The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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9/11/2009 khyron1144: [Planet] Attributes
Here's the start of the attributes system for Planet.  This is what I've got finished so far, so the abrupt cut-off is sort of intentional: Attributes Attributes define your character’s…
In First Thoughts
Participants: khyron1144, Warrior Monk, MacLeod.

9/10/2009 khyron1144: [Planet] Introductory stuff
The working title for my possible heartbreaker is Planet.  Here's some of the beginning stuff from it, so people can see where I'm coming from stylisitically: Planet An Introductory Totally…
In First Thoughts
Participants: khyron1144.

9/10/2009 khyron1144: I believe I may be designing a fantasy heartbreaker
I am most of thirty.  I have been at least tangentially involved with RPGs since about third grade.  I started with D&D.  First a D&D game that was packaged to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: khyron1144, Creatures of Destiny, Ron Edwards, JoyWriter.

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