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In Adept Press

10/17/2011 charlesperez: Demons everywhere: Jennifer's Body
The movie 'Jennifer's Body' is good fun - 'Heathers' meets 'Evil Dead'. An 'Evil Dead' t-shirt even becomes a minor bone of contention in the movie itself. The movie is…
In Adept Press
Participants: charlesperez.

9/2/2010 Finarvyn: Re: Buying my games
Hey, Ron - I stopped by the Un-Store to pick up another copy of Trollbabe (dead tree version this time, not PDF) and when I clicked on the "buy now"…
In Adept Press
Participants: Finarvyn, Ron Edwards, The Dragon Master, RBjakeSpecial.

10/10/2011 AXUM: Alas! The demon in the book has played my for a fool again...!
Hi: Can you "spot" a sorcerer via rolls (player: "Is she a sorceress?" GM: "Roll Lore"), & how, if so?  Is this explicit in the rules' text? (That darn demon…
In Adept Press
Participants: AXUM, Ron Edwards.

10/7/2011 Ron Edwards: Trollbabe: in print, in English, updated text, for reals
Hi everyone, The past year has been a constant logistic nightmare to get Trollbabe finally back in print. My plan was November 2010, and that was itself a back-up, emergency,…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, Neil the Wimp.

10/7/2011 Paka: Gone, gone, oh form of man... I haven't read the Demon mini-series in years but have fond memories of it. I thought these pages were neat from a Sorcerer point of view.
In Adept Press
Participants: Paka, James_Nostack, Ron Edwards.

9/27/2011 AXUM: (SORCERER) A few questions about the Shapeshifter Demon Ability
Hiyas! Stumped - please help! Questions about the Shapeshifter Demon Ability (if these have already been answered, please point me in the right direction - thanks): 1-In the…
In Adept Press
Participants: AXUM, Karl, pfischer, Ron Edwards.

9/4/2011 James_Nostack: [Sorcerer] One Sheet (help needed): Season of the Witch
In a few days I'll be meeting with some friends to play Sorcerer.  My goals are (1) to confirm everyone's got the necessary agenda, (2) seed the discussion of setting…
In Adept Press
Participants: James_Nostack, Ron Edwards.

9/4/2011 James_Nostack: [Sorcerer] One Sheet: The Russian Winter
In a few days I'll be meeting with some friends to play Sorcerer.  My goals are (1) to confirm everyone's got the necessary agenda, (2) seed the discussion of setting…
In Adept Press
Participants: James_Nostack, Ron Edwards, Jaakko Koivula, Roger.

8/30/2011 johnford19: [Sorcerer] Grimoires and Sorcerer
Hi everyone, new to the forums, I look forward to exploring Sorcerer with many of you considering it isn't as popular as I wish it was! My dad use to…
In Adept Press
Participants: johnford19, Finarvyn, Ron Edwards.

8/20/2011 Klaus_Welten: Rapunzel is a sorceress (Disney's "Tangled" references inside)
Rapunzel was born with a knack for sorcery due to her mother eating a magical flower's extract while pregnant. An Immanent* demon named Mother Goetel, whose Need was the magical…
In Adept Press
Participants: Klaus_Welten, Ron Edwards, Roger, The Dragon Master.

8/18/2011 Jaakko Koivula: [Sorcerer] Deeper Underground
So, got a group formed, sat together for an evening, ironed out the setting, the characters and demons. First play is in couple of weeks. I had a hand-out, but…
In Adept Press
Participants: Jaakko Koivula, Ron Edwards.

8/17/2011 Paka: Una the Blade, webcomic with a Trollbabish feel I saw this and immediately thought of ya, Ron. The idea of a woman swords and sorcery barbarian with a dash of Lone Wolf and Cub makes me hopeful.
In Adept Press
Participants: Paka, Eliarhiman6, Ron Edwards.

8/16/2011 Fabien Hildwein: Trollbabe order and S/Lay w/Me
Dear Ron, I am writing here because it seems that none of my emails reach you. Did you get my last email, dating from the 16th of July, from my…
In Adept Press
Participants: Fabien Hildwein, Ron Edwards.

8/1/2011 Ron Edwards: GenCon 2011: at the booth
Hey everyone, It's going to be a little lonely at GenCon for me - not too many indie companies, and Vincent won't be there to share with me either. So…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, JamesDJIII, Paul Czege, Artanis, ejh.

7/22/2011 ADGBoss: [Sorcerer & Space] A Discussion on Posthumanity
I apologize in advance as I have a feeling this is going to be a bit of a maze in terms of discussion and because currently my own thoughts are…
In Adept Press
Participants: ADGBoss, Ron Edwards.

7/21/2011 Ron Edwards: Hard core Sorcerer talk
Hi everyone, As I talked about a while ago, I'm preparing to publish an anniversary edition of Sorcerer. It's composed of exactly the same internal text as the existing core…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, Eliarhiman6, Roger, Finarvyn, hix, James_Nostack.

7/12/2011 Jaakko Koivula: [Sorcerer] Also spielte Zarathustra, thoughts
Hi, I got an idea for a Sorcerer and would like to showcase it a bit. Basically, I read Nietzsche and Sorcerer at the same time and realized, that Nietzsche's…
In Adept Press
Participants: Jaakko Koivula, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, wholeridge, The Dragon Master.

7/3/2011 Yragael: Re: Buying my games
Hi, I ordered Trollbabe abd S/lay W/me last week and I haven't heard anything from Ron Edwards yet. Is it how it usually happen? Will I happyly find the books…
In Adept Press
Participants: Yragael, Ron Edwards.

6/8/2011 Paul Czege: anxieties about death at the core of Ophite
Ron, Now seeing the text of Ophite again I remember what I wanted to say about it. As a former, more anxious than inspired Catholic who's now an atheist of…
In Adept Press
Participants: Paul Czege, Ron Edwards.

6/8/2011 Ron Edwards: Upcoming: a few weeks in Sweden
Hi everyone, Again, I'm planning for a big trip to Sweden with my family, this time from about June 22 through July 12. For those of you who don't know,…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, John Stephens.

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Subsequent Topics
In Adept Press

11/4/2011 Eliarhiman6: Story before: the real culprits?
Hello! In a email to Ron, I wrote something about his selecting Shadowrun as the cause of all evil (as in "story before" evil) in the thread Setting and emergent…
In Adept Press
Participants: Eliarhiman6, Ron Edwards.

12/6/2011 Ron Edwards: [Sorcerer] First annotations available
Hey everyone, I thought you might like a sneak peek of the annotations I'll be publishing with the new print version of Sorcerer. It turns out I didn't make it…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, Eliarhiman6, Roger, jburneko, Paul Czege, Chris_Chinn, pfischer, James_Nostack, greyorm.

12/8/2011 Low: [Sorcerer] Q's about perception and helper rolls
Hi, my first post at the forum! So, a little about my experience with roleplaying before I get to the meat of the post. I've played strictly traditional, simulationist games…
In Adept Press
Participants: Low, jburneko, Ron Edwards, Marshall Burns, Spooky Fanboy.

12/25/2011 Finarvyn: What happened to the Mini Supplements?
First, let me mention that I'm re-reading Sorcerer & Sword. It really is one of the best Swords & Sorcery references ever, particularly chapter 2 dealing with the literature of…
In Adept Press
Participants: Finarvyn, jburneko, Ron Edwards, Spooky Fanboy, Frank Tarcikowski, The Dragon Master.

3/7/2012 ckucsera: Re: Buying my games
What is the turnaround time for orders of Sorcerer+? Placed an order on Feb 27th. I did receive an email from Paypal that the payment was received, but I haven't…
In Adept Press
Participants: ckucsera, greyorm, Ron Edwards, David Artman, chrishen.

4/24/2012 epweissengruber: Back to Basics: Relationship of Commitment to Initial Intent and Defections
I had a good run of Sorcerer games.  But I still do not have the relationship of the mechanics down; this, despite Christopher Kubasic's notes on playing Sorcerer. Bear with…
In Adept Press
Participants: epweissengruber, jburneko, Ron Edwards.

4/26/2012 jburneko: Full defense debate (split)
A Note For Erik: What I'm about to say will likely muddy the waters a bit.  Feel free to ignore everything in this post for purposes of "how it works".…
In Adept Press
Participants: jburneko, greyorm, Frank Tarcikowski, Ron Edwards.

5/10/2012 kragar00: Recent Purchase?
I purchased Sorcerer and Sex & Sorcery from the unstore back in March. I received my receipts from PayPal, but haven't heard anything since. I've sent a few emails to…
In Adept Press
Participants: kragar00, Ron Edwards, bobertelsen, legopaidi.

5/15/2012 thousandheads: Baby's first Sorcerer campaign + tequila
Hi all, Longtime lurker, recent joiner. I finally have the right players to put together a Sorcery game and I want to make sure I've prepped right. I've been reading…
In Adept Press
Participants: thousandheads, Roger, Ron Edwards.

more subsequent topics >>