Previous Topics 8/15/2002 ShaneNINE: The simple TROS rules I read somewhere that you can opt for basic, simple rules in TROS instead of the full fledged combat system. Can't remember where, exactly, and I don't have my book… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: ShaneNINE, Spartan.
8/15/2002 wyrdlyng: Quark vs. Pagemaker Is there anyone who has used the two and can tell me if there's anything in Quark to justify the many hundreds of dollars in price difference? I've used older… In Publishing Participants: wyrdlyng, mahoux, GreatWolf, Adam.
8/15/2002 Ian Charvill: Free Will in the Middle? What I am trying to articulate here is the source of my current dissatisfaction with gaming: the limitations placed on player choice during a game. I’m aware that I will… In RPG Theory Participants: Ian Charvill, Le Joueur, jburneko, GreatWolf, Andrew Martin, contracycle.
8/15/2002 Skywalker: Hit Locations Just as a matter of interest, I know people have already raised the problem of TROS letting people choose where to strike and encouraging people to always strike the most… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Skywalker, Spartan, Jaif, Jake Norwood, ShaneNINE.
8/14/2002 Michael Hopcroft: Is this the right kind of popularity? I've been running into a very bizarre situation ever since GenCon -- about once every two days I'm approached by someone who wants to write for me. And that doesn't… In Publishing Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Clinton R. Nixon, Adam, Clay, Ron Edwards.
8/14/2002 Ron Edwards: Trollbabe comic strip artists' call Hi there,
I'm thinking about a promotional device for the Trollbabe website, when it gets going.
Basically, I'm going to write a comic strip, three-panels like in the newspaper. I'll… In Connections Participants: Ron Edwards, Valamir, xiombarg, Zak Arntson, James V. West, Prankster, offbeat!, Imp-Chan, kitten.
8/14/2002 mahoux: Its so... big Well, I have finally finished the full KOTR version that I alluded to in the hoboes thread in Game design. However, when I PDF the file, it comes in at… In Publishing Participants: mahoux, Clinton R. Nixon, Matt Gwinn, Paul Czege, Clay, Chris Passeno.
8/14/2002 Matt Gwinn: Game design and your resume I am on the verge of quiting my current job and have started to rework my resume. I would like to include my game design experience, but I am not… In Publishing Participants: Matt Gwinn, Clay, Ron Edwards, Blake Hutchins, Clinton R. Nixon, Matt, Eugene Zee, Zak Arntson, talespinnerstudios, Dav, Ben Morgan.
8/14/2002 Valamir: Dungeoneer Well, I made it to the Citizen Games booth, just long enough to snap up a copy of Sidewinder.
But I didn't see (perhaps because I was there for about… In Indie Game Design Participants: Valamir, GreatWolf, Gordon C. Landis, tdenmark.
8/14/2002 Wolfen: Dreams of the Riddle I had a dream last night, guys.
It was my typical weird dream, with all sorts of stuff going on in it that made sense in context, but after the… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Wolfen, Furious D, Jake Norwood.
8/14/2002 Ron Edwards: Publishing Dust Devils Hi Matt,
Um, I advise caution.
I agree that the "next commercial step" is called for, for Dust Devils. But slamming it into the stores? Remember, retailers give Not One… In Chimera Creative Participants: Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, Mike Holmes, Jared A. Sorensen, jburneko.
8/14/2002 Matt Snyder: Out of the box, into the fire Holy Frijoles, compadres!
Ken Hite has called out Dust Devils in his Out of the Box GenCon wrap-up, including a final note that he'll review the game soon.
Which means,… In Chimera Creative Participants: Matt Snyder, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood, Gordon C. Landis, Clay, GreatWolf, Jason L Blair.
8/14/2002 Corvus: The Forge in Ken Hite's Out of the Box The 8/9/2002 column of Ken Hite's Out of the Box talks about various Forge related things. Check it out. In Site Discussion Participants: Corvus, Valamir.
8/14/2002 Bailywolf: Printing Question Please forgive me this morning...I'm feeling like the last pumpkin in the patch (the one with the smooshed side and the strange odor).
What is the best way to print… In Memento-Mori Theatricks Participants: Bailywolf, Matt Snyder, Chris Passeno.
8/14/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Talking about Skills again I'm (as usual) running into trouble because I can't accept the common way of solving a certain mechanic. Actually, this is the mother of all mechanics. I'm talking about skill… In RPG Theory Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Le Joueur, Ron Edwards, ks13, Ian Charvill, M. J. Young, Andrew Martin.
8/14/2002 Ferry Bazelmans: Soap: an extensive rewrite - help needed [i]Note: I wasn't sure wether or not this post would now fall under the connection forum. If it needs to be moved, it needs to be moved...[/i]
Soap has been… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ferry Bazelmans, Ron Edwards, chaosvoyager.
8/14/2002 Jake Norwood: Driftwood Indie Game Night: octaNe Well, we just played octaNe. It rocked.
Ben More played "the Great Muchacho," or something like that, a smartcar with a mashed potato dispenser in the cab and machine guns… In Actual Play Participants: Jake Norwood.
8/14/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: octaNe dice question Jared,
When facing Hazards, do you reduce the number of dice rolled by the Hazard Rating, or do you roll your normal dice, and remove a number of dice (highest… In Memento-Mori Theatricks Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Jared A. Sorensen.
8/14/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: Forge Game Bag No one buys this stuff (really), but I just wanted to let everyone know that I updated the Forge store with new stuff, including a jersey, and two bags… In Site Discussion Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Jason L Blair, wyrdlyng, kamikaze.
8/14/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: New game based on The Pool In case you guys haven't seen it, Mike Gentry's been actually writing his hobo game, Hard Travellin'. A long time ago, it had a different name, and used Fudge, and… In Random Order Creations Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Blake Hutchins, James V. West.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 8/15/2002 Ron Edwards: What the industry needs (by me!) Hello,
I came to the following conclusions following some very intensive conversations after the Diana Jones ceremony, with two people who Shall Not Be Named but who Know Their Shit.… In Publishing Participants: Ron Edwards, Eugene Zee, contracycle, Clay, mattcolville, J B Bell, Tundra, wizardattic, Jack Spencer Jr, Valamir.
8/15/2002 Ron Edwards: The sanzoku game at GenCon I guess there might be some interest out there regarding the Sorcerer game session played by me, Jake Norwood, Jason Blair, and Peter Adkison last Thursday night?
Well, let's see.… In Adept Press Participants: Ron Edwards, Jason L Blair, Jake Norwood, Zak Arntson, Jeffrey Straszheim, PeterAdkison, Paul Czege.
8/15/2002 mahoux: Tell me a story... Jason-
What's the deal with the Bedtime Stories series? I haven't seen them for sale on the site. In Key 20 Publishing Participants: mahoux, Jason L Blair, FatesPuppet.
8/15/2002 Zak Arntson: Paladin - Inquisitor My Indie Gaming Group is playing Paladin this coming weekend, and I've given them the choice (which I may have to make) between straight up Star Wars (with Jedi and… In CRN Games Participants: Zak Arntson, Valamir, Blake Hutchins, Bob McNamee.
8/15/2002 mearls: Phantasm: Competitive Horror Roleplaying Unlike other RPGs, a game of Phantasm ends with a definitive winner. Either one character remains alive and the GM is out of dice, or all the GM has won… In Indie Game Design Participants: mearls, xiombarg, nobrain, Ron Edwards, hardcoremoose, joe_llama, Doc Midnight, Jeremy Cole.
8/15/2002 Michael Hopcroft: Getting licences to old games Someone on the GPA list was recently told that Tri-Tac's founder is shopping around the rights to one of his old games, Fringeworthy.
I have a lot of good ideas… In Publishing Participants: Michael Hopcroft, xiombarg, Eugene Zee.
8/15/2002 Michael Hopcroft: GenCon 2003 Has anyone thought about reservations for GenCon 2003 yet?
Just asking. In Publishing Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Zak Arntson, Clinton R. Nixon.
8/15/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: Info on GenCon 2003 Well, the new floor space is going from 180,000 square feet to 300,000 square feet.
More info:
The convention's in July: July 23 - July 27, to be exact.
The… In GenCon Planning and Organization Participants: Clinton R. Nixon.
8/16/2002 Adam: You can't have just Luchadors. . . [Additional Roles] Well, it was a given that I would buy octaNe when I read the blurb - mexican wrestlers? Shit, any game that includes wrestlers is a-okay in my books, and… In Memento-Mori Theatricks Participants: Adam, Jared A. Sorensen.
8/16/2002 Michael Hopcroft: Portfolio-building Opportunity for Manga-style Artists I have a portfolio-building oppotunity for manga-style artists. My newest HeartQuest supplement, Musical Mistresses, os going to need art in very short order. I'm looking for artists willing to forgo… In Connections Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Zak Arntson, Ferry Bazelmans, Silver Bear, xiombarg, ejh, Clinton R. Nixon, Trevor Curtis.
8/16/2002 Jaif: Is Narsil a Longsword? Ok, for those of you who've seen the LoTR movie (like there's any doubt<g>), what kind of sword is Narsil? I'm talking about game terms here - I know that… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jaif, Jake Norwood, Wolfen, Ben Morgan, Mokkurkalfe, Brian Leybourne, Hoser, Mike Holmes, Sneaky Git.
8/16/2002 Bailywolf: OctaNe Resources online Check this site out. In Memento-Mori Theatricks Participants: Bailywolf, mahoux, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen.
8/16/2002 Balbinus: Forum based rpgs Hi all,
I thought it might be interesting to discuss briefly a form of rpg most of us have no real experience with. Online forum based rpgs. As I recently… In Actual Play Participants: Balbinus, Jack Spencer Jr, Andrew Martin.
8/16/2002 Jared A. Sorensen: octaNe screen-ready version The screen version of octaNe has just been made available.
And thanx to Clinton Nixon at, octaNe may be downloaded by paying customers! No more bouncing emails!
While… In Memento-Mori Theatricks Participants: Jared A. Sorensen, Adam, Seth L. Blumberg, Tim Denee.
8/16/2002 Silent Tamatama: Questioning the Laws of the Order? Hey Clinton.
I got a chance to look at your Paladin game at Gen-Con thanks to Scott Knipe and had a couple of questions about the rules for Paladins in… In CRN Games Participants: Silent Tamatama, Clinton R. Nixon.
8/16/2002 Michael Hopcroft: A New Forum! Huzzah! Now POST! Yes, it's true. Seraphim Guard, publishers of HeartQuest and Fuzz: the Furry Police RPG, has a forum on the Forge!
I don;t know whether this means I've arrived or not.… In Seraphim Guard Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Ron Edwards, Jason L Blair, Le Joueur.
8/16/2002 Michael Hopcroft: What is On Topic for this forum When a company is as heavily involved in niche genres as mine is, I can;t help but wonder what I should consider on-topic for my forum. I basically decided to… In Seraphim Guard Participants: Michael Hopcroft.
8/16/2002 Matt Snyder: Tough as ails ... ahem Well, folks, I've good news and (somewhat) bad news.
I always like to start with the bad news, so here it is. I haven't got the darn Paypal system set… In Chimera Creative Participants: Matt Snyder, Gordon C. Landis, Paul Czege, Jared A. Sorensen, Adam, Jason L Blair, TSL, Valamir.
8/17/2002 Michael Hopcroft: New forum I have been informed that there is now a Seraphim Guard forum in the Independent Games Forum section of the Forge.
Aside from the question of whether this means I've… In Publishing Participants: Michael Hopcroft.
8/17/2002 Michael Hopcroft: Our Ongoing Projects Just thought some of you might be interested in what some of our current projects are here at Seraphim Guard and their status.
Title: Musical Mistresses
Description: 48-page mini-campaign sourcebook… In Seraphim Guard Participants: Michael Hopcroft.
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