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4/28/2009 Claudia Cangini: InterNosCon 2009
Hi! I’d like to let you know about a little italian initiative we had this year. It went so awesomely that we hope to be able to have some foreign…
In Conventions
Participants: Claudia Cangini.

4/28/2009 RobNJ: Tied motifs?
So I have to decide something in Misspent Youth. At the end of the series, you are going to count up the number of motifs The Authority owns and the…
In Robert Bohl Games
Participants: RobNJ, Ron Edwards.

4/28/2009 GozerTC: World Books vs. A full RPG for a first project?
Greetings friends, this is my first post here and as always I did a search to see if this has been asked before.  Of course my search criteria could just…
In First Thoughts
Participants: GozerTC, Luke.

4/27/2009 chronoplasm: Questions regarding character advancement
What do you think of games where characters advance at different rates as a balance mechanism? Let's say that you are playing a game where you are allowed to play…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, jerry, Egonblaidd, chance.thirteen, JoyWriter, whiteknife, LandonSuffered.

4/27/2009 Wolfen: Mage Blade: Character Creation
I feel this needs something of an intro. Mage Blade first came to the Forge about 7-8 years ago. It was something of a heartbreaker then, and I've shelved it…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Wolfen, SilasMalkav, MacLeod, lumpley, Egonblaidd, Darcy Burgess, Luke, Lance D. Allen, GozerTC, chance.thirteen, Simon C.

4/27/2009 watergoesred: [Poison'd] Ambitions of longer-term play
Is Poison'd really only good for a session or two? Sure it's fun to play some awful brutes, but when we played it soon started to feel there was nothing…
In lumpley games
Participants: watergoesred, Graham Walmsley, agony.

4/27/2009 cra2: duration of "stories"?
In practical terms, how long is it taking for each courtier to get through their stories?
In Night Sky Games
Participants: cra2, Meguey.

4/27/2009 Aegir: dLITE: A setting without humans?
We're working on a sci fantasy setting to go with the release of this dLITE system, and while we're trying to push the envelope with several factors, perhaps the biggest…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Aegir, chronoplasm, MacLeod, Vulpinoid, zmobie, Wolfen, visioNationstudios, Lance D. Allen, GozerTC, LandonSuffered.

4/26/2009 watergoesred: [Dirty Secrets] Two "investigators"
I got a germ of an idea when watching Alfred Hitchcock's "Frenzy", a story about someone wrongly accused of a crime: playing Dirty Secrets with two investigators. One is the…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: watergoesred, GreatWolf, M. J. Young.

4/25/2009 Thunder_God: [Juiced Rider][Repost] Modular Memory Shuffle Rules.
I really didn't know where to post this, but I guess the default forum is as good a bet as any. Anyhow, I've been on a kick recently to take…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Thunder_God, TheDeadlyPlatypus.

4/25/2009 Seamus: Font and Font size for 8x11 book
I know nothing about typography and layout, but I have 6 months to figure it out for our first release (if I can't do it in that time, I guess…
In Publishing
Participants: Seamus, Vulpinoid, Luke, Wolfen, Gregor Hutton, mjbauer, David C, Carnifex, Graham Walmsley, btrc, Eero Tuovinen.

4/25/2009 Elkin: [SHADOWS]: Is a gradually-built dramatic climax possible?
Hi, Last summer, at a local convention, I GMed a four-hour game using a modified version of Shadows ( The game world was along the lines of C.K. Chesterton's "The…
In Actual Play
Participants: Elkin, JoyWriter, Ron Edwards.

4/25/2009 MJGraham: [Defiance] How can I make sabotage fun?
In Defiance players roleplay insurrectionists who have their own fortes. The equivalent in D&D would be players roleplaying adventurers who have their own classes. There are five fortes that players…
In Playtesting
Participants: MJGraham, Noclue, Vordark, DWeird, Noon, LandonSuffered, JoyWriter.

4/25/2009 cra2: any audio or transcripts of 1001 Nights actual play?
Is anyone aware of audio recordings of 1001 Nights actual play? Or maybe play reports that are more like a transcript than a summary of events? thanks, Cra2
In Actual Play
Participants: cra2.

4/25/2009 Vulpinoid: Quincunx Public Archive
I just thought I'd share a site I've been working on recently to set the premise for my roleplaying game of supernatural hunters and reality television. The Quincunx Public Archive.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Vulpinoid, whiteknife, dauvis, MacLeod, DWeird, Jasper Flick.

4/24/2009 Seamus: "you" versus "your character'
So I am designing a few rule books that I am going to publish myself. I am so accustomed to using other peoples' style guides, it is a bit a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Seamus, Vulpinoid, Egonblaidd, ShallowThoughts, Luke, Monk, mjbauer.

4/24/2009 Willow: [Storming...] Vincent, Your Monster Creation Rules are Borked
So, in the errata, we've got these gems: 1) Give monsters more hit points. I haven’t figured out exactly how many more, but more. For 3 players, maybe 1 more…
In Playtesting
Participants: Willow, lumpley.

4/24/2009 tonyd: Need external playtest for Principia
My game Principia is almost ready to go to layout, but I really a bit of external playtesting to validate the rules text. Principia is a game of adventure in…
In Connections
Participants: tonyd, Darcy Burgess, epweissengruber.

4/24/2009 reason: in search of sword & sorcery b/w ink work
I'm in search of sword & sorcery / general dark and moody olden times artwork for a low budget but hopefully still good looking rpg product. Specifically it all has…
In Connections
Participants: reason.

4/24/2009 Aegir: dLITE: Simple system for narrative (and PbP) games
So, we're working on a system we're currently calling dLITE. Its specifically geared towards largely freeform gaming - and PbP play in particular - so its a very light system,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Aegir, JoyWriter, MacLeod, visioNationstudios, Selene Tan.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

4/28/2009 ShallowThoughts: Unbalanced PC groups - is this okay?
Hello again, (I'm beginning to feel like a haunt with all my posts, but I must admit I appreciate the Forge's rules to prevent threads from devolving into meaningless noise..)…
In Actual Play
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Lance D. Allen, greyorm, Jasper Flick, Ron Edwards, LandonSuffered, Cranewings, nikola, Brimshack.

4/29/2009 Vordark: How "Complete" Do You Want Your Rules?
RPGs require a certain number/character of rules to define it and the various types of things common to the game such as task resolution, perhaps combat, etc.  But many RPGs…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Vordark, Noon, JoyWriter, Luke, Vulpinoid, Seamus, mjbauer, chance.thirteen, Egonblaidd, LandonSuffered.

4/29/2009 GregTaylor: Freelance concept artist / illustrator available for work
Hello My name is Greg Taylor and I'm a freelance concept artist and illustrator. I've previously done work for bands, writers, and indie game studios. My website has more examples…
In Connections
Participants: GregTaylor, greyorm, Sebastian.

4/29/2009 reason: Those guidelines for publishing sorcerer mini-supplements
Where are they hiding? Context: I'm presently writing what amounts to a Sorcerer mini-supplement. So I note that guidelines for being generally polite in the process of rolling out a…
In Adept Press
Participants: reason, Ron Edwards.

4/29/2009 Neil the Wimp: [Sorcerer] Stupid summoning dice question
If this question has an obvious answer, please enlighten me.  Consider my Sorcerer PC with Will 4, Humanity 6.  He's trying to Summon a Demon with Power 5.  Who rolls…
In Adept Press
Participants: Neil the Wimp, greyorm, Ron Edwards, jburneko, The Dragon Master.

4/29/2009 John Blaz: d20 or 3d10? A skill improvement system question
Hey Forgers! It's me again (you know the guy that posts an idea for a new system about once a month). Anyway, I have an idea for a Swords &…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, Selene Tan, MacLeod, zmobie, Egonblaidd.

4/29/2009 Darcy Burgess: [Go-Play Ottawa] - Like a Thief in the Night!
Last outing, The Slushy Maelstrom, was a big pile of fun! GPO returns sometime in the May-August nebula. I'm trying to step back from the GM/Facilitator role a bit this…
In Conventions
Participants: Darcy Burgess.

4/30/2009 reason: syntactic sugar and tweaking Sorcerer abilities Link above for those who have *real* occupations - you know, things that don't involve poking keys to make nonsense sigils that cause bits to flip sign :) While…
In Adept Press
Participants: reason.

4/30/2009 AJ_Flowers: Spontaneous play in on-line MUSH
Hi. I haven't logged in to this forum in a really long time, but hanging out at Forge Midwest inspired me to at least start lurking again.  I notice that…
In Actual Play
Participants: AJ_Flowers, Noon, LandonSuffered, JoyWriter.

4/30/2009 Selene Tan: Drowning and Falling - Dungeons and Vegas
This is a writeup of a Drowning and Falling game from last last Thanksgiving. I started the writeup soon after playing, then got sidetracked and forgot about it, and unearthed…
In Actual Play
Participants: Selene Tan, jasonm.

4/30/2009 Gregor Hutton: [AD 316] It began with the killing of the witches
This week a new game club started up in Edinburgh in the Espionage bar/nightclub (Tuesday nights for anyone interested). We had a 3-hour playtest of the Roman version of 3:16,…
In Playtesting
Participants: Gregor Hutton, Akora, Valamir, brianbloodaxe.

4/30/2009 greyorm: Dealing with Possessors and Sorcerers
Prepping for my next session on Tuesday, I had an idea that I'm not entirely sure I should run with. One of the features of possessors is that they take…
In Adept Press
Participants: greyorm, Ron Edwards, Greymorn.

4/30/2009 AJ_Flowers: Actual RP in MMORPGs and World of Warcraft (split)
I'm kind of necroing this thread because it looks interesting to me and because as far as I know it's OK in the rules to do that. :) Let me…
In Actual Play
Participants: AJ_Flowers, Ron Edwards, LandonSuffered, Evlyn, Noon, Greymorn, Frank Tarcikowski, ShallowThoughts, FredGarber, Lance D. Allen, contracycle, evilphd7.

5/1/2009 Halfred: [DitV] How to challenge Dog teams
I got to run my first real session of Dogs on Saturday. I ran Kettle Lake Branch for three of my four players (the other will join for part 2),…
In lumpley games
Participants: Halfred, Noclue, Eliarhiman6, Supplanter, KuroFluff, David Artman, P1NBACK, lumpley, Brand_Robins.

5/1/2009 HighmoonMedia: Star Wars PTA Spin-Off: The Sith Triumvirate
I'm one of the players of the Star Wars PTA game at Gen Con podcaster via Canon Puncture. Last week, instead of not gaming when players didn't show up, I…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: HighmoonMedia, Welkerfan, FredGarber, Wordmaker.

5/1/2009 Jasper Flick: Dice distribution calculator
I made a little online calculator for dice distributions and like to share it: You can use any linear combination of dice, like 1d6, 2d10, or 1d6 + 6d10…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jasper Flick, zmobie, Egonblaidd, mjbauer, Seamus, chance.thirteen, Guy Srinivasan, Wordman, Selene Tan, Akos Szederjei, Devenger, dindenver.

5/1/2009 JimLotFP: Approaching Vendors
'allo all... A lot has changed since I last came here looking for advice. I scrapped plans for my own game after playtesting fizzled, but have since started doing things…
In Publishing
Participants: JimLotFP, Eero Tuovinen, Noclue.

5/1/2009 Togman1: T.O.G. Entertainment Inc. adds “PRINT ON DEMAND” Capabilities
T.O.G. Entertainment Inc., publisher of Shattered Sword Fantasy Battle Card Game, has added “PRINT ON DEMAND” capabilities in the form of Superior POD. “It was the right move for us.…
In Publishing
Participants: Togman1, JayKriz.

5/2/2009 weaselheart: How can I best run a game of sorcerer?
Hi, I've been a lurker on these boards for a year or so, and have thought about posting a couple of times, but only recently worked out what to say.…
In Adept Press
Participants: weaselheart, Greymorn, Alan, Ron Edwards, Lance D. Allen, jburneko, chance.thirteen.

5/2/2009 zediekiel: What about artifacts?
HI, I'm new here at the forge and am just getting into sorcerer.  II would like everyone to keep in mind that I am a complete and total noob with…
In Adept Press
Participants: zediekiel, jburneko.

more subsequent topics >>