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In Playtesting

9/8/2006 charles ferguson: [TOTSG]: Some Hard Lessons Learned
Last night we had our 6th & final session of Throne Of The Spider God in it's current form. That form is heavily drifted from the draft I put on…
In Playtesting
Participants: charles ferguson, c, Valamir, John Harper, Ron Edwards, brainwipe, TonyLB, Reithan.

9/7/2006 Sovem: [Divinity Horizons] Epic Playtesting
So, last night we had a terrific playtest of Divinity Horizons. My wife and my two long-term gamers were there, as well as a newcomer to our group. Divinity Horizons…
In Playtesting
Participants: Sovem, Valamir, Wolfen, Spooky Fanboy, sean2099, TonyLB.

9/6/2006 Eric J. Boyd: [The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries] Lost City of the Serpent People
My Game Chef 2006 entry of pulp exploration storytelling (see link in my sig) continues to develop! With a third member added to our gaming group, I can finally give…
In Playtesting
Participants: Eric J. Boyd, Lxndr, Graham Walmsley.

9/5/2006 jim pinto: George's Children: Playtest Session One
Hi, If you haven't been following my thread in First Thoughts, I'm writing a game called George's Children, set in a post-post world where everyone over the age of 12…
In Playtesting
Participants: jim pinto, matthijs, Ron Edwards, redivider, joepub.

9/2/2006 Emily Care: [Sign in Stranger]Gen Con playtest
Hey there, Friday night at Gen Con was the peak of the con for me. I got to play the amazing Stalingrad love tragedy of Shooting the Moon with Scott…
In Playtesting
Participants: Emily Care, bluegargantua, John Harper, Clinton R. Nixon, brainwipe, Jake Richmond.

8/30/2006 Gaerik: [AGE] Playtesting the combat mechanics
I'm putting this in Playtesting because just sitting down to do combat without any story going on doesn't seem like Actual Play to me.  It is playtesting the rules though.…
In Playtesting
Participants: Gaerik.

8/30/2006 Technocrat13: [the Infected 2] Spanish Shadows
Last night Lisa and I got together with Mark and Remi for my second playtest of the Infected 2, my monster-movie game, inspired by a variety of zombie movies, but…
In Playtesting
Participants: Technocrat13, LeSingeSavant, jasonm.

8/28/2006 neko ewen: [Tokyo Heroes] Shadow Hunter Akuranger
After letting it sit for a few months I got inspired and finally managed to finish up the first draft of Tokyo Heroes, my sentai RPG, and when I announced…
In Playtesting
Participants: neko ewen, Sovem.

8/26/2006 Halzebier: [The Pool] Playing with fewer dice?
Hi there! I'm a teacher and plan on running The Pool for a group of 5 to 8 students, aged 15 to 18, on an upcoming class trip. I'm worried…
In Playtesting
Participants: Halzebier, Artanis, Lxndr, Ron Edwards.

8/24/2006 Vaxalon: Amber by the Cards Design Diary, Part Two: First Playtest
I held a micro-playtest with my friend Brenna last night.  We were trying out the conflict resolution rules. Here's the short version of the rules.  They cover only 1-1 conflicts. …
In Playtesting
Participants: Vaxalon.

8/23/2006 Kesher: [ASSEMBLER] Runtime debugging...
I wrote a two-page game called <a href="">ASSEMBLER</a> for  the <a href="">Compact RPG Challenge</a> over on the Endeavors forum, and playtested it last night.  I'm sad to say I have…
In Playtesting
Participants: Kesher, Emily Care, WhiteRat.

8/23/2006 Caesar_X: [Touch of Noir] Plot and the Relationship Map
Last night I got together with my good friend (and long-time RPG player) Mark MacVicar to play through some of the concepts I have been working on for “Touch of…
In Playtesting
Participants: Caesar_X, Ron Edwards.

8/21/2006 Doyce: [Galactic] Denver Playtest: Session One
Okay, so the group got together for our first 'real' session of Galactic, since our first session (also detailed here in the forum) was pretty much nothing but the prep…
In Playtesting
Participants: Doyce, Matt Wilson, Pyromancer.

8/20/2006 andrew_kenrick: [Six Bullets] Playtest 3 - a radical rethink
Six Bullets had its 3rd playtest late last night, and its first airing in face to face roleplaying. It was the same group who have run through the material a…
In Playtesting
Participants: andrew_kenrick, Technocrat13, Zathreyel.

8/19/2006 Technocrat13: [theInfected2] Spiders of Phoenix
A few months back I hammered out a little zombie movie game I called Shamble and Moan.  By the time I got done with it I was calling it the…
In Playtesting
Participants: Technocrat13, Aman the Rejected, knicknevin.

8/18/2006 Kmac: Playtesting Question
While I am not new to visit here I am new to posting. I've skulked in the dark reading a few posts here now and again but have failed to…
In Playtesting
Participants: Kmac, Andrew Morris, Wolfen, JakeVanDam.

8/18/2006 jasonm: [Grey Ranks] Gen Con Playtest
So I got together at Gen Con with a dream team of young Turks to try out Grey Ranks:  Gregor "Best Friends" Hutton, Kevin "Primitive" Allen Jr, Joe "Contenders" Prince,…
In Playtesting
Participants: jasonm, Technocrat13, Nathan P., Dantai, Gregor Hutton.

8/15/2006 Kat Miller: [Into the Mystic] Gen Con playtests
I ran two different play tests of Into The Mystic at Gen con. I’m thinking 2 words here: one is Crash the Other is Burn. It started out at the…
In Playtesting
Participants: Kat Miller, Emily Care.

8/15/2006 wunderllama: [Mouse Guard] Fantastic GenCon playtest!
This past weekend at GenCon, I was privileged enough to play through a playtest of Clinton Nixon’s Mouse Guard, run by Clinton himself. (Mouse Guard is a game he wrote…
In Playtesting
Participants: wunderllama, Solamasa, Clinton R. Nixon, Bankuei, ironick, pedyo.

8/14/2006 Lxndr: [Ensemble] Playtesting at GenCon: Land of the Lost
Okay, so.  Ensemble, a game of improvisational roleplaying, managed to be playtested exactly once at GenCon, late Friday night at the Embassy Suites. It was originally Emily Care Boss, myself,…
In Playtesting
Participants: Lxndr, Nathan P., Jake Richmond, c, Jonathan Hastings.

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In Playtesting

9/14/2006 TonyLB: [Misery Bubblegum]
Alright!  Finally a playtest of Misery Bubblegum that didn't explode on contact, strafing everyone nearby with hot, jagged, rules-system shrapnel.  Eric and I got together for a night of games. …
In Playtesting
Participants: TonyLB, Hans, Gaerik, TheCzech.

9/15/2006 baron samedi: (Last Chronicles of Erdor) Players "refusing" Director Stance for tragedy
Hello fellow Forgeites! Last night, three players and I made our first playest session of the 3rd edition rules of my game "The Last Chronicles of Erdor". The game is…
In Playtesting
Participants: baron samedi, Adam Dray, Sovem, Ron Edwards.

9/18/2006 Artanis: [Iä! Iä! Ph'iles] Prep-less mystery & dramatic characters
Hello This is the report of the fifth playtest session of my mystery game, which I will use to present the game. I'll have some other threads coming up later…
In Playtesting
Participants: Artanis, Emily Care, John Harper.

9/19/2006 Doyce: [Galactic] Denver Playtest, Session Two
Our group got together Sunday for our second 'real' session of Galactic. Prep Session here: First Session here: Wiki pages on the whole thing here: Okay, so...…
In Playtesting
Participants: Doyce.

9/19/2006 redivider: Joy Division: monkey-moms, pocket universes & corn-of-life
Joy Division is a near-future role playing game of technological horror. Characters are agents of the Joy Division, a small but well-funded transnational espionage agency set up to neutralize major…
In Playtesting
Participants: redivider, David Artman, Miskatonic, Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby.

9/22/2006 Altharis: [Elementalia] My first playtest. In story form.
Hey all, here is a quick recount of my first playtest of my new Elementalia rules, enjoy! During character creation, Marius Stoneriver the earth elemental was given stats of: Str…
In Playtesting
Participants: Altharis, Jonathan Hastings.

9/22/2006 mratomek: [MOD Forces] Black Fire
Finally... Finally I finished the re-write of the rules (formerly Monster Rules), and got my game on. Last night we started a new storyline with the evil sorcerer Mordreg and…
In Playtesting
Participants: mratomek, Adam Dray, Ron Edwards.

9/22/2006 Lxndr: [Ensemble] The Aztec Line
Wednesday night, my group started playtesting Ensemble, the design project currently heading up the Twisted Confessions line.  Armed with index cards and the appropriate amount of dice (but not so…
In Playtesting
Participants: Lxndr, Eric J. Boyd, jasonm.

9/27/2006 billvolk: [AKA] Fun with Cinematics
I finally hosted the first real one-shot playtest of All Kinds of Awesome, which began as a Tri-Stat setting but for which I've now made a significantly different system. The…
In Playtesting
Participants: billvolk, Adam Dray.

9/27/2006 mratomek: [Mod Forces] When Mobs Attack
Been altering the rules lately. I was hoping to create a system where a character's Power Level is directly translated to a dice. For example, a PL 6 is a…
In Playtesting
Participants: mratomek.

9/28/2006 Meguey: [Sign In Stranger] File clerk, some typing
This is Emily Care Boss' game in developement. Joshua, Emily, Vincent, Julia, and I all created worlds in private to start. We had a choice of planet size, and we…
In Playtesting
Participants: Meguey, Emily Care, andrew_kenrick, nikola.

10/1/2006 Eero Tuovinen: [Eleanor's Dream] Project Introduction and preliminary playtests
This is something I didn't plan on doing; I've been developing my game Eleanor's Dream on and off since the beginning of -05, and while I've been chatting about it…
In Playtesting
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards.

10/1/2006 andrew_kenrick: [Dead of Night] a retrospective playtest report
It's coming up to the first anniversary since the release of my first game, Dead of Night. I was going to post an article about the production of the game,…
In Playtesting
Participants: andrew_kenrick, Emily Care, Ron Edwards, marknau.

10/3/2006 TonyLB: [Misery Bubblegum] K. I. S. S.
So, three weeks ago I had a game where you wrote down recurring conflicts on 3x5 cards, and hoped that they'd gel together, then you traded those 3x5 cards back…
In Playtesting
Participants: TonyLB, andrew_kenrick, marknau.

10/6/2006 marknau: [Fantasy Non-Heartbreaker] First Playtest
I conducted a one-hour playtest of my WIP, the result of which follows. What I’d like is to get some attention focused on the core mechanic: Successes, Dings, Complications, and…
In Playtesting
Participants: marknau, timfire, Adam Dray, Steven Stewart.

10/12/2006 Levi Kornelsen: [The Exchange] Considering Revisions
So, since my last chat with Ron, I've been playing around with loose revision ideas for The Exchange, one of my little "freebie" game things.  You can see the second…
In Playtesting
Participants: Levi Kornelsen, Alan, Ron Edwards, TonyLB.

10/12/2006 TonyLB: [Misery Bubblegum] More people makes things tricky
So Misery Bubblegum has this system where you give each other your dice, and then people can use dice from other players to represent each having emotional influence over them.…
In Playtesting
Participants: TonyLB.

10/14/2006 Wood: [Messenger] First Run: "A and B"
Ran my Messenger system for the first time tonight, and to my slight surprise, it went very well indeed. No hitches whatsoever.  Characters were a conscience-stricken "Liquidator" and a…
In Playtesting
Participants: Wood, Everspinner.

10/16/2006 jasonm: [Infected] Camp Nerdly: The Inwood Zombie Fortress and Drama Club
Mark ran a game of The Infected, Eric Provost's in-playtest game of survival horror, at Camp Nerdly, and I got a chance to throw down with Frank Manna, Kevin Allen…
In Playtesting
Participants: jasonm, SNES Chalmers, Technocrat13, joepub, Narf the Mouse, Aman the Rejected.

10/17/2006 Frank T: [BARBAREN!] Raiders in a foreign land
I ran the first playtest of the new revised playtest edition of BARBAREN! this Saturday at ConTor, a small local convention near Hamburg with a good mix of indie and…
In Playtesting
Participants: Frank T, Ron Edwards, Miskatonic, JustinB, TroyLovesRPG, Noon.

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