Previous Topics 2/4/2008 Kat Miller: Gencon08 IGE and GOD This year due to much happiness in our family (Dalys will be going to college!!) Michael and I will not be at Gen Con 08.
As Organizer of the Games… In Conventions Participants: Kat Miller, Gaerik.
2/4/2008 malladin_ben: A thought about dice rolling - contested or target number Hi folks,
I'm just thinking through a basic dice rolling mechanic. I'd like to get a nice neatuniversal dice mechanic that I can use in the game no matter what… In First Thoughts Participants: malladin_ben, danielsan, Bastoche, casquilho, VoidDragon, Hereward The Wake, Jack Aidley.
2/4/2008 Rich F: (TSOY) The Shadow of Eberron I'm working on a version of TSOY that draws from D&D's Eberron campaign setting, and I'm hitting something of a creative block at the moment. I'm hoping some discussion here… In CRN Games Participants: Rich F, shadowcourt, Eero Tuovinen.
2/3/2008 devonapple: [Hounds on the Moor/Afraid] Sanity risk dice I went through the "Call of Cthulhu" bestiary last night and calculated approximate dice values for the Sanity risk each creature poses. I tried to alter the dice depending on… In lumpley games Participants: devonapple.
2/3/2008 Darcy Burgess: [AGON] - The Poor, Over-worked GM Hi,
Ben's questions about armour got me to thinking a some more about my recent experiences with Agon (ap and questions).
The first issue is John's answer to my "Do… In design Participants: Darcy Burgess, Mel_White, demiurgeastaroth, Ben Robbins, John Harper.
2/3/2008 steven807: [IaWA] Questions Firstly, I'll say that my little group just got done with a fun first chapter of Wicked. Thanks for another great game, Vincent! But we did have some questions:
1)… In lumpley games Participants: steven807, rycanada, demiurgeastaroth, lumpley, Rustin, yellowparis.
2/3/2008 casquilho: New to the Forge Hello All,
I had the opportunity to exchange a few Emails with Ron and he pointed me to this forum. So i wanted to say hello and to let Ron… In Site Discussion Participants: casquilho, Ron Edwards.
2/2/2008 Ben Robbins: [Agon] replacement hero question So when you (ahem) retire a hero and make a new one, you get free dice raises equal to half the quests you completed.
Does that add to the two… In design Participants: Ben Robbins, Mendolin, John Harper.
2/2/2008 Ben Robbins: [Agon] armor questions A few easy questions about armor:
1) Can you use creative abilities to adjust the armor roll? I've found threads that seem to have contradictory answers:
2) I… In design Participants: Ben Robbins, John Harper.
2/2/2008 Alfryd: Skill Trees, and related problems.
Like it says, I've been trying to come up with an RPG mechanic that revolves around the notion of skills being arranged in a hierarchy, going from vague, flexible and… In First Thoughts Participants: Alfryd, Hereward The Wake, masqueradeball, Wolfen, Capulet, Velcanthus, Eero Tuovinen, daeruin, davidberg.
2/2/2008 Clinton R. Nixon: [Dreamation 2008] Questers of the Middle Realms I ran Tim Gray's Questers of the Middle Realms at Dreamation 2008 last weekend, and have been looking forward to having time to talk about it.
It's stressful walking into… In Actual Play Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Ian Charvill.
2/2/2008 jamsthehobbit: Free Experienced Writing and Editing I'd like to offer my services as a writer or editor on any RPG materials with no pay needed. All I ask is for an appropriate credit. Whether you're looking… In Connections Participants: jamsthehobbit.
2/1/2008 JustinB: Fairytale/Noir Rewrites Okay, let's play a game. The "rules" of the game are that you take a fairytale or noir story and turn it into a Fae Noir story, basically. Here are… In Green Fairy Games Participants: JustinB, ctone.
2/1/2008 Yokiboy: [TSoY] Ability Checks and IIEE Hello,
We played our six session of TSoY the other night, and had a blast as always. However, we had a break of three months prior to the session, and… In CRN Games Participants: Yokiboy, Eero Tuovinen.
2/1/2008 Kat Miller: [Dreamation 2008] Serial: Satisfying play. I wasn’t sure the game was going off, as 10 after the game should have started I had no one, but then Emily sat down and right after Nathan did. … In Actual Play Participants: Kat Miller, Emily Care, JC, zipht, GreatWolf, Paelena.
2/1/2008 Necromagvs: Game systems: Universal, simple and fun. what else is need? Hello fellows, this is my first post here and I am looking for some wisdom.
I am on the last development stages of a new game system. I will not… In First Thoughts Participants: Necromagvs, Chris_Chinn, David Artman, Marshall Burns.
2/1/2008 Rustin: [IaWA] Concrete actions questions When Shahu Seen whispers in Amek's ear, pointing out the curve of Tajie's lip and how the light falls on her throat--- is that a conversation or an action? (I… In lumpley games Participants: Rustin, Clinton R. Nixon, Valvorik, lumpley, PorterO, rycanada, demiurgeastaroth.
2/1/2008 StrongBadMun: Health and dying in Ember In Ember's combat system I've made it so attacks hit a random hit location unless the attacker makes a "called shot" to a specific location.
Currently suffering damage works like… In First Thoughts Participants: StrongBadMun, VoidDragon.
2/1/2008 Bret Gillan: [IaWA] Oracle Creation No rules/guidelines on creating your own oracles? Aww man!
Okay, so we did our first situation. It was great. Now, what becomes of those elements of the oracles that were… In lumpley games Participants: Bret Gillan, lumpley, DainXB, twilight, Valvorik, Garth.
2/1/2008 Michael S. Miller: [Dreamation 2008] Troublesome Munchausen On Friday night at Dreamation, I facilitated a game of The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Let me build upon what I wrote in my LiveJournal:
Friday midnight was The… In Actual Play Participants: Michael S. Miller, Eero Tuovinen, Queen_of_Kryos, Harlequin, Ignotus, Iskander, Claudia Cangini, Noon, Kat Miller, Valamir, Ron Edwards, endymion.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 2/4/2008 Greymorn: Controls, DeBuffs and PC avatars As you can read in this thread, my group is drifting into Vanilla Narr or a more functional, non-illusionist Sim. I'm wrestling with a thorny problem created (or at least… In Actual Play Participants: Greymorn, sirogit, Caldis, Noon, masqueradeball, Rich F, contracycle, twilight, FredGarber.
2/4/2008 Adrian F.: [TSoY] Some Zu Secrets I added some Zu Secrets to the wiki,dealing with a ZU user who owns the Zu word for himself In CRN Games Participants: Adrian F., oliof.
2/4/2008 shadowcourt: [TSOY] Near's Frozen South 2: Goren (and its new magical system) Hey, everyone,
Wanted to pick people's brains and solicit comments about a nation and magic system I'm tinkering with. This is all part of my greater project to develop the… In CRN Games Participants: shadowcourt, Clinton R. Nixon, Eero Tuovinen, apoptosis, oliof, Troels, Adrian F..
2/4/2008 Marshall Burns: [Sorcerer] GM stumbling blocks Ron,
I bought a copy of Sorcerer about a month ago, because I like magic-with-consequences in fiction & games, and also because I'm interested in trying out and analyzing games… In Adept Press Participants: Marshall Burns, Ron Edwards, Christopher Kubasik, Finarvyn, Yokiboy.
2/4/2008 angelfromanotherpin: It's a hard job There's a particular sort of story I'd like to RPG. It shows up in Warhammer fiction, in the Myth and X-com computer games, in WWII movies, on Legend of the… In First Thoughts Participants: angelfromanotherpin, Everspinner, contracycle, VoidDragon, Istvan, Creatures of Destiny, jamsthehobbit.
2/5/2008 jburneko: Spione Dry Run For OrcCon Hello,
Allow me a moment of angst. Sometimes I feel like I have no "right" to run Spione which I know is absurd. I bought the book. I'm free to… In Actual Play Participants: jburneko, WillH, Ron Edwards, GreatWolf, Eliarhiman6.
2/5/2008 Yokiboy: [carry] Rules Summary Hello,
I was wondering if anyone has put together a carry cheat sheet or rules reference? If so I'd love to see it. If not, then I'm forced to make… In ndp design Participants: Yokiboy, Ron Edwards, Nathan P..
2/5/2008 sirogit: [Mortal Coil]Newbie Questions Hi!
I'm starting a game of Mortal Coil this week, and I had a few questions.
1. When someone proposes a fact like "Vampires Exist", what is the price? Is… In Galileo Games Participants: sirogit, inthisstyle.
2/5/2008 masqueradeball: Rogue Bounty I recently put the beta for a game I'm working on called Rogue Bounty up as a free download on I was hoping people might check it out and… In First Thoughts Participants: masqueradeball.
2/5/2008 brainwipe: How best to display equipment and stuff? Sorry if this is in the wrong place, it seems to fit best here...
Most Sci Fi games have a lot of stuff. Cars, bikes, guns, spaceships, more guns, armour… In First Thoughts Participants: brainwipe, casquilho, Wolfen.
2/5/2008 c: [Forge Midwest 2008] FMW08 Mentoring Project Hey folks,
So at Dreamation, Gen Con, Origins, and other venues we have game design seminars where we get folks to feed themselves to the wolves. One person gets the… In Conventions Participants: c, Ron Edwards, Gaerik, Matt Snyder, Blankshield, abzu, GamerChick.
2/5/2008 Bastoche: [Vices and virtues] Seeking options on my game system Hi,
I've pondered a lot on the game before seeking opinions. I've been sporadicly working on that project for many months. I'll try to keep it as consise as possible.… In First Thoughts Participants: Bastoche, danielsan, HDTVDinner, Alfryd.
2/5/2008 StrongBadMun: Developers and Testers in Central New York Hey everybody,
My name is John and I live in New York, Norwich New York to be specific. I'm looking for local developers and testers who would be interested in… In Connections Participants: StrongBadMun.
2/5/2008 Ahrimanius: (SotC) Deceit Stunt Question hy just started GMing SotC and I have a Conman character concept.
While not just being able to Deceive People very well he is also skilled in the art of… In Evilhat Productions Participants: Ahrimanius, iago.
2/5/2008 HDTVDinner: [IaWA] Firefly/Serenity Oracle [URL=http://""]In a Wiked Verse...[/URL]
First attempt at Creating an oracle, creating a pdf, and having it hosted, so if you have a better way let me know!
Thanks! In lumpley games Participants: HDTVDinner, demiurgeastaroth, DainXB.
2/5/2008 Noon: Lot of timing out at the forge? For awhile I atleast seem to be getting alot of page timeouts. The page just wont come up for a few minutes, then for a few more minutes it'll work… In Site Discussion Participants: Noon, Ron Edwards.
2/6/2008 demicanadian: Kudos Greetings!
Yes, I'm a Forge frosh. I'm really genuinely surprised at never having heard of this site before a week ago. I know, talk about rolling a critical failure! … In Site Discussion Participants: demicanadian, Valamir, Ron Edwards.
2/6/2008 davidberg: player-directed exploration of GM-created world I like to play ignorant characters. I like to discover a cool imagnary place that I have no actual knowledge of.
But I don't like "following" a GM's "plot". I'm… In First Thoughts Participants: davidberg, contracycle, danielsan, brainwipe, Latigo, Greymorn, Alfryd, dindenver, Marshall Burns, anders_larsen, masqueradeball, Raymond Caleatry, pells, MKAdams, Paul T, Will OConnor, opsneakie.
2/6/2008 Ben Lehman: [The Drifter's Escape] Two dead cops and a pregnant girl So my brother wrote a bunch of stories, and I wrote a game inspired by them. The game is called "The Drifter's Escape." Since I'm home for a bit, and… In Playtesting Participants: Ben Lehman, Clinton R. Nixon, jacoblehman, Eero Tuovinen, Marshall Burns, Ron Edwards, Chris_Chinn.
2/6/2008 Frank Tarcikowski: [Das Schwarze Auge] Making the best of a pointless character death This was originally posted over at the knife fight in a thread about character death, but I think it might be worth its own Forge thread, so here goes.
The… In Actual Play Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, Noon, LandonSuffered, Marshall Burns.
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