The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Endeavor

7/21/2007 Filip Luszczyk: [sic] The Salad In My Head
Well, it's not the title of my game ;) After an evening of brainstorming, I have a salad of ideas in my head and I didn't settle on a single…
In Endeavor
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Reprobus, Vulpinoid, Primordia.

7/21/2007 Dave Cleaver: [sic] After Earth: An Unlikely Savior
This is my thread for the Setting In A Can challenge. I'm selecting Set A: SET C Setting: post-apocalypse/space opera. Theme: wacky overcoming-inner-demons story. I think the setting is…
In Endeavor
Participants: Dave Cleaver, Filip Luszczyk, xenopulse, Chainsaw Aardvark, ja-prozac, Vulpinoid.

7/21/2007 BenW: [SIC] Lock and Key Principle
SET: D Concept: Near future science fiction, set in a crumbling city dominated by grim, rundown tower blocks, drug use is rampant and destroying sociaty. humanity has abdicated from free…
In Endeavor
Participants: BenW, Filip Luszczyk, Vulpinoid, David Artman, Chainsaw Aardvark.

7/21/2007 craigp: [sic] TIN FRIGATE
I'm definitely going with C. Mine's a Star Trek spoof. I was thinking this: It's not actually a finished rule set, I just find I'm not so good at…
In Endeavor
Participants: craigp, Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac, Vulpinoid.

7/20/2007 anders_larsen: [sic] Cyber Barbarians
I go with set D here. A few hundred years in the future the world are controlled by a seven big corporations. These corporations are incomprehensible complex, and no one…
In Endeavor
Participants: anders_larsen, Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac, Lobo, Reprobus, Vulpinoid, xenopulse.

7/20/2007 ja-prozac: [sic]The Ultimate Elvis Challenge!
Set C of course. The Ultimate Elvis Challenge! There can be only one true Elvis impersonator! In postapocyliptic wasteland left after alien invasion humanity has lost its spirit. Only people…
In Endeavor
Participants: ja-prozac, Filip Luszczyk, Primordia, Reprobus, Vulpinoid.

7/20/2007 JackTheOwner: [sic] The end is comming
Ok, let's start. SET C Setting: post-apocalypse/space opera. Theme: wacky overcoming-inner-demons story. It's all about people, who have sth with "First Sign" (It's like a big boom in entire outerspace).…
In Endeavor
Participants: JackTheOwner, Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac, Primordia, Chainsaw Aardvark.

7/20/2007 xenopulse: [sic] Tales of Vengeance
This is my thread for the Setting In A Can challenge. I'm selecting Set A: SET A Setting: high fantasy. Theme: revenge/treasure hunt story. High fantasy, to me, means…
In Endeavor
Participants: xenopulse, Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac, anders_larsen, Reprobus, Vulpinoid, Primordia.

7/20/2007 tj333: Take a Premise and Brainstorm Mechanics for it Endeavor
Take game premise <insert cool premise of choice> and then we all create mechanics for it. Taking place on the Spin forum we have a kind of game of brainstorming…
In Endeavor
Participants: tj333.

7/18/2007 Filip Luszczyk: System in a Can Design Challenge
Hello everyone! Inspired by the last year's Compact RPG Challenge hosted by The Forge, I want to propose System in a Can design challenge, from this point referred to as…
In Endeavor
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, craigp, xenopulse, anders_larsen, ja-prozac, Darcy Burgess, greyorm, Dave Cleaver, Lobo, Chainsaw Aardvark, Vulpinoid, Reprobus, preludetotheend, Primordia.

5/28/2007 anders_larsen: Game Design Groups, a proposal
[b][size=14pt]Introduction[/size][/b] This is an idea that comes from [url=]Game Chef[/url] 2007, where all the participants were assigned to feedback groups of about ten people per group. This made it much…
In Endeavor
Participants: anders_larsen, Filip Luszczyk, David Artman, lee-anne.

3/21/2007 Andy Kitkowski: Story Games "Make a Relationship Map" Contest
Here's a link and the info: With all the talk of relationship maps these days, I figured that it was time for a new Endeavor. So here it is.…
In Endeavor
Participants: Andy Kitkowski.

3/16/2007 Philippe Tromeur: One-page RPG's
I'm currently participating into a kind of casual contest on a French forum : each month, one has to write a full RPG, based on a given topic. The game…
In Endeavor
Participants: Philippe Tromeur, komradebob, scrandy, Filip Luszczyk, salkaner, Conteur, Kesher, Ron Edwards, Noon, Ken, patrice larcenet.

3/15/2007 Troy_Costisick: [Outtage RPG Contest] Review of Comedy Blackout
Comedy Blackout Review By John Laviolette Game Summary: The game begins by explaining what “blackout” means in comedic circles.  That’s great because I would have had no idea.  The background…
In Endeavor
Participants: Troy_Costisick.

3/15/2007 Troy_Costisick: [Outtage RPG Contest] Review of Blackout on the Elevator
Review of “Blackout on the Elevator” By: Bryan Hansel Game Summary: Opens with the situation.  You’re trapped in an elevator.  This game doesn’t mess around.  It presents the players with…
In Endeavor
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Bryan Hansel.

3/9/2007 Andy Kitkowski: One Week Until GAME CHEF. March 17. Lock and Load!
Hey all, it's that time of the year again.  This project, so deep-rooted in the history of the Forge as to be almost inseparable, is rolling around again for it's…
In Endeavor
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Mcrow.

2/27/2007 Troy_Costisick: Outtage RPG Contest- Story Games is down!
Heya, Have you read this: It's a great idea.  So I'm going to start it.  Who knows when Story Games will be back up?  It could be tonight, it…
In Endeavor
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Caesar_X, Andy Kitkowski, Bryan Hansel, talysman.

2/14/2007 passionado: Player – Charakter Survey
hello there, i'm new to this forum and stumbled over it while researching... I'm a design student and working on my prediploma. as a scientific topic i have to complete…
In Endeavor
Participants: passionado, Jasper Flick, Ron Edwards.

2/13/2007 Frank Tarcikowski: 1st Transatlantic Setting Design Champion
Challengers! Finally, with half a month’s delay, it is time to announce the Champion of the 1st Transatlantic Setting Design Challenge! Aaaaaaand the winner iiiiiiiis: Thou Art But a Warrior…
In Endeavor
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, Everspinner, wunderllama, Graham Walmsley, Rich Stokes, Ben Lehman, talysman.

2/3/2007 Nathan P.: The BibliOdyssey RPG Challenge
(x-posted with Story Games) Hey everyone! So I wanna run a challenge! This is one centers around..... (drumroll) ART! Specifically, old art that has been posted at the ever-wonderful BibliOdyssey…
In Endeavor
Participants: Nathan P..

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Subsequent Topics
In Endeavor

7/22/2007 preludetotheend: Interest in a new contest!
Ok as I am finishing up the final touches of meh sexy setting I want to make sure that the rpg system I put forth is that which people truly…
In Endeavor
Participants: preludetotheend, Eero Tuovinen, Reprobus, Primordia, Vulpinoid.

7/22/2007 Reprobus: [sic] First Thoughts on SET B
I'd like to check in too :) I'm notorious for not finishing anything, but it would be great if I could change this. Also I'm not a native english speaker,…
In Endeavor
Participants: Reprobus, Filip Luszczyk, xenopulse, Chainsaw Aardvark, ja-prozac, Primordia, Vulpinoid.

7/23/2007 Chainsaw Aardvark: [sic] Edge Kinghts
I wasn't able to find my old notes on a computer based magic system, but I was able to recreate it and sync it up with a new combat/skill mechanic…
In Endeavor
Participants: Chainsaw Aardvark, xenopulse, Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac, Vulpinoid.

7/24/2007 Vulpinoid: [sic] Shattered Souls
Since I'm having trouble loading up the 4 page rules that I've generated so far, here's some of the conceptual ideas so far. Set D. Shattered Souls Basic Premise Groups…
In Endeavor
Participants: Vulpinoid, Reprobus, xenopulse, Thenomain, Filip Luszczyk.

7/24/2007 Primordia: [sic] Why did they leave us.
Okay, im trying to jump into the contest as well ( in the last minute ) I will take the following set. SET D Setting: sword-and-sorcery/cyberpunk. Theme: religious conversion/flight-of-fancy story.…
In Endeavor
Participants: Primordia, Reprobus, ja-prozac, Chainsaw Aardvark, Filip Luszczyk, anders_larsen, Vulpinoid, Lobo.

7/25/2007 Filip Luszczyk: System in a Can Entries
This is the submissions thread for System in a Can Design Challenge. Final versions of your entries go here. The deadline is Sunday 29th July. Once you're done with your…
In Endeavor
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, craigp, anders_larsen, Vulpinoid, Chainsaw Aardvark, ja-prozac, Primordia.

7/29/2007 ja-prozac: [sic]The Ultimate Elvis Challenge! - final opinions
Special thread for feedback for finished game as stated in the rules. Post here if you want to share your thoughts about my game.
In Endeavor
Participants: ja-prozac, Filip Luszczyk.

7/29/2007 anders_larsen: [sic] Submission - Cyberbarians
Here are my post-contest feedback tread The link to my game is here: Well, it's there, but I do not think it is playable. I did not had time…
In Endeavor
Participants: anders_larsen, Vulpinoid, Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac.

7/30/2007 Vulpinoid: [sic] Shattered Souls - Final Version(s)
Hi Everyone, As requested, the final submission feedback thread. Name: Michael Wenman Title of Game: Shattered Souls Chosen Set: Set D - Setting: sword-and-sorcery/cyberpunk. Theme: religious conversion/flight-of-fancy story. PDF Link:…
In Endeavor
Participants: Vulpinoid, Filip Luszczyk, anders_larsen.

7/30/2007 Filip Luszczyk: [sic] Runic Realms - final opinions thread
This is my post-challenge feedback thread for Runic Realms (a.k.a. Sesame Sigils, heh). Name: Filip Luszczyk Title: Runic Realms Set: A Abstract: Primordial gods, once banished from Midgard, return to…
In Endeavor
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, anders_larsen, ja-prozac.

8/1/2007 vikingmage: Game Jam
I don't know if this has been done before ... and being new to the site I could just be recreating something that has been tried a hundred times, but…
In Endeavor
Participants: vikingmage, Vulpinoid, preludetotheend, Filip Luszczyk, Primordia, David Artman, belgar, Ron Edwards.

8/3/2007 Frank Tarcikowski: So, Mud Planet 2 Sorcerer?
I wrote this contribution to the Ronnies, Mud Planet. In his feedback thread, Ron suggested that the game would work well as a Sorcerer mini-supplement. Meanwhile I've had the chance…
In Endeavor
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, Ron Edwards.

8/3/2007 David Artman: Ice Game Design Competition for Summer 2007 has begun!
Hi, all; Just trying to make sure I ping as many channels as possible (yep, spamming a bit, but it's cool, hearty, nutritious spam!). Though I know The Forge is…
In Endeavor
Participants: David Artman.

9/4/2007 migo: System on a Character Sheet
Inspired from one of the posts in the Game Jam thread, and along a similar line to the System in a Can challenge. Make a character sheet for a new…
In Endeavor
Participants: migo, Filip Luszczyk, Vulpinoid, Ninetongues, Malthusian, Ron Edwards, preludetotheend, John Kirk, Coyote247, Perpetualskeptic, KeithBVaughn, apeiron.

9/8/2007 jasonm: [Contest] The Sight and Sound Game Design Challenge
I'm hosting the The Sight and Sound Game Design Challenge.  It's just me and a secret panel of judges doing this for fun, and I hope you'll consider taking part.…
In Endeavor
Participants: jasonm.

9/15/2007 Sane: [Contest] Reinvention 2007 RPG Design Competition Underway!
After much deliberation and cogitation, I have finally decided to organise a new RPG writing challenge. Think you've got what it takes to revitalise a boring concept that's been done…
In Endeavor
Participants: Sane, Vulpinoid, Peter Nordstrand.

9/16/2007 John Kirk: [soacs] Skimpy RPG
In this thread, migo issued a challenge: Make a character sheet for a new system, that anyone familiar with RPG conventions could pick it up, write…
In Endeavor
Participants: John Kirk, Vulpinoid, Filip Luszczyk.

9/18/2007 Coyote247: [soacs] Stress Profile
Upon seeing the System On A Character Sheet challenge, I'v divorced the system of The Other from it's main document (which is only a few pages as is) and came…
In Endeavor
Participants: Coyote247.

9/19/2007 Vulpinoid: [soacs] After the Fall
Hi All, I'll post this is a new thread. I think that when I uploaded this version of the file there were a couple of anomalies (such as two…
In Endeavor
Participants: Vulpinoid, John Kirk.

9/22/2007 Philippe Tromeur: Le regne de Mu / Reign of Mu (a new project)
I've finally opend a blog about my latest project : the development of a Churchwardian Fantasy RPG. No aliens, no magic, no gods, but kewl psionic powerz, wooly rhinos and…
In Endeavor
Participants: Philippe Tromeur, Noon, Filip Luszczyk.

more subsequent topics >>