The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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Previous Topics

2/26/2009 Hulder: Illustrator & Graphic Designer
Hello to everyone here on the Forge, I've been lurking for a while, but hopefully will be getting a bit more involved in the community as time goes on, and…
In Connections
Participants: Hulder.

2/26/2009 FlintlockMan: Card game RPG (Not an RPG card game)
I'm (as my post count and join date would indicate) new to The Forge, though I've done a little looking over the archives and what not. I'm also had no…
In First Thoughts
Participants: FlintlockMan, whiteknife, Vulpinoid, Noon, otspiii, sam, JoyWriter.

2/26/2009 BrunoDeLaBomba: lost vikings rpg?
hey again. i was just thinking, are there any rps'g that realy focus on a group or team and how they (in lack of better words) complete each other. i…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BrunoDeLaBomba, Vulpinoid, Abkajud, abzu, David Artman, preludetotheend, Noon, Luke.

2/23/2009 Hituro: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results
So I was wondering, in an anecdotal fashion, after a few months of operation, how people were finding the Un-Store in practice? I have had a sale through the Un-Store…
In Publishing
Participants: Hituro, lumpley, Darcy Burgess, Graham Walmsley, Ron Edwards, GreatWolf, Eric J. Boyd, Marshall Burns, Jake Richmond, rafael, Clay, iago.

2/25/2009 Nathan Herrold: Silent Story
So, I've been thinking about a communication game that you play without speaking or seeing a person's facial expression. At first I pictured it played by people wearing black see-thru…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Nathan Herrold, Noon, Vulpinoid, abzu, Bert.

2/25/2009 SaintandSinner: (GenCon) Indie Games Explosion, Games on Demand, etc
Does anyone know what the overall group name is this year for submitting events at GenCon? I know we get more room/tables if more people are under a single banner...
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner.

2/25/2009 Lrx959: Unnamed RPG
After playing a certain Table Top RPG for about 20 years, and buying new editions, and accentual relearning the game over and over again, my friends and I decided to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Lrx959, Abkajud, abzu.

2/25/2009 Gregor Hutton: [Conpulsion] Edinburgh 27-29 March
Hey All <a href="">Conpulsion</a> in Edinburgh is only about a month away (Fri 27-Sun 29 March). There will be a lot of cool indie stuff going on at the con…
In Conventions
Participants: Gregor Hutton.

2/25/2009 Willow: [Storming...] My First Attempt at a Town
Here's my first shot at a town for Storming the Wizard's tower.  It's inspired by kung-fu stories.  Not starting over the top like I'm used to, but a down to…
In lumpley games
Participants: Willow, lumpley.

2/25/2009 Abkajud: [Mask of the Emperor] Is my game suffering from Story Later?
I'm worried a bit about my game design - as it stands right now, the whole concept of Audience, honor, and one's public reputation tie in together at the end…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Abkajud, Paul Czege, Amadeo, Noon.

2/24/2009 scarik: [Celestial Warriors] Evolution of a Kunf Fu Game.
I'm new around here, and fairly surprised I haven't stumbled on here sooner. Here's a link to my game, Celestial Warriors. When I first thought of the idea I came…
In First Thoughts
Participants: scarik, Vulpinoid, chance.thirteen.

2/24/2009 nathan k: Concerning Weapons
Hi, I'm new here, but I've been reading for awhile. My friends and I kind of like that "other game," but we find it too limiting.  So we started making…
In First Thoughts
Participants: nathan k, Abkajud, chance.thirteen, scarik, Marshall Burns, Hereward The Wake, Noon, abzu, Everspinner, Gurnard, Luke.

2/24/2009 Paka: Agon: The Kleos Cup, Dreamation '09
Ever since reading Agon I have thought it was tailor-made for convention tournaments, like competitive deals that you read about as jokes in Knights of the Dinner Table only in…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, jefgodesky, Mel_White, John Harper, Valamir, Nathan P..

2/24/2009 AXUM: About Annalise's Claim's options: a comment
Hi. When playing Annalise & going round the table for the "Claim's options part" of a Moment, I have noticed that the game tends to slow down... Maybe if some…
In ndp design
Participants: AXUM, Nathan P..

2/23/2009 forlorn1: [PTA] the player versus player conundrum
I'm sure this has come up before, but a quick scan of the last few pages of topics in this forum don't show any recent threads so I'll ramble on...…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: forlorn1, Matt Wilson, jefgodesky.

2/23/2009 Vulpinoid: Matrixed Experience
I've recently posted about my take on matrixed attributes. While taking a walk today I considered an expansion on this concept, tying an experience system into the core matrix. A…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Vulpinoid, apeiron, Abkajud, DWeird, scarik, JoyWriter.

2/23/2009 Courage75: [Solar System] Team Extended Conflict
Hi All, I just want to make sure I understand the rules for Team Extended Conflict. As far as I can tell, this is the procedure: 1. Characters declare themselves…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: Courage75, Eero Tuovinen, oliof, Rafu.

2/22/2009 Jayus: Game Idea: Adventurer Manager
I've been brainstorming a new kind of game recently, with help with friends and a person from my local gaming store, and I'd like some input from this community. I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jayus, Vulpinoid, DWeird, abzu, monkey, Gurnard.

2/22/2009 thirdkingdom: Almost ready for playtesting
I'm newish to this board and just wanted to introduce the game I am currently working on. The Third Kingdom is an fantasy role-playing game that has been in the…
In Connections
Participants: thirdkingdom, SacredSmoke.

2/22/2009 Cynthia Celeste Miller: Book Sizes and PDFs
I'm currently considering going with a digest-sized book for my upcoming RPG, Slasher Flick. However, I'm also planning to release it in PDF format. And therein lies the problem. Most…
In Publishing
Participants: Cynthia Celeste Miller, Eero Tuovinen, KeithBVaughn, David Artman, Gregor Hutton.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

2/26/2009 Everspinner: [Apocalypse Finland] Body Glove
We playtested Apocalypse World, and it was fun, fun, fun! We will certainly get back to it as soon as our schedules allow. Fiction Characters were Jag, driver, male; Mercury,…
In Playtesting
Participants: Everspinner, Emily Care, agony, Graham Walmsley, lumpley.

2/26/2009 Marshall Burns: [Rustbelt] de-ashcanification stage one: I need your eyes
So, I've got a draft of a new Rustbelt text. I'm not happy with it yet, but I don't know what to do to fix it. Specifically, I'm not satisfied…
In Beyond the Wire Productions
Participants: Marshall Burns, JoyWriter, Nocker.

2/27/2009 First Oni: Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. March Demon Contest
[url=]Third Eye Games[/url] is throwing our first writing contest for new and interesting races to add to the world of [b]Apocalypse Prevention, Inc.[/b] This contest comes on the heels of…
In Endeavor
Participants: First Oni, Ron Edwards.

2/27/2009 Mantisking: [Mechaton] Great Time To Be Playing?
I've only been into Mechaton for two years or so now, but it seems like now is a great time to be playing the game.  There are great new blogs…
In lumpley games
Participants: Mantisking, lumpley, Simon C, Zeek.

2/27/2009 Darcy Burgess: [Black Cadillacs] -- Streamlining Data Management
Hi, Man, I wish that the thread title was a clever allusion to a cyberpunk-esque game of bringing down megacorps (watch this space!)  I'm actually here to continue a thought…
In Playtesting
Participants: Darcy Burgess, JoyWriter, agony.

2/27/2009 apeiron: The Prison Transport Scenario
This is what i have so far: - A futuristic, perhaps dystopian setting like Firefly (i was reading the RPG when this came to mind) - PCs are prisoners on…
In First Thoughts
Participants: apeiron.

2/28/2009 Abkajud: [Mask of the Emperor] Mayhem and torture in the dungeons! [a bit long]
I think I just had the best RPG session of my life. I was reading the infamous 2006 "brain damage" thread today, at least the first three pages, and I…
In Playtesting
Participants: Abkajud, Artanis.

2/28/2009 TomTitTot: [Storming the Wizard's Tower] The God In The Glacier AP + Audio
So, I don't know when Raf will get to posting the two following sessions, but I thought people here and maybe Vincent would be interested in this account of our…
In lumpley games
Participants: TomTitTot.

2/28/2009 Adarchi: Game System with Realistc NPCs
I'm trying to create a system that allows PC generation to be done the same way as NPC generation. The goal being that a baker or wood cutter somehow fit…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Adarchi, Abkajud, Vulpinoid, JoyWriter, scarik, Bert, Luke, DWeird, opsneakie, ShallowThoughts, otspiii.

2/28/2009 SaintandSinner: Games at Gencon Indy 09
I'll be running two events this year (plus whatever happens in Games on Demand).  Are you running anything? Date: Friday Aug 14, 2009 (I've requested a 10AM start and I'll…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner.

2/28/2009 James_Nostack: [Trollbabe] Keep on Rockin' in the Troll World
Paul and Dave came over.  We ate some food, we drank some drinks, we talked about all'a you people on the Internet.  And then we broke out some old-fashioned Trollbabe…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, Ron Edwards, Paul T, angelfromanotherpin, davidberg, Noon, Eero Tuovinen, Alan.

3/1/2009 jrnmariano: Big Brother Zombie!
Over at Ideonauta (, my partner-in-crime, Poacher, is writing a game of zombies in a reality show. I'm re-posting stuff here, because The Forge is the creative game designing think-thank…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jrnmariano, Vulpinoid, Noon, Luke, Rui!, chance.thirteen, otspiii.

3/1/2009 Abkajud: Rules for damage and wounds - how do I avoid punishing my players?
So I've been playtesting my game, Mask of the Emperor, for three sessions now, and in our most recent session, one of the PCs suffered a wound. In game terms,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Abkajud, Dr_Pete, Gurnard, Amadeo.

3/2/2009 mjbauer: Guns & Ammo
I'm looking for some examples of systems that do ammo without keeping track of each bullet and each shot. The game I'm working on is fairly gun-centric but I'm trying…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mjbauer, Luke, rafael, Ron Edwards, scarik, Noon, Gurnard, whiteknife, Wolfen, Capulet, Amadeo, phatonin, DanielM.

3/2/2009 Lord Goon: Games about AI
So I've been reading a lot of stuff by Iain M. Banks, and it has me wondering whether anyone has ever made a serious attempt to design an RPG in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Lord Goon, mjbauer, lessthanpleased, preludetotheend, Wordman, Bert, Noon, chance.thirteen, phatonin.

3/2/2009 Bret Gillan: [The Final Girl] Arcon Playtesting
So I got to go to Arcon this weekend at my old Alma Mater, SUNY Oswego, and hook up with some old friends and the new crowd of kids that…
In Playtesting
Participants: Bret Gillan, Emily Care.

3/2/2009 Wordman: Lessons from the iPhone community
While this forum is not about computer games, I'm wondering if anyone gained any inspiration for pen & paper RPGs from the recent explosion of iPhone games (and other apps).…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Wordman, Vulpinoid.

3/2/2009 Jeremy Keller: Contracts for editors?
Hi everyone.  I've lurked around here for quite some time, but this is my first time posting.  I've just finished writing a manuscript for a game system and I'm starting…
In Publishing
Participants: Jeremy Keller, Luke, Adam Dray.

3/2/2009 preludetotheend: EP (Empty Palm ~ No Pain No Gain)
So I got some great feedback on my table top game GaC which I have taken to my creative processing center to chop shop and further develop the “right direction”…
In First Thoughts
Participants: preludetotheend, Luke, dindenver, Noon.

3/2/2009 fnord3125: [Poison'd] Success Rolls question
Confession before I ask my question: I just got the pdf of the game today and I haven't read everything yet. Now, I wanted to check exactly how success rolls…
In lumpley games
Participants: fnord3125, lumpley.

more subsequent topics >>