The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

8/2/2007 droog: [InSpectres] Something old, something new
I'm back in my home town for a week to attend a funeral, of a guy who was a true believer when it came to roleplaying. So tonight, a few…
In Actual Play
Participants: droog, FredGarber.

8/2/2007 Eero Tuovinen: Games for my Finnish retail
It's again that time of the year, Gencon time. As the old-timers know, I run a small retail operation here in Finland in the interest of making the best of…
In Connections
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Matt.

8/2/2007 oliof: [TSOY] Zu Rules question
So, we were discussing syllables for Frank on that german rpg forum. A rules problem popped up. The rules explicitly state: only animate beings can be affected, and a…
In CRN Games
Participants: oliof, Frank Tarcikowski.

8/2/2007 Chris_Chinn: [The Emperor's Heart] A Pair of New Lungs
Hi, This time I sat down and played a pickup game with my friend Tanya.  She has mostly a history of Illusionist play, with stuff like Call of Cthulhu and…
In Playtesting
Participants: Chris_Chinn, Ron Edwards, Meguey.

8/1/2007 vikingmage: Game Jam
I don't know if this has been done before ... and being new to the site I could just be recreating something that has been tried a hundred times, but…
In Endeavor
Participants: vikingmage, Vulpinoid, preludetotheend, Filip Luszczyk, Primordia, David Artman, belgar, Ron Edwards.

8/1/2007 TomTancredi: FAE NOIR --- "Vote Early, Vote Coffin"
I GMed an adventure I created for "Fae Noir" titled "Vote Early, Vote Coffin" at DexCon last week. I got a lot of great responses from the three gaming groups…
In Actual Play
Participants: TomTancredi.

8/1/2007 Paul Czege: the handicrafts of evil
So after Snyder leaked the very cool cover he designed for his 44 ashcan, I thought I'd follow through with a peek at what I'm doing for the Acts of…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege, Nev the Deranged.

8/1/2007 woodelf: etymology of burning
OK, this has been bugging me for a couple years now, and i just never think to ask it somewhere useful: What is the etymology of "burn"/"burning" as used in…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: woodelf, abzu.

8/1/2007 GregStolze: [GC07] Big REIGN Posters
I got a couple posters made with the REIGN covers -- 23x35 inches with about a couple inches of white border all around the images.  They look nice.  I'm wondering…
In Conventions
Participants: GregStolze, iago, Ron Edwards, oliof, Gregor Hutton.

8/1/2007 divineseeker: Rules Clarification: Magical Aptitudes
Just to get clear my understanding is Magic works like this: 1. Sacrifice a Magic token to create a new rule 2. Either a GM or a player sets a…
In Galileo Games
Participants: divineseeker, inthisstyle, Dustin of the Dead, shadowpriest.

8/1/2007 divineseeker: Rules Clarification: Multiple conflicts and multiple actions
I am a little confused as to how multiple conflicts work. Here are some questions: 1. In a situation with multiple actors each one states intent of the action and…
In Galileo Games
Participants: divineseeker, inthisstyle.

8/1/2007 divineseeker: Mortal Coil Rocks!
Just wanted to say to Brennan that I am glad that he stuck with game design despite what he went through. Mortal Coil rocks, is one of the best games…
In Galileo Games
Participants: divineseeker, The Groog, inthisstyle, surecool73.

7/31/2007 MikeLT: Cheap Artist For Hire
Hi folks i'm Michael from the great state of North Carolina. Well, its not so great really. Anyway, I have been playing RPG's for about 6 years (Mostly Star Wars…
In Connections
Participants: MikeLT, Wolfen, rafael.

7/31/2007 Biomech: GM-less games
I'm new to The Forge and am looking for systems for GM-less rpg's. I was wondering if anyone who is more familiar with the many indie games available have a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Biomech, rhat, Eero Tuovinen, Adam Dray, fractayle.

7/31/2007 Hisho: Example Praxis Scales
So, with 1.1 on the way and a question I asked some days ago about the existance of a list of example praxis scales I thought... well create your own.…
In glyphpress
Participants: Hisho, jane566, nikola.

7/31/2007 Andy Kitkowski: [GC2007] Forge/Diaspora Booth and Games on Demand
Just a few thoughts, from one Gung Ho space cadet to the folks selling their games at GenCon. I plan to bring a bunch of blank business cards. If the…
In Conventions
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, iago, jasonm, GreatWolf.

7/31/2007 rhat: Buy The Numbers Extensions
Hi All, I've been taking my first steps into RPG design by tweaking the "Buy The Numbers" rules ( to fit with some of the variant rules in WOTC's Unearthed…
In Actual Play
Participants: rhat, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards.

7/31/2007 WillH: [DitV] Town: Providence Mountain/Gunpowder Pass
First a little background on how I came to create this town.  I was curious about what sort of situations would develop if large groups of faithful and unfaithful came…
In lumpley games
Participants: WillH, JC, 14thWarrior.

7/31/2007 ldd23: (forum bug?) I've got phantom PMs
This shows up at the top of the forum page for me: Hey, ldd23, you have 2 messages, 2 are new. But when I click on the "2 messages"…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ldd23, jrs.

7/31/2007 Frank Tarcikowski: [TSoY] An evil blade and emergent Simulationism
Some time ago, I posted about a TSoY game I had started, and about how Creative Agenda was not yet emerging, how the players were still toying around with the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

8/3/2007 Charlie Gilb: From DnD to Sorcerer
Hey everyone, I just started GMing a DnD game with 2 players I've been with for about 10 years, and a third friend of mine whom I met through another…
In Adept Press
Participants: Charlie Gilb, Frank Tarcikowski, dikaiosunh, Ron Edwards.

8/3/2007 jasonm: [Gen Con 2007] Demo Planning
Hey, can we talk about our Forge booth demos?  Can we lay down the law regarding length and format?  How about pinning down the particulars of a pre-show demo session?…
In Conventions
Participants: jasonm, iago, Kevin Allen Jr, GreatWolf, btrc, GregStolze, Gregor Hutton, TomTancredi, Tim C Koppang, Robotech_Master, Ron Edwards.

8/3/2007 Frank Tarcikowski: So, Mud Planet 2 Sorcerer?
I wrote this contribution to the Ronnies, Mud Planet. In his feedback thread, Ron suggested that the game would work well as a Sorcerer mini-supplement. Meanwhile I've had the chance…
In Endeavor
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, Ron Edwards.

8/3/2007 David Artman: Ice Game Design Competition for Summer 2007 has begun!
Hi, all; Just trying to make sure I ping as many channels as possible (yep, spamming a bit, but it's cool, hearty, nutritious spam!). Though I know The Forge is…
In Endeavor
Participants: David Artman.

8/3/2007 Trevis Martin: For Gencon People - Elevator Pitches
I ran across an article on elevator pitches that I thought might be helpful for some of you folks doing the GenCon thing. - Trevis
In Publishing
Participants: Trevis Martin.

8/3/2007 thegreatigster: Newbie to RPG Design, Looking for some advice regarding a system
Hello Forge, my Name is Nicholas Graziade and I'm working on an RPG system I call the 3/10s system (because in the dice pools used - d10s- only 30% of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: thegreatigster, Chris_Chinn, VoidDragon.

8/3/2007 epweissengruber: Capes in Toronto -- Underground Comix instead of "Greater Evil"
IndieRPG Toronto was all fired up to do the "Greater Evil" scenario.  But the facilitator couldn't make it and we were down to two players.  This is what we came…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: epweissengruber.

8/4/2007 Narf the Mouse: Where, exactly, am I going with this?
Which is a question that I should be asking myself. And I am. The entire purpose of the game (I was going to shorten it to 'Tales', but somebody seems…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Narf the Mouse, Chris_Chinn, Primordia, Vulpinoid, cognis.

8/4/2007 RipSteakface: [Article 8]
- too broad - do I need the arcane/alien in there or would it be better to cut that out and work on the historical/present day - system/mechanic - influences:
In First Thoughts
Participants: RipSteakface, ODDin, Vulpinoid, Trevis Martin.

8/4/2007 Ghola: Plots within plots
Hi folks, After taking a break from roleplaying and getting my hands dirty with some gold old-fashioned win/lose fun, I became rather inspired to write an rpg. I suppose the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ghola, Adam Dray, Starblade, Noon.

8/4/2007 Kobayashi: [47] Ronin rpg in the spirit of Zatoichi/Sanjuro/Sword of doom
Hi to all, I've posted here some time ago and got invaluable feedback. So here I come again... This time it's a game inspired by the 47 Ronins : Player…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kobayashi, Chris_Chinn, VoidDragon.

8/5/2007 5niper9: [MLwM/DitV] Getting away from Pawn Stance
This will be a combined Actual Play report, because we had problems with both of these systems when we started playing them. Lets start with My Life with Master.…
In Actual Play
Participants: 5niper9, Artanis, ironick, Gaerik.

8/5/2007 JC: [DITV] Question about follow-up conflicts
hi folks :) had a most excellent time yesterday playing DITV over IRC! but here's my question: I've played about half a dozen DITV sessions so far (both player and…
In lumpley games
Participants: JC, 5niper9, lumpley, Filip Luszczyk.

8/5/2007 BeZurKur: [& Sword] Help On The Setting
I am planning a Sorcerer and Sword game.  This is the first time I’ll be running (or even playing) Sorcerer.  I get the impression that certain elements and directions need…
In Adept Press
Participants: BeZurKur, Ron Edwards.

8/6/2007 Paul Tucker: [WFRP] Terrible 1st session of Enemy Within, advice sought.
Firstly some background for the game. The game was played using Fantasy Grounds, an online tabletop program, and using Ventrilo for voice-over-internet, so that other than not seeing the other…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paul Tucker, Sydney Freedberg, Noon, contracycle, JC, Filip Luszczyk, Frank Tarcikowski, Valamir, Adam Dray.

8/6/2007 Yokiboy: Dust Devils Revenged - Initial Impression
The original Dust Devils was one of the first indie games I purchased, but at the time I still didn't grok story gaming. Coming back to Dust Devils Revenged after…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Yokiboy, Matt Snyder.

8/6/2007 Grinning Moon: The Seven Days of Annihilation - An Apocalypse-Centric RPG
This concept's been bouncing around my head for a while now, and a few ideas are just snagging here and there that I think just need to be aired out…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Grinning Moon, contracycle, TomTancredi, hix.

8/6/2007 Graham Walmsley: [Lacuna] Decoy Team
We played Lacuna yesterday, in the garden, in the blazing sunshine. What a superb little game. Five players, plus myself. In advance, I'd prepared this Static sheet. Note the theme:…
In Actual Play
Participants: Graham Walmsley, Yokiboy, TomTancredi, The Dragon Master.

8/6/2007 darnest: [RolePlayersINK] GenCone Events and Demos
Hello, I just wanted to make everyone aware of our events we are relasing 3 exciting new games and we want you to be part of our release. We have…
In Conventions
Participants: darnest, Ron Edwards.

8/6/2007 TonyLB: Go-Play, Go-Play ... gone!
I made Go-Play keychains, a while back.  Green means "Go," the sideways triangle means "Play".  Go Play! They've sold ... alright.  Not great, but alright.  That having been said, I've…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: TonyLB, oreso, Nev the Deranged, Gaerik.

more subsequent topics >>