Previous Topics 9/12/2009 leodegrance: Agon - pdf Hi, sorry for the OT, but I've buyed the pdf version of Agon from its website ( on September 3rd. 9 days have passed and I've not yet received the… In design Participants: leodegrance, demiurgeastaroth, John Harper.
9/12/2009 soviet: [Other Worlds] The Infected So, last year saw the main tranche of external playtesting for Other Worlds. It went out to a whole bunch of different people and I got detailed feedback from a… In Playtesting Participants: soviet.
9/12/2009 MacLeod: [The Farmer's Epic] Random Aspects With very few responses in my other thread, I have decided to scratch a different itch.
This topic here is based on a thread over at I started. The… In First Thoughts Participants: MacLeod.
9/11/2009 hoefer: What to Think? First, it was really nice to meet many of you in-person at GenCon! Thanks for sitdown Ron -very helpful/insightful...
To business...
I took a break from "working" on game stuff… In Publishing Participants: hoefer, Noclue, Ron Edwards, MatrixGamer, Andy Kitkowski, Noon.
9/11/2009 hoefer: Know of Any Midwestern Conventions? Hello all! Now that the dust has settled from GenCon, I'm trying to put together my marketing calender for this coming year. One of my goals is to try and… In Conventions Participants: hoefer, jefgodesky, Ron Edwards.
9/11/2009 droog: PbP: I need some help with structure Okay, I'd never run a PbP game before. I had a sudden whim a few months ago and decided to run my Dark Ages hack of HQ at a small… In Actual Play Participants: droog, Noon, JoyWriter.
9/11/2009 gtroc: [Alien History] Hope Mechanics Hello, I am currently working on a game(the working title is Alien History) and I have run into a bit of a plateau in the mechanics. the game is set… In First Thoughts Participants: gtroc, Noclue, JoyWriter, Paul Czege.
9/11/2009 khyron1144: [Planet] Attributes Here's the start of the attributes system for Planet. This is what I've got finished so far, so the abrupt cut-off is sort of intentional:
Attributes define your character’s… In First Thoughts Participants: khyron1144, Warrior Monk, MacLeod.
9/11/2009 YEAH: HAUNTED! season of the heart essentially season of the heart is a game about spirit hunting.
the players are a group of voulunteers trying to save the world one
evil book,demon,etc at a time.
i… In First Thoughts Participants: YEAH.
9/11/2009 scottdunphy: [IAWA] Oracles for Convention Play I reformatted some Abulafia Oracles for easy convention play and thought I'd share. I combined some similar Oracles to get to 52, split others up into multiple Oracles, and add… In lumpley games Participants: scottdunphy, DainXB.
9/11/2009 scottdunphy: [In A Wicked Age] Edited Play on Story Shtick My podcast features Edited Play of Story Games with lots of commentary. My latest effort is "In A Wicked Age": Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
I try to be… In lumpley games Participants: scottdunphy.
9/10/2009 Audious: Exodusters: Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Western First off, my first post. Thanks for having me. :)
So, I hit a sort of weird spot of creativity the other day.
I had an idea for a setting… In First Thoughts Participants: Audious, khyron1144.
9/10/2009 greyorm: [eXpendable] Beta Draft Playtesters Wanted Pretty much a repetition of what I mentioned over on the WHS site: eXpendable is entering its beta stage and needs playtesters. If you’re interested, drop me a line and… In Wild Hunt Studios Participants: greyorm, Marshall Burns.
9/10/2009 Klaus_Welten: No Strife spend limit for encounters? I just noticed that the Antagonist's spend caps are quest- and NPC-based only, but there's no actual limit on how much total Strife he can spend in a given encounter.… In design Participants: Klaus_Welten, demiurgeastaroth, John Harper.
9/10/2009 khyron1144: [Planet] Introductory stuff The working title for my possible heartbreaker is Planet. Here's some of the beginning stuff from it, so people can see where I'm coming from stylisitically:
An Introductory Totally… In First Thoughts Participants: khyron1144.
9/10/2009 khyron1144: I believe I may be designing a fantasy heartbreaker I am most of thirty. I have been at least tangentially involved with RPGs since about third grade. I started with D&D. First a D&D game that was packaged to… In First Thoughts Participants: khyron1144, Creatures of Destiny, Ron Edwards, JoyWriter.
9/10/2009 Sebastian: [Lands & Stones] Gambling In-Character -> The 10 minute solution Hello,
I've written up the first draft of a prototype for a pretty basic, cross platform, In-Character gambling solution. It's called Lands & Stones.
Game Idea
Marbles + Cards +… In First Thoughts Participants: Sebastian, Vulpinoid, JoyWriter, chronoplasm.
9/9/2009 Will Whatley: A Forum Like the Forge, yet for Independent Board and Card Game Design (I'm unsure if this fits in with the purpose of this forum. OTOH it seems more relevant than Site Discussion.)
I do (much) more design with board, card, and other… In Connections Participants: Will Whatley, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Darcy Burgess.
9/9/2009 Tark: Gamechef game wants to pimp out your art and make sure you get recognized for it First a quick introduction to the game that I am making.
I need an artist willing to get the same pay I am (nothing dollars!) to work with me… In Connections Participants: Tark.
9/8/2009 Albert of Feh: Destination: "Earth" A few friends and I started a Short Campaign of SIS last week, using the "Making Contact" book I had another friend pick up for me from GenCon. We're off… In Black and Green Games Participants: Albert of Feh, Emily Care.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 9/12/2009 Seamus: printing in Color and Black and White We are putting out a fantasy setting and have some color maps we'd like to use in the first few pages. But most printers I have talked to told me… In Publishing Participants: Seamus, pigames, MatrixGamer.
9/12/2009 GameFind: RPG Game Find is now worldwide I am proud to annouce that RPG Game Find is now worldwide. If you need playtesters for your games, go ahead and throw up your ad.
If you are seeking… In Connections Participants: GameFind.
9/13/2009 chronoplasm: Tactical Combat based on 'Marching Order' There are elements of 4E I like and elements of OD&D I like. For a while, I've been trying to come up with a set of houserules that would merge… In First Thoughts Participants: chronoplasm, Noon.
9/13/2009 orklord: Seeking editor for Game Chef entry I'm looking for an editor who can take my text and make the language soar and also help me find holes in my logic. At current draft, my game is… In Connections Participants: orklord, Paul Czege, henebry.
9/13/2009 Simon C: [The Heartbreaker War] Not quite as done as I thought I guess there's always this vague hope in the back of my mind that I'll sit down to playtest a game, and everything will run great, everyone will say "Well… In Playtesting Participants: Simon C, Ron Edwards, hix.
9/13/2009 Sebastian: [Cops & Robbers] The Grand Caper Story I was on Story Games and there was chatter about Cop & Robbers: It sparked an idea, which I posted about, but I didn't get any feedback. Maybe the… In First Thoughts Participants: Sebastian.
9/14/2009 dmkdesigns: Of Legends and Legacies Here's a revised game description that's more than describing the system. What do you think?
During the great Cataclysm the Denizens cried out for salvation and mercy to a place… In First Thoughts Participants: dmkdesigns, Simon C, Mike Sugarbaker.
9/14/2009 Jaakko Koivula: [UtB] First trial: Adventures of Pena Hiyeah.
Got to test UtB and it was a blast. Unfortunately only got 2 people with me, but the game worked pretty nicely still. Not sure if we got all… In Actual Play Participants: Jaakko Koivula.
9/14/2009 khyron1144: [Planet] Races This is what I've got typed up so far. I will be posting it sort of piecemeal. Feel free to comment at any stage.
Planet is inhabited by many… In First Thoughts Participants: khyron1144.
9/14/2009 Simon_Pettersson: [Standing Up] Unify, Divide I'm not sure what kind of response I'm looking for in this thread, but the forum description said to write about your playtesting experiences, so I did!
So I was… In Playtesting Participants: Simon_Pettersson.
9/14/2009 reveal: [ENnies] Announcing the ENnie Awards Fan Survey Hello and welcome from the ENnie Awards!
As you know, our main goal at the ENnie Awards is to allow the fans direct access to the publishers and their products.… In Conventions Participants: reveal.
9/14/2009 dindenver: [Steampunk Crescendo] How do you play? All,
Here is the basic mechanics for setting the scene. The reason I have it set up like this is that I want players to be able to call… In First Thoughts Participants: dindenver, Adam Dray.
9/14/2009 Emily Care: Downloads and corrections The World and Character sheets are available for online for Sign in Stranger, as well as errata for the first print run.
Page 23 of the PDF version… In Black and Green Games Participants: Emily Care.
9/14/2009 TallMax: Need feedback/ideas for this Native American spiritual RPG idea I have ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This does not refer or come from a single tribe's beliefs or practices, but it is rather an amalgamation of popular ideas and different sources from many different tribes. … In First Thoughts Participants: TallMax, JoyWriter, chance.thirteen.
9/15/2009 Paolo D.: [Agon] Some rules questions Hi, I'm Paolo, it's the first time I post here before some lurking ;-)
Me and some other italian players of Agon (yes, we exist! O__O ;-) put together some… In design Participants: Paolo D., John Harper.
9/15/2009 davidberg: [Super Action Now!] turn-based confusion (monkey god, future midget, wuxia star) 10 days ago I sat down with Dan and Merlin to play SAN! It was the first time any of us had played.
Character creation
We started with character creation. … In Playtesting Participants: davidberg, Marshall Burns, JoyWriter, whiteknife.
9/16/2009 HeTeleports: Lover's Dilemma - an idea about spies, trust, and getting away with it I'm on the trail of another new game idea. I've refined things (relatively), and there are some procedural things that I'm sure I'm missing. Again, we're on first draft.
I've… In First Thoughts Participants: HeTeleports, Adam Dray.
9/16/2009 henebry: Dominion and Dependency: a game mechanic for an ugly society I’ve been working lately on a system for modeling a social mechanism familiar from pirate stories, prison stories and real-world junior high school experience: a tough guy (or gal) establishes… In First Thoughts Participants: henebry, Adam Dray, contracycle, Sebastian.
9/16/2009 AXUM: Seems olde D & D just got "Sorcered" Hi:
Hmmm... Interesting new sword & sorcery supplement for 1974's Dungeons & Dragons.
Some of the ideas are superb, IMHO - ripe for the taking!
Sorry if… In Adept Press Participants: AXUM, Ron Edwards, Finarvyn.
9/16/2009 weaselheart: Sorcerer & Space? I was reading through The Sorcerer's Soul, and came across a mini-supplement I'd not seen before, called "Sorcerer & Space". Now this is very relevant to my interests because I'm… In Adept Press Participants: weaselheart, 5niper9, greyorm.
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