Previous Topics 2/22/2008 SaintandSinner: OmegaCon Birmingham March 14th-16th, 2008 I will be running the following events. If interested, let me know.
Don't Rest Your Head: Friday 9pm till late?
"The Asylum"
The players (all teens) have been sent by… In Conventions Participants: SaintandSinner.
2/22/2008 williamhessian: CCG gameplay help (balancing experience advantage) images and concepts of my game can be found here:
My main gameplay problem so far is balancing out the advantage to skilled players as to novices. My game… In Playtesting Participants: williamhessian, btrc.
2/22/2008 mratomek: Game Design Assistance I am looking for someone that wants to help finish a game. The game is about 90% complete--but don't fret. I really want a fresh POV on the game, and… In Connections Participants: mratomek, williamhessian, Eero Tuovinen.
2/22/2008 lachek: Setting of [Kult] in [Sorcerer] One of my fave game settings of all time is in the Swedish horror RPG "Kult":
The game's base mechanics consist of your standard BRP-derived "roll under your skill",… In Adept Press Participants: lachek, Peter Nordstrand, Ron Edwards, Marshall Burns, Valamir, joshua neff, greyorm.
2/22/2008 Alan: [IaWA] Advantage dice question Hi again Vincent,
Advantage dice. It's clear from the text that an advantage dice bought from the Owe list is kept until the end of a conflict, but I find… In lumpley games Participants: Alan, lumpley, WildElf, rycanada, Valvorik.
2/22/2008 Grinning Moon: The Gygax I had asked Ron via PM if he had a personal hatred of Gary Gygax, perhaps as a result of meeting / talking with him in person, because that was… In Adept Press Participants: Grinning Moon, Ron Edwards, Paka, Eero Tuovinen, M. J. Young, Gaerik.
2/22/2008 Matt Gwinn: Gencon Declares Bankruptcy I was just watching G4 and they said Gencon llc is declaring bankruptcy.
Anyone else hear about this? Any idea how it's going to effect future conventions?
Apparently they owe… In Conventions Participants: Matt Gwinn, iago, Ron Edwards.
2/22/2008 Peter Nordstrand: [While We Were Fighting] Scene Framing the Renaissance So we played While We Were Fighting at OmniCon, and it went really well. (See footnote for a description of WWWF.) I learned a lot from this session, but I'll… In Playtesting Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Marshall Burns, Anders.
2/21/2008 Christopher Kubasik: I ask Vincent a bunch of questions like I was a horde of flying monkeys I wrote a long post in another thread, and then realized this was it's own thread.
The original thread is here:
Each "to hit" roll… In lumpley games Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Eliarhiman6, Alan, lumpley, DainXB, demiurgeastaroth, John Harper.
2/21/2008 davidberg: The Forge as Reference In my time spent learning Big Model concepts and terms at the Forge, many folks have been very helpful in giving me links to older threads where some term was… In Site Discussion Participants: davidberg, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards.
2/21/2008 williamhessian: card game ideas and concepts Back a bunch of years I created a game using buildable cards, in which a robot (think Gundam) is used to be build up/ upgraded by laying cards on top… In First Thoughts Participants: williamhessian, chronoplasm, Catalyst N, Nev the Deranged.
2/21/2008 chronoplasm: Pathodyne Power 19 in Progress First the 19:
1) What is your game about?
Myers-Briggs typology and inner struggle.
2) What do the characters do?
The characters strive to deal with their inner problems and… In First Thoughts Participants: chronoplasm, Grinning Moon, Axe4Eye, danielsan.
2/21/2008 williamhessian: POD Card Printing, Maybe (split) once you are accepting outside orders i would like to put in an order for 100-250 cards (depending on how many i have finished at that point). I am guessing… In Publishing Participants: williamhessian, Ron Edwards, guildofblades, Nev the Deranged.
2/21/2008 Willow: Llulu/Print on Demand File Formatting So, when I upload my PDF file, which is the interior of the book, is the first page the inside of the cover, or is it the first physical paper… In Publishing Participants: Willow, Ron Edwards.
2/21/2008 a_verheaghe: [IaWA] Actual play threads or play examples anywhere? I've got the rules, read them and went wow! I really want to play and it seems so simple, but then I started thinking about it, and after a few… In lumpley games Participants: a_verheaghe.
2/21/2008 Christopher Kubasik: [Orccon][HeroQuest] In Glorantha, of all places! I ran a game for three players at Orccon this past Sunday morning. (I ran two other games at the con: Primetime Adventures and Pendragon. I plan on doing an… In Actual Play Participants: Christopher Kubasik, jburneko, Web_Weaver, Eliarhiman6, Melinglor, charles ferguson.
2/21/2008 Finarvyn: [DitV] Total Newbie I'm a total newbie to Dogs in the Vineyard. So new, in fact, that the copy I ordered hasn't even come in the mail yet. I should probably hold off… In lumpley games Participants: Finarvyn, JC, lumpley, Eliarhiman6, Transit, Warren.
2/21/2008 MKAdams: Use These Dice! So I was looking at some of the stranger dice available on the market, and I found these: Double Dice. They're translucent, hollow dice with a smaller opaque die inside,… In Endeavor Participants: MKAdams, GreatWolf, Nev the Deranged, Eero Tuovinen, David Artman, Ron Edwards, Vulpinoid, Solamasa, Valamir, _haroharo_, sirogit, davidberg, newsalor, Kevin Smit, hix, Artanis, GregStolze, Marshall Burns.
2/20/2008 Capulet: Post Con of the North 2008 Or, What I learned at my first Con as an indie game publisher.
Follow up to: "First Con as Publisher, Looking for Advice"
(Full blog post with photos: )… In Conventions Participants: Capulet.
2/20/2008 jburneko: [OrcCon 2008][Spione] Hey, it worked again! So, I ran Spione in the 8pm Sunday slot of OrcCon here in Los Angeles. It worked out really well again. Hey, that's two successful runs of a Ron Edwards… In Actual Play Participants: jburneko, Ron Edwards.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 2/22/2008 derthnada: PDF...again I see that this has been brought up a few times over the years, but I just wanted to share my opinion, in case it matters:
If this game was… In Universalis Participants: derthnada, Valamir, snej, Robotech_Master, David Artman.
2/22/2008 Marshall Burns: [The Rustbelt] GM flails, but at least the system rocks The latest incarnation of my baby, The Rustbelt, finally got a test run. It was kind of spur of the moment, so it took a while to get ready as… In Playtesting Participants: Marshall Burns, Eero Tuovinen, Peter Nordstrand, Knarfy, Ron Edwards, davidberg.
2/23/2008 Eero Tuovinen: Last Year's Indie Games It took a while for the latest batch of indie games I ordered from the US to reach our distant shores, but now they're finally here, and just in time… In Publishing Participants: Eero Tuovinen, iago.
2/23/2008 mratomek: [Super Force Seven] Cruchy Combat I have tweaked the combat system--yet again. And it seems to finally balance ease of use with rule-based drama. The idea of the game is to allow for head-to-head RPG… In Playtesting Participants: mratomek, Valamir, Marshall Burns.
2/23/2008 Rimke: [Face of Angels] My first time Last Saturday I played Face of Angels with some friends at the gathering of frequent visitors of, the Flemish/Dutch site for RPG players. I really enjoyed our game, but… In Playtesting Participants: Rimke, Clinton R. Nixon.
2/23/2008 Eero Tuovinen: [Primitive] Such glorious incoherency I've played two sessions of Primitive after getting a bunch of copies in a recent batch of indie games from America. The game looks rather striking and it's cheap, so… In Actual Play Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Artanis.
2/24/2008 Grinning Moon: Things that just ARE plain taboo, as far as RPGs are concerned Okay. So there's a review of a game at that just... bugs me (not the review or reviewer - the game being reviewed):
Okay, okay - maybe there's… In Publishing Participants: Grinning Moon, Eero Tuovinen, Velcanthus, Axe4Eye, StrongBadMun, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Willow, Ben Lehman, guildofblades, David Artman, joepub, btrc, tymotzues.
2/24/2008 Knucklebones: How to keep magic magical? I've been trying to find a way to properly incorporate magic into my game system, but to do it in such a way that its effects are more flexible and… In First Thoughts Participants: Knucklebones, Eero Tuovinen, greyorm, Manveru, Axe4Eye, davidberg, Adrian F., contracycle, Marshall Burns, dindenver.
2/24/2008 Rustin: [IaWA] Consequential Damage to NPC forms Do we lower the highest dice?
Do we lower both dice?
Does the victor chose which dice to lower? In lumpley games Participants: Rustin, lumpley, Valvorik, WildElf.
2/24/2008 GeeX Underground: Greetings to All Hello everyone, I thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Raymond Repass and I am currently working on starting my own entertainment company. My own interests lie in RPGs, card… In First Thoughts Participants: GeeX Underground, StrongBadMun.
2/24/2008 Frank Tarcikowski: Special Damage Less Lethal Okay, so in my group I've got four players with demons of power 6-9 and each has special damage (lethal). There's also lots of armor and protection around. If I… In Adept Press Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, angelfromanotherpin, Ron Edwards, lumpley.
2/24/2008 robotsunshine: Neverwake - loss and coping in a surreal dream world. Hi everyone. Back in 2006, I came here with an idea for a system called Neverwake, which I was very excited about. Shortly after, life got in the way, and… In First Thoughts Participants: robotsunshine, JoyWriter, Falc, joepub.
2/24/2008 Creatures of Destiny: Qualities - a nifty little resolution thing? Okay so after doing the Power 19 and looking at feedback for Creatures of Destiny I realised that I wanted characters to start out fairly vague so that they develop… In First Thoughts Participants: Creatures of Destiny, Axe4Eye, wild_card2007.
2/25/2008 Rimke: [DSA/D&D] How to stage a really exciting battle? For 18 years I’ve played DSA now, which is a rule wise a kind of D&D (though I might offend DSA players by saying that). At first we played everything… In Actual Play Participants: Rimke, Eero Tuovinen, contracycle, masqueradeball, Peter Nordstrand, Entech, Kevin Smit, Galadrin, AnyaTheBlue, davidberg, mr.ogren.
2/25/2008 davidberg: page size questions I've just ported my game text (still being revised) into Adobe InDesign to work on some presentation issues, and I figure it might save me some hassles down the road… In Publishing Participants: davidberg, Eero Tuovinen, Clinton R. Nixon, Peter Nordstrand, Ben Lehman.
2/25/2008 Catalyst N: [InSpectres] First game, and new to player authorship. I just recently played InSpectres for the first time. I was GM for three friends who have role-played with me before. None of us had ever played a game with… In Actual Play Participants: Catalyst N, Willow, Ron Edwards, Nathan P., jydog1.
2/25/2008 jrs: [Go Play Peoria] Thanks! This is a big "thank you" to Seth and Crystal and all the other Peoria gamers for organizing the first Go Play Peoria event. It was a very satisfying day,… In Conventions Participants: jrs, Matt Snyder, GreatWolf, Nev the Deranged, Tim C Koppang, Valamir, Gaerik.
2/25/2008 robotsunshine: Timeline - a year-long game dealing with aliens. Timeline is an idea I came up with while waiting for the bus. The fluff is that your character was abducted by aliens and injected with a powerful virus. This… In First Thoughts Participants: robotsunshine, VoidDragon, greyorm.
2/25/2008 fig: Toronto is not scary enough For my contemporary occult/horror setting, I want to use Toronto as a location. I figure that NY and LA have become pretty cliché, but other American cities pale in comparison.… In First Thoughts Participants: fig, lachek, northerain, MKAdams, epweissengruber.
2/25/2008 AGP: Black Cadillacs playtest Two months ago I had the opportunity to participate in a playtest of "Black Cadillacs." This is a war RPG created by Darcy Burgess ("Black Cadillacs" is WWII Canadian Slang… In Playtesting Participants: AGP, Ron Edwards, Darcy Burgess.
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