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In Playtesting

5/24/2007 phasmaphobic: Seeking advice on organizing my first playtest
Hey folks, I'm looking to put together my first official playtest of a game our company is developing.  We have a few people signed up and ready to go, that…
In Playtesting
Participants: phasmaphobic, GreatWolf.

5/24/2007 jim pinto: Murdercycles
Set in tumultuous and fictious 1960s sweden, Murdercycles is an RPG of motorcycle gangs run amok. The last days of the Devil Dogs (or whatever gang) is captured in this…
In Playtesting
Participants: jim pinto, Ron Edwards, Troy_Costisick.

5/24/2007 jrs: [Grey Ranks] Another playtest
So we started a Grey Ranks game.  We only got through Chapter 2; not exactly a full session.  I assume much of that was due to our unfamiliarity with the…
In Playtesting
Participants: jrs, Ron Edwards, Emily Care, jasonm, segedy.

5/23/2007 Neil the Wimp: [Dirty Secrets] MKRPG first playtest
Dirty Secrets is Seth Ben-Ezra's game of detective fiction, in the mould of Philip Marlowe and Lew Archer.  Read Ben's notes and some other playtests We played Dirty Secrets last…
In Playtesting
Participants: Neil the Wimp, GreatWolf.

5/23/2007 Joe Dizzy: [GALACTIC] Berlin Playtest 2007
[b]Session 1 - Character and setting creation [/b] These are a few of my impressions of our first Galactic session on Monday. All in all it took us a little…
In Playtesting
Participants: Joe Dizzy, Matt Wilson, Emily Care, yothales, Alan.

5/20/2007 iain: [STITCH] Actual play spodley grange
[b]Stitch – Spodley Grange playtest[/b] [b]Master:[/b] Iain McAllister [b]Team:[/b] Gregory Malkovich, Soldier - James Alex Stepovich, Engineer - Janos John Parish, Soldier - Claire Alexander Khruschev, commander - Andrew [b]Overview:[/b]…
In Playtesting
Participants: iain, Graham Walmsley, Filip Luszczyk.

5/20/2007 Filip Luszczyk: [Illumination] Back on tracks
It took me some time before I got down to writing this AP, but here it is. We playtested the new version of Illumination, my Mage: the Ascension heartbreaker game,…
In Playtesting
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac, JackTheOwner.

5/19/2007 RobNJ: [Misspent Youth] Current status
So after Camp Nerdly, and between the small slice of time I had between the end of one semester and the beginning of the next, I got another draft of…
In Playtesting
Participants: RobNJ, Emily Care.

5/19/2007 andrew_kenrick: [Six Bullets for Vengeance] Spodley Grange playtest
Saturday afternoon at Spodley Grange I got to run a playtest of Six Bullets for Vengeance, my game of bloodshed and vengeance, I think for the 5th time. Each time…
In Playtesting
Participants: andrew_kenrick, Ron Edwards, Graham Walmsley, GreatWolf, Zathreyel.

5/18/2007 Graham Walmsley: [The Gay Recruitment Squad Wants YOU!] At Spodley Grange
This is the fourth playtest. The players are Malcolm, Janos and Andrew, all people I know from conventions and get on with. Oh, actually, I've just met Janos, but he…
In Playtesting
Participants: Graham Walmsley, andrew_kenrick, Malcolm.

5/16/2007 JustinB: Fae Noir: Vote Early, Vote Coffin First Playtest
We ran a playtest of the second Fae Noir adventure module this past Sunday and it went much better than the initial playtests of The Paris Escapade, which is encouraging.…
In Playtesting
Participants: JustinB, Emily Care.

5/16/2007 Malcolm: [Everlasting Empire] The First Playtest
[i]This thread might provide some help in understanding the basics of Everlasting Empire: [url=]Everlasting Empire Power 19[/url][/i] Last weekend saw the first ever playtest of Everlasting Empire. In truth, it…
In Playtesting
Participants: Malcolm.

5/12/2007 Ron Edwards: [Cutthroat] Vroooooommmm!
One of my sins is not playing the Ronnies games to the fullest. I've played a lot of them, but not enough. Fortunately, in the last couple of months, I…
In Playtesting
Participants: Ron Edwards, Troy_Costisick.

5/11/2007 Frank Tarcikowski: [BARBAREN!] Finally, The Woman
Hi there! When I first posted about BARBAREN! on the Forge, more than two years ago, Ron Edwards suggested the following: I suggest that there be some mechanism for…
In Playtesting
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, Ron Edwards, Meguey, Eero Tuovinen, Emily Care, Noclue.

5/10/2007 Wormwood: [Coming of Age] Squires of Sword and Sorcery
Last night I held another playetest of <a href="">Coming of Age</a>. This time it was for somewhat veteran players, Zach had played the first playtest of the current incarnation, where…
In Playtesting
Participants: Wormwood.

5/4/2007 Paul Czege: [Chronicles of Babel] slaves in the hanging gardens
Well, the Sunday before Easter our occasional Sunday group was between games, and so I seized the day and ran a playtest of Paul Elliott's Chronicles of Babel. As a…
In Playtesting
Participants: Paul Czege, Valamir, Mithras, Noclue.

5/4/2007 c: [Silence Keeps Me A Victim] Enabling I will not abandon you?
I've been thinking about how to enable, "I will not abandon you" in SKMAV. What are some of the key characteristics of games that enable this type of play?
In Playtesting
Participants: c, lumpley, nitramwi, Gregor Hutton.

5/3/2007 lumpley: [psi run] cold and rainy in San Francisco
Meg, Emily, Julia and I played Psi Run last night. I GMed. Meg's character, Charlotte: What's in the box that's handcuffed to my wrist? Who is Donovan? Where are my…
In Playtesting
Participants: lumpley, Meguey, chris_moore, Caesar_X, Parthenia, michael lingner.

5/3/2007 redivider: {Coup d'etat} Tony Blair: watch your back!
Tony Blair- watch your back! Coup’d’etat playtest set in contemporary Britain Two weeks ago Judson, Joshua & I played Coup d’Etat, one of the nine games in my Heads of…
In Playtesting
Participants: redivider.

5/1/2007 Emily Care: [Sign in Stranger] JiffyCon playtest
We played Sign in Stranger at JiffyCon Boston.  Kat, Alexis, Jonathan Walton and I embarked our characters on a one way trip to living on a space station above a…
In Playtesting
Participants: Emily Care, jasonm.

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Subsequent Topics
In Playtesting

5/27/2007 MJGraham: [Insurrection] First playtest
This is the first playtest of my game and also my first write up of a playtest so I hope I do it right... The game began with me explaining…
In Playtesting
Participants: MJGraham, Malcolm.

5/28/2007 Malcolm: [Okhrana] Playtest at Spodley Grange
A few weeks ago, the Spodley Grange weekend playtesting event saw the first ever playtest of Okhrana, a game I initially wrote for the 24 Hour Espionage RPG competition hosted…
In Playtesting
Participants: Malcolm, Graham Walmsley, Jonas Karlsson.

5/29/2007 Joshua BishopRoby: [Sons of Liberty] Kickin Ass Tory Style
I got to playtest Sons of Liberty this weekend at Gamex with a whole passel of players.  The game ended up playing in two halves, each with five Patriots against…
In Playtesting
Participants: Joshua BishopRoby, Noclue.

5/31/2007 RobNJ: [Misspent Youth] The Rise of Google 2.0
(cross posted from Story Games) So I ran Misspent Youth for some friends yesterday at my house and for the first time I had a complete story from beginning to…
In Playtesting
Participants: RobNJ, TonyLB.

6/3/2007 Peter Nordstrand: One Can Have Her
We playtested Jonas Ferry's (the artist formerly known as Jonas Karlsson) Ronny winning game One Can Have Her. The short version of this report is that the game went very…
In Playtesting
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Ron Edwards.

6/3/2007 Graham Walmsley: [Darker] Thank heaven for little girls
Darker is my setting for the Shab al-Hiri Roach: the Roach comes to Oxford University in Victorian times. We tested it today, after Sunday lunch. There's John, Alex, Adam and…
In Playtesting
Participants: Graham Walmsley, jasonm, Ron Edwards.

6/5/2007 ChadDubya: [ENOCH] Playtest
The first official playtest of Enoch happened this weekend. Me and three players spend roughly 3 hours together, half of which was actual play, while the other half was talking…
In Playtesting
Participants: ChadDubya, nitramwi, TJ, c.

6/8/2007 Neil the Wimp: [Dirty Secrets] MKRPG second playtest
Dirty Secrets is Seth Ben-Ezra's game of detective fiction, in the mould of Philip Marlowe and Lew Archer.  Read Seth's notes and some other playtests, including the MKRPG first playtest.…
In Playtesting
Participants: Neil the Wimp, GreatWolf, ParRathorne.

6/9/2007 andrew_kenrick: [Six Bullets for Vengeance] Firing Blanks
So last night I ran a playtest of Six Bullets for Vengeance with my regular gaming group. It was a spectacular failure, but a fascinating, if frustrating, playtest. First, a…
In Playtesting
Participants: andrew_kenrick, Graham Walmsley, Ron Edwards, Noon, Sydney Freedberg.

6/10/2007 RobNJ: [Misspent Youth] The Algorithm of Egalitarianism
This is a much-delayed AP from the June 1 JiffyCon run by Emily Care Boss in western MA. I got to run a playtest of Misspent Youth, my science fiction/youthful…
In Playtesting
Participants: RobNJ.

6/11/2007 Jonas Karlsson: [One Can Have Her] Questions on conflicts
I'm playtesting my film noir game One Can Have Her and this Thursday the players raised some concerns on how I handled conflicts and their consequences. This could just be…
In Playtesting
Participants: Jonas Karlsson, Peter Nordstrand.

6/15/2007 Filip Luszczyk: [Absolute Apocalypse Academy] Change of the title and the new direction
Over a month has passed since I took a break from Absolute Destiny Apocalypse, and it’s a good moment for me to re-examine the game, consider its further development and…
In Playtesting
Participants: Filip Luszczyk.

6/17/2007 Meguey: [Psi Run] One game right after another!
Last Thursday we finished up our first Psi Run, as per this thread, with Vincent running for Emily, Julia, and me. It was fantastic! I got to break my lock-box…
In Playtesting
Participants: Meguey, Parthenia, michael lingner, chris_moore, lumpley.

6/17/2007 travisfarber: [Grey Ranks] A little thing called War
So, I have had the great opportunity to read through and play Grey Ranks.  This is the first of three sessions. To give a little background to the preperation part…
In Playtesting
Participants: travisfarber, jasonm, BlackTerror, ironick.

6/17/2007 jasonm: [Business Solutions] Comedy of (Copier) Errors
Joel, Lisa, and Jon played Business Solutions yesterday at Mayacon, Andy Kitkowski's house-con devoted to playtesting.  Lisa posts around here as Urbanpagan.  Joel's in my weekly TSoY group.  Jon is…
In Playtesting
Participants: jasonm, Ben Lehman.

6/18/2007 jasonm: [Medical Hospital] Arts and Crafts
I got to playtest Medical Hospital, my game about medicine and hospitals, ay Mayacon last Saturday.  It was pretty interesting.  Medical Hospital is going to be a modular game with…
In Playtesting
Participants: jasonm, LeSingeSavant, Aman the Rejected.

6/18/2007 c: [Other Worlds][Lake Geneva Con] Becoming Undead Means I Win.
I had lots of fun this Saturday. My friend Len and I went to Lake Geneva Wisconsin for the Lake Geneva convention put on by Troll Lord Games. As per…
In Playtesting
Participants: c, nitramwi, Mike Holmes, Valamir, simon_hibbs.

6/22/2007 darnest: StrikeForce :2136 Combat Revision
Okay so StrikeForce is a transhuman high tech adventure RPG with a conflict system for the characters to develop against.  The world is design on conflict, on purpose by the…
In Playtesting
Participants: darnest.

6/22/2007 joepub: [The Infected] The Final Nail in the Coffin of Fox River
I played The Infected with two players last night. We agreed upon playing a meandering, gritty western for the backdrop - Fox River, a dying mine town on its last…
In Playtesting
Participants: joepub, Darcy Burgess, Technocrat13, MikeSands, Rich Stokes.

6/25/2007 MJGraham: [Insurrection] GM Fiat: How much is too much? (NSFW)
I've been playtesting my own game and the following incident occured. In one scene the protagonists were staying the night at a religious compound. A player who was roleplaying a…
In Playtesting
Participants: MJGraham, c, Noon.

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