destiny, DWeird, charles.

12/6/2008 northerain: Dark Days: Conflict Mechanics
Dark Days is my game of horror and supernatural angst. The characters have risen from the dead with ''kewl'' powers to fight crime and monsters. Here's my introduction blurb: You…
In First Thoughts
Participants: northerain, Vulpinoid, tadk, Myrkridia, otspiii, Certified.

12/6/2008 WyldKarde: Rudimentary Research
Learning from the Forge, I see that a goal is essential to making a decision on the system.  What you want the feature to do is the first question that…
In First Thoughts
Participants: WyldKarde, Ron Edwards, dindenver, Noon.

12/6/2008 [Kei]: First Thoughts about a game (my game :P)
Hi there, I'm writing here because I'm starting to work on a game and I'm curious to see if the idea about this game could be nice to play, then…
In First Thoughts
Participants: [Kei], John Blaz, God_Boy.

12/7/2008 Khuxan: Teen Doom
I was thinking about a game about doomed teenagers in a horror film-like environment. Here's what I came up with: Exhausting Luck: The PCs have a seemingly inexhaustible pool…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Khuxan, Paul Czege.

12/8/2008 Myrkridia: 1 monkey writing Shakespear on the first attempt?
This is my first post at these forums. Give me a verbal slap on the wrist if I should have introduced myself somewhere before posting. Like lots of other people…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Myrkridia, Eero Tuovinen, Everspinner, Creatures of Destiny.

12/9/2008 KCassidy: Epistolary: The letter writing RPG
So, this is my latest work, an rpg that can be played on the internet over email, simulating a "story told in letters". Questions: 1) Is the play document comprehensible?…
In First Thoughts
Participants: KCassidy, Lachlan, JoyWriter.

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