Previous Topics 4/5/2004 lumpley: The Me Principle So this is kind of self-involved and pointless, but if I can't post it drunk at the birthday party when can I?
I didn't name the Lumpley Principle.
I wouldn't'a… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: lumpley, Andy Kitkowski, Gordon C. Landis.
3/2/2004 lumpley: Sitch -> Sitch in Gamism & Sim I said this somewhere else:After setup, what a game's rules do is control how you resolve one situation into the next. If you're designing a Narrativist game, what you need… In GNS Model Discussion Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, John Kim, Walt Freitag, M. J. Young.
2/26/2004 lumpley: Prydain, the Hobbit, Pendragon ... Fun for Kids! Sebastian, my 7yo, read the back of my big Pendragon book. He explained it to me last night at dinner. "It's like Universalis," he said, "only you have to have… In Actual Play Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Simon W, GreatWolf, Zak Arntson, Christopher Weeks, Andrew Norris, Jeph, WDFlores, RaconteurX, Doyce, DannyK, Zathreyel.
2/12/2004 lumpley: An Important Lesson to Learn If you're explaining and you say "you know, like in a western," and your (potential) players just keep staring at you blankly? Dogs is going to be a hard sell.… In lumpley games Participants: lumpley, inthisstyle, Emily Care, bluegargantua, nikola, Jake Norwood, Jonathan Walton.
2/12/2004 lumpley: A Hitch in Character Creation Tom pointed this out to me at VeriCon and a character creation session last night drove it well home.
When you create your character, you say something that you hope… In lumpley games Participants: lumpley, inthisstyle, Emily Care, bluegargantua.
2/3/2004 lumpley: A Gigantic Favor Anybody who has a few free minutes, would you do me a gigantic favor? Check out the scenario creation procedure and make a town? As though you were going to… In lumpley games Participants: lumpley, Clinton R. Nixon, bluegargantua, nikola, ScottM, inthisstyle.
2/3/2004 lumpley: Welcome! This here's Dogs in the Vineyard's super-secret hidden playtest forum.
The game's not a secret, but, like Paul and his My Life with Master playtest, I'd just as soon keep… In lumpley games Participants: lumpley.
2/3/2004 lumpley: Current Game Text Dogs' working text lives here, in .doc form:
Soon it will live here, in .pdf form:
So that's good. In lumpley games Participants: lumpley, drozdal.
2/3/2004 lumpley: GMs: Creating Scenarios Rules:
Draw a circle. Put a dot and arrow in it for each PC plus one for the Territorial Authority plus one for the Faith. Leave room; you can… In lumpley games Participants: lumpley, bluegargantua, Clinton R. Nixon, inthisstyle.
2/3/2004 lumpley: GMs: What's Wrong [b]Stewardship[/b]
The Faith's organization is made of nested domains of spiritual authority, called Stewardship. It looks like this, where "}" means "falls under the Stewardship of":
[i]Local Families } Local… In lumpley games Participants: lumpley.
1/9/2004 lumpley: More Adventures in Shared Character Vision We're talking about the three Old Men of Tremere - my Lucere, Em's Unamo and Meg's Lachesis Mutus - and I'm whiny.
" I mean," I'm saying, "you all just… In Actual Play Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, C. Edwards, Emily Care, Ian Charvill, cruciel, Meguey.
12/31/2003 lumpley: Adventures in RGFA Simulationism This is a long time ago, like a couple years, but there's a lull in the game. Something resolved, we sit back and what's next?
"Well-" Meg says.
"I climb… In Actual Play Participants: lumpley.
12/9/2003 lumpley: Further More Adventures in Improvised System Here's one that went really well!
Our characters are young, inexperienced, politically radical outsider mages we've never played before. We brainstorm: they're Gypsies, they've turned their back on the Order… In Actual Play Participants: lumpley, Paul Czege, Emily Care.
12/7/2003 lumpley: Adventures in Shared Character Vision [b]It's over a year ago...[/b]
"Hey, has everybody else noticed that Vincent's not playing any of the covenfolk?" Meg says.
"Y'know, I had noticed that," says Emily. "I've been wondering… In Actual Play Participants: lumpley, Valamir, Meguey, Matt Wilson, bluegargantua, Emily Care, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, cruciel, Gordon C. Landis.
10/20/2003 lumpley: Trollbabe Tragedy! My workplace's netnanny, Websense, just put the boot on Trollbabe:
The Websense category "Sex" is filtered.
My Mondays are gonna be even lamer than before.
Have you ever considered an… In Adept Press Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege.
10/3/2003 lumpley: Adventures in Improvised System My guy fucks corpses. It's okay, I mean he's the son of Lucere, one of the three old men of Tremere, and Lucere raised him to be the Antichrist, which… In Actual Play Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, Emily Care, Valamir, Jonathan Walton, Paul Czege, Tim Alexander, Meguey, cruciel, bluegargantua, LordSmerf, Ben Lehman.
9/29/2003 lumpley: Speaking of Trollbabe Comics... There hasn't been a new one since the end of Avatar is Plenty. I'm jonesin'.
-Vincent In Adept Press Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, jrs.
9/23/2003 lumpley: I finally got IIEE! Occasionally my job requires me to sit quietly under very boring and technical circumstances. I was doing that the other day and BAM!
So you have some people talking about… In RPG Theory Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, kalyptein, ethan_greer, pete_darby, cruciel, LordSmerf.
9/15/2003 lumpley: Personal Relevance and Multi-PC Play Up in Character and Our Weird Gamer Friends, Clinton wroteDoing this myself, I have specific characters that are:
- Sad-About-Divorce Clinton
- Really-Pissed-Off-Now-About-Divorce Clinton
- Attracted-to-Friend's-Wife Clinton
- Wishing-to-Enact-Justice-on-Loony-Parents Clinton… In Actual Play Participants: lumpley, cruciel.
9/15/2003 lumpley: Trollbabe Comic continues to rock Just thought it worth mentioning.
-Vincent In Adept Press Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, jburneko, Clinton R. Nixon.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 4/7/2004 lumpley: Responsible Game Design So I'm designing this Dogs in the Vineyard game, right, and ... well, it's like my freewheeling monkey business days are over. Time was, I could write a Matchmaker or… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, Shreyas Sampat.
4/19/2004 lumpley: again with the killing puppies! I ran kill puppies for satan at OurCon this weekend, for 5 undergrad students and 1 grad student, 4 women 2 men, with two romantic couples present, I believe -… In Actual Play Participants: lumpley, Christopher Weeks, Gaerik, Ron Edwards, hawklord2112.
4/28/2004 lumpley: A Theoretical Combat System Straight out of Fear & confusion, and bearing in mind that somewhere out in the world there's someone who wants me to write a game called Two Clicks...
Imagine a… In RPG Theory Participants: lumpley, cruciel, Noon, Mike Holmes, simon_hibbs, ethan_greer, Sydney Freedberg, Andrew Norris, John Harper, Christopher Weeks.
4/29/2004 lumpley: Lines, Veils, Breaking the Ice (Anybody who happens to not know, "lines and veils" is a way to talk about players' comfort with in-game material. Ron introduced the terms in Sex and Sorcery.)
Emily Care… In Actual Play Participants: lumpley, cruciel, DannyK, Emily Care, Andrew Norris, Ron Edwards, Doyce, talysman, C. Edwards, bluegargantua, Christopher Weeks, Matt Wilson, Noon, Nev the Deranged, quozl, John Harper.
5/19/2004 lumpley: It Could Be Worse Cranky post by me:
I remember a time, maybe a year and a half ago, when new people would come to the Forge, post in Indie Game Design, and ...… In Site Discussion Participants: lumpley, Valamir, Andrew Norris, John Kim, Ron Edwards, greyorm, Brad Renfro, ethan_greer, Andrew Morris, Mike Holmes, M. J. Young, GMSkarka.
5/24/2004 lumpley: A Non-RPG Example of Premise in Play Check out Scott McCloud's current morning improv, Mimi's Last Coffee. Requires Flash.
You've got a thematically charged setup and characters locked into it. You can see from reading the comic… In GNS Model Discussion Participants: lumpley, M. J. Young, Emily Care, Jack Spencer Jr, ethan_greer.
6/30/2004 lumpley: "Sacrificing Character Integrity" - a Rant Can this idea please just die?
You can't understand the difference between Narrativism and Simulationism this way: A Narrativist will sacrifice character integrity in order to address Premise. It's just… In GNS Model Discussion Participants: lumpley, xiombarg, Ron Edwards, John Kim, Marco, Valamir, Ravien, C. Edwards, Matt Snyder, Matt Wilson, timfire, ADGBoss, M. J. Young, Sean, contracycle, TonyLB, Mark D. Eddy, Bankuei, Paganini, hanschristianandersen, JackBauer, Jack Spencer Jr.
7/1/2004 lumpley: Caring How it Resolves? From "Sacrificing Character Integrity" - a Rant.
Vince, I don't usually disagree with you, but I got to now. Train of thought commencing:
A transcript is an account of the… In GNS Model Discussion Participants: lumpley, JamesSterrett, Silmenume, Kesher, Paganini, ADGBoss, Noon, Marco, TonyLB, pete_darby, contracycle, C. Edwards, Doctor Xero, Matt Snyder, Jack Spencer Jr, M. J. Young, Bob McNamee, TooManyGoddamnOrcs, John Kim, Walt Freitag, ErrathofKosh.
7/3/2004 lumpley: When Is It Real? In this post in Waiting for Narrativism...What do you think about the split of "whether something is real even if its not entered that space, vs. only if it… In GNS Model Discussion Participants: lumpley, Marco, Gaerik, Jack Spencer Jr, John Kim, M. J. Young, Paganini, Ben Lehman, Caldis, contracycle.
7/6/2004 lumpley: Online Playtesting? Hey everybody. Jack Bauer asked me to ask you all if anybody's doing any online playtesting or wants to. He wants to play over AIM, he doesn't want to run.… In lumpley games Participants: lumpley, Ben Lehman.
7/26/2004 lumpley: The Mountain People: an Uncertain Future This week on the Discovery Channel.
No, I'm lying. The Mountain People's future is clear. They get to stop being the demonic enemies of the Faith and start being just… In lumpley games Participants: lumpley, Jonathan Walton, inthisstyle, Ben Lehman, xiombarg.
7/27/2004 lumpley: Reminder: Credibility Assent underlies each moment of play. At each moment of play, if any single player doesn't fully assent to the imagined events of the game, play stops and the group… In RPG Theory Participants: lumpley, Christopher Weeks, Noon.
8/3/2004 lumpley: I Have an Issue, for one I'm still seeing only the first strip of "We All Have Issues." Is that as it should be?
-Vincent In Adept Press Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Jonathan Walton, Valamir, joshua neff, 6inTruder.
8/4/2004 lumpley: A short rant about "SIS" "SIS" is broken terminology. I hate it with hate!
The SIS is precisely what the players agree happens in the game. A CRPG, a game book, Stratego, they don't have… In RPG Theory Participants: lumpley, Christopher Weeks, Sean, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Valamir, timfire, John Kim, Noon, Paganini, ADGBoss, contracycle, Alan, simon_hibbs, ErrathofKosh, Jonathan Walton.
8/17/2004 lumpley: Woo Hoody Hoo! I have the books in my hot little hand! I'll see some of you at GenCon. Check it out:
-Vincent In lumpley games Participants: lumpley, Ben Lehman, ScottM, Ron Edwards, jrs.
8/25/2004 lumpley: Welcome Anew! The soopaseekrit stage of this forum was fun and helpful, so thanks to everyone who participated. Now this is the lumpley games forum, exposed to view and scrutiny!
Please don't… In lumpley games Participants: lumpley, nikola, Spy vs. Spy, Ethesis, baron samedi, Warmachine3002.
8/25/2004 lumpley: PTA ETA? How soon until I can buy a couple of the perfect-bound PTAs to give as gifts?
-Vincent In Dog Eared Designs Participants: lumpley, Matt Wilson, Ian O'Rourke, Christopher Weeks, bastion-b.
8/27/2004 lumpley: Prime Time Adventures: Moose in the City I've been telling and telling this story. Usually I save it for the end of my GenCon story telling because it's so good. I guess I'm going to lead with… In Actual Play Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, Lxndr, Matt Wilson, Calder_Johnson, anonymouse, Caldis, Gordon C. Landis, b_bankhead, Meguey, John Harper, Mike Holmes, nikola, Lisa Padol.
8/28/2004 lumpley: [kpfs] A Startling Postscript It's Friday, maybe, toward the end of the GenCon day. I'm standing around the booth not being too useful, and this guy comes up to me. He shakes my hand,… In Actual Play Participants: lumpley.
9/2/2004 lumpley: A GenCon Story. Contains Swears. GenCon '04.
Here's a story: this guy comes to the Forge booth. It's Saturday before noon and he's already been drinking a bit and plus he's a real asshole. He… In Conventions Participants: lumpley, Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards, jrs, Ben Lehman, abzu, Satyrblade, Ed Cha.
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