The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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Previous Topics

2/14/2008 jasonm: [Business Solutions] Update
Hey, if you are following Business Solutions at all, it's almost done.  It's out for an additional round of playtesting now.  If you aren't following Business Solutions, it's a game…
In Bully Pulpit Games
Participants: jasonm.

2/14/2008 Mason: Players Against Player Authorship
I recently wrapped up a short-term D&D 3.5/Arcana Evolved campaign that I ran every other weekend for four or five of my long-time players.  ("Long time" meaning the new guy…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mason, Lord_Steelhand, Paul Czege, Valvorik, Vulpinoid, greyorm, Greis, Wolfen, Paul T.

2/13/2008 Grinning Moon: Less = More?
Question: If you pick-up a roleplaying game with a lot of backstory (and it's own world), presenting a few different sapient species, do you generally expect to have rules for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Grinning Moon, casquilho, Paul Czege, theMonk, dindenver, Bastoche, Eero Tuovinen, Marshall Burns, Vulpinoid, contracycle.

2/13/2008 fig: A game that optimizes for...?
What are the rewards in gaming, specifically provided by the game itself? The reason why I decided to design a new setting/system is because my group (we’ve been playing for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: fig, casquilho, theMonk, masqueradeball, Creatures of Destiny, Eero Tuovinen, dindenver, Grinning Moon, Ron Edwards, JoyWriter, lachek.

2/13/2008 fig: adding breadth to rules-lite
I’ve always been a fan of Fate (I’ve been posting on their boards, too), and I’ve always wanted to make it a bit “crunchier”. I'm designing this for play with…
In First Thoughts
Participants: fig.

2/13/2008 Galadrin: Mass Battle System
Hey all, this is totally unrelated to my previous post (about 16 Bit).  I am running a Hackmaster game and was looking for a good mass battle system.  I found…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Galadrin, komradebob.

2/13/2008 Greymorn: [DitV] Dogs and (false?) doctrine
Played my first game of Dogs in the Vineyard last night. We had less than 2 hours to play, nevertheless we created 4 interesting Dogs and ran through 4 pretty…
In Actual Play
Participants: Greymorn, WillH, oliof, Ron Edwards, David Artman, Marshall Burns, FredGarber, lumpley.

2/13/2008 masqueradeball: Gods and Such
A while back David Berg posted a thread about generating challenges for an RPG that were organic and not based on the player whim. I think the goal of that…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, Rich F, theMonk, Velcanthus, Grinning Moon.

2/13/2008 masqueradeball: Task resolutions and conflicts
I recently started working on a system based on Japanese style computer games, which are in turn based of traditional mythology and of course, dungeons and dragons. Now, I'm not…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, VoidDragon, Bastoche, Filip Luszczyk, Grinning Moon.

2/13/2008 masqueradeball: the marriage of Improvisation and SIM
Howdy folks. I've been thinking about the topic of improvisation versus pre-planning in running and participating in role-playing because of a rather truncated attempt to bring up the subject in…
In Actual Play
Participants: masqueradeball, anders_larsen, Marshall Burns.

2/12/2008 theMonk: Imperium Chronicles
I haven’t posted here before so here it goes . . . For the last year I’ve been working on a PnP role playing game called the Imperium Chronicles.  It’s…
In First Thoughts
Participants: theMonk, masqueradeball.

2/12/2008 casquilho: [Orccon 2008] in Los Angeles
Other then jburneko doing a game of Spione, is there anyone else going to be at the convention in Los Angeles this weekend? I just started to learn about these…
In Conventions
Participants: casquilho, WillH.

2/12/2008 Troy_Costisick: [Sorcerer] Kind of a Weird, maybe Sad Story
Heya, I went to my FLGS (named Something 2 Do) a couple weeks ago for the Morningtide set release tournament for Magic: The Gathering.  It's on the second floor of…
In Adept Press
Participants: Troy_Costisick, jburneko, rafial, Ron Edwards, Finarvyn.

2/12/2008 Emily Care: RPG.Net Review of Shooting the Moon
Jee Hyung Lee just gave Shooting the Moon a thorough and very favorable review at RPG.Net: I'm very happy that Jee enjoyed the game! Using the Beast Hunter setting…
In Black and Green Games
Participants: Emily Care.

2/12/2008 Gaerik: I finally figured out what I wanted...
I've been a part of The Forge for around 4 years now and during that time I've had the itch to design a game.  That shouldn't surprise anyone here.  Lot's…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Gaerik, chronoplasm, opsneakie, masqueradeball, jag, Valamir, OnnoTasler, fig, contracycle.

2/12/2008 Troy_Costisick: [Low Power Fantasy] Playtest 3, Session 1
Heya, I held the first session of the third playtest for a new game and system engine last Saturday.  Before I start describing the session, I’ll link the power 19…
In Playtesting
Participants: Troy_Costisick.

2/12/2008 Hituro: [Solipsist] Mermaid Towers
In contrast to the last game of Solipsist I ran I've been trying out the game as a one on one over e-mail, and it seems to be working well.…
In Playtesting
Participants: Hituro.

2/12/2008 Gabrielle: [Land of a Thousand Kings] Of Castles, Pyramids and Fisherman Kings
Last Friday I play Land of a Thousand Kings with two friends of mine and one of my friend's ten-year-old sister. The ten-year-old, Julia, had been up too late several…
In Playtesting
Participants: Gabrielle, Ben Lehman.

2/12/2008 5niper9: [Dogs in the Vineyard] I broke the rules ... twice
Hi, last saturday we played Dogs in the Vineyard and it finally gave me what I expected from play. "We" that is Anna, Edwin, Carina, Felix and me. Carina and…
In Actual Play
Participants: 5niper9, oliof, David Artman, lumpley.

2/12/2008 program: To story, or not to story.
Well I have been writing story after story for my RPG rule book, but none of them have gone down well, so before I take any action I would just…
In Endeavor
Participants: program, casquilho, Peter Nordstrand, Kevin Smit.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

2/14/2008 Keiko: Capes: I need help
First, I'd like to say that I am really fascinated by the concept of this game. But for some reason I am having the darndest time wrapping my head around…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Keiko, TonyLB, hix, JohnUghrin.

2/14/2008 davidberg: [Swashbuckler] Big Model describes boardgame?
I played the Swashbuckler boardgame with my dad a lot when I was maybe 10-13 years old.  It's a game where you have a board filled with objects, and you…
In Actual Play
Participants: davidberg, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, SirValence.

2/15/2008 Thor: [Loqui] the system-y stuff
At the end of last year, I promised my gaming group that we would only play one setting this year. We had played a different Game/Setting/Character every session and they…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Thor.

2/15/2008 mooeythecow: Steam: A game of beautiful logic.
I'm new here but heres an idea I'm working on My original post at I've always been a logical ordered person, and I know that doesn't help for making…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mooeythecow, Velcanthus.

2/15/2008 sirogit: [Mortal Coil]Black Pegacorn
INSTIGATION Near the end of my previous roleplaying game, I asked my girlfriend what sort of game would be good. She said "Changeling sounds really neat!". I talked to her…
In Actual Play
Participants: sirogit, inthisstyle, Ron Edwards, Lord_Steelhand, Madheretic.

2/15/2008 Dunefan: Soundtrack
Any recommendations for a soundtrack/background music to a Fae Noir game?
In Green Fairy Games
Participants: Dunefan.

2/15/2008 Keiko: Story Tokens
Do players have any Story Tokens when a game first begins? (the first session of a new game).
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Keiko, 1of3, JohnUghrin, TheCzech, Gaerik, TonyLB.

2/16/2008 Corsair1564: GameStorm 2008 release 02/02/08
The Northwest’s Premiere Social and Strategic Games Convention March 28-30, 2008 Red Lion on the Quay, Vancouver WA Game Storm Gathering Strength in the Northwest Portland metro area bracing for…
In Conventions
Participants: Corsair1564, Ron Edwards.

2/16/2008 Trevis Martin: Yet another IAWA Question and Love Fest
Well not a fest exactly, but it sounded more dramatic that way. Vincent, thanks for this game.  My two friends and I had a great time playing tonight and it…
In lumpley games
Participants: Trevis Martin, lumpley, Valvorik.

2/16/2008 rycanada: [Wicked] PStr question
I kind of get the difference but have had a hard time explaining it to players. What is the difference between what you should write in the Description of a…
In lumpley games
Participants: rycanada, lumpley.

2/16/2008 fig: perception
To me, perception-based skills always walked the line between being mentally and physically based. On one hand, being blind or deaf is a physical condition. On the other, a dim-witted…
In First Thoughts
Participants: fig, chronoplasm, OnnoTasler, Axe4Eye, VoidDragon, Alfryd, Peter Nordstrand.

2/17/2008 angelfromanotherpin: [Dictionary of Mu] Alone against the Khan of Khans!
This is the second session of the game whose first session is described here.  So, it was another no-prep session, riding the Dictionary's inspiration.  When we left Vornorin and Ket,…
In Actual Play
Participants: angelfromanotherpin.

2/17/2008 Alan: [IaWA] Question on Consequences
In a chapter yesterday at ConQuest story games lounge, I GMed this situation: An NPC priestess declared that she and Balthior, a PC pass through a marriage arch and say…
In lumpley games
Participants: Alan, demiurgeastaroth, lumpley, Eliarhiman6, Christopher Kubasik, Ben Lehman.

2/17/2008 Age of Fable: The All-Seeing Eye - the classic game you've never heard of.
Hi, Just for fun, I've put the rules for a retro-clone game on my website. European gamers in particular may find it familiar. It's at
In First Thoughts
Participants: Age of Fable, Vulpinoid, Rafu.

2/17/2008 theMonk: Game Diaries
Since starting my rpg over a year ago, I've been keeping a game diary to capture some of the creative process along the way.  I was wondering, however, if anyone…
In First Thoughts
Participants: theMonk, fig, jasonm, brainwipe.

2/18/2008 JackConrad: Open License...
I am curious how many independent artists and/or publishers out there have tried to produce and release work under an open license; that is, how many of said individuals released…
In Publishing
Participants: JackConrad, Clinton R. Nixon.

2/18/2008 Alan: How to create an Oracle?
Over at Story Games I started a discussion aimed at creating a complete Oracle with images derived from Robert Howard's Conan stories ( Help me create a Conan Oracle…
In lumpley games
Participants: Alan, DainXB.

2/18/2008 Marshall Burns: [kill puppies for satan] the terror of Consequence
So, the other night, my group had just wrapped up a Super Action Now! scenario (the first one to span over one session), and we still had a couple hours…
In Actual Play
Participants: Marshall Burns, lumpley.

2/18/2008 JC: [UTB] [DRYH] [TI] Three games in one day!
Hey people! I played three different games this Saturday, and I’d like to give some feedback. I also have a few questions. UNDER THE BED We started off with Under…
In Actual Play
Participants: JC, Technocrat13, nikola.

2/18/2008 Troels: [TSoFading Suns] Secrets and Mysteries
Yesterday, my Shadow of Fading Suns group played the second round (third session) of our Science Fantasy intrigue campaign. We use the system of The Shadow of Yesterday, but the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Troels, Ron Edwards, Kevin Smit, pfischer.

more subsequent topics >>