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In Game Development

5/5/2011 Anatola: Biased Information Table
I tend to create a lot of high-level information (politics, theology, philosophy) for my game worlds, and sometimes some of this is pertinent to certain characters; based on their backgrounds…
In Game Development
Participants: Anatola, Ron Edwards.

5/4/2011 Vulpinoid: A Ronnies failure...but the core of where I may be redeveloping a game
I'm excited about "Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple". I'll be putting down my $50 for a pre-ordered hardback with my name in it somewhere ($40 plus $10 international). I…
In Game Development
Participants: Vulpinoid, Thunder_God.

5/4/2011 Dan Maruschak: [Brick & Mortar] First playtests
Yesterday, Nolan, Leo, and I ran some playtests of Brick & Mortar: Last of the Independents, the game I created for the April round of The Ronnies. I just released…
In Game Development
Participants: Dan Maruschak, Thunder_God.

5/2/2011 Warrior Monk: How many variables can we include in a magic system?
Ok, I know the simple answer is "enough to make it fun" So I'm posting this to put some order in my thoughts, see how many blind spots you can…
In Game Development
Participants: Warrior Monk, stefoid, Vulpinoid, AdamG, JSDiamond, Ron Edwards.

5/1/2011 Gunnox: DrakHaven - The free forum MMORPG
[sup][center][b]Forewords[/b][/center][/sup] Hello it have been a while since I visited this site and for a long time ago I had multiple ideas about tabletop roleplaying games but I have scrapped…
In Game Development
Participants: Gunnox, Ron Edwards.

4/30/2011 Zala: World of Balviene fantasy setting invite
Hey all! Been a lurker for a long time, and have been putting some effort off and on into a generic campaign setting. My goal is to create a PDF…
In Game Development
Participants: Zala.

4/29/2011 rolepages: Coordinating a Game With Hundreds of Players
I have an online community called and we have several thousand members all of whom are relatively active. While the style of this community is very free form open…
In Game Development
Participants: rolepages.

4/29/2011 Anatola: Making Religion a Real Organization in Fantasy Role Playing
This is my first post here, and it is mainly just some thoughts I am having while fleshing out a setting for a role playing game I am soon to…
In Game Development
Participants: Anatola, Chris_Chinn, rolepages, stefoid, Noon, Ron Edwards.

4/28/2011 stefoid: [INGENERO] conflict res - tactical crunch players would u like this?
My aim is to provide tactical flair without the crunch.  Id be interested in those players who like a  good tactical fight.  would this appeal to you?  (there are sections…
In Game Development
Participants: stefoid, DarkHawkPro, Noon, Ron Edwards, phatonin.

4/18/2011 szp: Psychological randomness
When I was stuck in Korea last summer, I had come up with an idea for a game about dreams and psychological healing that I finally got around to committing…
In Game Development
Participants: szp, DarkHawkPro, baxil, K.Hoffren, Tokala.

4/13/2011 DarkHawkPro: Mythos Saga A TRPG
Hey folks.  Alright, i'm new to "The Forge" but my current group of helpers have become greatly unavailable to help with with development.  So i'm turning to the online community. …
In Game Development
Participants: DarkHawkPro, F33, Thriff, Ckelm, Noon.

4/11/2011 MacLeod: Dice and Rolling Them: Simple Questions
I'm just trying to get a basic mechanic implemented in this design so I can go ahead with all the fun ideas I have floating around my mind. The following…
In Game Development
Participants: MacLeod, contracycle, Ron Edwards, Chris_Chinn.

4/9/2011 MiniTurtle: Group Gathering
Hello, I am starting an online game development group. I am searching for member's. We are going to create an multiplayer space ship game for group practice. Can not give…
In Game Development
Participants: MiniTurtle, Ron Edwards.

4/9/2011 Gwynplaine: A game of monsters?
I am in the process of developing a game and thought that it would be nice to get some feedback from other people who are interested in similar. The links…
In Game Development
Participants: Gwynplaine, baxil.

4/9/2011 pjtanton: Developing a Game Setting
I've been developing a setting and system for some time and would like to get feedback from those interested in doing so. The link I've provided is to my recent…
In Game Development
Participants: pjtanton, Chris_Chinn, contracycle.

4/5/2011 killxo: Project Exodium i began work on Exodium in mid February of 2011. it started off as just an idea for an mmo, i was simply coming up with concepts and ideas.…
In Game Development
Participants: killxo, Ron Edwards, Noon, Daniel36.

4/5/2011 abjourne: Combat Resources [R2L]
Combat Resources While developing a fantasy rpg I devised a damage resource model I’d like some feedback on. The game uses a point mechanic to perform actions.…
In Game Development
Participants: abjourne, Ar Kayon, Chris_Chinn, Gwynplaine.

4/3/2011 abjourne: The Framing of Story
I've been developing/playing a rpg for years now. I've been "GMing" most of that time, recently One of the players has taken over that responsibility. Mechanically / Stylishly he's fine…
In Game Development
Participants: abjourne, Ron Edwards.

3/27/2011 stefoid: [ingenero] invoking mechanics that dont change the fictional situation
My game uses 'plays' in conflict situations, which is: to do something, the player must describe the characters intended actions as "what, how and why".  i.e.  "Jack is going to…
In Game Development
Participants: stefoid, davidberg, happysmellyfish, Paul Czege.

3/25/2011 New Fire: Tribal Magic
Greetings! My name is Jason Caminsky and I am currently designing a fantasy RPG known as New Fire. It's an adventure game set in a fictional world based on the…
In Game Development
Participants: New Fire, Chris_Chinn.

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Subsequent Topics
In Game Development

5/6/2011 Warrior Monk: How do I turn this into a GMfull minimalist RPG for beginners?
Here's the ruleset Sorry it's in spanish and incomplete, I'm having a lot of design doubts right now, However don't worry, I made a short version of the ruleset…
In Game Development
Participants: Warrior Monk, Chris_Chinn, JSDiamond.

5/9/2011 AlCook1: Creating a solo rpg system
I am have been developing a solitaire rpg system that would be used in conjunction with Mythic GM Emulator.  I know that pretty much any game can be used with…
In Game Development
Participants: AlCook1, Noon, killxo, Ron Edwards, Warrior Monk, Anders Gabrielsson.

5/12/2011 stefoid: [INGENERO] Traits, motivations and rewards.
Please see my sig for the link. Primarily, Motivations (like beliefs from Burning Wheel) in my game are used to drive goal setting or complicate things in interesting ways for…
In Game Development
Participants: stefoid, Warrior Monk.

5/12/2011 Tazio Bettin: Beyond the Mirror, a sci-fi game on memories and humanity -in development
My current game designing effort, Beyond the Mirror, is a roleplaying game set in a dystopian post-war period whose aim is to explore characters' memories in order to find out…
In Game Development
Participants: Tazio Bettin, Paul Czege, Ben Lehman, davide.losito, Rafu.

5/13/2011 Warrior Monk: A card game to make stories... to train players to become GMs
Ok, here's the alpha version of the rules, finally in english this time: The idea started from another game I was thinking of here: Ok, my goal is…
In Game Development
Participants: Warrior Monk, Galwinganoon, nuverian, Ar Kayon, mozartprado, Ron Edwards.

5/16/2011 Warrior Monk: Aventuras Epicas, a card game to make stories... to train RPG players.
Ok, alpha version of the game is finished, here are the rules and list of cards: This is a card based game to make stories. It's been designed with…
In Game Development
Participants: Warrior Monk.

5/22/2011 stefoid: [INGENERO] second draft available. How does it grab you?
I think Ive got some stuff going on with this game. Heres the spiel. I would love to get some feedback on this from other designers and Ron particularly,…
In Game Development
Participants: stefoid.

5/22/2011 daranp: Awakened Earth
Now that I've finally published ParaSpace, I am in the process of getting all the material together with a view to publishing Awakened Earth. Awakened Earth is set in a…
In Game Development
Participants: daranp.

5/24/2011 The Traveller: Codex Imaginata
Hello, I'm setting up a new RPG, Codex Imaginata, free to play for all, and I hope I'm in the right forum. This will be a generic system with several…
In Game Development
Participants: The Traveller, Ron Edwards, JSDiamond, Malckuss.

5/24/2011 Catelf: [Streed Rpg] Idea confusion.
I am troubled. I have so many ideas, and i essentially wants to possibly turn all of them into Rpg's. I have tried to summarize my preferred genres(i got some…
In Game Development
Participants: Catelf, DarkHawkPro, Warrior Monk.

5/25/2011 Clout: [Clout] Prototype rules
Hi guys. I've read these forums for a while and just registered to post a link to my blog, where the pdf of my prototype ruleset is hosted.  It's just…
In Game Development
Participants: Clout, Noon.

5/27/2011 New Fire: Narrative Mechanic Ideas
Greetings, all. I am currently designing a fantasy RPG set in a fictional world based on Aztec, Maya, and other Mesoamerican mythologies (here is a link to the game website:…
In Game Development
Participants: New Fire, stefoid, Warrior Monk, Abkajud.

5/29/2011 Matthew V: [Beloved] In a dream ... II (split)
I'm quite happily married and have no qualms about this game. As others have mentioned, it seems riskily shallow or even rediculous on the surface, but when I poked a…
In Game Development
Participants: Matthew V, Noon, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman.

5/30/2011 Kanosint: Mini-games within an existing system: Is it doable?
Greetings, kind comrades Today I would wish to consider a rare mechanic. Certainly, I never saw it before. Still, I think it could be interesting. As you might have guessed…
In Game Development
Participants: Kanosint, Matthew V, Catelf, Warrior Monk, JSDiamond, Anders Gabrielsson.

6/5/2011 Icel: Playtesting "Legend"
Hello, I've been working on a small scale combat resolution system for the past couple of years, and it was available for the public for more then a year now.…
In Game Development
Participants: Icel.

6/6/2011 SamSlayde: Looking for feedback towards a game in an early state
Hello everyone, I'm just looking for some feedback on a little RPG I put together over the weekend. It's called the Less-Dice system, and the rules as of right now…
In Game Development
Participants: SamSlayde, Noon, D.R. Clifford.

6/6/2011 voidgere: Ars Arcanum
I have been an observer of this site for some time now.  Only recently have I had enough material, I feel, to post here and get some reviews.  I have…
In Game Development
Participants: voidgere, John Michael Crovis.

6/6/2011 Stregheria Games: Stregoneria Beta Version 1.01 Now Free!
Yep, that's right folks. This game needs to be tested by a decent amount of players before it's printed in dead-tree format, so as of now, the pdf is absolutely…
In Game Development
Participants: Stregheria Games, John Michael Crovis.

6/8/2011 davidberg: [Within My Clutches] golf club domination, mansion bison, death & taxes
This is a report on the first playtest of Within My Clutches, which I created for the April 2011 Ronnies (thread here). Here's the current draft of the rules. For…
In Game Development
Participants: davidberg, Ron Edwards, Hailen.

6/8/2011 Ron Edwards: Three games about religion
Last fall, I conformed to a common stereotype about men in their mid-40s and apparently became obsessed with matters of religion. Its roots lie in my work on Shahida but…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards, Abkajud, Lavinia, epweissengruber, davidberg, Noon, JSDiamond, Anders Gabrielsson, Marshall Burns, contracycle, hansel, MatrixGamer, ejh, ADGBoss, graypawn, Alfryd, sirogit, clukemula, LandonSuffered.

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