Previous Topics 9/28/2007 Troels: Where's IaWA? Hello
I've played the mag. version of IaWA quite a bit, and enjoyed it hugely. It was actually the very first Indie game that I played -funny thing it hasn't… In lumpley games Participants: Troels, lumpley.
9/28/2007 The Groog: Mythic Anyone thought of using 'Mythic GM Emulator' with Mortal Coil?
Here it is: In Galileo Games Participants: The Groog, nyhotep.
9/28/2007 Lexonus: [TSOY] healing question So I am going through the rules in anticipation of introducing a few friends to the game and I am puzzled by the healing rules. The rules say:
Healing works… In CRN Games Participants: Lexonus, Eero Tuovinen, oliof, shadowcourt.
9/27/2007 GreatWolf: [Sons of Liberty Versus mode] Paine vs. Washington! Okay. So I have just a couple of minutes to scrawl this down. But if I don't do it now, I'll forget and never do it.
I taught Versus mode… In Playtesting Participants: GreatWolf.
9/27/2007 AnakinOU: [DitV] Relationships as fallout? If I'm not mistaken, you can take relationships (at d4) as minor fallout from conflicts. Most other fallout seems to be negative...taking injuries, lowering stats, etc. How is getting additional… In lumpley games Participants: AnakinOU, Web_Weaver, lumpley, ffilz.
9/27/2007 Aman the Rejected: [Dungeon Squad! + Coin Op] Playtesters Wanted! Hello, everyone!
I have written a game inspired by the arcade game Shadow Over Mystara. It is a fun system that uses Jason Morningstar's Dungeon Squad! as a basis and… In Connections Participants: Aman the Rejected, Eero Tuovinen, Filip Luszczyk.
9/27/2007 RobNJ: [PTA] Rule drifts, also strategies (some for cons) So I've run a whole lot of Primetime Adventures at cons, and it is probably the single indie game I've played or run the most. Over the course of all… In Dog Eared Designs Participants: RobNJ.
9/27/2007 Archer5280: [DitV] Holy Moley, what an awesome game! OK, so I know I'm not the first person to say something like this, but I have just finished up my first couple of conflicts in the first DitV game… In lumpley games Participants: Archer5280, lumpley, The Bane.
9/27/2007 David C: Magical Mastery in Steampunk Just to lay the groundwork, my game is set in a steampunk world. However, steam technology is mostly limited to "the cities" whereas "the towns" and elsewhere it is a… In First Thoughts Participants: David C, StrongBadMun, Vulpinoid, Ken, Lobo, Certified, RobNJ, dindenver, Devin P. Owens, contracycle.
9/27/2007 StrongBadMun: Looking for Artists and writers for Gods Gone Wild? Ok I know asking for free art or writing is like asking Palestine and Israel to share a smoothie but hear me out. Gods Gone Wild is the free RPG… In Connections Participants: StrongBadMun.
9/26/2007 Willow: Oshcon Games on Demand: The Septathalon (Crossposted over on
So, I've just got back from OshCon, up in Oshkosh Wisconsin, where Tim and I ran Games on Demand, where we lay out a whole bunch… In Actual Play Participants: Willow, Mike Holmes, John Harper, coffeestain.
9/26/2007 ChrisLane: Cheap freelance web stuff I am a general purpose computer nerd. I'd like to do some freelance bid work as a part time supplemental job, but I need a portfolio of work to point… In Connections Participants: ChrisLane, StrongBadMun.
9/26/2007 greyorm: [WHS] On Hiatus Wild Hunt Studios will be going on hiatus for the three months, starting October 1st. I will not be reading or posting to the forums during this time, but if… In Wild Hunt Studios Participants: greyorm.
9/26/2007 ChrisLane: "Gateway" game I've been thinking about RPGs and the desire to be entertaining vs. the desire to be entertained. For clarity, I do recognize that one can entertain onesself by entertaining others. … In First Thoughts Participants: ChrisLane, Vulpinoid, Noon.
9/25/2007 TonyLB: Playing Card Puzzles Okay, I'm looking to make a puzzle that is played out with playing cards, during the course of a game. So this is not a directly competitive "You both play… In First Thoughts Participants: TonyLB, dindenver, Eero Tuovinen, David Artman, Noon.
9/25/2007 Yokiboy: [Roach] Reviewed on the On Board Games Podcast Hello,
Scott reviews the Roach on episode 11 of On Board Games. It gets a Green Light by the way.
Yoki In Bully Pulpit Games Participants: Yokiboy, jasonm.
9/25/2007 rycanada: Free but not worthless My last two projects (E6 and Raising the Stakes) have received a lot of attention, at least for free .pdfs (perhaps two dozen groups either running E6 games now or… In Publishing Participants: rycanada, jasonm, Justin D. Jacobson, David Artman, Ron Edwards, iago, xenopulse, rekyl, Grumpy, Thunder_God.
9/25/2007 alejandro: [unWritten] UCI RPG club playtest part 2 In my last post mentioned that I was struggling with instructing people how to create and push conflicts. Either I'm explaining it poorly, or I don’t have a grasp… In Playtesting Participants: alejandro, Artanis.
9/25/2007 alejandro: [unWritten] UCI RPG club playtest Today I went to the UCI RPG club and ran my game for three people that have never been exposed to a story game, and in one case, never exposed… In Playtesting Participants: alejandro.
9/25/2007 StrongBadMun: Ember First Draft! Ok so my playtester hunt in the connections forum has not gotten much, only one response so far. I am now posting the Ember premise to first thoughts to see… In First Thoughts Participants: StrongBadMun, Ken, dindenver, wild_card2007.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 9/29/2007 Devin P. Owens: What sort of play will this engine create? This is the core of an experimental engine I am working on to drive a modern-day magic game exploring issues of personal desire and responsibility. I would like to solicit… In First Thoughts Participants: Devin P. Owens, Vulpinoid, Ken, BigElvis, Satanman, FredGarber.
9/29/2007 StrongBadMun: Skill List Currently my skill list is; brawl, dodge, melee, ranged, thrown, shield, martial arts, athletics, deception, charm, leadership, perform, alertness, Arcane (Magic Type ex. Elemental this is the skill used to… In First Thoughts Participants: StrongBadMun, Vulpinoid, Ken, thomas mill8, phatonin, LordKiwi.
9/29/2007 Willow: Use of SRD Text in a Published Product? Hey all-
I've been busy typing away on my manuscript for Awesome Adventures, a Fate 3.0 game, hoping to make this my first published product. (And gaining yet more respect… In Publishing Participants: Willow, greyorm, iago.
9/29/2007 Valvorik: Experience with Credibility Arguments How do people find the "go with the lowest crebility threshold" rule in play?
As indicated in text, it seems to require colloborative players who "don't hold grudges" against each… In Galileo Games Participants: Valvorik, Dustin of the Dead, inthisstyle.
9/30/2007 Meguey: Intertwined, a game of lives and lovers Over on the Knife Fight, Kleenstar called me out
I want Meg to write a two-player game which explicitly encourages the players to engage with each other sexually, in a… In First Thoughts Participants: Meguey, SpinachBaron, Eero Tuovinen, chris_moore, Paul Czege, TomTitTot, Simon C, humis, RobNJ, Noon, BigElvis.
9/30/2007 jessecoombs: I missing the "OOMPH" for my game. So, I've designed an rpg purely because there is nothing out there that does what I want it to do, as far as I've checked. It's a high-level superhero game… In First Thoughts Participants: jessecoombs, Eero Tuovinen, Noon, Ken, Vulpinoid, dindenver, LordKiwi, RobNJ, masqueradeball, rekyl, Teataine, KeithBVaughn, Charrua.
10/1/2007 Ide: [DRYH] Using talents in the City Slumbering? I'm curious how others have approached this in DRYH -- do your players use their talents in the City Slumbering, or only in the Mad City?
My take on it… In Evilhat Productions Participants: Ide, iago, Pyromancer.
10/1/2007 GregStolze: Analyzing the REIGN supplement ransoms. To celebrate putting up REIGN's fourth supplement for ransom, I did the tedious job of poring over the contribution numbers from the first three. So here is that rarest of… In Publishing Participants: GregStolze, rafial, oliof, Minx.
10/1/2007 xternal: [Universalis] Unholy Alliance My friend Alex (alejandro on the board) and I played our first game of Universalis this past Saturday. I sent the following email in response to an absent friend's inquiry… In Actual Play Participants: xternal, alejandro, Valamir, Mike Holmes.
10/1/2007 Dietro: lazy gamers. i have a idea going on in the backburner but one thing that i really wanted to go with was the idea of making a game for very lazy gamers.… In First Thoughts Participants: Dietro, Simon C, lighthouse, David Artman, Noon, davidberg.
10/1/2007 Danny_K: [DRYH] Black, two lumps This is an odd question that just occurred to me: what happens to the character's stats if they should find the Mad City equivalent of Starbuck's and slam a double… In Evilhat Productions Participants: Danny_K, iago, Pyromancer.
10/1/2007 John Kim: Solmukohta 2008 Call for Papers The Call for Papers for the Solmukohta 2008 book has just come out.
For those who don't know, Solmukohta is the Finnish round of the "Nodal Point" larp convention that… In Conventions Participants: John Kim.
10/1/2007 ValentineS: illustrator for Hire Howdy all. I'm looking for a new project to work on, and i've had good experiences here in the past. I'm available for black & white, color, interiors, or covers.… In Connections Participants: ValentineS, David C, StrongBadMun.
10/2/2007 muddlepud: [GenCon Oz 2008] and Games On Demand I'm starting to throw this idea around at the moment and hoping to get a few more ideas generated.
I'm planning to attend GenCon Oz in 2008 and I'd like… In Conventions Participants: muddlepud, Andrew Smith, Vulpinoid, Rusty.
10/2/2007 Simon C: [KazeKami Kyoko Kills Kublai Kahn] Kublai Kahn is Dead Over at Snail's Pace (, we've been playing a few pretty unusual games via play-by-post. Dave Cleaver and I recently finished a game of Jonathan Walton's "KazeKami Kyoko Kills Kublai… In Actual Play Participants: Simon C.
10/2/2007 David C: Seriously, the edit button has got to come back Ok, I know this has come up before and the reasons the edit button isn't there. However, I also know there are forums that allow limited editing (30 minutes after… In Site Discussion Participants: David C, Ron Edwards, lumpley, David Artman, rycanada, Eliarhiman6, Filip Luszczyk.
10/2/2007 SaintandSinner: Problems with Forge Bookshelf I sent the following message to ( but it bounced back. Is there a better place to send these concerns?
To Whom It May Concern:
I bought the Prime Time… In Site Discussion Participants: SaintandSinner, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson, lumpley.
10/2/2007 VoidDragon: Conflict of Interest in Element Introduction? The resolution system for my game can probably best be described as Group Task Resolution. Players declare intended events, dice are rolled, and the outcome is the next event to… In First Thoughts Participants: VoidDragon, davidberg, Noon, Dietro.
10/2/2007 Dustin of the Dead: Mortal Coil using card resolution Hello, two of my favorite resolution systems come from Dust Devils and Prime Time Adventures, even though my favorite game is Mortal Coil. So, I was trying to adapt a… In Galileo Games Participants: Dustin of the Dead.
10/3/2007 Dryraisin: Bliss Stage Play by E-mail I just got my copy of Bliss stage and after reading through it I really can't wait to try it out with my friends. Problem is we really… In These Are Our Games Participants: Dryraisin, Ben Lehman, JC, Garvey.
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