The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

7/27/2005 Ben Lehman: Polaris Pre-Order
Starting now, for the next three weeks or so, I will be accepting pre-orders for Polaris my rapidly forthcoming role-playing game. I would like to get at least 15 pre-orders,…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Ben Lehman, Miskatonic, Tymen, Rob Donoghue, pfischer, GB Steve, LordSmerf, Brand_Robins, Christopher Weeks, mtiru, Matt.

7/23/2005 Ben Lehman: This is our Website
The TAO Games website is (partially) up at Go! Look! Thanks to Orie Hiromachi for the excellent site design.
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Ben Lehman, Miskatonic, Emily Care, matthijs, lumpley, Shreyas Sampat, John Harper, Remko, Kesher, jasonm.

7/18/2005 Ben Lehman: Polaris Actual Play
Here is a thread to link to all accounts of Actual Play for Polaris.  Once Favorites gets running again, I'll have a whole bunch of threads to link here.  Feel…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Ben Lehman, Rob Donoghue, Miskatonic, GreatWolf, Shreyas Sampat, Victor Gijsbers, Iskander, Hermes3, demiurgeastaroth, Artanis, Arturo G., Steven Stewart, Garvey, TomTancredi, Nev the Deranged, pfischer, khelek.

7/17/2005 Ben Lehman: Welcome!
This forum is for general discussion of any TAO Games products, which right now is limited to Polaris and Over the Bar, but should soon include a diverse menagerie. General…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Ben Lehman, xenopulse, Miskatonic, Emily Care, Clinton R. Nixon.

6/27/2005 Ben Lehman: YukiCon! (Sunday, July 3rd)
Hello everyone. Andy Kitkowski and I are putting on YukiCon at Andy's house (which I happen to co-habit) this upcoming Sunday, July 3rd. YukiCon will start at 10-11, and run…
In Conventions
Participants: Ben Lehman, Andy Kitkowski, Technocrat13, jasonm, Adam Dray, Jeph.

6/2/2005 Ben Lehman: [Polaris] How to Demo
This is a discussion regarding my game Polaris, which is in late-stage editing and playtest right now. If you want to contribute, and need a copy of the rules to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ben Lehman, Eero Tuovinen, Miskatonic, Kesher, Gaerik, Harlequin.

5/31/2005 Ben Lehman: [FafGame] This is a Good Game. This is the Best Game
I seem to have just acquired my first license, to develop a game based on FafBlog. The goal is to develop a role-playing style party game that would appeal…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ben Lehman, ethan_greer, Eero Tuovinen.

5/20/2005 Ben Lehman: Seeking 2nd ed PHB
Hi all. I just moved, and left my AD&D 2nd edition Player's Handbook at home, 'cause I have not looked at it in like five years. Sadly, of course, I…
In Connections
Participants: Ben Lehman, ethan_greer.

5/11/2005 Ben Lehman: Topics and GNS
This is my 1001st post on the Forge and, as usual, I have a crazy idea about the internal structure of some theoretical construct. *ahem* Topics and GNS I'd like…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Ben Lehman, matthijs, pete_darby, killacozzy, Alan, Ron Edwards, beingfrank, M. J. Young, Christopher Kubasik, ethan_greer, Gordon C. Landis.

5/10/2005 Ben Lehman: [Vocab] Task versus Conflict
Hi. Boy, there are a lot of threads about Task Resolution vs. Conflict resolution. Gee whiz. I think a lot of these are stumbling over the meanings of the terms,…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Ben Lehman, Adam Dray, timfire, Valamir, Gordon C. Landis, xenopulse, John Kim, Jinx, Noon, Ron Edwards, lumpley, Matt Snyder, Troy_Costisick, Andrew Morris, Walt Freitag, Caldis, Alephnul, Alan, Warren, WhiteRat, M. J. Young, GB Steve, greyorm.

4/27/2005 Ben Lehman: What Polaris Needs
Hi everyone! I'm getting very close to done with Polaris, my strange little game that has been described as "beautiful horror, emphasis on the beautiful, emphaisis on the horror" and…
In Connections
Participants: Ben Lehman, Matt Snyder, Eero Tuovinen, pete_darby, Rob MacDougall, rantipole, Dumirik.

4/8/2005 Ben Lehman: Best Threads of the Year
Hey, guys. Not a lot of time left in the Birthday forum. I want some nominations for Best Thread of the Year. Here are mine, and why: Writing for…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Ben Lehman, Kit, Emily Care, C. Edwards, John Kim, timfire.

4/8/2005 Ben Lehman: [Polaris] Live Playtest
Right now, four people are playtesting polaris and I am live blogging. Players are Dav, Ted, Henri and Heather. Dev: And so it was that the knight Corvus (Henri) was…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ben Lehman, Paka, Valamir, Sydney Freedberg, Harlequin.

4/7/2005 Ben Lehman: Centralized Sales Data
So a few publishers (Half-Meme, Dog-Eared Designs, and Ramshead, at least) have either publically released their sales data or have announced their intention to do so. I was wondering --…
In Connections
Participants: Ben Lehman, b_bankhead, jdagna, Bob Goat, Valamir, Ron Edwards, lumpley, Matt Wilson, abzu, matthijs, Clinton R. Nixon, nikola.

4/7/2005 Ben Lehman: Talk About Your Religious Beliefs
Hi. An attempt to make a cooler religion thread. Better. Faster. Stronger. We have the technology. Instead of just sounding off about why we believe in God, a thing which…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Ben Lehman, Christopher Weeks, pete_darby, Danny_K, Eero Tuovinen, Clinton R. Nixon, Anonymous, xenopulse, Lxndr, Green, joshua neff, lumpley, Ron Edwards, greyorm, Harlequin, Shreyas Sampat, J B Bell, Bankuei, groundhog, Meguey, Leningrad, Dumirik, Domhnall, James Holloway, nikola, Yasha, LordSmerf, Chris Goodwin, Silmenume, taalyn, ADGConscience.

4/5/2005 Ben Lehman: The Official "Bug Seth about Alyria" thread*
Seth! Finish Alyria already. What's your problem, man? *Can also be used for Otherkind, Sorcerer in Space, or any other delayed game you want to have right now.
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Ben Lehman, hix, coxcomb, Gaerik, Marhault, shreyas, login < lazy, GreatWolf, Jason L Blair, Valamir, joshua neff, lumpley, Gordon C. Landis, xenopulse, Jonathan Walton.

4/5/2005 Ben Lehman: Poetry Thread
This is a thread to post favorite poems in. Why? Because my very favorite is: `Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Ben Lehman, ethan_greer, Clinton R. Nixon, Valamir, Shreyas Sampat, Anonymous, Wolfen, lumpley, Meguey, Jeph, TonyLB, efindel, greyorm, joshua neff, Doug Ruff, pete_darby, James Holloway, Shawn De Arment, Emily Care, Gordon C. Landis, Harlequin, Sean, beingfrank, Jonathan Walton, jrs, droog, Thierry Michel, cthulahoops.

4/5/2005 Ben Lehman: Public Service Announcement
People who draw, paint, sculpt, etc: LEAVE A LINK TO YOUR DAMNED WEBSITE IN YOUR INFORMATION! You never know when they'll be a game designer trawling for artists. yrs-- --Ben
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Ben Lehman, daMoose_Neo, Trevis Martin.

4/5/2005 Ben Lehman: Why Does Your Game Rock?
This is totally the self-pimping thread. Nearly-done games, totally done games, and half-baked game ideas all welcome. Polaris (nearing print) rocks for a few reasons. First is that it has…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Ben Lehman, Matt Snyder, Bob Goat, TonyLB, abzu, daMoose_Neo, xenopulse, bcook1971, Anonymous, Frank T, Lxndr, Michael S. Miller.

4/1/2005 Ben Lehman: Polaris Goes d20!
Hi all. After much thought, I've decided to revamp Polaris as a D&D supplement using the d20 engine. Knights will be reconfigured as a nesting series of prestige classes (Angst…
In Polaris Playtest Forum
Participants: Ben Lehman, Emily Care, xiombarg, Dev.

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Subsequent Topics

8/3/2005 Ben Lehman: [Polaris] Layout Preview
Matt Snyder, independent publisher and also my layout guy for Polaris, has posted up some low-res preview images of the book's insides to his livejournal. <a href="">You should go look…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Ben Lehman, Kesher, ethan_greer.

8/3/2005 Ben Lehman: [GenCon 2005] Monkey Feeding
This is split from my <a href="">Auxiliary Gaming Zone</a> thread, which I managed to drive off topic by my own hand with a PS comment. In short -- the GenCon…
In Conventions
Participants: Ben Lehman, TonyLB, LordSmerf, btrc, Blankshield, Ron Edwards, Gaerik, daMoose_Neo, Paul Czege, Matt Wilson, Bob Goat, Clinton R. Nixon, timfire, abzu, Jasper the Mimbo.

8/4/2005 Ben Lehman: [GenCon 2005] Retailer Discounts
What with all the discussion going on in the <a href="">price list</a> thread, and also Tony's comment in <a href="">Why I sell to retailers</a>, I really think that the issue…
In Conventions
Participants: Ben Lehman, Clinton R. Nixon, Paul Czege, Bob Goat, Ron Edwards, jrs, ShawnHel, daMoose_Neo.

8/29/2005 Ben Lehman: Primeval Press Interview up
Jasper McChesney, Vincent Baker's long-lost cousin, has just posted his e-mail interview with me at the Primeval Press site. yrs-- --Ben
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Ben Lehman.

8/31/2005 Ben Lehman: 2005 Bennie Awards
Ron totally scooped me.  Here's the announcement. <i>I need more nominations</i>.  I've only gotten one set. Hey folks. I've decided to give out the "Ben Lehman Awards for Actual Play,"…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ben Lehman, Eero Tuovinen, GB Steve, Ron Edwards, Sean.

8/31/2005 Ben Lehman: Powerblocking?
Just an odd rules question. Say that a player is using the Robot powerset, and making heavy use of the "Massive Property Damage" Style.  Could I set out a "Goal:…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Ben Lehman, Gaerik, Andrew Morris, TonyLB, Jack Aidley, jburneko, Technocrat13, Sydney Freedberg, Vaxalon, Grover, Mandacaru, TheCzech, Hans.

8/31/2005 Ben Lehman: Polaris Review Thread
This is not a thread in which to post reviews.  Rather, it is a collection of links to them. The afforementioned <a href="">Underkoffler's Overview</a> Polaris is mentioned very favorably in…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Ben Lehman, Longspeak, Munkholt, Trevis Martin, GreatWolf, TonyLB, matthijs.

9/2/2005 Ben Lehman: [Polaris] Conflict Sheet Layout
Hi all. Ron has done a really nice thing and made me a little conflict diagram for Polaris that I'd love to put up on the site.  But, the thing…
In Connections
Participants: Ben Lehman, TonyLB, Trevis Martin, Matt Snyder, Harlequin, Arturo G..

9/26/2005 Ben Lehman: [Want] Tuning Hatred
This is a thread regarding <i>Want</i>, my entry to Ron's contest.  Perhaps not surprisingly, I don't agree with him that the game is half-baked in terms of overall story structure,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ben Lehman.

9/26/2005 Ben Lehman: [Bliss Stage] Playtesters Wanted
I'm looking for playtesters for one of my games-in-development.  The game is called Bliss Stage: Robot Combat in the Dreams of Tomorrow. It is a reasonably dark game, focusing on…
In Connections
Participants: Ben Lehman, king_yugi2003, Steven Stewart.

10/11/2005 Ben Lehman: [The Drifter's Escape] What's Missing? This thread will not make any sense unless you have read the game in question, which can be downloaded at the URL above.  It was written for the Ronnies…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ben Lehman, Graham Walmsley, talysman, TonyPace, Tim Alexander, Joshua BishopRoby, Selene Tan, Sydney Freedberg.

10/16/2005 Ben Lehman: Under The Bed with Finns
Under the Bed with Finns -- So, on the <a href="">tour that Eero and I did</a>, we played a whole lot of <a href="">Under the Bed</a>.  UTB pretty much our…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ben Lehman, mutex, nikola, Eero Tuovinen, Noon.

10/24/2005 Ben Lehman: [This is my Blog] Technical assistance
Hi -- I'm in serious need of some technical assistance for <a href="">This is my Blog</a> and I was hoping someone could lend a hand. Here's the situation: I'm shortly…
In Connections
Participants: Ben Lehman, Tim Alexander, Adam Dray, Selene Tan.

11/1/2005 Ben Lehman: Recommended Reading
So, my mother just published a book titled <i>Strong at the Heart: How it feels to heal from sexual abuse</i>.  While the things discussed in the book are not directly…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Ben Lehman.

11/7/2005 Ben Lehman: [Maps] Stats of die mechanic
ATTN Mike Holmes. I have a third game active right now (I know, it's ridiculous) and I'm trying to figure out how the die mechanics work.  There are two different…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ben Lehman, Eero Tuovinen.

11/9/2005 Ben Lehman: [Drifter's Escape] Strategy and RPG Texts
Hi everyone. This is a theoretical design question, in that it applies to every design, but it happens to apply very concretely to a game that I'm working on, so…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ben Lehman, Ron Edwards, Frank T, Nogusielkt, contracycle, John Harper, Joshua BishopRoby, Graham Walmsley, Noon.

11/19/2005 Ben Lehman: [rant] Copyright, Creative Commons, and Artistic Freedom
Hi.  This is a spin off of <a href="">Pricing and Marketing your game and mine</a> Also, since we're talking about legal issues here: I am not a lawyer.  This is…
In Publishing
Participants: Ben Lehman, Victor Gijsbers, resistor, jerry, axonrg.

11/20/2005 Ben Lehman: Making money, making a living
This is another split from <a href="">Pricing and Marketing your games and mine</a>, to avoid derailing it further.  I welcome further discussion on the issues brought up in this thread.…
In Publishing
Participants: Ben Lehman, Victor Gijsbers, LloydBrown, TonyLB, timfire, Jasper Polane, Joshua BishopRoby, Jonathan Walton, Andrew Morris, nikola, contracycle, Ron Edwards, axonrg.

12/1/2005 Ben Lehman: [Dreamation 2006] Room Party
Does the Room Party need funds or contributions of snacks / booze / party games, etc? yrs-- --Ben
In Conventions
Participants: Ben Lehman, Michael S. Miller, Clinton R. Nixon, TonyLB, Bob Goat, Jared A. Sorensen, abzu, Andrew Morris, Thor Olavsrud, RobNJ, Diabolik, Ron Edwards.

12/11/2005 Ben Lehman: [Bliss Stage] Winning and Losing
This is mainly directed at those that have read the Bliss Stage playtest document.  If you aren't one of those people, but want to be, please PM me your e-mail…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ben Lehman, coffeestain, Mark Woodhouse, TonyLB.

more subsequent topics >>