The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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5/30/2012 Eliarhiman6: [Ronnies] Summary Threads
This is another of the summaries that Ron wrote that were left at the archive, this one is HERE and was written in 2006 I am adding at the end…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6.

5/28/2012 Eliarhiman6: How it did happen? Why all this theory? And why "Indie"?
When people ask me what is all the fuss about "indie games" at the Forge, I point them to an essay and three threads. The essay is The Nuked Apple…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6.

5/28/2012 Eliarhiman6: The Infamous Five
This post is easy. Ron already did the work of listing all the links, in 2004... ...and then left that list in the Forge Archive without copying it in this…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6.

5/25/2012 Eliarhiman6: A few threads about... MY LIFE WITH MASTER
Hello! One of my long-standing projects was to write a series of posts with a "best threads compilation" for a indie rpg.  None of these compilation is at this time…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6.

5/8/2012 Eliarhiman6: A few threads about... IT WAS A MUTUAL DECISION
Hello! One of my long-standing projects was to write a series of posts with a "best threads compilation" for a indie rpg.  None of these compilation is at this time…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6, Ron Edwards.

5/7/2012 Eliarhiman6: A few threads about... PRIMETIME ADVENTURES
Hello! One of my long-standing projects was to write a series of posts with a "best threads compilation" for a indie rpg.  None of these compilation is at this time…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6, Miskatonic.

4/24/2012 Eliarhiman6: The Big "Stakes" Controversy
It's a FAQ, or at least it should be. Because I can't count the times I did read some actual play reports about games with explicit stake-setting before the conflicts...…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6, Ron Edwards.

4/22/2012 Weber: Looking for "Star Wars: A New Hope as an example of 'non-control' gamemastering"
... or at least for the topic that the link with that name used to point to. There is a (nominal) link in the Scattershot archives under the topic "The…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Weber, Eliarhiman6.

4/9/2012 Eliarhiman6: My choice threads about Creative Agenda
For years, most of the theory threads here were about the Creative Agenda concept.  What almost stopped these discussions here at the Forge was the requirement, after the closing of…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6.

3/12/2012 Eliarhiman6: Distribution, the three-tier system, sales, and poison pages
A friend of mine asked me about some links about the problems and failures of the "traditional" distribution system.  Instead of sending the by email I thought that it would…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6.

7/7/2011 ADGBoss: Empire of the Dragon Lotus
I lost some of my notes on this design, which is something I want to get back too. The feedback I received on it was good, but since I cannot…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: ADGBoss, lumpley, Miskatonic.

5/16/2011 wholeridge: Looking for Discussion of "Story and Narrative Paradigms in Role-Playing Games"
Does the Archive hold any threads commenting on John Kim's "Story and Narrative Paradigms in Role-Playing Games"?
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: wholeridge, lumpley, stefoid, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards.

4/13/2011 Rafu: Ron on the "GM"?
I remember reading some classic thread where Ron broke the traditional "GM" role apart into constituent functions/roles. Unfortunately, it appears I didn't bookmark it, and I can't remember the thread…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Rafu, hix, Eliarhiman6.

3/11/2011 Quazar: Writing a Mystery for an RPG
I really want to encourage deductive reasoning and an organic story, and I remember that Forge used to have a GREAT thread about this.  I can't seem to find it…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Quazar, epweissengruber, Ron Edwards, KevinH.

2/9/2011 Troy_Costisick: The Standard Rants
Heya, There was a tradition in the RPG Theory forum for members to vent their thoughts on game design and game play in what was known as a "Standard Rant."…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Eliarhiman6, Neil the Wimp.

11/2/2010 Eliarhiman6: The forge will close down (info & background)
Following the announcement of the starting of the winter phase in the the thread The Winter of the Forge looms near, for the people baffled about the concept, I am…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6, Ron Edwards.

8/31/2010 Eliarhiman6: Murk, or beating down confusion
Hi! I am compiling a little "reading guide" on the concept of "Murk" for a Italian forum, prompted by Ron's recent postings and by the absence of that word from…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6.

7/25/2010 Eliarhiman6: The lumpley principle
First, a little grammar lesson: it's written "lumpley principle". Smallcaps. Then, about this thread... searching for posts about the shared imagined space I found these, at it was a pity…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6.

7/21/2010 Eliarhiman6: Who REALLY coined "Shared Imagined Space"?
Hi! I was arguing in another forum with a guy who was using Fang Langford definition of "Shared Imaginary Space" as the "original" one on which the Big Model definition…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6, Miskatonic, Paul Czege, jburneko, Artanis.

6/30/2010 lumpley: The Archives
The archives include every Forge post from minute 1 through the crash of May 30, 2010. They're at This, the live forum, begins with the first post of Jan…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: lumpley, Eliarhiman6, Miskatonic.

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