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1/20/2007 joshua neff: The Princes' Kingdom, family-style
I've been taking a break from role-playing/story games. But my daughter, Morgan, had gotten a taste for this kind of play last spring, playing a few sessions of a game…
In Actual Play
Participants: joshua neff, Clinton R. Nixon, Caesar_X, Everspinner.

7/28/2006 joshua neff: first [AP] Breaking the Ice the old-fashioned way
I bought BtI a few months ago, but my wife (Julie) and I only just got to playing it for the first time last night. I'll cut past the chase…
In Black and Green Games
Participants: joshua neff, Emily Care.

7/22/2006 joshua neff: [PTA] St. Sebastian
The first thing: I haven't actually played PTA since it was a playtest document, but I've wanted to play it more. The second thing: As soon as we moved back…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: joshua neff, Matt Wilson.

5/26/2006 joshua neff: alternate hero advancement
I have a problem with the HeroQuest rules: Hero Points. I’m good with them being used to bump success levels in contests, but I hate that they’re used to improve…
In HeroQuest
Participants: joshua neff, Vaxalon, Mike Holmes, Hobbitboy, ( o Y o ), CCW, charles ferguson, mneme, Doyce, fredrikr, soviet, sebastianz, Lxndr, TheLHF.

5/1/2006 joshua neff: [AG&G] Lights on the Water
My wife, Julie, and I were supposed to get together with some friends tonight for gaming--probably Ticket to Ride, maybe Universalis or Capes Lite. But they cancelled on us. Wondering…
In Playtesting
Participants: joshua neff, lumpley, Bryan Hansel, Clinton R. Nixon.

4/13/2006 joshua neff: Capes Lite questions
Actually, I already PM'd Tony a question about Capes Lite, which he answered. But now I have another one, and it seems silly to keep PMing him when the answers…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: joshua neff, Zamiel, dunlaing, TonyLB.

2/15/2006 joshua neff: Actual Play: [The Grave of Heaven] Me & the Kid
I've been wanting to introduce my daughter, Morgan, who will be 9 years old in a week and a half, to playing RPGs for the past few years, but I've…
In Actual Play
Participants: joshua neff, Bryan Hansel, Technocrat13, Paka, Anders, komradebob.

5/25/2005 joshua neff: anyway is anywhere?
Vincent, what's going on with your website and blog? I haven't been able to get to it all day, and Andy K. apparently hasn't either, since he made a post…
In lumpley games
Participants: joshua neff, Matt Wilson, lumpley.

4/2/2005 joshua neff: [DitV] Old Habits Die Hard
Our regular gaming group took a break for a couple of months, while I wrote a novel and dealt with school. We started up again last night. I ran Dogs…
In Actual Play
Participants: joshua neff, Jason Newquist, jasonm.

12/21/2004 joshua neff: Art Deco Sorcerer on the big screen
When Ron first started the Art Deco Melodrama threads and described the look and feel of the setting, how did I picture it in my head? Pretty much exactly…
In Adept Press
Participants: joshua neff, Ron Edwards, Paka.

8/31/2004 joshua neff: Monster Burner
I've finished reading the first third of the Monster Burner, the section titled "Monster Burner." (I've skimmed the other two thirds, "Lifepaths" and "The Illustrated Bestiary," but I haven't read…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: joshua neff, Andy Kitkowski.

3/23/2004 joshua neff: stormbringer, the one ring, & the holy grail
I'm wondering if I missed something in my read-throughs of the rules or if the mechanics aren't there. Are there actual mechanics for magical items, like magic swords & potions…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: joshua neff, taepoong, abzu.

2/25/2004 joshua neff: Moon Revolutions: The Celestial Game
This coming Saturday will see the first session of my groups new HeroQuest run. (I abandoned the previous run out of my frustrations with my own GMing. I decided that…
In HeroQuest
Participants: joshua neff, doubtofbuddha, Mike Holmes, RaconteurX, Nick Brooke, buserian, Peter Nordstrand.

12/15/2003 joshua neff: s&s lit: the return of REH
I mentioned in another thread (but decided to start a new one this time) that I was going to be getting the new Coming of Conan. It's not just a…
In Adept Press
Participants: joshua neff, Ron Edwards, anonymouse, Zak Arntson, 6inTruder, Gordon C. Landis, Valamir.

10/16/2003 joshua neff: rape in glorantha
I just read Ron's Daedalus article on Thed & rape in Glorantha, but I didn't want to tack my reactions onto the other Daedalus thread, just in case anyone else…
In HeroQuest
Participants: joshua neff, Ron Edwards, Mac Logo, Mike Holmes, AnyaTheBlue, ethan_greer, RaconteurX, Valamir, Kao Nashi.

8/25/2003 joshua neff: my order just arrived
I just got my copy of HeroQuest in the mail. Snap response, based on flipping through it: the layout, the design, the whole set-up is a huge improvement over Hero…
In HeroQuest
Participants: joshua neff, Mark Galeotti, Mike Holmes, Bankuei, Paul Czege, Nick Pagnucco, Ron Edwards, Scripty.

8/15/2003 joshua neff: Actual Play: Castle of Spiders
I began a MLWM run this past Wednesday, with myself GMing & Mike Holmes, Julie, & our friend Ryan running the PCs. Here's what we ended up with: The Master:…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: joshua neff, Russell Hoyle, Jason L Blair, Mike Holmes.

7/8/2003 joshua neff: who's running the empire?
Just like Christopher, I've been doing a lot of boy-oh-boy-I-can't-wait-for-HeroQuest-to-come-out reading up on the world of Glorantha. This morning, I came across this bit in the Kralorela chapter in Glorantha:…
In HeroQuest
Participants: joshua neff, Nick Brooke, simon_hibbs, MarkAdri.

1/18/2003 joshua neff: gaming for newbies
Not too long ago, a coworker of mine, Ryan, who I know plays RPGs expressed an interest in playing other stuff. He's only ever played D&D (& started that just…
In Actual Play
Participants: joshua neff, Jared A. Sorensen.

10/11/2002 joshua neff: trollbabe
[i]Trollbabe: The Adventures of Oga or The Game, The GM, His Girlfriend, & Her Character[/i] Last night, I ran Trollbabe for my girlfriend, Julie. The week before, we made her…
In Actual Play
Participants: joshua neff, Ron Edwards, Julie, Uncle Dark.

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