Previous Topics 8/9/2004 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2004] Contact information and showing up Hello,
It's coming close to the time when we need to designate contact people for various times at GenCon, so people who show up know they can get in touch.… In Conventions Participants: Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, Bob Goat, Matt Gwinn, Andy Kitkowski, Jürgen Mayer, Nev the Deranged, smokewolf, Valamir, Matt Wilson, Paul Czege, Lisa Padol.
8/6/2004 Ron Edwards: [RuneQuest: Slayers] Skulls, blood, other body fluids Hello,
Jake Norwood and I got some chances for role-playing together last week, which included my long-awaited try with RuneQuest: Slayers.
For those who don't know the history, the… In Actual Play Participants: Ron Edwards, ErrathofKosh, Sean, John Burdick, Ben Lehman, Noon, ADGBoss.
8/4/2004 Ron Edwards: "Shared story authorship" inquiry Hi there,
On an actual play thread, James (DJamesIII) wrote,
Ron: this next question is for you, and it may be a new thread in a new forum. Is the… In GNS Model Discussion Participants: Ron Edwards, TonyLB, JamesDJIII.
7/22/2004 Ron Edwards: Interview with me at Flames Rising Hello,
There's a new interview with me at Flames Rising. Check it out; I'm given to understand it's spawned some discussion at the forums there.
Oh yeah, and if you… In Adept Press Participants: Ron Edwards, Vaxalon, Fabrice G., Nev the Deranged.
7/20/2004 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2004] Booth furniture - very important Hello,
So far I have not ordered any booth furniture from the company that's working with GenCon LLC, The George E. Fern Co.
For all three GenCons I've done so… In Conventions Participants: Ron Edwards.
7/16/2004 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2004] Pamphlets/handouts Hey there,
Phil Reed and I have come up with a plan for the booth handouts & paper stuff.
A trifold pamphlet that lists all the companies and… In Conventions Participants: Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, philreed, Valamir, alchemist, lumpley, Bob Goat, Paul Czege, Tav_Behemoth, btrc.
7/12/2004 Ron Edwards: Questions in prepping my BW game Hello,
I'm prepping for our upcoming Burning Wheel game, which is planned to be a pretty extensive set of sessions. I'm doing this mainly by dumping as much into the… In Burning Wheel Participants: Ron Edwards, abzu, Eero Tuovinen, Paka, rafial, taepoong.
7/12/2004 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2004] The folks who'll be there Hi everyone,
Here's the list! If you thought you were on it and you're not, contact me ASAP. If you still want to be on it, you're pretty much shit… In Conventions Participants: Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski, Matt Wilson, abzu, alchemist, Matt Snyder, Bob Goat, Paul Czege, Michael S. Miller, lumpley, Tav_Behemoth, Jürgen Mayer, Matt Gwinn, smokewolf, jrs, Mike Holmes, Nev the Deranged.
7/6/2004 Ron Edwards: Moderator talk & recent thread-lock Hello,
This thread refers to my closing of Playing with strict Karma, and subsequent locking.
Michael, that was a sarcastic and vicious reply to my Actual Play thread-closure. It… In Site Discussion Participants: Ron Edwards, RaconteurX, ErrathofKosh, ethan_greer, Ben Lehman, Bankuei.
6/1/2004 Ron Edwards: DemonCon III followup Hello,
Let's qualify this a little - it's not a real big con, all right? Just an open play day, getting people to meet one another. We've tried to get… In Conventions Participants: Ron Edwards, Bob Goat.
5/25/2004 Ron Edwards: [Trollbabe comics] Life and Death Hello,
My story with Ed Heil, Mystic Crystal Revelations, is now concluded. It should be available in full soon.
The new story, Life and Death, written by me and illustrated… In Adept Press Participants: Ron Edwards, jrs, joshua neff, sirogit, ejh, Andrew Navaro, Valamir, Bankuei, greyorm.
5/25/2004 Ron Edwards: [Sex & Sorcery] Gay stuff Hello,
This thread follows up on Judd's (Paka's) comment in Sex and Sorcery: facts feeding fictions:
... would like to at some point address the gay and lesbian issues that… In Adept Press Participants: Ron Edwards, DannyK, Paka, lumpley, kwill, Tim C Koppang.
5/24/2004 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2004] The look & feel Hello,
This thread is related to Booth design and logistics, but mainly focused on atmosphere, comportment, and other intangibles which, in practice, are actually quite tangible. I figure… In Conventions Participants: Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Matt Snyder, Andy Kitkowski, Eero Tuovinen, abzu, AdAstraGames, Nev the Deranged, LordSmerf, btrc.
5/18/2004 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2204] Booth design and logistics Hello,
Quick note first
I am possibly unique in this, but today it was a huge surprise to me to check the GenCon dates and to realize that they've been… In Conventions Participants: Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, Mike Holmes, jrs, Bob Goat, abzu, daMoose_Neo, btrc, Michael S. Miller, Valamir, Matt Wilson, Matt Snyder, Dav, Andy Kitkowski, Paul Czege, AdAstraGames, LordSmerf.
5/13/2004 Ron Edwards: [The Mountain Witch] Playtest comments #1 Hello,
Last night we played The Mountain Witch at the campus club meeting. I GM'd with four players. First news? Massive positive response; afterwards, one person pointed out that we'd… In Actual Play Participants: Ron Edwards, timfire, Emily Care.
5/11/2004 Ron Edwards: DemonCon III (I hope) Hello,
For those of you who can't tell, it's been a bitch of a month for me. So I only hope this very late announcement is able to draw some… In Conventions Participants: Ron Edwards, Tim C Koppang, Mike Holmes, abzu.
5/11/2004 Ron Edwards: Forge Glossary Hello,
Here's the state of things: the first draft has been finished for over a month. It's been awaiting formatting, and now that's hit a snag in terms of others'… In Site Discussion Participants: Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, Sean, Mike Holmes, rafial, greyorm, Doyce, Bob McNamee, clehrich, Christopher Kubasik, Walt Freitag, pete_darby, Jonathan Walton, Ian Charvill, Garbanzo, Valamir, cruciel, Bankuei, Jack Spencer Jr, bcook1971.
5/9/2004 Ron Edwards: Mechanical gender differences II [Mongrel] Hello,
I'd like to receive some comments which compare Ben's (Ravien's) game design to my proto-game for the Simulationism essay, Mongrel, in terms of character-gender-based rules in character creation, somewhat… In RPG Theory Participants: Ron Edwards, neelk, rafial, quozl, Valamir, Jack Spencer Jr, Andrew Martin, Ravien, Walt Freitag, Christopher Kubasik.
5/5/2004 Ron Edwards: [The Mountain Witch] Initial comments based on reading Hello,
This game floats my boat, so here are some comments I've worked up from reading. More will come, I'm sure, after I get a chance to play. The comments… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ron Edwards, timfire, Mike Holmes.
4/25/2004 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2004] Sign-up instructions: the time has come Hello,
I'm opening up sign-ups for GenCon. Play by the following rules; I'll just deny anyone who makes life difficult by not being clear. This thread is not about logistics… In Conventions Participants: Ron Edwards, lumpley, Michael S. Miller, Jürgen Mayer, Valamir, btrc, AdAstraGames, xiombarg, Lxndr, smokewolf.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 8/27/2004 Ron Edwards: Welcome to the Adept Press forum Hello, and welcome to the Adept Press forum!
Rules - all the basic Forge rules in Etiquette at the Forge (policy) apply in this forum, which shouldn't be surprising 'cause… In Adept Press Participants: Ron Edwards.
8/27/2004 Ron Edwards: I need Cold War consultation Hello,
I'm considering developing my very sketchy game design Zero at the Bone into a full-blown game for release next year.
To do this, I'm going to have to learn… In Connections Participants: Ron Edwards, Bob Goat, cns1138, Kesher.
8/28/2004 Ron Edwards: Force I'm gonna say it once more.
1. Force is when one person exercises controlling influence over another person's character's decisions, when those decisions are central to whatever CA is going… In GNS Model Discussion Participants: Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman, greyorm.
8/28/2004 Ron Edwards: This forum is being reviewed I have decided that this forum needs a house-cleaning.
My own recent post is angry, frustrated, and completely devoid of any expectation that it will be understood.
That is a… In GNS Model Discussion Participants: Ron Edwards.
8/29/2004 Ron Edwards: Musings on play-experiences and the current text Hi Matt and everyone,
Here's a quick summary of stuff we talked about on the phone.
1. I was interested in what happens if the budget runs out. As the… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Ron Edwards, Alan, Ian O'Rourke, Matt Wilson.
8/31/2004 Ron Edwards: RULES FOR THIS FORUM: IN FORCE SEPT 1 2004 New rules for the GNS forum
As of October 1, a new forum will begin at the Forge called "Introduction to the Big Model," or something like that. This… In GNS Model Discussion Participants: Ron Edwards, Alan, clehrich, GreatWolf, Mark D. Eddy, Emily Care, Clinton R. Nixon, Marco, timfire, Asrogoth, bcook1971, Christopher Kubasik, Artanis, Paganini.
9/1/2004 Ron Edwards: Reality TV Hello,
My wife just suggested that PTA could handle "reality TV" quite well.
I agree with her, because my take on so-called reality TV is that it's a fictional story… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson, Valamir, Mike Holmes.
9/2/2004 Ron Edwards: [Burning Wheel] Bad-ass elves in action Hello,
At last! We made up characters for this over a month ago, but conventions, illnesses, and many late-summer obligations have hammered our play-schedule.
As I discussed in Prepping my… In Actual Play Participants: Ron Edwards, rafial, Negilent, abzu, taepoong.
9/5/2004 Ron Edwards: Is there enough choice in the Choice? Hi Matt,
I've been making up some characters for Nine Worlds, and it keeps bugging me ... if I decide to make a pretty skewed character in terms of Arete… In Chimera Creative Participants: Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder.
9/8/2004 Ron Edwards: What should White Wolf do? (I'm asked) Hello,
In the White Wolf Discussion thread, John Kim responded to a point of mine:
Anyway, back to White Wolf. Its four-game, supplement-heavy treadmill tactic failed in the mid-90s. People… In Publishing Participants: Ron Edwards, ADGBoss, John Kim, DannyK, eyebeams, mearls.
9/9/2004 Ron Edwards: Malcolm's points to me - reply Hello,
Because Malcolm has stated that non line-by-line replies are not to his liking, I'm going point by point in this one, against my better judgment.
Malcolm, you wrote,
Did… In RPG Theory Participants: Ron Edwards, John Kim, eyebeams, Matt Snyder, xiombarg, Ben Lehman, rafial, M. J. Young.
9/10/2004 Ron Edwards: Nine Worlds epiphany Hello,
Some of the following is expanded from a recent private message to Matt.
Nine Worlds has finally converted me. I gotta say, I am a terrible audience for pop-metaphysics… In Chimera Creative Participants: Ron Edwards, joshua neff, Paul Czege, Erling Rognli, 1000buffalo, Matt Snyder.
9/10/2004 Ron Edwards: [Burning Wheel] Bat-things, Spite, love, and God Hello,
Continuing from Bad-ass elves in action, we played our second session! I was pretty well-loaded for this one, in terms of numerical prep.
The bad news from… In Actual Play Participants: Ron Edwards, abzu, Paka, jrs, Bob Goat.
9/12/2004 Ron Edwards: [Code of Unaris] Don't miss this one Hello,
I met Gary Pratt at GenCon, and it's kind of an amusing story if you know me. Julie (jrs) and I were waiting for the doors to open at… In Actual Play Participants: Ron Edwards, GaryTP, Trevis Martin, Jonathan Walton, Ben Lehman, Noon, Christopher Weeks, TonyLB, Andy Kitkowski.
9/23/2004 Ron Edwards: [Bones] Publishing feedback Hello,
This is an example of the kind of feedback I tend to give people when they send me a pre-print mockup of their game, for any comments before they… In Publishing Participants: Ron Edwards, andy, Paul Czege, GregS, Bob Goat, jdagna, madelf, jerry.
10/6/2004 Ron Edwards: Hacking Hi there,
Walt Freitag and I were kicking around some ideas through private messages, and then it seemed to evolve into something of general interest.
Walt wrote (the first internal… In RPG Theory Participants: Ron Edwards, ErrathofKosh, Shreyas Sampat, Roger, Noon, nellist, Walt Freitag, Alan, M. J. Young, Doug Ruff, TonyLB, GaryTP, Jonathan Walton.
10/13/2004 Ron Edwards: [Trollbabe comics] Story's done! Hello,
It's all available now, at We All Have Issues. Kind of an odd little story, really, but see what you think.
The photo-based artwork was far more effective than… In Adept Press Participants: Ron Edwards, Rod Anderson, jrs, lumpley.
10/25/2004 Ron Edwards: [Trollbabe comics] Tea and Sympathy strip #1 Hi everyone,
Check out the first strip of the new Trollbabe story, written by me, pencilled by Rod Anderson, inked by James V. West, at the Trollbabe comics page. It's… In Adept Press Participants: Ron Edwards, Andrew Navaro, lumpley, Jonathan Walton, joshua neff, jrs, ejh, Valamir, Alan, Solomon.
10/26/2004 Ron Edwards: [Arc Dream Publishing] Wow! I have just been the recipient of the single most admirable (financial) act I've ever witnessed or heard of in role-playing publishing.
Over a year ago, one of the companies… In Publishing Participants: Ron Edwards, indiedog, Widener, daMoose_Neo, Paul Czege, jdagna, Jonathan Walton, Alex Jurkat, Shane Ivey.
11/22/2004 Ron Edwards: [Metal Opera] That's with an umlaut, ja baby! Hello,
We've just concluded a three-session run of Metal Opera (umlaut goes over the O), one of the many games published by Zak Arntson a while back. I think it's… In Actual Play Participants: Ron Edwards, timfire.
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