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In Playtesting

6/28/2006 Altharis: [Evolve mod] first try (split)
Well..... I really must be boring people, my first post and I haven't recieved any feed back as to how other people faired with Evolve and stuff. I had a…
In Playtesting
Participants: Altharis, Ron Edwards, tj333, MW.

6/28/2006 Dev: [Agora] Examing an problematic playtest
Over on SG, Caledonian described an unsuccesful play of Agora, and I thought it would be worth re-examining some of the suggestions in that thread, and offer my thoughts. *…
In Playtesting
Participants: Dev, Joshua BishopRoby.

6/26/2006 Zach Walton: [Sudden Light] Covert Playtest: Protagonist Generation
I had a chance to try out a very abbreviated form of the first stage of Protagonist generation today in my improv. class, and it went swimmingly well.  Of…
In Playtesting
Participants: Zach Walton.

6/26/2006 sean2099: {Divinity} Posting the PBP
Hey everyone, I have started a PBP for my game.  They have just submitted their character sheets to me and I have looked them over.  Already, I have found things…
In Playtesting
Participants: sean2099, Ron Edwards.

6/24/2006 redivider: [Heads of State] Sic Semper Tyrannus + Crimes against Humanity
the tyrant has left the building... I'm very happy to have tests of all nine games complete, and grateful to the folks who have played these games & all the…
In Playtesting
Participants: redivider.

6/24/2006 Nick: [Throne of the Spider God] A Playtest Session
Hey all, Last night a few friends and I convened for character/world generation session of Throne of the Spider God, with intentions of playing through the first adventure tomorrow night.…
In Playtesting
Participants: Nick, zmook, charles ferguson.

6/19/2006 Antimuppet: [Covert Generation] - Maddy's Sons
Hey Folks, first time here. I've got a game called Covert Generation that I'm hoping to get published in the near future. I've gotten my first few playtest sessions under…
In Playtesting
Participants: Antimuppet.

6/18/2006 redivider: [heads of state] Coup d'Etat
Josh, Judson & I playtested Coup d'Etat, the 7th of my 9 Short Games about Tyrants to get a try-out. Players each control a member of a junta of military…
In Playtesting
Participants: redivider.

6/17/2006 Bill Masek: [Monster Rules] A Third Outside Playtest
This is my third playtest of the Monster Rules system.  My first two consisted of one shot scenarios.  This third playtest involved a long multi-scenario plot arch.  The genera was…
In Playtesting
Participants: Bill Masek, mratomek.

6/15/2006 Thunder_God: [Cranium Rats] Shaky Beginnings.
So tonight on IRC we've had the first playtest of Cranium Rats, ever. The complete log can be found here. We've had 3 hours or so, the first hour was…
In Playtesting
Participants: Thunder_God, 7Storyfall, Filip Luszczyk, Selene Tan.

6/15/2006 John Bromberger: [Affinity] Please playtest or comment on this RPG. ^_^
Hey there. I've just put my RPG, called Affinity, up on the net ... and would love to know what you think! Playtesting, if you are interested, would be even…
In Playtesting
Participants: John Bromberger, Filip Luszczyk, Selene Tan, Adam Dray.

6/15/2006 zmook: [AG&G] Cooking for Leviticus
Well, we just tried our second session of the game that was called AG&G (currently officially nameless).  First session is here: A's character John Cooper was at the top…
In Playtesting
Participants: zmook, lumpley, cpeterso, Valamir, Dean Chung, Roger.

6/15/2006 davidberg: [Lendrhald] A system to reward players, not characters?
My buddy A and I are co-designing a game.  We've each run campaigns with 4 players, both have been mostly quite enjoyable, but the enjoyment has derived from rather disparate…
In Playtesting
Participants: davidberg, Sydney Freedberg, Noon, r_donato, Paka, anders_larsen, Telarus, KSC, Ron Edwards, Threlicus, zmook, contracycle, charles ferguson, Valamir.

6/10/2006 John Kirk: [Gnostigmata] Plots and Sub-Plots
[b]Sessions 4 & 5[/b] I’m combining play-test sessions 4 & 5 of Gnostigmata into a single posting, because the big news is pretty much the same for both sessions.  Session…
In Playtesting
Participants: John Kirk.

6/8/2006 jefgodesky: Playtest methodology
I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place for this topic, so perhaps the mods will move it somewhere else, but I'm going to begin an initial playtest…
In Playtesting
Participants: jefgodesky, Justin D. Jacobson, joepub, Joshua BishopRoby, Julian, dindenver, abzu, Nathan P., Graham Walmsley, timfire, Jixxala, Ron Edwards.

6/7/2006 jenskot: [Afraid] devotion
We played on Sunday (6/3/2006). For those unfamiliar with Afraid, please check out: There were 5 players including myself. I GMed. The players are primarily performers who LOVE…
In Playtesting
Participants: jenskot.

6/7/2006 redivider: Heads of State: editing great leader Kim Jong Il
Judson, Joshua & I played New Edition, one of my 9 short games about tyrants. The dictator has died, and players are members of a committee of high-ranking regime officials…
In Playtesting
Participants: redivider.

6/7/2006 Johan Granberg: [AG&G]
I finally managed to get a group together for some AG&G, a game I've been dying to play since Vincent first posted it. We decided to skip our regular PTA-game…
In Playtesting
Participants: Johan Granberg, lumpley, zmook.

6/7/2006 charles ferguson: [TOTSG] First playtest: Session1
Throne Of The Spider God : First Playtest, Session 1 Two weeks ago I had the first TOTSG playtest. There were myself, Grant, & Stuart, all in our 30's. Stuart's…
In Playtesting
Participants: charles ferguson, Mike Holmes.

6/5/2006 zmook: [AG&G] Novices at narrativism
So it's been more than a year since I've actually managed to play in a role-playing game.  The problem hasn't been lack of interest so much as lack of time…
In Playtesting
Participants: zmook, Mike Holmes, charles ferguson, lumpley.

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In Playtesting

7/8/2006 David Bapst: Sim Oneshot System; First Playtest and Partial Dissolution of System
Session Report First Playtest and Incomplete Dissolution of System Last night, I tried to run the first playtest session of a system I’d been working on for the past year…
In Playtesting
Participants: David Bapst, Filip Luszczyk, zmook, Czar Fnord, davidberg, Paul T.

7/9/2006 Thunder_God: [Cranium Rats] A Clash of Worlds, the Medium War.
This session continued the playtest which is described here. Here are the Playtest log and the Character sheet for how things looked at the end of the game.At the end…
In Playtesting
Participants: Thunder_God, Filip Luszczyk, 7Storyfall.

7/17/2006 c: [Outside] Playtest Four, or Clyde get some direction. (Long)
So I just got in from riding my Bike home from today's playtest and was excited about the discussion I had with my players and wanted to see if other…
In Playtesting
Participants: c.

7/17/2006 Lxndr: [Ensemble] Pompeii on IRC
Two Sundays ago, Paul Czege, Eero Tuovinen and I created characters for Ensemble, a new game of mine that's in the process of being developed.  Yesterday, we played the first…
In Playtesting
Participants: Lxndr.

7/19/2006 Kevin Allen Jr: [Primitive] Dexcon 06- farside of the swamp
So this past weekend was the first public preview of Primitive. I've been doing private playtests for a few months now, but it was time to play the songs out,…
In Playtesting
Participants: Kevin Allen Jr, Paka, Asperity, thwaak, tartex, Blaheee, Ron Edwards.

7/22/2006 Glendower: [Galactic] Aliens and Adamantium
I downloaded, printed, and sat three players down to play test Matt Wilson's Galactic.  The premise really called out to me, and I'm pretty eager to play test anything by…
In Playtesting
Participants: Glendower, Matt Wilson.

7/23/2006 Matt Wilson: [Galactic] Playtest in Madison - 1
Today I spent a few hours in Madison with Sarah, Chris and Daniel setting up for what looks like a kickass game. I'll say right up front that I'm extra…
In Playtesting
Participants: Matt Wilson, John Harper.

7/24/2006 andrew_kenrick: [Six Bullets for Vengeance] first playtest
I ran my first session of Six Bullets for Vengeance tonight, and all in all I think it worked very well. My regular group games online, so I have the…
In Playtesting
Participants: andrew_kenrick, Ron Edwards, iain, Matt Wilson, Gregor Hutton, Warren, Zathreyel.

7/26/2006 slade the sniper: A narrative of my playtest
Greetings, some questions concerning my playtest(s) have come up concerning the length/quantity of them.  This is a (hopefully small) narrative of how each of the three playtests went. The first…
In Playtesting
Participants: slade the sniper, Valamir, Thunder_God, andrew_kenrick, abjourne, Ron Edwards.

7/27/2006 Emily Care: [Shooting the Moon]New Love among the Old Gods
Hey there, On Monday I did a full playtest of the final version of Shooting the Moon. My friends Laura & David agreed to help me out. David coming from…
In Playtesting
Participants: Emily Care, Andrew Morris, jasonm, Gregor Hutton.

7/31/2006 Doyce: [Galactic] Denver Playtest: Session 0
So folks got together on Friday, roughly around 6pm, to run through all the prep-work for a Galactic! campaign: Captains, Crews, Factions, the Galaxy, our First Worlds, and an addition…
In Playtesting
Participants: Doyce, Matt Wilson.

8/4/2006 Smithy: [The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries] First Playtest
So Alexander Cherry and I took my revised 2006 Game Chef entry of pulp exploration storytelling (see link below) for a spin. Now the game really needs at least three…
In Playtesting
Participants: Smithy, Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby, Eric J. Boyd.

8/6/2006 hix: [The Lucky Joneses] Some slow, latently homosexual playtesting
I'm about to do a big playtesting spree for my game, The Lucky Joneses, which is set in a family sit-com universe and is (hopefully) about what it means to…
In Playtesting
Participants: hix, Ron Edwards, petrova.

8/8/2006 Rustin: [Afraid] With a Nerfed Monster
Sunday I got a chance to run Afraid with the Monster found here . Overview My players much preferred battling a monster to the regular rooting out sin, passing…
In Playtesting
Participants: Rustin, Marhault, lumpley, Mark Woodhouse, WhiteRat, Ron Edwards, Spooky Fanboy.

8/10/2006 andrew_kenrick: [Six Bullets for Vengeance] Second Playtest - this time with 100% more apes!
We played the second playtest game of Six Bullets last night. This time round we had the right number of players (7), and with a mix of veterans and newbies,…
In Playtesting
Participants: andrew_kenrick.

8/14/2006 Frank T: [Rim Patrol] Texans and hookers in space. Vodka, too.
So we have been asked to post about German game designs in development. Ron, you’re gonna like this one. The game is called “Randpatrouille” (Rim Patrol) and you can download…
In Playtesting
Participants: Frank T, abjourne.

8/14/2006 Adam Kleizer: [Mafia Story] Saving the daughter of the Boss
[b]Hello![/b] Last week I had the opportunity to test my game Mafia Story with 3 of my friends. (Get the playtest document [url=]here[/url]. This document lacks a good overview of…
In Playtesting
Participants: Adam Kleizer.

8/14/2006 Lxndr: [Ensemble] Playtesting at GenCon: Land of the Lost
Okay, so.  Ensemble, a game of improvisational roleplaying, managed to be playtested exactly once at GenCon, late Friday night at the Embassy Suites. It was originally Emily Care Boss, myself,…
In Playtesting
Participants: Lxndr, Nathan P., Jake Richmond, c, Jonathan Hastings.

8/15/2006 wunderllama: [Mouse Guard] Fantastic GenCon playtest!
This past weekend at GenCon, I was privileged enough to play through a playtest of Clinton Nixon’s Mouse Guard, run by Clinton himself. (Mouse Guard is a game he wrote…
In Playtesting
Participants: wunderllama, Solamasa, Clinton R. Nixon, Bankuei, ironick, pedyo.

8/15/2006 Kat Miller: [Into the Mystic] Gen Con playtests
I ran two different play tests of Into The Mystic at Gen con. I’m thinking 2 words here: one is Crash the Other is Burn. It started out at the…
In Playtesting
Participants: Kat Miller, Emily Care.

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