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In First Thoughts

2/11/2009 Sergon: character creation
   In my old west game the players roll percentile dice to obtain their scores in the following six attributes; Strength, Agility, Stamina, Intellect, Wisdom, Personality. Players roll 12x and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sergon, whiteknife, Vulpinoid, chance.thirteen.

2/10/2009 chronoplasm: Brainstorming a System
I had a power 19 for this game I'm working on someplace... but I seem to have misplaced it. Anyway, I'm trying to make a gamist miniatues game where players…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, David C.

2/9/2009 btrc: Keeping combat from dragging
Keeping ten seconds of combat from taking an hour or more of play time has been the bane of most simulationist rpgs. I had a recent brainstorm I'd like to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: btrc, Paul Czege, Noon, Bert, jerry, Hereward The Wake, Chronologist.

2/9/2009 punkbohemian: a card game within an rpg?
So, I've been thinking about how to deal with a resolution for a gambling skill. What I thought would be interesting is if resolution could occur, rather than with a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: punkbohemian, David C, whiteknife, chronoplasm.

2/7/2009 Briggswriter: Ancient Secrets
How well do you think an Egyptian setting would go over for a game? I use a system with 2d6 + Skill vs. DN (difficulty number) and I need help…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Briggswriter, CKNIGHT, Bert, Ken.

2/7/2009 Sergon: 1st draft
I have a first draft of an old west rpg that I would like to have discussed. Should I post a copy of the entire rules, or only post a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sergon, Vulpinoid.

2/6/2009 Wordman: Decent disease mechanics?
Very few games have disease at their core, but many have tiny subsystems for dealing with disease in various ways. If a game has such mechanics, they tend to be…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Wordman, Vulpinoid, chronoplasm, ShallowThoughts, CKNIGHT, walruz, GregStolze, Bert, chance.thirteen.

2/5/2009 walruz: Building a REIGN-ish Company system on a linear scale
So, I just got REIGN by mail earlier today, and I'm totally in love. Beautiful game, beautiful book, etc, etc. I have only given in a quick read-through thus far,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: walruz, chance.thirteen, David C.

2/5/2009 chronoplasm: Character Knowledge in a minis game?
Okay, so one idea I'm pondering for a minis game is the idea of knowledge chips which can be placed on the bottoms of the figure's bases and switched around.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, preludetotheend, chance.thirteen.

2/4/2009 CKNIGHT: Has it been done?
Here is a brief storytelling mechanic I've been kicking around.     Attribute + Attribute + Competence + Focus + Tool The players roll dice to get success. Success are…
In First Thoughts
Participants: CKNIGHT, Bert, chance.thirteen, Creatures of Destiny, ShallowThoughts, Lord Skeletor, Chronologist.

2/4/2009 ShallowThoughts: Okay FINE .. I'm revealing it. Presenting the Normal Engine!
Oy, it's difficult trying to be cryptic about one's system while discussing it with a community. Okay, I'm going to be a lot more honest in this post, though the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ShallowThoughts, dindenver, Wordman, lurkingowl.

2/3/2009 Bert: Diceless or Dicealicious?
Hi folks. I’m working on a fantasy RPG (Free Will) where the PCs are agents of supernatural entities called Aeons. The PCs have to steer the course of history by…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bert, greyorm, Vulpinoid, David C, chronoplasm, CKNIGHT.

2/2/2009 ShallowThoughts: New stab at the old Abilities/Skills split - problems? holes? contradictions?
Hi folks, I first became aware of the huge debates surrounding this topic when I discovered this thread, and the huge number of other threads it points to. Back in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ShallowThoughts, dindenver, David C.

2/2/2009 Gurnard: [Aces] A resolution mechanic
I have an embryonic idea for a non-combat resolution mechanic, it's not particularly developed as yet (been spending most of my spare time on a combat mechanic ( I'm not…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Gurnard, Wordman, Vulpinoid, chance.thirteen, Warrior Monk.

2/1/2009 Nuthael: new swing on an old idea of mine
Hi. I'm technically new to these forums, a mate of mine threw me over here one day and i havent been back since. but now that im having some block,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Nuthael, Gurnard.

1/30/2009 Bercilac: Arthurian GM-less RPG: Alpha Stages
Contents of this post: I.  General concept II.  Rough structure III.  Major unanswered questions IV.  Links to referenced games V.  For the future I.  General Concept For about two years…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bercilac, Finarvyn, greyorm, Abkajud.

1/28/2009 dopefingers: a confused beginning
So I'm not real familiar with gaming. I used to fool around as a kid, but I don't know much about what is out there. Forgive me if this is…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dopefingers, Abkajud, Joe Murphy (Broin).

1/26/2009 Dementia Games: Psychological Profile for Horror Game
I've been working on a horror game for a while now, off and on as time permits, and I've been toying with the idea of a psychological profile.  Basically, players…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dementia Games, Wolfen.

1/26/2009 StrongBadMun: [The New World] Diceless
So I'm publishing an rpg via blog just for the fun of it on my site.  The idea is what if these fantasy races discovered a new continent like…
In First Thoughts
Participants: StrongBadMun, whiteknife, Ken.

1/26/2009 TomTitTot: [The Hammer Falls] Dystopian fiction RPG - discussion and call for playtesters
Not having posted to the First Thoughts forum for quite some time about my game The Hammer Falls, I think I've put many of my thoughts and observations about the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: TomTitTot, Joe Murphy (Broin).

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

2/12/2009 Bert: making armour tell stories
I’m mucking around on an action/consequence system for my current project. Consequences are managed using a sort of omni-pseudo-hit-point system (?!?) called Agency Points. Agency Points reflect how big a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bert, Noon, greyorm, David C, Vulpinoid.

2/12/2009 mjbauer: Power 19: Genesys (the NRPRG?)
I think I've finally given up trying to hide the fact that I'm a power gamer. This is an honest look at the game I'm working on. It's called Genesys,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mjbauer, ShallowThoughts, Amadeo.

2/12/2009 Chronologist: Card RPG game: Fall of Heroes
First of all, I'm kinda new to this, so if the game seems like it's less role-play and more TCG-based, don't hesitate to tell me. I'm trying to build a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Chronologist, greyorm, Vulpinoid, Paraplegic Racehorse.

2/12/2009 Wordman: Building (and gaming in) worlds that have infinite resources
This post takes a bit of time to get to the point. It will start using D&D as an example, but is really a post about world-building, not the specifics…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Wordman, Patrice, chronoplasm, Bert, Vulpinoid, Krippler, JoyWriter, Luke, Everspinner, Hasimir0.

2/12/2009 Sergon: the old world
One of the premises of my old west game is that the people who immigrated to America have been followed by the creatures that roam their native land. how would…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sergon, chronoplasm, Bert.

2/12/2009 chronoplasm: Armies: Zombies vs. Aliens vs. Super Heroes
OK, so let's say that there are six different armies fighting against each other. The battle takes place in a heavily populated urban environment. Thousands of civilians can get caught…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, Daniele, Ken, David C, whiteknife.

2/13/2009 Daniele: Universal Battle System - Taleworld Edition overview
Hello everyone, I'm new to this virtual space, so I hope I'll not break any rule. I also apologize for any grammatical error I may do, because I'm not English.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Daniele.

2/15/2009 BrunoDeLaBomba: take a sec and check!
hello everybody. i have some ideas that i could need some objective criticism on. 1st idea that i got a while ago was to make a game about people that's…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BrunoDeLaBomba, Noon, Vulpinoid.

2/16/2009 vgunn: I need some help in condensing qualities -- some feedback please
I need to condense down some of the qualities from Hither lands. But I do not want to go too rules light. A problem I have is that all Silvan…
In First Thoughts
Participants: vgunn, Vulpinoid, Paul Czege, Darcy Burgess.

2/16/2009 Bert: Magic and Ethics
I'm working on a magic system and I want magic to have an ethical component. This is intended to impose a great sense of personal responsibility on those who wield…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bert, Noon, Sergon, dindenver, Ken, Vulpinoid, Finarvyn, contracycle, DWeird, Chronologist, preludetotheend, otspiii, scarik.

2/17/2009 ODDin: Project Dreamland - a game of conspiracy
Just had this though half an hour ago, so it's extremely raw. The idea is a game of dark but somewhat pulpish conspiracy. Setting: there exists Project Dreamland. This fact…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ODDin, whiteknife, Abkajud.

2/17/2009 preludetotheend: GaC (Gears and Cogs: dice pool questions)
  Hello folks as some know I am currently (slowly) scraping together a mini supplement for sorcerer but I also have my own system I am working on, and have…
In First Thoughts
Participants: preludetotheend, Vulpinoid, JoyWriter.

2/17/2009 punkbohemian: spatial relations in non-miniatures systems
My current design was going to go all out with miniatures and battlemaps, but I recently started considering doing without it, for a variety of reasons. When I started to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: punkbohemian, Vulpinoid, xechnao, thadrine, contracycle, Megoru, Mike Sugarbaker, davidberg.

2/17/2009 tzirtzi: Shakespearean Comedy RPG
Hello! :) This is my first attempt at designing an RPG from scratch, though I've been playing role playing for a good number of years. I've drawn shamelessly from other…
In First Thoughts
Participants: tzirtzi, Vulpinoid, Noon.

2/17/2009 Klaus Graziade: Setting Perfectionism
[Before I get started, I need to offer a proverbial "throat clearing" (at least that's what we Creative Writing MFAs call it).  Anyway, what I need to get out in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Klaus Graziade, David C, Paul Czege, Amadeo, ArchSteve, ShallowThoughts, Luke, JoyWriter.

2/17/2009 Amadeo: Power 19 for Biohazard Dawn
1.) What is your game about?** In Biohazard Dawn you play as a group of survivors trying to eke out an existence in a dystopian future where the dead walk…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Amadeo, mjbauer, Abkajud.

2/19/2009 apeiron: My Take on Matrixed Attributes
[url=]This doc[/url] is an idea that came to me as i flipped through one of my many notebooks of game ideas. Gygax's [url=]Dangerous Journeys[/url] and WW's NWoD use matrixed attributes.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: apeiron, SoftNum, Vulpinoid, Abkajud, preludetotheend.

2/20/2009 Vulpinoid: Twin Games - A Part of the Experiment
A few threads and discussions here have led to some fragmented ideas. Some of those fragmented ideas have started to meld into the seed of an idea. That seed of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Vulpinoid, whiteknife.

2/21/2009 Abkajud: [Mask of the Emperor] Spending honor makes you look dishonorable
First real playtest session last night; good times. I posted about it over in Playtesting, go figure :) One of the things that occurred to me was that Aloof and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Abkajud.

2/21/2009 dopefingers: something i'm calling "matches"
Little note: I'm not real well read in games anymore, so this might have been done. If it has, let me know. I'm looking to write a game from the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dopefingers, Wordman, Abkajud, abzu.

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