The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

4/13/2009 Matt Wilson: Storming the Wizard's Tower--my first TPK, twice
We played Storming on Saturday: John Spazopolous, Paul T, sometimes another guy named John, sometimes Terry, and me. I was GM. I made a town called Skonhelle, inspired kind of…
In Playtesting
Participants: Matt Wilson, lumpley, jenskot, Paul T, Motipha, Darcy Burgess.

4/12/2009 ShallowThoughts: Tying PLAYERS together with their CHARACTERS' motivations
(No, this post is not a response or rebuttal to JoyWriter's excellent post, despite the similar titles. It's a whole new thread) The issue of character-group cohesion interests me because,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Luke, JoyWriter, Selene Tan, Vulpinoid.

4/12/2009 Ayyavazi: Morality and the Forge
Hey all, I have noticed recently that at least 4 people including myself are working on new games centered to one degree or another on morality and ethics. Is this…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ayyavazi, Egonblaidd, Eliarhiman6, JoyWriter, Luke, Vulpinoid, Rafu, Wordman, otspiii.

4/12/2009 Supplanter: [IAWA] My ONYFDA Question
We're gearing up for an IAWA campaign round here and I realized there's a very basic thing I don't understand. I'd appreciate an education on the matter. 1. There's no…
In lumpley games
Participants: Supplanter, Brand_Robins, Wolfen, Ouroboros, Thomas Lawrence, jburneko, lumpley.

4/12/2009 Bullbar: Fastlane Changes
I've been looking at the list of changes you posted and I have to say I really like them all so far. It makes everything feel more focused and... I…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Bullbar, Lxndr, Spooky Fanboy.

4/12/2009 Vulpinoid: Guerilla Television (Quincunx Lite)
Much to my relief, Guerilla Television works. I'm not only relieved that the game works on it's own as a two page experiment, but also because it's the core of…
In Playtesting
Participants: Vulpinoid, JoyWriter.

4/12/2009 MacLeod: Donjon Variant
Greetings, I am Matt. :) So it seems the whole point that I registered here has been foiled cuz the CRN forum is in the can. :( I'm not sure…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MacLeod.

4/12/2009 Welkerfan: [AP-sorta] Making Narration Rights More Satisfying
I'll be running the season finale of my first PTA game in about a week.  Overall, I've found the game fun, but frequently very draining and stressful, and, on the…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Welkerfan, Noclue, Eero Tuovinen.

4/12/2009 lachek: The Dysfunctional Adventures of a Pre-Teen
My 12-year old son has finally started taking interest in role-playing games. Not because his mom and dad plays them every week, organizes conventions and events, even write and design…
In Actual Play
Participants: lachek, Eero Tuovinen, Beatboy, Noon, FredGarber, Frank Tarcikowski, JoyWriter.

4/12/2009 JoyWriter: Tying characters together with their motivations
Character group-cohesion is a tricky subject. Many GM's need it to keep track of events (especially if they like surrounding players with well drawn npcs), but how do you make…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JoyWriter, Ayyavazi, ShallowThoughts, chance.thirteen.

4/11/2009 Michael Desing: [Mythweaver 2E] Assault on Mount Brim
Note: I’ve been running a solo campaign for a single character for some time on the Mythweaver message board to try out new Mythweaver ideas and continue to test the…
In Playtesting
Participants: Michael Desing.

4/10/2009 Everspinner: [Apocalypse World] Tent City
WARNING: This post is fiction only. I will continue with the playtest notes as soon as I get them typed up. Ok, after repeated reschedulings we got to play our…
In Playtesting
Participants: Everspinner, lumpley.

4/10/2009 mratomek: Magic System Ideas -- looking for feedback
Once again, nothing groundbreaking with the basic mechanic. PCs have a skill that allows them to use magic: Wizardry (for casting arcane spells) Ritual (for casting divine spells) Rune (for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mratomek, JoyWriter, Vulpinoid.

4/10/2009 Ayyavazi: The beginnings of my System, help needed
Hello again all, Below is the starting work of my system. Its definitely not finished yet, but once I figure out the right dice pools for distribution, it will be…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ayyavazi, Luke, JoyWriter.

4/10/2009 Eero Tuovinen: [TSoY 2nd] Myths of Near
Musing on my TSoY rewrite: While writing about the Skyfire I decided that I'm just going to lift Clinton's original legend of the Skyfire and put it in the book…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, oliof, dindenver.

4/10/2009 twztdwndpipe: D&D Colosseum?
Okay. I know I've been here and asking 100 different questions about 100 different games. This is another one, but I hope this one can be helped better than the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: twztdwndpipe, Eero Tuovinen, dindenver.

4/10/2009 Anansi Games: Terror Thirteen Playtest
Hey Everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that Anansi Games has its first game available for playtesting on their website.  You will need to register for…
In Connections
Participants: Anansi Games.

4/10/2009 mratomek: Swak at a combat system
Nothing groundbreaking here. I wanted to keep it simple and fairly standard. However, there are a few twists. To attack, you add your combat skill + attribute bonus + other…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mratomek, mjbauer, chance.thirteen, MacLeod, JoyWriter.

4/10/2009 Lxndr: Fastlane: Changes
So, with my illnesses and the like, I've been distracted when it comes to Fastlane 2nd edition and getting it to layout, then printed and out the door. However, a…
In Twisted Confessions
Participants: Lxndr.

4/10/2009 jessecoombs: Will WGP work for GM + 1 Player?
I'm on the fence about With Great Power. I love the genre for sure, but I'm looking for a game that I can play with just one friend who also…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: jessecoombs, Dominic Claveau.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

4/13/2009 SaintandSinner: Indie Games Explosion at Gencon Indy 2009
For those of you going to Gencon Indy this year, this is the list of IGE events (so far).  Apparently we have all the events in the Omni Fisher Ballroom.…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner.

4/13/2009 Brimshack: Binary Trait System
Okay, I'm actually quite a ways down the road on developing this one, but I am not convinced I've tapped the concept for all it's worth, so I'm going to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Brimshack, JoyWriter.

4/13/2009 Artanis: [Zombie Cinema] Some rules questions
Hi Eero I have a series of questions that cropped up after reading the "new" rules and comparing them to my play according to the "home-made edition" rules. I…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: Artanis, Eero Tuovinen.

4/13/2009 MacLeod: My Game... in rough beta form
I'm very new to the Forge but I have been doing the RPG thing for a good 10+ years now... I've been designing my own little RPGs largely ignorant of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MacLeod.

4/14/2009 Vulpinoid: [GenCon Oz 2009] iGod
[size=16pt]iGod[/size] Not a new product from the company that popularized MP3 players... Not a new internet religious website... [color=green][size=16pt]iGod[/size] [b]independent Games on demand.[/b][/color] We've been working on a new [url=]website[/url]…
In Conventions
Participants: Vulpinoid.

4/14/2009 Peter Nordstrand: Instructing many people
Hi Ron, I believe that on at least one occasion, you have taught Spione to many people at once. They were then divided into smaller groups to play the game.…
In Adept Press
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Eliarhiman6, Ron Edwards.

4/14/2009 Carnifex: Freelancer Graphic Designer for hire
Hi! I live in Sweden in Europe but I work all over the world. I have long experience (12+ years) working professionally with graphic design. Now I am freelancing -…
In Connections
Participants: Carnifex.

4/14/2009 Willow: Forge Midwest 2009 Retrospective
So, how did Forge Midwest go for everyone else?  What can we do to improve it next year? Having it on Easter Weekend was unfortunate- there were lots of people…
In Conventions
Participants: Willow, Ron Edwards, GamerChick, TJ, reaction.

4/14/2009 Carnifex: Cross-referencing in InDesign (split)
You can make cross-references in InDesign. Place your marker where you want the reference "target" (or mark the word). Open the Hyperlinks panel. Choose "new hyperlink destination" in the panel…
In Publishing
Participants: Carnifex, Ron Edwards, iago, Darcy Burgess.

4/14/2009 Paul T: [Solar System Actual Play] Characters Grow by Trial and Error
We concluded a two-session game of Solar System on Sunday night, and I was surprised by a few things that took place. The game was definitely a success, I think,…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: Paul T, oliof, Eero Tuovinen.

4/14/2009 Brimshack: Looking for 1 or 2 good Game-test Groups
I am looking for someone willing to Game-Test a High Fantasy Role-playing system with moderate to high crunch. The game uses 3d6 for all essential rolls. Attack and Defense are…
In Connections
Participants: Brimshack.

4/15/2009 Willow: [Forge Midwest] Escape From Tentacle City
Let's get this ball rolling! Friday I got to 'run' this for Ron, Jae, Jerry, and Abram.  I really wanted Ron in this game since he was one of my…
In Playtesting
Participants: Willow, Ron Edwards, Miskatonic, Noon, jerry.

4/15/2009 Lance Bishop: Probability of Success and Advancement
Hello all, new guy here to ask a simple question. Before delving into the creation of a dice mechanic I would like to have a general idea of some specific…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Lance Bishop, Luke, Adam Schiller, Noon, Egonblaidd, chance.thirteen.

4/15/2009 Adam Schiller: Armored Soldier Valkyrion: A Mech-Type of RPG
Greetings to all. After lurking around for a week or so, scoping-out the myriad of creations being said here, I finally summoned the gumption to talk about my own games.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Adam Schiller, anders_larsen, whiteknife.

4/15/2009 phatonin: Common dice pool
The bulk of the system I'm designing for a Space-Opera game is based on a dice-pool common to all PCs: 1) Resolution is classical: dX+skill > difficulty, nothing special here…
In First Thoughts
Participants: phatonin, Darcy Burgess, chance.thirteen, Vulpinoid, MacLeod, Egonblaidd, greyorm, Castlin.

4/15/2009 Wordmaker: [WGP] Question about story style
I may be getting some friends together to try out With Great Power... soon. My idea is to run something in the veign of Watchmen and Kingdom Come, with both…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Wordmaker, chance.thirteen.

4/15/2009 chance.thirteen: is this the place to ask for input on social actions?
I am trying to brainstorm on what sort of social actions and capacities exist, and how they seem to be related in the real world, then use those notes to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chance.thirteen, whiteknife, JoyWriter.

4/15/2009 RobNJ: Forge Midest 09 report
Here's my little report, pasted from my LJ, about my experience at FMW this year. I was going to put it in the retrospective thread, but that felt more procedural/planning:…
In Conventions
Participants: RobNJ.

4/15/2009 The Magus: Why isn't the Forge promoting all these swell games?
I think this is a really interesting site but it is somewhat intimidating to the new user.  One of the things I'm not all that keen on is the lack…
In Site Discussion
Participants: The Magus, Eero Tuovinen, Adam Schiller, lumpley, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Miskatonic.

4/16/2009 Graham Walmsley: Apocalypse World last night
It was kind of like this. G
In lumpley games
Participants: Graham Walmsley, Supplanter, Everspinner.

more subsequent topics >>