The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

5/20/2010 thegonk: The Minionsverse, actual play podcast
I just picked up WGP and have really enjoyed it.  Here is a blog post about our games from another player, and here is our first actual play episode (warning:…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: thegonk.

5/20/2010 Michael S. Miller: [DEXCON 13] Indie Games Explosion
Dexcon 13 is approaching. It's going to be held in July. From Wednesday night, July 7th to Sunday afternoon, July 11th. The convention is going to be in Morristown New…
In Conventions
Participants: Michael S. Miller.

5/20/2010 snippet: Boonex has ripped me off!
I would like to warn all webmasters who want to create a social networking site not to use Boonex. Boonex is a scam. Heres a group of guys that can't…
In Site Discussion
Participants: snippet, Ron Edwards.

5/20/2010 Dionysus: [Apocalypse World] New players...
Howdy all. I wasn't 100% sure where to put this. Is this playtesting or actual play? In here is probably the best for the moment - if it should be…
In lumpley games
Participants: Dionysus.

5/20/2010 Ar Kayon: Adding wargame mechanics to my fantasy system
Considering the nature of play in my developing dark fantasy system, I was thinking of designing a large scale combat architecture.  However, I've never designed wargame mechanics before and I'm…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ar Kayon, jprussell, horomancer, Vulpinoid, contracycle.

5/19/2010 PeterAdkison: [DitV] Reconciling False Doctrine to No Moral Judgment
Call me late to the party but I’m finally playing Dogs in the Vineyard.  I’ve been wanting to play for years but I have a lot of trouble running a…
In lumpley games
Participants: PeterAdkison, Eero Tuovinen, Noclue, lumpley.

5/19/2010 Simon C: A thing I noticed (with a diagram)
I've been playing Bliss Stage recently, with a couple of inexperienced players. The game has been really successful, and they've fit in well, but early on one of them expressed…
In Actual Play
Participants: Simon C, Frank Tarcikowski, Artanis, Dan Maruschak, Aaron Baker, greyorm.

5/18/2010 Meme: [S/Lay w/Me] Female?
Hi guys. I have a question. How about Female Heroes, Male Lovers, Omosexual desires? I ask this cause in the book, all types of character are male, and then I…
In Adept Press
Participants: Meme, Ron Edwards, jburneko.

5/18/2010 Meme: [S/Lay w/Me] Settings!!!
Hi! I'm Meme, and i Played like 15 Adventures with this game, in 5 days! :O Each Adventure was in a different Location, and so i tried all of them.…
In Adept Press
Participants: Meme, Ron Edwards, Artanis, Mauro, hansel, Aetius.

5/17/2010 hallsofvallhalla: Looking for a ruleset
Gonna make this short... I build Web browser RPGs and MMOs. Mostly 2d text style. I try to keep them as RPG as possible. I have a new game design…
In Connections
Participants: hallsofvallhalla, Tomas, urbandruid, greyorm.

5/16/2010 Meme: [S/Lay w/Me] Goal: Kill the Monster
Hi Ron! I'm Meme, and we met at INC'10 one week ago, and, of course, it was a pleasure. I recently tried your beautiful game and i have a question…
In Adept Press
Participants: Meme, Ron Edwards, greyorm, JTColeman.

5/16/2010 warhammergrimace: Irregular Magazine is looking for contributors
[b]What Is Irregular Magazine[/b] Irregular Magazine has been designed to provide hobbyists with articles and tutorials on miniature painting, RPG and wargames. All content is community generated, including the art-work,…
In Connections
Participants: warhammergrimace.

5/15/2010 marknau: [New Hope] External Playtesting Needed!
New Hope, a game of Empire and Rebellion. A self-contained one-shot, 13-pages long. I'd like a group of 4-6 to play it from the text, without any influence from me.…
In Connections
Participants: marknau.

5/15/2010 yellowparis: [IaWA] NPCs After Chapter 2
So tiny a question that I'm almost embarrassed to make a whole thread for it, but: The text says that from chapter 3 on, new characters can start with a…
In lumpley games
Participants: yellowparis, lumpley, Ron Edwards.

5/14/2010 smegroll: A game idea I've had for a while and an introduction!
Hey everybody, I'm new to the forum obviously and I wanted to get some input on designing a game around an idea I've had for months now. It's pretty clear…
In First Thoughts
Participants: smegroll, Locke, Paul Czege, jprussell, Noon, Necromantis.

5/14/2010 Eero Tuovinen: I need a German translation of my game for Spiel Essen
Related to my Spiel project, Jari reminded me that we should get the rules of Zombie Cinema translated into German. Most rpg fans at the Spiel will probably have workable…
In Connections
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Teppich, Artanis, xenopulse.

5/14/2010 Sebastian: [Hell for Leather] Hyperviolent Gaming! FREE STUFF!
Hell for Leather is basically finished. It's stacking dice + messy gore + stoopid fun. Here's a video. And another. For the next few weeks I'm giving it out for…
In Connections
Participants: Sebastian.

5/14/2010 Pelgrane: Supplying PDFs to Retailers
Inspired by Fred Hicks, I've established a program which allows retailers to give PDFs to their customers, both of existing products and at the pre-order stage. Technically, it's very easy…
In Publishing
Participants: Pelgrane, Ron Edwards, jasonm, Jason Pitre.

5/14/2010 horomancer: Low power d20 system thoughts
Working on a low power, low fantasy campaign and a system to match it. Using a mishmash of various x20 system rules to achieve the right feel and decided to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: horomancer, Locke, Noon, Khimus, Necromantis, charles ferguson.

5/14/2010 Sebastian: [HfL] A cereberal game of Polish betrayal in WWII
Three players, three hours, one survivor. Poland in WWII. A story of betrayal and murder under the canopy of early war. In this report I'll write a quasi-transcript about building…
In Playtesting
Participants: Sebastian.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

5/20/2010 Mauro: [S/Lay w/Me] Introducing the Lover
Hi Ron! While playing with Meme we had a doubt: on his first Go, "I" "must introduce the Lover"; the Lover must be described, also if maybe it's not obvious…
In Adept Press
Participants: Mauro, Meme, Ron Edwards.

5/21/2010 Brimshack: Focused Playtest
Hello, I don't know if anyone will remember, but about a year ago I made some posts here about a game I've been working on called Worlds of Hurt. In…
In Connections
Participants: Brimshack, alloneword.

5/21/2010 Darcy Burgess: [CanGames 2010] - Ottawa, Ontario
Hi, I realize that this is exceptionally addle-brained, even for me, and therefore quite last-minute. Regardless, CanGames is happening this weekend in Ottawa, Ontario. I've skimmed the program, and there…
In Conventions
Participants: Darcy Burgess.

5/22/2010 Anekanta: [Lords of Sky] Skills revisited...
Hey all, This is sort of a continuation of an earlier Lords of Sky question stated here: In the last thread, I was concerned about the layering / depth…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Anekanta.

5/22/2010 Anekanta: [Rifts] -- Rifts workable? Possibly, maybe...
Hello again... A while ago I posted (here: that I had joined a Rifts gaming group for the first time in almost two decades, and was a bit apprehensive…
In Actual Play
Participants: Anekanta, hansel, Ron Edwards, Noon, Aaron Baker, Jarrodimus.

5/22/2010 hatheg-kla: [MLwM] Convention game thoughts
Ho I'm going to be running a game of My Life with Master in a couple of weeks at a mini-convention.  I've run a couple of games already for friends…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: hatheg-kla, Noclue, hix, Eero Tuovinen.

5/22/2010 Ayyavazi: Passing on your turn?
hey all, I've recently played my first ever game of DitV, and it was a blast for all involved. I'll be posting the actual play a little later today for…
In lumpley games
Participants: Ayyavazi.

5/22/2010 Ayyavazi: First Session ever, need help and critiques please
Hello all. This was my first ever session of Dogs, and we didn't finish the city. Actually, we never got into a conflict after the initiations. But I wanted to…
In lumpley games
Participants: Ayyavazi.

5/23/2010 Kerikath: [Eden Earth] Introduction
This is a rough, purposely incomplete introduction to my game's setting. The purpose of this thread is for anyone who's interested to ask questions about the setting, which I'll answer,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kerikath, Noon, greyorm, Brimshack, PeterBB.

5/23/2010 Brimshack: Diplomacy as an Ability - Brainstorming options
I have been trying to work my mind around the prospect of adding a special Diplomacy option to Worlds of Hurt  WOH is in principle a conventional high fantasy role-playing…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Brimshack, Noon.

5/23/2010 hansel: [S/lay w/Me] Yun-Hai & the Corpse-strewn battlefield
Brendan Adkins & I played S/lay today--probably the fastest turnaround time from buying a game to playing it, ever, for me. First: It was good! I want more! Now: The…
In Actual Play
Participants: hansel, Gregor Hutton, Ron Edwards, Brendan.

5/23/2010 Mobius: [Babel] Updated Combat Skil: Brawl
Based on feedback from my first play test I am redoing all of the combat skills and I'm looking for feedback on the first one I've finished; Brawl.  I'm putting…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Mobius.

5/23/2010 Heikki Hallamaa: [TSoY] Random crunch and snippets of material
Our group has played with the World of Near material for a couple of months now and like every campaign it generates new material and occasional new crunch. So I…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: Heikki Hallamaa, Eero Tuovinen.

5/24/2010 Simon C: [Bliss Stage] Different approaches to character
We're playing a long-running, seven-player game of Bliss Stage. I think we've played maybe five or six sessions now, with maybe one or two more to go. The group is…
In Actual Play
Participants: Simon C, Ben Lehman, itowlson.

5/24/2010 LateNite: Back after a long hiatus
I have returned after a long hiatus of about 3 years.  I have lost all of the work on my old system in the making (known as Entropy if anyone…
In First Thoughts
Participants: LateNite.

5/24/2010 MikeF: Limiting GM fiat with a token system
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about GM fiat, and ways of limiting GM fiat without affecting their ability to introduce interesting challenges for players. These were the simple rules…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MikeF, Vulpinoid, PeterBB, Noon, greyorm, StevenS, Eero Tuovinen.

5/24/2010 WJ MacGuffin: [DitV] Delta Green town - Alexandria (long)
Hi folks! I'm running a Delta Green/Dogs in the Vineyard crossover game in a few weeks and wanted to know what y'all thought of my town. It was a little…
In lumpley games
Participants: WJ MacGuffin, Paul T.

5/24/2010 Gregor Hutton: [UK Games Expo] 4-6 June, Birmingham, UK
Hey, <a href="">UK Games Expo</a> in Birmingham is just around the corner here in the UK. You can see some of <a href="">the Indie Games being run</a>. I will flag…
In Conventions
Participants: Gregor Hutton.

5/24/2010 PeterAdkison: [DitV] Dog's Stewardship Over "Mostly Family" Problem
I'm starting my Dogs campaign tomorrow night (woo hoo!) and have a town all developed and ready to go. Then I reread the rules and noticed the paragraph on page…
In lumpley games
Participants: PeterAdkison, jburneko, lumpley, Paul T, Noclue.

5/24/2010 Sebastian: [Hell for Leather] Run & Rest - 70s Narcs
Last week I got another chance to playtest Hell for Leather, this time dressed in golden medallions and gorgeous sideburns. We built the Frame (world and setting) quickly, but this…
In Playtesting
Participants: Sebastian.

more subsequent topics >>