The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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Previous Topics

8/17/2009 joesweeney: Primetime at SydCon, Australia, Oct 2009
Hi Matt,  I am planning to run demo games of Primetime at Sydcon, one larger RPG cons in Australia.  (I fell in love with the Primetime at GenCon last year.) …
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: joesweeney, Ron Edwards.

8/16/2009 MacLeod: [Fantasy Engine] Faith In Fantasy
This is a relatively simple question that can be presented with a fairly light amount of information... I need two more 'Styles' of Faith-based powers. As it stands I have…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MacLeod, Catelf, Charlie Gilb.

8/16/2009 Galadrin: [There and Back Again] Tolkien Style Roleplay (Take 2)
Ok, I've taken a lot of the easy-to-implement suggestions from the previous thread, cleaned up the game a lot and boiled it down to the essentials.  Where should I go…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Galadrin, Noon, Mike Sugarbaker, tombowings, dindenver, Teataine, Ken, jerry.

8/15/2009 Kaj Sotala: Scene framing -focused game about global media attention
For a while now, I've been playing around the idea of a game where the act of scene framing was the main content. Since scene framing tells us the things…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kaj Sotala, Dan Maruschak, Mike Sugarbaker, Bill_White.

8/15/2009 kris_h: Narrativist game - basic resolution ideas
Hi, My name is Chris. Im a long time lurker, but it’s my first post on the Forge. I’m not a native English speaker, so my language may not be…
In First Thoughts
Participants: kris_h, Simon C, Klaus Graziade.

8/14/2009 7VII7: [TAROT] attributes & such.
for my game Tarot I've planned the following seven attributes; Force: Sort of like strength in a traditional ttrpg system but also includes magical, social, and mental attacks Persuasion: Used…
In First Thoughts
Participants: 7VII7, Vulpinoid, Vladius.

8/14/2009 Simon C: [The Heartbreaker War] Character Death
The Heartbreaker War is my character creation/fantasy setting thing, where you play through a fictional war in a fantasy setting, to create characters with interesting relationships and compelling history.  You…
In Playtesting
Participants: Simon C, Lance D. Allen, Selene Tan.

8/13/2009 Ayyavazi: Need help getting my game ready for playtesting (and a name)
Hello all, So, I am making a game about competing for the rights to collaboratively create stories. It should be able to handle just about any setting, mood, or plot…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ayyavazi, Mike Sugarbaker, Simon C, JoyWriter, Adam Dray, Ron Edwards, Noon, chance.thirteen.

8/12/2009 Salvius: Gearing Up For DREAMATION 2010
Hi Folks, I know it's kind early, but I'd like to get some discussion going regarding DREAMATION 2010. Based on February's online debates about what I did or didn't mean…
In Conventions
Participants: Salvius, TonyLB, jasonm, Michael S. Miller.

8/12/2009 Eliarhiman6: [Shooting the Moon] errata on page 23, pdf edition
Hi Emily! In the pdf edition of Shooting the Moon, at page 23, the text box "How many points toward a goal?" cover the end of the previous sentence ("on…
In Black and Green Games
Participants: Eliarhiman6, Emily Care.

8/12/2009 ShallowThoughts: Conundrum: dissimilar assets versus point-built characters
Admittedly, I haven't yet given this question one iota of thought towards an answer; however, that's to be expected, given that the question occurred to me two minutes ago, long…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Mike Sugarbaker, chance.thirteen, Selene Tan, David C, HeTeleports, Vladius.

8/12/2009 Melinglor: Seeking playtesters for Spectre of the Beast!
I'm in great need of some solid outside playtest of my 2008 Game Chef entry, Spectre of the Beast. I've been having fun playing it with my own friends and…
In Connections
Participants: Melinglor.

8/11/2009 John_Elwood: maximum crunchy?
i know this is not the best place for a question like this but i figured it would have the best chance of getting a usable answer. i have no…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John_Elwood, Charlie Gilb, SeeThirty.

8/11/2009 Adam Dray: The Forge, Quantified, sorta
Quantcast is a company that provides demographic data for websites. They can do it via a javascript tag the site owner embeds in the site (which The Forge has not…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Adam Dray, M. J. Young, chance.thirteen, Frank Tarcikowski.

8/11/2009 drkrash: Looking for Layout Rates
I'm a good way through the process of putting the text of my next book together.  The first one I wrote was graciously (and excellently) laid out by someone else,…
In Connections
Participants: drkrash, Ron Edwards, Airafice.

8/11/2009 Ayyavazi: Example Games to help me learn GNS
Hello all, I have been trying to understand GNS for some time now, and am looking to read games that support different agendas (whether explicitly, or simply by coincidence). So,…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ayyavazi, Eliarhiman6, Adam Dray, Vladius, Selene Tan, Ron Edwards, JosephKnight.

8/11/2009 Ayyavazi: GNS and Hierarchy
Hello all, I know Ron will probably want an actual play example and to have this thread moved, but since I am lacking an example (that I know of or…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ayyavazi, Eliarhiman6, Adam Dray, Alan, Caldis, jburneko, Noon, Jasper Flick, anders_larsen, FredGarber, Marshall Burns, contracycle.

8/11/2009 Clay: Link Swap
I have a website,, for planning and running role playing games.  In particular it's a place to make your setting material available, schedule games, and keep track of your…
In Connections
Participants: Clay.

8/11/2009 Emily Care: Sign in Stranger at GenCon
I'll have copies of Sign in Stranger: Making Contact at GenCon Indy this year.  Sign in Stranger is a science fiction game where you play humans starting a colony on…
In Black and Green Games
Participants: Emily Care.

8/11/2009 theranko: [Agon] Rules question
Hello, I posted this question last week as a reply to an older topic, but it may have been lost in the shuffle. During refreshment, does healing and sacrificing prevent…
In design
Participants: theranko, demiurgeastaroth, Ben Robbins, Noclue, John Harper.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

8/17/2009 SaintandSinner: (Games on Demand Gencon 09) Feedback
So, I think this was pretty successful. We had from 18 to 38 people playing and running per slot. Everyone involved really threw themselves into it and were great. This…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner, wrshamilton, Adam Dray, Tim C Koppang, Ron Edwards, Darcy Burgess, RobNJ.

8/17/2009 Charlie Gilb: [the Waste] Struggling with player agency
Hello, I've been working on my post-apocalyptic RPG titled 'the Waste' since the beginning of summer, and the rules have gone through many different changes. This last Saturday, I decided…
In Playtesting
Participants: Charlie Gilb, Eliarhiman6, Lance D. Allen, Marshall Burns.

8/17/2009 Gib: Building-Block Magic System
Hi all. I've been tinkering with making a free-form magic system since I've looked at several but none quite do the trick for me. The major factors that can be…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Gib, Mike Sugarbaker, dindenver, HeTeleports, JoyWriter, Tark, Skull, YEAH.

8/17/2009 noahtrammell: [IAWA] Anthology Engine
  While reading around about In a Wicked Age, I came across mentions of a "Shamed" condition.  I was surprised that the Anthology Engine wasn't exclusive to IAWA.  Are there…
In lumpley games
Participants: noahtrammell, lumpley.

8/17/2009 7VII7: [TAROT] GM vs GMless
I had planned on making TAROT GMless as to common opinion GMing is a thankless, boring task and in my opinion alot of potential RPers are put off by the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: 7VII7, Vladius, Mike Sugarbaker, Adam Dray, dindenver.

8/18/2009 wrshamilton: [Misspent Youth] Culture Jamming the Foundation
This is like my fifth post, and was maybe my second story game, so please feel free to let me know how I could be more helpful with Actual Plays…
In Playtesting
Participants: wrshamilton, RobNJ.

8/18/2009 Tyler.Tinsley: typical story structure for an rpg session
I'm a little stuck and brain dead, posting here helps sometimes so here we go. so what kind of story structure do you like in an rpg? and what structure…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Tyler.Tinsley, Simon C, 7VII7, Noon, Vulpinoid, Klaus Graziade.

8/18/2009 Morgan Coldsoul: What's in a name?
Hi there! Morgan with Cat-Powered Raygun Studios, here; new user, first post. Thought I'd get some general input on an idea or two here. The questions are: 1) How important…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Morgan Coldsoul, 7VII7, mjbauer, JoyWriter, Ken, khyron1144.

8/18/2009 7VII7: [TAROT] resolution
I've been thinking on how to handle task / conflict resolutions and have come up with the following; 1) Characters encounter an obstacle (Bob is walking along a mountain path…
In First Thoughts
Participants: 7VII7, Vladius, dindenver.

8/18/2009 pipebomb: Secondhand Destinies, a simple playing card game
[b]Secondhand Destinies (working title) [/b] This game was conceived on the walk home from work and hammered out sat on the floor with a deck of playing cards, scrawling in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: pipebomb, Adam Dray.

8/18/2009 Adam Dray: Get the most out of First Thoughts
(I have consolidated the ideas in two threads at the request of Ron Edwards, the forum moderator.) You are working on a new game. You're excited about it. You want…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Adam Dray, Ron Edwards.

8/18/2009 Ron Edwards: Trollbabe
The book debuted at GenCon, and a copy or two was in fact bought. Copies are now, or very soon will be, in the hands of my fulfiller. When I…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, Antoine F, pfischer, skatay, James_Nostack, droog, GreatWolf, jburneko, Arturo G., Paka, Aaron, Gregor Hutton, Finarvyn, kallisti_dk, rafial.

8/18/2009 Lance D. Allen: [Mage Blade] Let's Play a Game...
So, I'm doing a little exercise here that I would like you Forgeites to help me out with. This is not actually the start to a game. It's a streamlined…
In Playtesting
Participants: Lance D. Allen, 7VII7, DWeird, Ron Edwards, Bret Gillan, MacLeod, telperion, contracycle, Darcy Burgess.

8/18/2009 kaevad: [RPG Nation] New rule set being designed, would love feeback
Hi all, I'm so glad i have found this site!, its just what I have been looking for! I'm the owner of a new traditional pencil and paper Role Playing…
In First Thoughts
Participants: kaevad, Mike Sugarbaker, Adam Dray, 7VII7.

8/18/2009 Gib: Magic Effects
I have been long contemplating the various definitions for various types of magic.  I see overlap in quite a few and want to stop splitting hairs and reduce redundancy.  Here's…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Gib, Simon C, ShallowThoughts, 7VII7.

8/18/2009 7VII7: [TAROT] Arc Creation
I want to make it easy to make a story arc /  adventure / what have you, so I made it so basically the GM could fill out several of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: 7VII7, Adam Dray.

7/16/2009 rafial: Re: Buying my games (split - no posting here please)
[quote]Coming soon: Trollbabe[/quote] [i]faints in silent glee[/i] edited to un-sticky - RE
In Adept Press
Participants: rafial, pfischer, James_Nostack, Spooky Fanboy.

8/18/2009 Ron Edwards: Forge posting etiquette policy
[b]I. About the forums[/b] The purpose of The Forge forums is to promote the design, development, and publication of independent role-playing games. We do not care if the game's sold…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards.

8/19/2009 Ron Edwards: Introduction to the First Thoughts forum: read here first
You are working on a new game. You're excited about it. You want to share your idea with others, get feedback on it, and make it better. That's why you're…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ron Edwards.

8/19/2009 7VII7: TAROT Contracts
In my game the character's powers stem from a contract with a supenatural entity called a CARD (mainly because I have nothing else to call it right now), I'm currently…
In First Thoughts
Participants: 7VII7.

more subsequent topics >>