The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Endeavor

7/21/2007 Dave Cleaver: [sic] After Earth: An Unlikely Savior
This is my thread for the Setting In A Can challenge. I'm selecting Set A: SET C Setting: post-apocalypse/space opera. Theme: wacky overcoming-inner-demons story. I think the setting is…
In Endeavor
Participants: Dave Cleaver, Filip Luszczyk, xenopulse, Chainsaw Aardvark, ja-prozac, Vulpinoid.

7/21/2007 BenW: [SIC] Lock and Key Principle
SET: D Concept: Near future science fiction, set in a crumbling city dominated by grim, rundown tower blocks, drug use is rampant and destroying sociaty. humanity has abdicated from free…
In Endeavor
Participants: BenW, Filip Luszczyk, Vulpinoid, David Artman, Chainsaw Aardvark.

7/21/2007 craigp: [sic] TIN FRIGATE
I'm definitely going with C. Mine's a Star Trek spoof. I was thinking this: It's not actually a finished rule set, I just find I'm not so good at…
In Endeavor
Participants: craigp, Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac, Vulpinoid.

7/20/2007 anders_larsen: [sic] Cyber Barbarians
I go with set D here. A few hundred years in the future the world are controlled by a seven big corporations. These corporations are incomprehensible complex, and no one…
In Endeavor
Participants: anders_larsen, Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac, Lobo, Reprobus, Vulpinoid, xenopulse.

7/20/2007 ja-prozac: [sic]The Ultimate Elvis Challenge!
Set C of course. The Ultimate Elvis Challenge! There can be only one true Elvis impersonator! In postapocyliptic wasteland left after alien invasion humanity has lost its spirit. Only people…
In Endeavor
Participants: ja-prozac, Filip Luszczyk, Primordia, Reprobus, Vulpinoid.

7/20/2007 JackTheOwner: [sic] The end is comming
Ok, let's start. SET C Setting: post-apocalypse/space opera. Theme: wacky overcoming-inner-demons story. It's all about people, who have sth with "First Sign" (It's like a big boom in entire outerspace).…
In Endeavor
Participants: JackTheOwner, Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac, Primordia, Chainsaw Aardvark.

7/20/2007 xenopulse: [sic] Tales of Vengeance
This is my thread for the Setting In A Can challenge. I'm selecting Set A: SET A Setting: high fantasy. Theme: revenge/treasure hunt story. High fantasy, to me, means…
In Endeavor
Participants: xenopulse, Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac, anders_larsen, Reprobus, Vulpinoid, Primordia.

7/20/2007 tj333: Take a Premise and Brainstorm Mechanics for it Endeavor
Take game premise <insert cool premise of choice> and then we all create mechanics for it. Taking place on the Spin forum we have a kind of game of brainstorming…
In Endeavor
Participants: tj333.

7/18/2007 Filip Luszczyk: System in a Can Design Challenge
Hello everyone! Inspired by the last year's Compact RPG Challenge hosted by The Forge, I want to propose System in a Can design challenge, from this point referred to as…
In Endeavor
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, craigp, xenopulse, anders_larsen, ja-prozac, Darcy Burgess, greyorm, Dave Cleaver, Lobo, Chainsaw Aardvark, Vulpinoid, Reprobus, preludetotheend, Primordia.

5/28/2007 anders_larsen: Game Design Groups, a proposal
[b][size=14pt]Introduction[/size][/b] This is an idea that comes from [url=]Game Chef[/url] 2007, where all the participants were assigned to feedback groups of about ten people per group. This made it much…
In Endeavor
Participants: anders_larsen, Filip Luszczyk, David Artman, lee-anne.

3/21/2007 Andy Kitkowski: Story Games "Make a Relationship Map" Contest
Here's a link and the info: With all the talk of relationship maps these days, I figured that it was time for a new Endeavor. So here it is.…
In Endeavor
Participants: Andy Kitkowski.

3/16/2007 Philippe Tromeur: One-page RPG's
I'm currently participating into a kind of casual contest on a French forum : each month, one has to write a full RPG, based on a given topic. The game…
In Endeavor
Participants: Philippe Tromeur, komradebob, scrandy, Filip Luszczyk, salkaner, Conteur, Kesher, Ron Edwards, Noon, Ken, patrice larcenet.

3/15/2007 Troy_Costisick: [Outtage RPG Contest] Review of Comedy Blackout
Comedy Blackout Review By John Laviolette Game Summary: The game begins by explaining what “blackout” means in comedic circles.  That’s great because I would have had no idea.  The background…
In Endeavor
Participants: Troy_Costisick.

3/15/2007 Troy_Costisick: [Outtage RPG Contest] Review of Blackout on the Elevator
Review of “Blackout on the Elevator” By: Bryan Hansel Game Summary: Opens with the situation.  You’re trapped in an elevator.  This game doesn’t mess around.  It presents the players with…
In Endeavor
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Bryan Hansel.

3/9/2007 Andy Kitkowski: One Week Until GAME CHEF. March 17. Lock and Load!
Hey all, it's that time of the year again.  This project, so deep-rooted in the history of the Forge as to be almost inseparable, is rolling around again for it's…
In Endeavor
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Mcrow.

2/27/2007 Troy_Costisick: Outtage RPG Contest- Story Games is down!
Heya, Have you read this: It's a great idea.  So I'm going to start it.  Who knows when Story Games will be back up?  It could be tonight, it…
In Endeavor
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Caesar_X, Andy Kitkowski, Bryan Hansel, talysman.

2/14/2007 passionado: Player – Charakter Survey
hello there, i'm new to this forum and stumbled over it while researching... I'm a design student and working on my prediploma. as a scientific topic i have to complete…
In Endeavor
Participants: passionado, Jasper Flick, Ron Edwards.

2/13/2007 Frank Tarcikowski: 1st Transatlantic Setting Design Champion
Challengers! Finally, with half a month’s delay, it is time to announce the Champion of the 1st Transatlantic Setting Design Challenge! Aaaaaaand the winner iiiiiiiis: Thou Art But a Warrior…
In Endeavor
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, Everspinner, wunderllama, Graham Walmsley, Rich Stokes, Ben Lehman, talysman.

2/3/2007 Nathan P.: The BibliOdyssey RPG Challenge
(x-posted with Story Games) Hey everyone! So I wanna run a challenge! This is one centers around..... (drumroll) ART! Specifically, old art that has been posted at the ever-wonderful BibliOdyssey…
In Endeavor
Participants: Nathan P..

1/23/2007 Gregor Hutton: [Three Sixteen] The Second Session (Where we actually kill some bugs)
So, following on from The First Session (Character Creation and Flashback), we have the second session. Malc and Neil created characters without all the footering of last week…
In Endeavor
Participants: Gregor Hutton.

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Subsequent Topics
In Endeavor

7/21/2007 Lobo: [SIc] Fantasy Fight Arena
Here comes my contribution to System in a Can.  I am very new to this so if I have misinterpreted some information  please say so. :) SET D Setting: sword-and-sorcery/cyberpunk.…
In Endeavor
Participants: Lobo, Filip Luszczyk, xenopulse, Chainsaw Aardvark, Reprobus, ja-prozac, Vulpinoid.

7/22/2007 preludetotheend: Interest in a new contest!
Ok as I am finishing up the final touches of meh sexy setting I want to make sure that the rpg system I put forth is that which people truly…
In Endeavor
Participants: preludetotheend, Eero Tuovinen, Reprobus, Primordia, Vulpinoid.

7/22/2007 Reprobus: [sic] First Thoughts on SET B
I'd like to check in too :) I'm notorious for not finishing anything, but it would be great if I could change this. Also I'm not a native english speaker,…
In Endeavor
Participants: Reprobus, Filip Luszczyk, xenopulse, Chainsaw Aardvark, ja-prozac, Primordia, Vulpinoid.

7/23/2007 Chainsaw Aardvark: [sic] Edge Kinghts
I wasn't able to find my old notes on a computer based magic system, but I was able to recreate it and sync it up with a new combat/skill mechanic…
In Endeavor
Participants: Chainsaw Aardvark, xenopulse, Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac, Vulpinoid.

7/24/2007 Vulpinoid: [sic] Shattered Souls
Since I'm having trouble loading up the 4 page rules that I've generated so far, here's some of the conceptual ideas so far. Set D. Shattered Souls Basic Premise Groups…
In Endeavor
Participants: Vulpinoid, Reprobus, xenopulse, Thenomain, Filip Luszczyk.

7/24/2007 Primordia: [sic] Why did they leave us.
Okay, im trying to jump into the contest as well ( in the last minute ) I will take the following set. SET D Setting: sword-and-sorcery/cyberpunk. Theme: religious conversion/flight-of-fancy story.…
In Endeavor
Participants: Primordia, Reprobus, ja-prozac, Chainsaw Aardvark, Filip Luszczyk, anders_larsen, Vulpinoid, Lobo.

7/25/2007 Filip Luszczyk: System in a Can Entries
This is the submissions thread for System in a Can Design Challenge. Final versions of your entries go here. The deadline is Sunday 29th July. Once you're done with your…
In Endeavor
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, craigp, anders_larsen, Vulpinoid, Chainsaw Aardvark, ja-prozac, Primordia.

7/29/2007 ja-prozac: [sic]The Ultimate Elvis Challenge! - final opinions
Special thread for feedback for finished game as stated in the rules. Post here if you want to share your thoughts about my game.
In Endeavor
Participants: ja-prozac, Filip Luszczyk.

7/29/2007 anders_larsen: [sic] Submission - Cyberbarians
Here are my post-contest feedback tread The link to my game is here: Well, it's there, but I do not think it is playable. I did not had time…
In Endeavor
Participants: anders_larsen, Vulpinoid, Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac.

7/30/2007 Vulpinoid: [sic] Shattered Souls - Final Version(s)
Hi Everyone, As requested, the final submission feedback thread. Name: Michael Wenman Title of Game: Shattered Souls Chosen Set: Set D - Setting: sword-and-sorcery/cyberpunk. Theme: religious conversion/flight-of-fancy story. PDF Link:…
In Endeavor
Participants: Vulpinoid, Filip Luszczyk, anders_larsen.

7/30/2007 Filip Luszczyk: [sic] Runic Realms - final opinions thread
This is my post-challenge feedback thread for Runic Realms (a.k.a. Sesame Sigils, heh). Name: Filip Luszczyk Title: Runic Realms Set: A Abstract: Primordial gods, once banished from Midgard, return to…
In Endeavor
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, anders_larsen, ja-prozac.

8/1/2007 vikingmage: Game Jam
I don't know if this has been done before ... and being new to the site I could just be recreating something that has been tried a hundred times, but…
In Endeavor
Participants: vikingmage, Vulpinoid, preludetotheend, Filip Luszczyk, Primordia, David Artman, belgar, Ron Edwards.

8/3/2007 Frank Tarcikowski: So, Mud Planet 2 Sorcerer?
I wrote this contribution to the Ronnies, Mud Planet. In his feedback thread, Ron suggested that the game would work well as a Sorcerer mini-supplement. Meanwhile I've had the chance…
In Endeavor
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, Ron Edwards.

8/3/2007 David Artman: Ice Game Design Competition for Summer 2007 has begun!
Hi, all; Just trying to make sure I ping as many channels as possible (yep, spamming a bit, but it's cool, hearty, nutritious spam!). Though I know The Forge is…
In Endeavor
Participants: David Artman.

9/4/2007 migo: System on a Character Sheet
Inspired from one of the posts in the Game Jam thread, and along a similar line to the System in a Can challenge. Make a character sheet for a new…
In Endeavor
Participants: migo, Filip Luszczyk, Vulpinoid, Ninetongues, Malthusian, Ron Edwards, preludetotheend, John Kirk, Coyote247, Perpetualskeptic, KeithBVaughn, apeiron.

9/8/2007 jasonm: [Contest] The Sight and Sound Game Design Challenge
I'm hosting the The Sight and Sound Game Design Challenge.  It's just me and a secret panel of judges doing this for fun, and I hope you'll consider taking part.…
In Endeavor
Participants: jasonm.

9/15/2007 Sane: [Contest] Reinvention 2007 RPG Design Competition Underway!
After much deliberation and cogitation, I have finally decided to organise a new RPG writing challenge. Think you've got what it takes to revitalise a boring concept that's been done…
In Endeavor
Participants: Sane, Vulpinoid, Peter Nordstrand.

9/16/2007 John Kirk: [soacs] Skimpy RPG
In this thread, migo issued a challenge: Make a character sheet for a new system, that anyone familiar with RPG conventions could pick it up, write…
In Endeavor
Participants: John Kirk, Vulpinoid, Filip Luszczyk.

9/18/2007 Coyote247: [soacs] Stress Profile
Upon seeing the System On A Character Sheet challenge, I'v divorced the system of The Other from it's main document (which is only a few pages as is) and came…
In Endeavor
Participants: Coyote247.

9/19/2007 Vulpinoid: [soacs] After the Fall
Hi All, I'll post this is a new thread. I think that when I uploaded this version of the file there were a couple of anomalies (such as two…
In Endeavor
Participants: Vulpinoid, John Kirk.

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