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In Adept Press

3/23/2004 Ron Edwards: Thor the Barbarian interviews me!
Hello, Have any of you heard of Thor the Barbarian? I'm not really sure where to start ... well, there's this guy, right? And he decided that Conan was a…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, joshua neff, lumpley, JamesDJIII, Andrew Norris, Trevis Martin, sirogit.

3/21/2004 b_bankhead: Hellbabe: Hellboy in Trollbabe
He says he's the world's greatest paranormal investigator, but his method of investigation is to open a door and if there's a monster, beat the crap out of it.... Guillermo…
In Adept Press
Participants: b_bankhead, sirogit, Rob MacDougall.

3/20/2004 james_west: Personality is impolite
[quote="Raymond Chandler, in [i]The Lady in the Lake[/i]"]Two guys will meet on a park bench and start talking about God. Did you ever notice that? Guys that wouldn't talk about…
In Adept Press
Participants: james_west, Trevis Martin, Christopher Weeks, Sean, Ron Edwards.

3/17/2004 Drew Stevens: Question on running a Sorcerer one shot
So, I've been contemplating running a Sorcerer one shot for mine comrades- part of an ongoing effort to introduce more folks to more varied forms of roleplaying than vanillia immersionism…
In Adept Press
Participants: Drew Stevens, Fabrice G., kwill, angelfromanotherpin.

3/17/2004 tetsujin28: [Sorcerer and Sword] 17th-century demon-hunters
Sorry to all offended...I failed my Library Use roll ;-) And btw, thanks, Ron, for being polite and pointing me to the correct forum. I was directed to the other…
In Adept Press
Participants: tetsujin28, Simon W.

3/16/2004 Michael S. Miller: Rollover & Intimidation Questions
I ran our first session of Sorcerer on Sunday. Actual play post later in the week. Someone had the great idea of running a mock combat bewfore we started, to…
In Adept Press
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Ron Edwards.

3/15/2004 Alan: [Trollbabe comics] Mystic Crystal Revelations
Ah, a new strip, a new life! A new homage? The mushroom man looks like he stepped right out of the sample adventure in Donjon. Let me be the first…
In Adept Press
Participants: Alan, Ron Edwards, ejh, Lxndr, jburneko, Valamir, Paul Czege, Ben Lehman, Gordon C. Landis, jrs.

3/11/2004 Dev: Use of cards with Sorcerer rolling scheme...
Supposing I wanted to use my Tarot cards instead of pools of dice; the cards are easily ranked, so that is easy enough. However, Since the die size can effectively…
In Adept Press
Participants: Dev, sirogit, Trevis Martin, Ron Edwards, GreatWolf, Ben Lehman, Lxndr, xiombarg, Matt Snyder, tetsujin28, Andrew Morris, clehrich.

3/5/2004 Sean: [Sorcerer] Thinking about Initiative
I was reminded of some stuff I was thinking about this the other week by Jesse & Ron's recent discussion of complex conflict. A few things: 1) One big problem…
In Adept Press
Participants: Sean, Ron Edwards, Rob MacDougall.

3/4/2004 jburneko: [Sorcerer] More On Complex Conflict
I don't know what it is about this Asylum game I'm running but I'm really beginning to see that for all my intellectual understanding I really suck at this whole…
In Adept Press
Participants: jburneko, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Michael S. Miller.

3/3/2004 Amok the hungry: ELFS: the book?
Hello, I recently read a review of Elfs and decided to come do a little more research. I was browsing through some older posts and found one called Elfs revisions…
In Adept Press
Participants: Amok the hungry, Valamir, Ron Edwards, joshua neff, quozl, kwill, montag.

3/2/2004 Dev: Metaphorical Demons and Non-Sorcerers
(I did some searches, and didn't get the answers I wanted yet; apologies if these are frequent themes.) I like Sorcerer a lot, and I reallyreally like it's ability to…
In Adept Press
Participants: Dev, jburneko, Michael S. Miller, Ben Lehman, tetsujin28.

3/2/2004 sirogit: Frequency of sorcery action.
Would you think that Sorcerer loses something if there isn't a consistant occurence of Sorcery? Like Containing, Contact&Summoning, Punishing, Banishing. Obviously, it denotes that players aren't being challenged too much,…
In Adept Press
Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards.

3/2/2004 Ron Edwards: Vengeance is Mine, Saith the Worm
Hello, The Trollbabe comic "Vengeance is Mine, Saith the Worm" is done! As of next week, Antti will have it up on his website, so you can read the whole…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, jburneko, joshua neff, ejh, Rod Anderson, AnttiK, Clinton R. Nixon.

3/2/2004 6inTruder: So, what does put in to a Sorcerer One Sheet?
What it says on the tin really... What kind of structure, content, um... other stuff, is good to go into this?
In Adept Press
Participants: 6inTruder, Trevis Martin, Ron Edwards.

2/29/2004 motherlessgoose: Possessors
It may be that I'm just a newbie, but... Why can't Possessor demons have Boost? What about in the Exorcist, where the possessed girl had superhuman strength? Also, biblically, there…
In Adept Press
Participants: motherlessgoose, Ron Edwards.

2/27/2004 motherlessgoose: Sorcerer Supplements
Is there any certain order one should purchase the supplements Sorcerer & Sword, Sorcerer's Soul, and Sex & Sorcery?
In Adept Press
Participants: motherlessgoose, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, hardcoremoose.

2/27/2004 Doyce: Trollbabe to Amber conversion
Currently at 20 x 20 foot room, referencing a post I made on my own game blog. Didn't expect it to garner much comment, but that shows what I know.…
In Adept Press
Participants: Doyce, Ron Edwards, james_west, Rob MacDougall, Bob McNamee.

2/25/2004 EricAlexander: Black Fire, you can never have too many buckles
I just read this game in the articles section, and it sounds like a pretty good time. A couple of questions for the author: How long did you intend for…
In Adept Press
Participants: EricAlexander, Ron Edwards, jburneko, motherlessgoose, montag, angelfromanotherpin.

2/23/2004 Zak Arntson: [S & Sword] New Conan comic from Dark Horse
Just picked up Issue 0 of the new Conan comics from Dark Horse. Looks promising, with great art (Conan wears armor into war, even) and Kurt Busiek writing (I know…
In Adept Press
Participants: Zak Arntson.

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Subsequent Topics
In Adept Press

3/24/2004 montag: Sorcerer and WoD
sorry, I apologize for bringing this up, but I need some advice with this, so here goes: I'd like to play a game of sorcerer in WhiteWolfs WoD because I…
In Adept Press
Participants: montag, jburneko, Valamir, Bankuei, xiombarg, Spooky Fanboy, erithromycin, greyorm, Henri, Mike Holmes, DannyK, GreatWolf, Dev, furashgf.

3/25/2004 6inTruder: just another loser...
First, I want to say that my ability to write this one-sheet up proves (to me anyway) just how amazing Sorcerer really is. Second, on with my write up: just…
In Adept Press
Participants: 6inTruder, sirogit, Ron Edwards.

3/26/2004 Ron Edwards: Artists for upcoming stuff, sp. Andrew Navaro
Hi everyone, Quick news flash: I have engaged a large number of artists for work on Mongrel, Zero at the Bone, Black Fire, Trollbabe art for the upcoming book, and…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, Andrew Navaro.

3/27/2004 Sean: [Trollbabe] Switching the Social Range?
In Actual Play, Ron wrote: "1. The Social roll is now based on the lesser end of the number scale, not the greater. So Tha, with a number of 3,…
In Adept Press
Participants: Sean, Bob McNamee, Ron Edwards, rafial, montag.

3/27/2004 KingstonC: Trollbabe, feminism, and the chain mail bikini
Ok, so I just finished reading Trollbabe. I liked it. A lot. Reading it, I noticed two things about Trollbabe that I think work together in interesting ways. 1) Trollbabe…
In Adept Press
Participants: KingstonC, Ron Edwards, kwill, ethan_greer, montag, Spooky Fanboy, james_west, rafial.

3/29/2004 stingray20166: TrollBabe Miniatures!
The first thing I thought when I saw these was: Trollbabe miniatures! The rest of the range is here: Click on "Ferals" at the bottom and then the…
In Adept Press
Participants: stingray20166, Ron Edwards, Jonathan Walton.

3/30/2004 Bob McNamee: Trollbabe Roll and Goal interpretation
Pasted from a private message... Hi there first off, I'd like to repeat your post was very helpful. Thanks. Concerning the GM, I know the example you cited and I'd…
In Adept Press
Participants: Bob McNamee, Alan, montag, rafial.

3/30/2004 jburneko: Sorcerer Reference, "lighter" Demons and Humanity
So, anyone who knows me knows that I'm not really a big anime fan. But a couple of months ago a friend of mine suggested that I check out a…
In Adept Press
Participants: jburneko, sirogit, Ace, xiombarg, jrs, Bankuei.

3/30/2004 Amok the hungry: Is it done yet?!!!
Is it done yet?!!! Is it done yet?!!! Is it done yet?!!! ;)
In Adept Press
Participants: Amok the hungry, Ron Edwards, rafial.

3/31/2004 Doyce: Commanding Demons?
I've seen several references in Actual Play to a PC 'commanding' a demon that they didn't currently have bound (specifically, that was bound to someone else). Also, on page 41…
In Adept Press
Participants: Doyce, Fabrice G., Trevis Martin, Michael S. Miller, Ron Edwards.

4/1/2004 Demada: [Sorcerer] Which Mini-Supplement?
I have ordered "Charnel Gods" and "Schism." I'm looking to order one more mini-supplement for Sorcerer, and I'm not sure which one. I want something that will help me stretch…
In Adept Press
Participants: Demada, Valamir, hardcoremoose, greyorm.

4/2/2004 BPetroff93: S&S humanity definition
I'm trying to reconcile the humanity descriptor for S&S with the definition of sorcerous acts as humanity violators (or at lease humanity risky). If humanity is empathy than sorcerous acts…
In Adept Press
Participants: BPetroff93, Ron Edwards, Supplanter, Valamir, Demada, joshua neff.

4/3/2004 bcook1971: [Sorcerer] Damage Penalties in Combat
Just reading through Sorcerer a bit. Some questions: Where a character is attacked but has not yet acted, if he opts to suck up the attack, rolling one die…
In Adept Press
Participants: bcook1971, Ron Edwards.

4/3/2004 demiurgeastaroth: [Trollbabe] Error in text?
Page 17, column 2, paragraph 2, of the text says: The player may check off another item and get a second re-roll. If it succeeds, the trollbabe succeeds, although her…
In Adept Press
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Paganini, rafial, Ron Edwards.

4/4/2004 demiurgeastaroth: [Trollbabe] Player-created conflicts
I'm comfortable with the idea of players calling for conflicts, and by that process adding extra elements to the campaign, but I'm having some conceptual problems with the following: …
In Adept Press
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, rafial, Alan, Ron Edwards, John Harper, Mike Holmes.

4/4/2004 sirogit: [Demon Cops]Great lil' book, a few questions.
Just received it and I have to say I'm quite pleased. Right now I'm planning on my next campaign to be based on it. A few questions I have: I'm…
In Adept Press
Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards, DannyK, Valamir.

4/4/2004 demiurgeastaroth: [Trollbabe] Injuries, and Error in text 2? :)
On page 20: An injured character ignores the “discommoded" step and proceeds to further injury right away on a failed roll; therefore she is limited to a total of two…
In Adept Press
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Bob McNamee, Ron Edwards, rafial.

4/5/2004 jburneko: Yet, More On Conflict
Hello, In another thread Ron wrote: There's really no such thing as rolling against "no defense." If there's truly no defense, then the only constraint on the announced action…
In Adept Press
Participants: jburneko, Ron Edwards, Michael S. Miller.

4/6/2004 Demada: [Sorcerer] Perhaps a dumb (rules) question, but...
I can't seem to find the answer in the book. Can penalties, in Sorcerer, negate the entirity of a dice pool? Example: A player in a game has an inconspicuous…
In Adept Press
Participants: Demada, jburneko, Ron Edwards.

4/7/2004 sirogit: [Demon Cops]Decorated the handout.
With a few pictures I grabbed from Elfwood and a few other places... you can see a intentionial resemblance more towards modern anime than the source material. So, I was…
In Adept Press
Participants: sirogit.

more subsequent topics >>