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7/31/2009 red_herring: Agon Trophy for GenCon 09
GenCon is just two weeks away... check out this year's trophy for my group's Agon session should also have some pictures of Agon Board 2.0 (almost finished)... -phil
In design
Participants: red_herring, demiurgeastaroth, John Harper.

7/21/2009 cra2: agon play is slow?
Reading about Agon, I'm interested in the system. But when I listen to actual play podcasts, I get really frustrated. Seems like the game drags in combat. Worse than d20.…
In design
Participants: cra2, demiurgeastaroth, Ben Robbins.

6/6/2009 Troll66: WARNING AGON website hacked!
Hi My comp was attacked when I went to the AGON website yesterday - curiuos to see anything new.. MY Norton blocked the hack. I think there is something very…
In design
Participants: Troll66, John Harper.

6/5/2009 red_herring: Agon at GenCon 09
Planning on another in-room session for my group, but was hoping to play in an Agon quest or two in the Games-On-Demand area. Anyone planning to run a game? I'm…
In design
Participants: red_herring.

6/3/2009 Klaus_Welten: Some noob questions
Hi everyone. :-) I started to play Agon as the Antagonist and I really love it. I have some doubts about the rules: 1) When do you choose to use…
In design
Participants: Klaus_Welten, John Harper.

5/28/2009 red_herring: Alternate Order of Action
As a house rule, my group has opted to change the initiative system. Instead of dictating the action order by weapon type (Sword then Spear then Javelin then Bow), we…
In design
Participants: red_herring, John Harper, demiurgeastaroth.

4/3/2009 marco.costantini: [Agon] Non-Combat Battles
Today a friend of mine suggests this question that neither him nor me was able to resolve. I try to explain: The Heroes have to repair a statue o Zeus.…
In design
Participants: marco.costantini, demiurgeastaroth.

1/29/2009 fnord3125: [AGON] Questions and Clarifications before first game (in a long time)
So, I have played Agon once before, but it was probably like a year ago.  I'm hoping to play again with some new players and a larger group either this…
In design
Participants: fnord3125, demiurgeastaroth.

1/11/2009 EricAlexander: Glory award for simple contest vs. NPC?
Hey everyone, have a quick question about Agon here.  Next adventure, my players are going to be involved in a series of contests with some semi-friendly NPC's (they're going to…
In design
Participants: EricAlexander, John Harper.

10/25/2008 Snoof: Rules question: Divine Favor
I've recently acquired a copy of Agon, and I really enjoy the philosophy behind the game; it's inspired me to run it in a way not many games do (it…
In design
Participants: Snoof, Mel_White.

10/23/2008 Rinello: [Agon] Multiple Question
Hi everyone! When I use javelins, can I make a double attack? I think that if I just use Javelin for the current exchange I can throw one with my…
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Participants: Rinello, Mel_White.

9/11/2008 Hans: Monster Armor penalties
The FAQ states that NPC's have the same penalties for armor as PC's.  However, the following seems to argue against this... * PC's don't pay anything for armor besides the…
In design
Participants: Hans, Mel_White, John Harper.

9/10/2008 Hans: Helping Dice: rejectable?
Hi: About to run Agon for the first time this month.  One question:  can a player reject an offer of aid?  Or must they accept it?  I cannot find in…
In design
Participants: Hans, demiurgeastaroth, Mel_White, John Harper.

9/3/2008 cdr: [Agon] Earning Strife and other questions
I ran Beast of Kolkoris at ConQuest SF last weekend and the three players and I had a great time, but afterwards I have a question on earning strife. 1)…
In design
Participants: cdr, Mel_White.

7/24/2008 Guy Srinivasan: Rules: challenge of name, shield, athletics vs range, creative ability x2
I'm about to run some Agon! And I have some rules questions. :) 1. During interludes, all sorts of impairment fall under the same rules? "I call for a challenge…
In design
Participants: Guy Srinivasan, Ben Robbins.

7/21/2008 red_herring: Agon at GenCon
Anyone running Agon at GenCon this year? I'm planning to run Ben Robbins's excellent Temple of Hera and Beast of Kolkoris adventures for my group, but I wasn't sure whether…
In design
Participants: red_herring, Ben Robbins, John Harper, cdr, Matt Wilson.

7/17/2008 J. Strange: Participating in challenges during refreshment
Hi. Recently bought the game, love the sound of it, will be running it soon. I have a question about challenges, though. Is there a limit to a hero's participation…
In design
Participants: J. Strange, demiurgeastaroth, theranko, John Harper.

7/14/2008 Ben Robbins: [Agon] Three Flavors of Myth
Another "Advanced Agon" post is up: <b><a href="">Three Flavors of Myth</a></b> takes a look at the Classical sources and how they relate to your Agon game. C'mon, you know you…
In design
Participants: Ben Robbins, John Harper, agony.

7/9/2008 agony: Tokens for battle mat?
I remember spotting some decent quality tokens on here or which were similar to the ones used in the book, but I can't seem to locate the PDF now. …
In design
Participants: agony, John Harper, red_herring, Sonja.

7/5/2008 red_herring: Deeper Quests article on
Another Ben Robbins article on his site. Advanced Agon: Deeper Quests June 30th, 2008 in Agon | Agon includes a quick and painless way to get a quest…
In design
Participants: red_herring.

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In design

8/11/2009 theranko: [Agon] Rules question
Hello, I posted this question last week as a reply to an older topic, but it may have been lost in the shuffle. During refreshment, does healing and sacrificing prevent…
In design
Participants: theranko, demiurgeastaroth, Ben Robbins, Noclue, John Harper.

8/20/2009 Lexonus: 6 sets of Dice per player?
I just ordered the game PDF after listening to Mel White's AP recordings.  I was a little surprised to read that it is recommended to have about 6 sets of…
In design
Participants: Lexonus, demiurgeastaroth, John Harper.

8/28/2009 Lexonus: Ability Dice level at character creation
I want to make sure I am reading the character creation text correctly.  The rules say that in each group of abilities you can raise a d6 to a D8…
In design
Participants: Lexonus, demiurgeastaroth, N.riweeni.

8/30/2009 drnuncheon: Stranger Things
So the last mention I saw of Stranger Things was almost three years ago. Should I keep hoping?
In design
Participants: drnuncheon, demiurgeastaroth, John Harper, Spooky Fanboy.

9/6/2009 red_herring: Agon at Nuke-Con in Omaha
Looking forward to running an Agon session at Nuke-Con on 3 October. Had a great time at last year's Nuke-Con, but didn't run any games. While small compared to something…
In design
Participants: red_herring.

9/10/2009 Klaus_Welten: No Strife spend limit for encounters?
I just noticed that the Antagonist's spend caps are quest- and NPC-based only, but there's no actual limit on how much total Strife he can spend in a given encounter.…
In design
Participants: Klaus_Welten, demiurgeastaroth, John Harper.

9/12/2009 leodegrance: Agon - pdf
Hi, sorry for the OT, but I've buyed the pdf version of Agon from its website ( on September 3rd. 9 days have passed and I've not yet received the…
In design
Participants: leodegrance, demiurgeastaroth, John Harper.

9/15/2009 Paolo D.: [Agon] Some rules questions
Hi, I'm Paolo, it's the first time I post here before some lurking ;-) Me and some other italian players of Agon (yes, we exist! O__O ;-) put together some…
In design
Participants: Paolo D., John Harper.

9/16/2009 Klaus_Welten: "Ordinary" weapons in non-combat battles?
I'm creating an island for the next session and one quest's primary objective is "Restraining the Brass Tiger" (Apollon wants the cat incapacitated but alive). Now, I can imagine the…
In design
Participants: Klaus_Welten.

10/1/2009 Dyson Logos: Weapons for Cyberpunk / Shadowrun / Modern AGON
I'm happily tooling away at a CyberPunk AGON conversion when I got to weapons. I'm planning on doing like the DAGON conversion and making cards for the weapons (but doing…
In design
Participants: Dyson Logos, Paolo D., redwulfe, demiurgeastaroth.

11/16/2009 caul: Lord of the Rings
Anyone do a Lord of the Rings conversion for Agon?
In design
Participants: caul.

12/22/2009 Paolo D.: [Agon] Tricks and Alternate Advantages
As suggested by John in my other topic (, these days I'm using the Tricks and the Alternate Advantages (from the Agon wiki) like semiofficial rules. I've got some questions…
In design
Participants: Paolo D..

1/13/2010 pathstrider: [AGON] Space Adventure
Has anyone tried to use Agon to do Space Adventure Dogfights, as in on of the suggested examples in the back of the book? Going to give it a go…
In design
Participants: pathstrider, demiurgeastaroth.

1/17/2010 Mellyjean: Nervous about first game
Hi all! I'm very excited to get my first game of AGON going.  It's going to be a four hour session where my group will basically be learning about creating…
In design
Participants: Mellyjean.

1/18/2010 Mavis: Simple rules confusion - interlude
I might just be being blind.... If during an interlude a hero calls a challenge for refreshment. Do the refresh the ability that was called - so if it is…
In design
Participants: Mavis, Paolo D..

1/21/2010 Mavis: Rules Confusion Arriving out of Play
I was running a simple scenario for some players - non of who had played Agon before - and we ran into a couple of odd situations. 1) Advantage Dice…
In design
Participants: Mavis, Paolo D., demiurgeastaroth.

1/22/2010 Dionysus: Agon with Medieval setting?
Has anyone done a setting change to medieval times? (Looking to play a nice quick pickup game, but the greek settings/gods doesn't quite do it for me - but the…
In design
Participants: Dionysus, Brother, demiurgeastaroth.

3/20/2010 Brother: Danger Patrol
Always have the modern offering of 'Lost in SPace' when I check out Danger Patrol. Any developments on the latest version? Anything?
In design
Participants: Brother, John Harper.

5/7/2010 ringo: Agon Boxed Set
Hello All, I've just discovered Agon (after showing Clash of the Titans and Jason and the Argonauts to my 4 year old daughter revived my interest in Greek myth). I'm…
In design
Participants: ringo, Sonja.

5/25/2010 Fatespinner: Dice and throwing them
Hi, I like the game, but I never played it for one really simple reason. I don't like it to use that many different dice. Also the whole left hand…
In design
Participants: Fatespinner.

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