The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

9/28/2006 oliof: Gigantic Roach seen in germany! News at 11
Hi, a new kind of sumerian roach has been successfully put on photograph:,10.205666&spn=0.003551,0.010364&t=k&om=1 enjoy,     Harald
In Bully Pulpit Games
Participants: oliof, jasonm.

9/28/2006 GB Steve: [1001 Nights] The camel, the monkey and the pirate with no name.
PCs Farouk (Simon) - Chronicler - old with disgusting hands - Ambition: have Sheherezade cure my hands Sheherezade (Paula) - Perfumer - young and vital with healing hands - Ambition:…
In Actual Play
Participants: GB Steve, Meguey, Pelgrane, fon.

9/27/2006 Sindyr: splitting question
OK, this also happened last night: (more or less, I don't remember exact details) Someone claimed a side that would win, a side I was allied to. The single die…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Sindyr, Hans, TonyLB, Matthew Glover, Filip Luszczyk.

9/27/2006 mratomek: [Mod Forces] When Mobs Attack
Been altering the rules lately. I was hoping to create a system where a character's Power Level is directly translated to a dice. For example, a PL 6 is a…
In Playtesting
Participants: mratomek.

9/27/2006 billvolk: [AKA] Fun with Cinematics
I finally hosted the first real one-shot playtest of All Kinds of Awesome, which began as a Tri-Stat setting but for which I've now made a significantly different system. The…
In Playtesting
Participants: billvolk, Adam Dray.

9/27/2006 Doyce: Stealing from DitV to 'slice' conflicts into smaller segments
Okay, I'm just brainstorming here, and I more than welcome input and thoughts. I got Dogs a couple years back -- one of the first couple conflict-resolution-level games that I…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Doyce, sebastianz, Mike Holmes.

9/27/2006 REkz: Universalis -- any Rules Gimmicks to "FORCE RPG-like" vs 'story-telling' style?
Uni gamers, I just got my copy of Unversalis.  Exciting! My small group just did a run of Prime Time Adventures, which I really enjoyed, but I heard a regular…
In Universalis
Participants: REkz, Andrew Morris, Zamiel, Valamir, Call Me Curly, demiurgeastaroth, Danny2050.

9/27/2006 Sindyr: Exhaustive list of everything you can do with Story Tokens?
I went to the Capes FAQ page looking for this, and did not find it. Here's what I can come up with off the top of my head.  Can anyone…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Sindyr, Hans, Matthew Glover, Filip Luszczyk, TonyLB, Melinglor, Tuxboy.

9/27/2006 Sindyr: The forums suffer some SERIOUS performance issue - give hamsters more food?
Old Topic was: Things seem to be OK now, FYI Sindyr, It's your ISP. The site is plenty fast. And yeah, your post…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Sindyr.

9/27/2006 Ron Blessing: [WGP] PDF vs. Print
What is the difference between the PDF and the print edition? I'm confused due to the different number of pages. Thanks!
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Ron Blessing.

9/27/2006 Sindyr: More gloating...
A very interesting question was raised that I myself raised many months ago: Gloating If Resolving would violate the group Code the Claimant instead Gloats. Starting with their highest die…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Sindyr, TonyLB, Dave Cleaver, Hans, Matthew Glover, Melinglor, Eero Tuovinen, Ben Lehman.

9/27/2006 Der_Renegat: intellectual and emotional "combat"
Interesting thread on about intellectual and emotional "combat": A lot of inspirational ideas for HQ ! I like this part a lot: Clothing worn by the attacker…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Der_Renegat, Mike Holmes.

9/27/2006 Sindyr: Capes FAQ suggestion
Hans, I *think* you are the overseer of the Capes FAQ, right?  There is one suggestion I would make for a change to it that I think would be very…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Sindyr, Hans.

9/27/2006 peccable: [Flashback] Incorporating 'Indie' Sensibilities Into A 'Traditional' RPG
Even when I was mainly into 'mainstream' RPGs, I was always more attracted to the weirder ones: Continuum, Unknown Armies, etc.  So discovering the Forge and the Indie game scene…
In First Thoughts
Participants: peccable, Artanis, Joshua BishopRoby, Call Me Curly, r_donato.

9/27/2006 Rimke: [Universalis] my first game
A few weeks ago Wilco, Rachèl, Brian and I came together to play a game of Universalis. We had met eachother on a Dutch RPG site and didn’t know eachother…
In Actual Play
Participants: Rimke, Valamir.

9/27/2006 Sindyr: Speeding up war of story tokens?
In the game we played last night, another player and I were going at a particular conflict very intensely - the final one of the scene and night.  He had…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Sindyr, Hans, TonyLB, LemmingLord, Matthew Glover.

9/27/2006 Sindyr: Quick questions: Debt Staking Citation?
Came up in my regular weekly Capes game (I have a regular weekly Capes game! 4 hours most every Tuesday!  Had 3-4 sessions so far, developing nicely.) 1) Does the…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Sindyr, Hans, TonyLB.

9/27/2006 segedy: Problems with RPI / Alphagraphics?
I know that there are at least <a href="">a few folks here</a> doing printing with <a href="">RPI</a> / <a href="">Alphagraphics</a>, and I'm wondering-  is anyone else is seeing delays or…
In Publishing
Participants: segedy, jasonm, nikola, inthisstyle, timfire, Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski, Valamir, Joshua BishopRoby, Justin D. Jacobson, Paul Czege.

9/27/2006 Nathan P.: Countdown Play Log: The Gifted
[b]Intro[/b] This thread is a cleaned up text log of the Countdown game I'm currently running, called The Gifted. Countdown is a specifically play-by-email game, and can be downloaded [url=]here[/url].…
In ndp design
Participants: Nathan P..

9/27/2006 Iskander: [Nine Worlds] Points question
[size=8pt][i]Shit! Fucking Firefox! Fuck! Fuck! I had a whole fucking page of post that FF just fucking nuked. I hate it. This crappy board system, too, that doesn't save a…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Iskander, Matt Snyder, Jonathan Hastings, Thor Olavsrud, boredoom, Valamir, John Harper.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

9/28/2006 TJ: [Mortal Coil] Theme Documents
Hello, I am getting set to run some MC in the near future.  I am wondering what others' Theme Documents actually look like.  I am also making a form for…
In Galileo Games
Participants: TJ, GB Steve.

9/28/2006 Filip Luszczyk: Character death, removal, transformation or cloning
I've been pondering how the game would work with Comic Code that would allow character death, in specific circumstances for specific characters, or without any limits. Actually, this could happen…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, TonyLB, dunlaing.

9/28/2006 Meguey: [Sign In Stranger] File clerk, some typing
This is Emily Care Boss' game in developement. Joshua, Emily, Vincent, Julia, and I all created worlds in private to start. We had a choice of planet size, and we…
In Playtesting
Participants: Meguey, Emily Care, andrew_kenrick, nikola.

9/28/2006 Eric J. Boyd: [The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries] Playtesters Needed
The Pitch: You're a group of pulp heroes just returned from an expedition into the unknown sitting with your peers of the Committee gathered around to hear your report. Brandy…
In Connections
Participants: Eric J. Boyd.

9/29/2006 Melinglor: Confessional: I was an Illusionist Wanker!
I've been mulling this over for while, and finally decided to post about it. I think I just need to get it off my chest. Apologizes if it takes awhile…
In Actual Play
Participants: Melinglor, Precious Villain, Noon, Ron Edwards, Barlennan, Glendower, Frank T, Call Me Curly, Joe Dizzy, Caldis, komradebob, contracycle.

9/29/2006 Eero Tuovinen: [Spiel Essen] Preparing sales material
OK, here's what I got: Essen Forge Directory. It still lacks a front page, I'll figure out something appropriate later. It's one sheet per game, with a picture, short description,…
In Conventions
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Justin D. Jacobson, Frank T, Matt, Ron Edwards, ocasta, segedy, oliof, Markku Tuovinen, jasonm.

9/29/2006 Der_Renegat: Bladerunner
I was doing some research for ideas how to write scenes which are dramatic but happen without combat. This resulted in a write up for Bladerunner. If somebody is interested,…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Der_Renegat, Vaxalon, Mike Holmes, sebastianz.

9/29/2006 sabakakrazny: Terran Praesidium Seeking Playtesters
The Terran Praesidium, a science fiction game setting to be published by Avenger Games is now moving forward! What does this mean to the rest of the world? As we…
In Connections
Participants: sabakakrazny.

9/29/2006 Lamorak33: Oh no, a new Vampyr iteration of Sorcerer
Hi I have been asked to run a World of Darkness Vampire game. Clearly I don't want to use the WoD system as others have said, it 'does not do…
In Adept Press
Participants: Lamorak33, The_Tim, James_Nostack, Trevis Martin, Blake Hutchins, charles ferguson, Anthony Herring.

9/29/2006 Oscar Evans: Parlour games as Roleplaying games
I think there is a lot of potential in converting some of the design principles from parlour games (and perhaps some improve theatre, theatresports and Alternate Reality Games) into roleplaying…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Oscar Evans, GregStolze, David Artman, nikola, Paul Czege.

9/29/2006 Codexier: Magic Backpack
Hi,  I'm working on a new RPG for children, called "Magic Backpack" (at least for now).  I wanted to get your opinion on the main mechanic of this game, if…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Codexier, Gasten, David Artman, Joshua BishopRoby, Eero Tuovinen, JustinB, Hituro.

9/29/2006 daMoose_Neo: [The Great Storybook] Brain dump & early mechanics
Seems childrens games the thing these days, I'm seeing more and more of them around ^_^ This here is "The Great Storybook", a game I've actually spent the last couple…
In First Thoughts
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Eero Tuovinen, komradebob.

9/29/2006 Sovem: A harebrained idea?
I've got an idea for a system, but I'm not really sure whether it would work or whether it's been done or not. So, I thought I'd run it by…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sovem, Eero Tuovinen, nikola, Joshua BishopRoby, Hituro, joepub, TroyLovesRPG, dindenver.

9/29/2006 jburneko: Conflict Between Protagonists Questions
Hello, My group is going to start up a full PtA season soon and I just want to clear up some minor confusions about how conflicts between protagonists are handled. …
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: jburneko, Matt Wilson.

9/29/2006 Hituro: Some help needed on a combat mechanic
Hi, this is my first post here and I'm straight into asking for help, go figure! :) I am running a one-off game next weekend using a home-brew system and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Hituro, Eero Tuovinen, Mcrow, contracycle, Hereward The Wake, Pol Jackson.

9/29/2006 Thomas Lawrence: Selling PDFs as a printer's spread, and printing advice
I'm asking this question primarily as a consumer, although the answers may infrom hpw I deal with my own projects should I ever pluck up the courage to finish one…
In Publishing
Participants: Thomas Lawrence, Eero Tuovinen, Joshua BishopRoby, Thunder_God, Ron Edwards, andrew_kenrick, Jared A. Sorensen, Dantai, Clay, Narf the Mouse, David Artman, KeithBVaughn, oliof.

9/29/2006 Mychal: 2d6 Feet in a random direction
Here is a link to a podcast that has a review of PTA. Two of the hosts are owners of my flgs, End Game. Enjoy because of them, I'll…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Mychal, 1000buffalo, Matt Wilson.

9/29/2006 joepub: [Perfect] Extending the Setting information
So, I wrote this game called Perfect. And now, I've kinda got this cool idea: Elaborate on the setting, the history of Cadence, create some game fiction, collect some AP…
In Publishing
Participants: joepub, Malcolm, Valamir, daMoose_Neo, dindenver, Danny_K.

9/30/2006 earwig: Starting a game and quite lost...
Okay, this is my first post here, so be kind. :) Anyway, I am putting together an RPG where the characters all wake up in a city with complete amnesia. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: earwig, joepub, TroyLovesRPG, Noon, Darcy Burgess, Call Me Curly, John Hyland, Tim M Ralphs, John Harper, GreatWolf.

9/30/2006 Call Me Curly: Another Dogs In Iraq try
The team of Dogs find themselves teleported-- coats, sixguns, olde-tyme religion, and all-- to present day Iraq. They meet US troops who speak english and hail from the Dogs' side…
In lumpley games
Participants: Call Me Curly.

more subsequent topics >>