Previous Topics 10/11/2007 Grujav: Victorian Horror Game My wife and I are working on a new game. Not the original game we were working on, because that exploded during its first playtest which may lead to two… In First Thoughts Participants: Grujav, Sydsquicious, Noon, BigElvis, Castlin.
10/10/2007 JC: [Under the bed] Bottom of page 2? hey :)
looked around a bit but couldn't find it, so I'm asking here: what's the text missing at the bottom of page 2?
I can sort of guess, but… In glyphpress Participants: JC, RussellGrieshop, jane566, nikola.
10/10/2007 David C: Steampunk - Magic Revisited While I could hack together a magic system that "works," I want... no, I need to make a system that makes sense to me. I'm probably not the only one… In First Thoughts Participants: David C, Vulpinoid, Ken, contracycle, dindenver, xenopulse, RobNJ, David Artman.
10/10/2007 The Black Dog: Game Idea in the works: can a man get some feedback!? A friend of mine and I had an Idea for a tabletop RPG of our own. We came up with some pretty novel ideas (I should say "I did" as… In First Thoughts Participants: The Black Dog, Simon C, dindenver, Japo, Noon.
10/10/2007 Scott Purdy: Looking for John Grigas Hey everyone,
If you know Jon Grigas could you please tell him that my emails to him are bouncing, it's looking like his email account has added me as SPAM..… In Connections Participants: Scott Purdy, StrongBadMun.
10/10/2007 higgins: Group play vs. Individual play Hi all!
I've heard a lot of good things about The Forge. Happy to finally be here!
As for my thread... There's been a lot of talk regarding gaming systems… In First Thoughts Participants: higgins, Artanis, Conteur, Ron Edwards, Japo, davidberg.
10/10/2007 Jasper the Mimbo: Fun with Simulationism (Star Wars D6) Long post. I was discussing the old Star Wars system with some friends, who are rabid Star Wars fans, and they convinced me to run a game for them. Luckily, I'd had… In Actual Play Participants: Jasper the Mimbo, SpinachBaron, contracycle.
10/9/2007 Aman the Rejected: [TSOY] The Shadow of the Abyss On Saturday I ran a game for Eric and Lisa Provost and a new member of our local area, Eric Lofgren. It was intended to be a Conspiracy of Shadows… In CRN Games Participants: Aman the Rejected, oliof, Eero Tuovinen.
10/9/2007 GreatWolf: [Shock: v 1.1] Be Careful Where You Litter When I heard that Shock: was being released in its 1.1 edition, I was pretty excited. I had heard some nifty things about the original edition of the game, but… In Actual Play Participants: GreatWolf, Gabrielle.
10/9/2007 Black Armos: [DRYH] One-Shot game help. Hey all,
I have been trying to create an indie games seen at my local game store and have had a little success (although they will still only order the… In Evilhat Productions Participants: Black Armos, iago.
10/9/2007 Tubbybottom: Could anyone give me some feedbacks on this game? :) Hey
As my student projekt work I am doing an RPG and evaluating the problems while making an RPG
for my homemade game I have chosen a mix of D&D,… In First Thoughts Participants: Tubbybottom, contracycle, StrongBadMun, Satanman, xenopulse, Japo, Simons, Noon, Castlin.
10/9/2007 DainXB: [Sons of Liberty playtest] Actual Play and Benjamin Franklin's sack! 'Sons of Liberty' AP Report 10/07/07
I finally got the chance to play the beta version of Sons of Liberty! Present for the game were:
Dain (myself), a 30-year veteran… In Playtesting Participants: DainXB, GreatWolf, Valamir, Joshua BishopRoby.
10/8/2007 ijonchrist: Sorcerer Setting Idea: Feedback Very Welcome! [b]Post Apocalyptic Setting: TechnoWizards[/b]
[b]Humanity is:[/b] Empathy
[b]0 Humanity means: [/b] You no longer care about anything. Life’s only purpose is to survive the day, and you really don't even… In Adept Press Participants: ijonchrist, Ron Edwards, pfischer, Vulpinoid.
10/8/2007 JC: [Polaris] Three is a breeze heya :)
just thought I should let y'all know that I played Polaris for the first time, through IRC, and that it went very very well, even though there were… In These Are Our Games Participants: JC, cydmab, Ben Lehman.
10/8/2007 Paul Czege: [Infected] Children of the White Flies Hey Eric,
We playtested on Friday, September 28th. The playtest group was myself (as GM), Corinne Knipe, Matt Gwinn, and my wife Danielle. We had fun, which isn't such a… In Playtesting Participants: Paul Czege, Technocrat13, hardcoremoose.
10/8/2007 Simons: Finding playtesters Hey all,
So "Game X"/"Escape from Illeria" is going forward. I think I'm at a point where my close group of friends are tapped out (pretty much they all say,… In First Thoughts Participants: Simons, Ken, Wolfen, davidberg.
10/7/2007 yellowparis: [DRYH] NPC Assists Say we have a situation in which a PC is caught between a couple Nightmare factions, siding with one against the other. In a conflict, he's assisted by one Nightmare… In Evilhat Productions Participants: yellowparis, iago, Noclue.
10/5/2007 Twilight Dream: [split from] Re: horror or not? I'm sorry for bringing up a thread this old, but I have just started playing MLwM, and when I found this thread I started thinking about this.
The major difference… In Half Meme Press Participants: Twilight Dream, Paul Czege.
10/7/2007 TomTitTot: From Cradle To Gravy: A lovely little card game where you eat your friends. So, due to an off-the-cuff remark from a close friend, I'm designing (alongside my Dystopia game) a cute little card game that involves heavy politicking and negotiation and cannibalism. I… In First Thoughts Participants: TomTitTot, SpinachBaron, Ken, contracycle, Satanman, Simon C, LordKiwi, Castlin, Jillianaire, David C, Age of Fable.
10/6/2007 Filip Luszczyk: Positive Game Design Challenge I've been asked by Guy Shalev to start a public design challenge for him. Here it is.
I'll stress it: I'm challenging this one person specifically. Feel free to participate… In Endeavor Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Noon, Thunder_God, joepub, Eric Bennett, Adam Dray, Vulpinoid.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 10/11/2007 SaintandSinner: OmegaCon Birmingham March 14th-16th, 2008 I'm planning on running several games at a local convention Omegacon, March 14th-16th, 2008, Birmingham, Alabama. I'm comfortable/interested in running SOTC, DRYH, ZoZ, Mortal Coil, Amber Diceless (hope for a… In Conventions Participants: SaintandSinner.
10/11/2007 segedy: [The Infected] The Flood
I've been promising Eric that I'd write up this playtest report for The Infected for some time now. This playtest was run a few months ago and was based on… In Playtesting Participants: segedy, Technocrat13.
10/11/2007 segedy: [The Infected] Ice Station Charon This was a playtest of The Infected with three players that ran for about 2.5 hours. The players were experienced with narrative-style games, and play regularly together. This session was… In Playtesting Participants: segedy, Isbo, Darcy Burgess, Technocrat13.
10/11/2007 yellowparis: [IaWA] Injury and Exhaustion Something I don't get:
Why does dice damage, when received, only damage 'endure duress' or 'exert yourself'? Seems odd ... like, if I've just been shamed before the community, my… In lumpley games Participants: yellowparis, Valvorik, lumpley.
10/11/2007 WyldKarde: New Generic Roleplaying System Hey Forge,
I am in need of some help in designing a generic roleplaying system. SInce I've never done this before, I might be a little off on what I… In First Thoughts Participants: WyldKarde, Adam Dray, Vulpinoid, David Artman, error808, dindenver, lighthouse.
10/12/2007 RobNJ: Use of the Myers-Briggs trademark Hey folks,
From what I can tell by reading it looks like if I use Myers-Briggs in my game design, I may do so as long as I use… In Publishing Participants: RobNJ, Vulpinoid, c, MatrixGamer.
10/12/2007 GreatWolf: [Sons of Liberty playtest] A Pyrrhic victory Having made some comments over here and then listening to Joshua’s comments on the Master Plan podcast, I figured that I needed to sit down and write up a full… In Playtesting Participants: GreatWolf, Joshua BishopRoby, Heraldic Game Design, Valamir, DainXB, Gabrielle.
10/12/2007 Matthew Glover: Bad Blood - A Capes Shadowrun Scenario I decided to go ahead and post my most recent draft of the Capes Shadowrun scenario I've been working on because it doesn't look like I'm going to have a… In Muse of Fire Games Participants: Matthew Glover.
10/12/2007 okiran: L.A. area minicon? Any Los Angeles area people interested in having a minicon during the latter part of November? I've started a discussion about it over at <a href=""></a> if you are.
James In Conventions Participants: okiran.
10/13/2007 xjermx: [Shadowrun of Yesterday] Cyberzombies (long) I recently ran a game of Shadowrun of Yesterday, a melding of the coolness of Shadowrun and the awesome of Shadow of Yesterday.
In short, it went really, really well. … In Actual Play Participants: xjermx, Eero Tuovinen, John Harper.
10/13/2007 Satanman: What Effect Does Tone Have on Play? The writing style apparent in games that I read has always had some effect on my attitude toward games, but in many cases in an uncomfortable or ineffective way, and… In First Thoughts Participants: Satanman, David C, Vulpinoid, Ken, Valamir, davidberg.
10/13/2007 GregStolze: Squinting Amateur Illustrator Seeks Models This thread on my web site...
...pretty much describes it. I'm looking for interesting looking, vain or just lacksadaisical people to pose for art in the REIGN wiki and… In Connections Participants: GregStolze.
10/13/2007 Willow: It Was a Mutual Decision- Some Questions I just got to try out IWaMD last night. Good times were had, but there was some confusion about the rules and some awkwardness.
1) How do those check mark… In Adept Press Participants: Willow, Ron Edwards.
10/13/2007 pfischer: Dirty Secrets with only two players? Has anybody tried this? Is it possible?
I couldn't find a minimum number of players in the book, apart from that you need one player as the Investigator and one… In Dark Omen Games Participants: pfischer, GreatWolf.
10/13/2007 warden: Universal Game Engine. Wardenwerx Hey
i am sick of over priced books and constant expansions. And... 4th ed. has made me finally follow thru with an idea i have had for years. Build my… In First Thoughts Participants: warden, BigElvis, dindenver.
10/14/2007 jburneko: [Dirty Secrets] Gym Teacher Goes To Jail, Assualts Prominent Doctor We just finished playing Dirty Secrets. Like, 30 minutes ago. It took a bit, but in the end I loved it. I was playing Josh Bishop-Roby and my wife Meghann. … In Actual Play Participants: jburneko, Joshua BishopRoby, GreatWolf.
10/14/2007 Catalyst N: Alternate Health System for d20 Martial Arts Hey all, this is my first post.
Short Intro of Me: Hey, my name's Nathan, since people seem to like being on a first name basis here. I've been playing… In First Thoughts Participants: Catalyst N, Noon, BigElvis, Simon C, David C, Falc, dikaiosunh, jag, Vulpinoid, masqueradeball, Jillianaire, Castlin, Edgar.
10/14/2007 Joe Murphy (Broin): [Contest] Make Game$ Fast Hello, dear Friend! bored tonight?
At last you will never worry about your size any more.
We have a new product that will make all your ga^mes dreams come true.… In Endeavor Participants: Joe Murphy (Broin), lumpley, mwhite, Ron Edwards.
10/14/2007 BigElvis: RM for GM-Less: Game of dominoes snaking through areas of narration. I have an idea for a resolution mechanic to support a game about machismo: Playing dominoes (I realise there are different rules for playing dominoes, i hope that if you… In First Thoughts Participants: BigElvis, Artanis, Vulpinoid, Simon C, Noon, Everspinner, Falc.
10/14/2007 Robotech_Master: Third Game: "Sid Loves Nancy" Today at a local geek picnic fest, I started a game of Universalis. Four of us hadn't played it before, two of us had.
My friend Sandy, the other one… In Universalis Participants: Robotech_Master.
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