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In First Thoughts

9/3/2009 John Blaz: Close Quarters Combat mechanic
Hey everyone. I had this idea for a CQB mechanic before bed last night: Basically, each character's Hand-to-Hand skill is a die type, (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12), with d12…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, Darcy Burgess, David Artman, Creatures of Destiny, greyorm.

9/3/2009 Sebastian: Are GM-less games one shots?
I'm digesting as many Indie games as I can right now, but it will never be enough.  I have to make a design decision for one or both of the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sebastian, jasonm, Michael S. Miller, David Artman, Eliarhiman6, Ben Lehman, JoyWriter, Noon, henebry.

9/3/2009 Tyler.Tinsley: About
I don't like it It's a tool but a blunt one. It's dissecting a frog with a hammer. sure you make it past the skin but what's inside is rendered…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Tyler.Tinsley, anders_larsen, Ron Edwards, ShallowThoughts.

9/2/2009 Marshall Burns: [MADCorp] damage rules must contribute to driving gameplay
Ok, I've finally put together a set of damage rules that I feel good about. I'd like to post them here for some vetting. First off, lemme present the basic…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Marshall Burns, whiteknife, Noon, JoyWriter, MacLeod.

9/1/2009 Kiram: Going Diceless...
First of all, this is my first post! Woo! Now that that is out of the way, I would like to pose a question: I've been cultivating an idea for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kiram, Noon, jasonm, Skull, Ayyavazi.

8/31/2009 Ayyavazi: Bounce this dice mechanic off your heads
Hello all, As I am currently stalled out with my other game (waiting to find playtesters) I am working on a new game system with a fairly common design: I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ayyavazi.

8/29/2009 Greensky: Limbo - more or less finished game, critique?
Hello, Myself and my brother wrote a game a while back but never really got around to doing anything with it.  It's a boffer weapon larp.  (anytime you see a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Greensky, Ron Edwards, Joe Endzel.

8/29/2009 7VII7: [TAROT] Fatigue
As I see it, normal hp won't work for my game but I do need something to measure the general levels of health for the characters, so instead of normal…
In First Thoughts
Participants: 7VII7, Vladius, Noon.

8/27/2009 Sebastian: [Way of the Agent] Introduction to the first draft
[Way of the Agent] Introduction to the first draft [b]Way of the Agent [/b] Heroic vigilantes.  Explosive conspiracies.  Bad one liners. So, that’s the idea. I’m in the middle of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sebastian, HeTeleports, Ken, jasonm.

8/27/2009 LawfulNice: New RPG: Section 27 - First Draft
Hello everyone! First post here. I've been putting together a game and was suggested this site as a good place to get feedback on it. It's still a bit disorganized…
In First Thoughts
Participants: LawfulNice, Mike Sugarbaker.

8/27/2009 ShadowDragonEntertainment: Help finding play testers?
Okay so i have been working and reworking my game for a while now with different playtest groups i finally realized that the groups that i was working with were…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ShadowDragonEntertainment, Ron Edwards, Lance D. Allen.

8/27/2009 Melinglor: Gut-Punching Fairy Tales
Hi! I've been tooling around with an idea for Jake's Awesome Fantasy Game Contest (that'd be Jake Richmond of Panty Explosion, Sea Dracula and Ocean fame). I doubt I'll complete…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Melinglor, Ben Lehman, Vladius, Skull.

8/26/2009 jefgodesky: [Fifth World] Gift economy using Debt
Hello! I've playtested a couple versions of this game, threw them out, redesigned them, playtested again, and threw them out a few times now. Most recently, Bill White pointed me…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jefgodesky, Simon C, jasonm, Bill_White, JoyWriter, Noon.

8/25/2009 Ninetongues: Infusion (aka Arch Inverted)
Hello there. Long time no see. Few of you could remember Arch Inverted, and a nice, colored teaser we prepared for the game, with original, and beautiful art inside. We…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ninetongues, Vulpinoid, JoyWriter, Eero Tuovinen.

8/25/2009 dmkdesigns: Spreading the Legends: Of Legends and Legacies
So I was thinking that at the beginning of every game session, both as a means to recap on what happened last session, get people in the game mindset, and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dmkdesigns, dindenver, JoyWriter, Sebastian.

8/25/2009 causticbuddhist: [Monsters We Are] Collaberative Storytelling - Overview
[size=14pt][b]Monsters We Are[/b] [/size] I've been creative lately and this idea just wouldn't stop flowing tonight.  I've gotten enough together where i feel comfortable putting it here for some feedback…
In First Thoughts
Participants: causticbuddhist, jasonm, Michael S. Miller, mike_the_pirate, Ken, JoyWriter, Vladius.

8/25/2009 thadrine: My Game base mechanic idea?
Alright so it always helps me to understand a game by first looking at the character sheet, so here is what I have thus far. The concept is not…
In First Thoughts
Participants: thadrine, Adam Dray.

8/24/2009 dmkdesigns: Narrative control with dice?
I'm curious to know what games out there have narrative control determined via dice? For example if you roll a d12 and 1-6 give control to the GM, 7-9 to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dmkdesigns, Vulpinoid, Noclue, maddman, Eliarhiman6, Charlie Gilb.

8/24/2009 MikeF: Survival, Glory, and Love
Not a game idea as such, more a framework for a game idea. * The game focuses around a quest of some sort. In my head this is for an…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MikeF, dmkdesigns, Michael S. Miller, Ron Edwards, Kanosint, contracycle.

8/24/2009 Chaoszero: Opinions or Advice on Wiki for Campaign Setting?
This would be my very first post at the Forge, and I'm glad to have stumbled upon it. I love RPG design theory. I have been running a campaign setting…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Chaoszero, 7VII7, Vulpinoid, greyorm, HeTeleports, pells.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

9/4/2009 Vladius: Dice-based Combat (Grapps)
I did a playtest of my own game. It was pretty fun, but I noticed that the combat took a while. It was approximately as long as 3.5e D&D for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Vladius, Artanis, Noon, JoyWriter.

9/4/2009 MacLeod: [Intergalactic League of Brawlers] Combat Mechanic Revision
Two threads exist prior to this one concerning ILoB; one thread with lots of fiddly bits and an example of a battle and another thread concerning power sources. The first…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MacLeod, drkrash, JoyWriter.

9/5/2009 opsneakie: Diceless (card-based?) thoughts in the very early stages
I've decided I've been lurking too much recently and not actually posting anything, so I wanted to get an idea I've been toying with out there. I've been thinking about…
In First Thoughts
Participants: opsneakie, Skull, henebry.

9/6/2009 Kanosint: An alternate-universe warfare RPG
[i]Please excuse me if I say anything stupid, I'm rather new here, but others have recommended I run this through here, to see what other designers think of this.[/i] First…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kanosint, Vladius, BrunoDeLaBomba, Mike Sugarbaker.

9/8/2009 Tark: [Beyond Gods] A game where not everyones a diety and Texas Hold'ems a resolution
So while contemplating game chef I got hit with a lightning bolt and started to think about higher beings. Not necessarily gods (though they can be) but entities of extreme…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Tark, Ken, Vulpinoid, greyorm, Vladius, Spooky Fanboy.

9/8/2009 fealoro: Play by Forum system
Hi all I'm (quite desperatly) looking for a good RPG system for play by forum. Has anyone idea if there's some games expressly designed for Play by Forum, or some…
In First Thoughts
Participants: fealoro, 7VII7, DWeird.

9/10/2009 Sebastian: [Lands & Stones] Gambling In-Character -> The 10 minute solution
Hello, I've written up the first draft of a prototype for a pretty basic, cross platform, In-Character gambling solution.  It's called Lands & Stones. Game Idea Marbles + Cards +…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sebastian, Vulpinoid, JoyWriter, chronoplasm.

9/10/2009 khyron1144: I believe I may be designing a fantasy heartbreaker
I am most of thirty.  I have been at least tangentially involved with RPGs since about third grade.  I started with D&D.  First a D&D game that was packaged to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: khyron1144, Creatures of Destiny, Ron Edwards, JoyWriter.

9/10/2009 khyron1144: [Planet] Introductory stuff
The working title for my possible heartbreaker is Planet.  Here's some of the beginning stuff from it, so people can see where I'm coming from stylisitically: Planet An Introductory Totally…
In First Thoughts
Participants: khyron1144.

9/10/2009 Audious: Exodusters: Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Western
First off, my first post. Thanks for having me. :) So, I hit a sort of weird spot of creativity the other day. I had an idea for a setting…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Audious, khyron1144.

9/11/2009 YEAH: HAUNTED! season of the heart
essentially season of the heart is a game about spirit hunting. the players are a group of voulunteers trying to save the world one evil book,demon,etc at a time. i…
In First Thoughts
Participants: YEAH.

9/11/2009 khyron1144: [Planet] Attributes
Here's the start of the attributes system for Planet.  This is what I've got finished so far, so the abrupt cut-off is sort of intentional: Attributes Attributes define your character’s…
In First Thoughts
Participants: khyron1144, Warrior Monk, MacLeod.

9/11/2009 gtroc: [Alien History] Hope Mechanics
Hello, I am currently working on a game(the working title is Alien History) and I have run into a bit of a plateau in the mechanics. the game is set…
In First Thoughts
Participants: gtroc, Noclue, JoyWriter, Paul Czege.

9/12/2009 MacLeod: [The Farmer's Epic] Random Aspects
With very few responses in my other thread, I have decided to scratch a different itch. This topic here is based on a thread over at I started. The…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MacLeod.

9/13/2009 chronoplasm: Tactical Combat based on 'Marching Order'
There are elements of 4E I like and elements of OD&D I like. For a while, I've been trying to come up with a set of houserules that would merge…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, Noon.

9/13/2009 Sebastian: [Cops & Robbers] The Grand Caper Story
I was on Story Games and there was chatter about Cop & Robbers:  It sparked an idea, which I posted about, but I didn't get any feedback.  Maybe the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sebastian.

9/14/2009 dmkdesigns: Of Legends and Legacies
Here's a revised game description that's more than describing the system. What do you think? During the great Cataclysm the Denizens cried out for salvation and mercy to a place…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dmkdesigns, Simon C, Mike Sugarbaker.

9/14/2009 khyron1144: [Planet] Races
This is what I've got typed up so far.  I will be posting it sort of piecemeal.  Feel free to comment at any stage. Races Planet is inhabited by many…
In First Thoughts
Participants: khyron1144.

9/14/2009 dindenver: [Steampunk Crescendo] How do you play?
All,   Here is the basic mechanics for setting the scene. The reason I have it set up like this is that I want players to be able to call…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dindenver, Adam Dray.

9/14/2009 TallMax: Need feedback/ideas for this Native American spiritual RPG idea I have
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This does not refer or come from a single tribe's beliefs or practices, but it is rather an amalgamation of popular ideas and different sources from many different tribes. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: TallMax, JoyWriter, chance.thirteen.

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