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From Day One

Previous Topics

1/1/2005 Noon: Finding gamism design hard
Awhile ago I said I'd just go and design a gamist game. I've found it's actually pretty damn hard and I probably look all talk and no walk now. Anyway,…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Noon, daMoose_Neo, Mike Holmes, Bankuei, Ron Edwards, Brendan, Wolfen, nathan404, Harlequin.

1/1/2005 Trevis Martin: & Sword Fiction, The Writing of Robert E Howard
Del Rey has been releasing trade paperbacks of Wandering Star's collection of the Robert E Howard's conan fiction. (A good thing as the Wandering Star hardcover limited editions are very,…
In Adept Press
Participants: Trevis Martin, bcook1971, joshua neff, Paganini, James_Nostack, Alan, Ron Edwards.

1/1/2005 JimLotFP: Is this a good or foolish idea in presenting a new game?
LotFP: RPG playtesting is going slowly. None of the people who have contacted me about playtesting seem to have actually tried playing the game as of yet, and I feel…
In Publishing
Participants: JimLotFP, Michael S. Miller, daMoose_Neo, Bankuei, GregS, Vaxalon, jdagna, KeithBVaughn, abzu, GaryTP.

12/31/2004 Spooky Fanboy: Mage: the Ascension to Heroquest conversion notes?
Pretty much what it says. I am looking for a way to "unleash" Mage and from what everyone here has said, Heroquest just seems to make everything it touches better.…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Spooky Fanboy, Bankuei, neelk, Brand_Robins, Eero Tuovinen, Jere, Mike Holmes, nichughes.

12/31/2004 abzu: NYE
Happy New Year all. My all your play be enjoyable and game design be clever. -L
In Site Discussion
Participants: abzu.

12/31/2004 Tim Alexander: [Sorcerer] More Ordinary Tragedies
Hey Folks, Last night we finished up the fourth session of the Ordinary Tragedies game. You can see the prep session here and the first play session here. I never…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tim Alexander, Ron Edwards.

12/31/2004 Michael S. Miller: Donjon reviewed at
[url=]The review is available here[/url] All in all, the reviewer understands the game and mostly what it's about (although he glosses over the "screw your friends" factor). He's rather harsh…
In CRN Games
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Roger.

12/31/2004 Black Iris Dancer: A game whose name you thought you'd probably never see here
This is vaguely related to some thoughts I had over here about the whole G/N/S triumvirate. You may or may not want to read that first. It is long…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Black Iris Dancer, Dev, Noon, Sydney Freedberg, contracycle.

12/31/2004 Black Iris Dancer: On creativity and artificial boundaries
Hi, everyone. This being my first post, I figured some introduction was in order. I think that about sufficies. I found this site while looking for, of all things, legal…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Black Iris Dancer, Brendan, Trevis Martin, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young, xenopulse, clehrich, Marco, apparition13.

12/31/2004 Silmenume: The Impossible Thing Before Breakfast
[quote="From the Provisional Glossary"]Impossible Thing Before Breakfast, the[list]"The GM is the author of the story and the players direct the actions of the protagonists." Widely repeated across many role-playing texts.…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, Caldis, Jaik, Brendan, John Kim, Ron Edwards, Marco, M. J. Young, Christopher Kubasik, Noon, greyorm, TonyLB, Valamir.

12/31/2004 Old_Scratch: [Sorcerer] The Sin Eaters
I came up with this setting while taking my dog for a walk, and even though I haven't had a chance yet, I'd like to throw some ideas out. It…
In Adept Press
Participants: Old_Scratch, Lxndr, Ron Edwards.

12/31/2004 icelandknight: Some Points about our RPG sessions
We are a group that have always played together regularly... although recently that means just at Xmas. Mainly because most of the people have moved abroad to work. We used…
In Actual Play
Participants: icelandknight, friartuck, Emily Care.

12/30/2004 Andy Kitkowski: PTA Idea Mine
Just wanted to point out, there's kind of an Idea Mine going on at RPGNet: Feel free to skim or jump in.
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Andy Kitkowski.

12/30/2004 Christopher Weeks: [DitV] Accomplishments
The book presents the only kind of improper accomplishments that a player can come up with as ones that invalidate the whole "dogness" (or survival) of the character. Is that…
In lumpley games
Participants: Christopher Weeks, Nick Pagnucco, Technocrat13, jasonm, Spooky Fanboy, lumpley, nikola.

12/29/2004 Snowden: Technology as color in science fiction
Split from Breaking The Heart Of The Universe, which has been expanding at a geometrically increasing rate. I'm sorry. I can't think of a single story in all of Star…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Snowden, xenopulse, Storn, daMoose_Neo, Noon, NN, Marco, Kedamono, M. J. Young, Rob Carriere, contracycle, Harlequin.

12/29/2004 Dev: Fastlane - minor rules explanations
Firstly, the handicap: how important is that really, in the balance of things? I'd feel more aesthetically pleased if I didn't have to bother with that. Secondly, would things still…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Dev, Lxndr.

12/28/2004 James_Nostack: [TSoY] A Very Brief Engagement - Actual Play
Ran through my first session of The Shadow of Yesterday last night, with four players attending, including Clinton R. Nixon, the game's creator. I assume a log will be posted…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, J B Bell, friartuck, rafial, Nyarly.

12/28/2004 neko ewen: [Thrash 2.0] Action Points
I'm finally seriously working on the new version of my fighting game martial arts RPG; one of the things I was never really happy with for the game was the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: neko ewen, mark2v, Ultimate Chicken.

12/28/2004 Michael S. Miller: [Dreamation 2005] Promoting the Explosion
Now that we've got the schedule finalized, we need to let people know about this little shindig. I've created a quick flyer about the Explosion. I know it's not pretty,…
In Conventions
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Jared A. Sorensen, Helvetian, inthisstyle, Dregg.

12/28/2004 Michael S. Miller: Incarnadine Press seeks Logo artist
Incarnadine Press's melodramatic superhero game, With Great Power... needs a new logo. I'm looking for someone to work with me on designing one. If interested, contact me by PM or…
In Connections
Participants: Michael S. Miller.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

1/1/2005 Michael S. Miller: New Year's Resolution: Promoting the NPA
Last year at this time, many of us anxiously awaited being published in the NoPress Anthology. It was going to be this great, new, groundbreaking thing to shake things up.…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Jeph, abzu, Matt, xiombarg.

1/1/2005 daMoose_Neo: The Great Fantasy Cliche
I'm assembling some notes on something I call "The Great Fantasy Cliche" for a game project of mine. The aim is for the game to use this list or mini-essay,…
In RPG Theory
Participants: daMoose_Neo, neelk.

1/1/2005 Jasper: [Loqi] A sysem of competing narrations
I've just posted the preliminary version of the rules for a new game system, which I call Loqi. You can find it here in HTML: I'd appreciate general feedback…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jasper, xenopulse.

1/2/2005 Christopher Kubasik: What is it About the HQ Rules and Bringing Out Setting?
Hi all, I was fishing about and came across Brand's thread on using HQ for Earthdawn. Several quotes jumped out at me: Mike: "Since using HQ, I've been, as…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Bankuei, Minx, Brand_Robins, Russell Hoyle, Mike Holmes, Scripty, KingOfFarPoint.

1/2/2005 daMoose_Neo: [Dungeons/Dummies] Now "Imp Game", New Draft!
Lots o' updates for one post and title ^_^ #1 : What was formerly "Dungeons for Dummies", then "Dungeons/Dummies", is now "The Imp Game" (Because thats how its known and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Tobias, xenopulse, GaryTP.

1/2/2005 Yokiboy: Web Site Status?
Hey Vincent, What's the status of your Web site? The entire site is currently offline. TTFN, Yokiboy
In lumpley games
Participants: Yokiboy, lumpley, nikola, Emily Care.

1/2/2005 Sean: [Universalis] A mind-bending New Year's Eve
So I finally played Universalis with a group of people I've played with twice before (once 3e, once my Narrativist Fantasy Homebrew With No Name - one other lifelong diehard…
In Actual Play
Participants: Sean, Trevis Martin, Valamir.

1/2/2005 Peter Nordstrand: Hero Points for Scene Framing
Hi, Ordinarily I tend to remove rules from HeroQuest when playing. The core rules are such a well-oiled and beautiful machinery that additions, such as the redundant Wealth rules or…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.

1/2/2005 bcook1971: [WoD/VtR] It Clicked
My group finished the fifth and final session of our WoD campaign this morning. It was invigorating. Lots of interesting things to share. BW vs. TROS Everyone (including me) is…
In Actual Play
Participants: bcook1971, hix.

1/2/2005 Eero Tuovinen: [HQ] Well of Souls in China
So, I started a little mini-campaign of HeroQuest for a change. I'm currently up north in my little home town, and got an opportunity to play with some high school…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Bankuei.

1/2/2005 Mystique: Wanted: Indie Game Designer looking for partnership!
First: The Introductions... My name is Mike Clifford, and I am president of a small, independent RPG publishing company, Mystique Enterprises. We have released one D20 supplement (which continues to…
In Publishing
Participants: Mystique, TonyLB, greyorm, daMoose_Neo, Clinton R. Nixon, Eero Tuovinen.

1/2/2005 Mystique: Wanted: Indie Game Designer looking for partnership!
First: The Introductions... My name is Mike Clifford, and I am president of a small, independent RPG publishing company, Mystique Enterprises. We have released one D20 supplement (which continues to…
In Connections
Participants: Mystique, Ron Edwards, Wyrdwyre.

1/2/2005 oversoul01: True Beer and Pretzel Mechanic
Hey all I just thought of a great mechanic that would be really fun for a BnP game. The mechanic uses twist off bottle caps and pretzels. You have your…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: oversoul01, Ron Edwards.

1/3/2005 Matt Wilson: Shortlisted for the Weird GameWyrd Game Awards
Primetime Adventures is shortlisted, alongside Dogs in the Vineyard, for Most Original RPG or Supplement. I don't know who those other two are, but I'm pretty flattered to have my…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Matt Wilson, Bob Goat, Mike Holmes.

1/3/2005 Lxndr: Dice
How many 4 siders, 6 siders, 8 siders, and ten siders would you suggest I have if I wanted to supply a full group of (say) 4 + myself, out…
In lumpley games
Participants: Lxndr, Paka, nikola.

1/3/2005 Rob Carriere: Non-stock fantasy
[url=]In this post[/url], [quote="Snowden"]This may be something that belongs in a new thread, but I would [i]really[/i] like to hear more about such "non-stock" fantasy; I for one haven't read…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Rob Carriere, Black Iris Dancer, John Kim, Snowden, clehrich, Tomas HVM, neelk, M. J. Young, contracycle.

1/3/2005 Matt-M-McElroy: 2004 Weird GameWyrd Game Awards!
CoS has been nominated for an award! The Most Atmospheric RPG or Supplement: Conspiracy of Shadows (Bob Goat Press) To cast your vote, please visit the GameWyrd site: How…
In Bob Goat Press
Participants: Matt-M-McElroy, Mike Holmes, Bob Goat, staz100, inthisstyle.

1/3/2005 Joe Dizzy: Conflict guidelines?
Hello everybody, I plan on introducing PTA into my gaming group and want to make sure I understand the basics of it first. Especially since my players are much more…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Joe Dizzy, azrianni, Alan, Chris Goodwin, John Harper.

1/3/2005 Valamir: Universalis play in Dallas
Bill Cook, sent me This Cool Link Looks like a pretty slick way of organizing local mini cons. I'm glad to see Uni getting some play. Bill, let us know…
In Universalis
Participants: Valamir.

1/3/2005 kaotmus: ph.d grants in learning games and game design
I'm not sure this is the right forum, or if anybody will get upset with me for even posting this, but I thought somebody out there might be interested. I…
In Connections
Participants: kaotmus, Mike Holmes, xenopulse, clehrich.

more subsequent topics >>