The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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Previous Topics

9/18/2006 Storn: [PTA] Lions at the Gate Week 2
Okay, forgive me a little bit, as I am doing this AP a few days after we played.  I'm really fuzzy on who set up what scenes, so I'm not…
In Actual Play
Participants: Storn, Paka, Bret Gillan.

9/18/2006 Ron Edwards: [Perfect] Explosions and betrayals
Hi there, This is my follow-up to Neighbors gone wild!. I'm starting a new thread because it's been a while. Joe asked some questions at the end of that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, joepub, David Artman.

9/18/2006 Keith Senkowski: Game Design Seminars from GenCon 06
I have just posted the first session from the Game Design seminars at GenCon 2006 (in seven parts).  If you missed the sessions at GenCon here is your chance to…
In Publishing
Participants: Keith Senkowski, c, Michael S. Miller, Adam Dray, KeithBVaughn.

9/18/2006 komradebob: Making a boxed set? What goes into it?
[url=]This thread[/url] got my mind turning back again to the idea of a boxed set rpg. I know a coupple of people around here have put out board games and…
In Publishing
Participants: komradebob, Ron Edwards, Technocrat13.

9/18/2006 Artanis: [Iä! Iä! Ph'iles] Prep-less mystery & dramatic characters
Hello This is the report of the fifth playtest session of my mystery game, which I will use to present the game. I'll have some other threads coming up later…
In Playtesting
Participants: Artanis, Emily Care, John Harper.

9/18/2006 Wood: [Messenger II] Disloyalty and Advancement
Me again, and still thinking about the game I dared to call Messenger, because it's a better and less painful title than The Second String Professional's Vanity Project. So,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Wood, Troy_Costisick, Mike Holmes, contracycle.

9/18/2006 Keith Senkowski: Bob Goat Videos
The Game Design video library has begun.  I'll post here with any updates over time.  The first videos are up with more coming later today.  Hope you find them useful.…
In Bob Goat Press
Participants: Keith Senkowski, Yokiboy, Nev the Deranged, Andrew Morris, markus_cz, Vasco Brown.

9/18/2006 joepub: Pushing a game outside the RPG scene.
So, I randomly decided earlier today to start at the VERY beginning of the Publishing forum. Just start scanning through the pages, and reading any threads that jumped out at…
In Publishing
Participants: joepub, Eero Tuovinen, TonyLB, b_bankhead, daMoose_Neo, komradebob, guildofblades.

9/18/2006 Doyce: Comparing old and new editions of DitV
Hi all, So: great news -- I'm going to be running a Dogs game/campaign starting Friday, kinda.  Actually, we started about two years ago, making up characters and doing initiations…
In lumpley games
Participants: Doyce, Warren, lumpley.

9/18/2006 r_donato: [TSoY] Good times, bad times
Good times, bad times, you know I've had my share. I just finished playing Shadow of Yesterday with two buddies, Eric and Pat. The game went mostly well, but there…
In Actual Play
Participants: r_donato, Clinton R. Nixon.

9/18/2006 BWA: [Forge-style D&D] Keys vs. Random Monster Encounters
I’m not sure if this will be of interest to anyone or not, but Ron suggested I do an Actual Play post (while I was pestering him in a series…
In Actual Play
Participants: BWA, r_donato, Lamorak33, Paka, Melinglor, James_Nostack, John Harper, charles ferguson.

9/18/2006 Hans: [TROS] Social Combat for TROS
I know that the Riddle of Steel (TROS) has its own forum now off the Forge, and have posted this there as well.  But I figured there may be enough…
In Actual Play
Participants: Hans, Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski.

9/18/2006 DaveyJJ: Can someone explain magic within the BW system please?
I'm exploring systems to play after 20-25 years out of RPGs. Alot of the mechanics of BW appeal (I think) after reading through the downloads available, buit I'm a little…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: DaveyJJ, mtiru, Thor Olavsrud.

9/17/2006 Nathan P.: [Timestream] Review
Which can be read here. It's interesting to me that all (four) reviews of Timestream have been pretty consistent in terms of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the game,…
In ndp design
Participants: Nathan P..

9/17/2006 c: AP: Acts of Evil Sep 15th
I'm thinking this one will be useful as the playtest was a total crash and burn, but I get ahead of myself. For this session we had Tim and Len…
In Acts of Evil Playtest Board
Participants: c, Paul Czege, TJ.

9/17/2006 Zathreyel: [The Mountain Witch] Angst Ascendant, pt. 1
Dan and I have been friends for a while.  A mutual love of Rebecca Borgstom brought us together in the dizzying bustle of Philadelphia, and our mutual love of all…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zathreyel, timfire.

9/17/2006 arete66: "Night Watch" as a Mortal Coil setting...
I just recently watched the excellent Russian Horror/Fantasy film "Night Watch" and was amazed at how it seemed to scream "Mortal Coil" to me. What are your impressions of "Night…
In Galileo Games
Participants: arete66, inthisstyle, Eero Tuovinen, Sovem.

9/17/2006 StefanS: [Sorcerer] Using Warp as weather-control device?
Hello, I'm prepping a Sorcerer campaign which I'll GM. Actually, I'm writing up the NPC demons, and in the case of one of these demons, I'd find it appropriate if…
In Adept Press
Participants: StefanS, Ron Edwards.

9/17/2006 epweissengruber: Template for Generic Heroquest Character Backgrounds
I am hoping to run a Heroquest setting with heavy player input.  That means generation of homelands, professions, common magic, etc. I am hoping to have fairly experienced characters too,…
In HeroQuest
Participants: epweissengruber, Mike Holmes, sebastianz, soru, Vaxalon.

9/17/2006 Frank T: [&Sword] Brief praise and some questions
I finally got to use The Elder Isle for a game of Sorcerer & Sword yesterday with my girlfriend and an internet friend of hers who visited us over the…
In Adept Press
Participants: Frank T, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics

9/18/2006 Thomas Lawrence: [DitV] Stat Dice and when you get them
So, in the book there's a conflict example where an axe-weilding murder comes in while you're sleeping and hits you in the head with an axe. In the example given…
In lumpley games
Participants: Thomas Lawrence, lumpley, Bankuei, oliof, ffilz.

9/18/2006 Kesher: The Real and the SIS...
No, this is not a thread about Simulationism... I just ran across this link to a new member of the Moleskine notebook line: <a href="">City Notebooks</a> This has, I think,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kesher.

9/18/2006 Selene Tan: "Entertainment Analysis" of 1001 Nights at GenCon
So in one of my classes, the first assignment was to write an "entertainment analysis of an emotionally moving entertainment event you attended." Examples given were things like plays, concerts,…
In Night Sky Games
Participants: Selene Tan, Meguey.

9/19/2006 eclectix: Horror and Fantasy artist available
Since this is my first post, I'll go ahead and introduce myself.  My name is Kent Turner, and I'm an artist. If you are looking for serious work, please take…
In Connections
Participants: eclectix, joepub, Paul Czege.

9/19/2006 Ruminator: Paladin in Risus
I really liked the ideas in Paladin, and I really like I did the next (natural to me anyway) thing and converted it to Risus.  It hasn't been fully…
In CRN Games
Participants: Ruminator, Twobirds.

9/19/2006 hatheg-kla: Jorune system
Hi everyone. It's been a while since I posted on the Forge, but I've been lurking around generally.  I was looking through my old RPG collection the other day and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: hatheg-kla, Adam Dray, Andrew Morris, c, Doyce, philaros, Mike Holmes.

9/19/2006 Zathreyel: [The Mountain Witch] Angst Ascendant pt. 2
This is an AP of the second half of Act One from my play group's MW game.  You can find the write-up of the first half over here. In this…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zathreyel.

9/19/2006 Doyce: [Galactic] Denver Playtest, Session Two
Our group got together Sunday for our second 'real' session of Galactic. Prep Session here: First Session here: Wiki pages on the whole thing here: Okay, so...…
In Playtesting
Participants: Doyce.

9/19/2006 Matt Snyder: [Nine Worlds] The Venerean Gambit -- Actual Play
Check out this strange and wonderful actual play report from Ed Heil's blog: The Venerean Gambit Keep those Nine Worlds actual play posts coming, folks! ;)
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Matt Snyder, ejh.

9/19/2006 foucalt: Wherein I Accept my Burden and Begin to Ask Advice
Hi all, I've been kind of hanging 'round the edges here, and on blogs, and now I'm ready. I'm ready to at least try to design a game. I've given…
In First Thoughts
Participants: foucalt, r_donato, Adam Dray, Eero Tuovinen.

9/19/2006 mtiru: New Rules, New Conspiracy
I'm about to start running a new CoS campaign using the new Apocalypse rules that Keith has been posting on the wiki. We'll be running a 5-6 session episodic campaign,…
In Bob Goat Press
Participants: mtiru, Keith Senkowski.

9/19/2006 redivider: Joy Division: monkey-moms, pocket universes & corn-of-life
Joy Division is a near-future role playing game of technological horror. Characters are agents of the Joy Division, a small but well-funded transnational espionage agency set up to neutralize major…
In Playtesting
Participants: redivider, David Artman, Miskatonic, Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby.

9/19/2006 Vaxalon: [Amber by the Cards] Cool Scenes and Advancement
If you've been following my Amber by the Cards design, you'll know that at the end of character creation, the players will have jokers that they haven't used yet. You…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Vaxalon.

9/19/2006 Doyce: [Roach] Death! Debauchery! (And we've only started the Semester)
Saturday the 9th I drove down to Lee and De's new place about an hour and a half away with Dave and Margie in tow.  I've been trying to get…
In Actual Play
Participants: Doyce, jasonm.

9/20/2006 LemmingLord: Intro Capes Players - Physical Location and Whatever
Where does everyone here live?  I am hoping to find experienced capes players in the Boise area since the two gaming groups with whom I am currently meeting are not…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: LemmingLord, TonyLB.

9/20/2006 Gregor Hutton: [Best Friends] New to gaming... Bring It On!
I ran a couple of Best Friends games at the weekend at the gaming club in Edinburgh University. It was the first session of the new term and so we…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gregor Hutton, Graham Walmsley.

9/20/2006 bigbadwolf: cable network (RPG)
i had a idea 4 a cable network and tv channel. where you rp a show on a channel also that channel trys to get on a cable network. i…
In First Thoughts
Participants: bigbadwolf, David Artman.

9/20/2006 Jye Nicolson: [Last Exile] Healing damage, Breaking the Ice Style
Hi guys, I'd love some feedback on an idea for a recovery-from-damage mechanic for my Last Exile game, ripped off from inspired by Breaking the Ice. I'll try to keep…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jye Nicolson, Tim Alexander, Thor Olavsrud, muddlepud.

9/20/2006 Caesar_X: [MLWM] Gloria Deschampes
My group had our first session of My Life With Master last night.  None of us had played the game before, so it was a trial of fire.  Overall I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Caesar_X, Paul Czege, JJTMM.

9/20/2006 jasonm: Initiating Conflicts
There's an interesting discussion about initiating conflicts, and various rules hacks, going on over at Story Games.  You might want to check it out!
In Bully Pulpit Games
Participants: jasonm.

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