The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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Previous Topics

1/26/2011 facey: [DitV] need tips on Gm'ing and my town
Hello I played DitV some years ago, and finally bought the book, and I'm looking forward to getting my Rp group started playing this wonderful game. but as i was…
In lumpley games
Participants: facey, Falc.

1/25/2011 Ron Edwards: [Cold Soldier] "Upon horror's head, horrors accumulate."
Tim Koppang and I met for a night of beer and gaming. Cold Soldier was on the table. I had my slightly re-formatted Ronnies draft, the diagram I wrote to…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards, Tim C Koppang, Bret Gillan.

1/25/2011 hix: [Poison'd] Trying to understand Currency and Reward Systems
I ran Poison’d twice at Kapcon in Wellington this weekend, and I’m hoping to use the experience to try and better understand the ideas of reward cycles and currency. The…
In Actual Play
Participants: hix, Ron Edwards, lumpley, Tim C Koppang, davidberg, Teataine.

1/24/2011 Dan Maruschak: [Final Hour of a Storied Age] An Empty Throne Beckons
Leo, Nolan, and I got together on Skype for a two hour session on November 15, 2010 for a playtest of Final Hour of a Storied Age rev 0.67 (An…
In Game Development
Participants: Dan Maruschak, Ron Edwards, stefoid.

1/24/2011 Ghostlight Games: [Phantasm (2010)] Grindhouse Horror RPG Needs Playtesters
[center][size=12pt][url=]Download [b]Phantasm[i](2010)[/i] 1.0 [/b]Here[/url] [/size][/center] [u]Greetings And Salutations[/u] Hello Forge! My name is Devon Oratz, but I do business (and perhaps that should be "business" since precious little or no…
In Game Development
Participants: Ghostlight Games, Ron Edwards.

1/24/2011 twztdwndpipe: Murder Mystery for multiple people, who all play a roll?
So, I thought something up, but I'm not quite sure how to go about it or if it's already been created. Is there such a murder mystery, where one or…
In Game Development
Participants: twztdwndpipe, pkalata, RichD, Ron Edwards, Paul DuPont.

1/24/2011 twztdwndpipe: Playtesting my homemade Survival Horror. (few questions inside as well as detail
It started off basic. The first ideas were -You can be killed instantly -Weapons are everywhere (just not things you'd always want) -End of the world theme -Characters must sleep…
In Game Development
Participants: twztdwndpipe, Ron Edwards, Ghostlight Games.

1/24/2011 davidberg: [The Eye in the Pyramid] Bananites
I learned some things today.  I learned that only smoking banana peels can protect you from the nanites your prosthetics use to control you.  I learned that the evil tech…
In Game Development
Participants: davidberg, Ron Edwards, jenskot.

1/24/2011 Amphetryon: [Game Unnamed Yet] My Combat Model is Running Out Of Control
This is a fantasy RPG I'm working on.  Link to the combat rules.  Specific issues I'm grappling with to date: This system will need additional tweaks to handle combat…
In Game Development
Participants: Amphetryon, stefoid, Chris_Chinn, btrc.

1/23/2011 btrc: [Mars 2100] Character generation session
My normal playtest group in Blacksburg is mostly board game players, but I got eight of them to indulge me on 1/22 in doing self-assessments to see how well the…
In Game Development
Participants: btrc, AK_Aramis, Ron Edwards, contracycle.

1/23/2011 DorkThoughts: Ronnies 24 Hour RPG artist!
Hey All (especially folks who participated in the Old, Skull, Soldier, Sword 24hour Ronnies) This dude Michael does really cool old school looking art. I am trying to get him…
In Publishing
Participants: DorkThoughts.

1/22/2011 Axe4Eye: [MAYA] Your thoughts on the twelve-sided die
Some things have sparked my interest in the twelve sided die as opposed to the good ole' ten sided die.  There are not many games that use d12 instead of…
In Game Development
Participants: Axe4Eye, Ron Edwards, Paul DuPont, AyeGill, happysmellyfish.

1/21/2011 jburneko: Doctor Chaos Thoughts and Questions
Hello, So, I might have a chance to play Doctor Chaos this weekend and if I don't then I'm thinking of putting it on the schedule at OrcCon in February. …
In Adept Press
Participants: jburneko, Ron Edwards.

1/21/2011 Paul DuPont: Genre Selection [Opus System]
Opus (my 'universal' system) is designed so players can cooperatively decide on the story themes and style of game play at the beginning. This part of the system uses a…
In Game Development
Participants: Paul DuPont, Axe4Eye, Ron Edwards.

1/21/2011 stefoid: [zero-prep] playtest, jesus, where do I start
Isnt it funny when you have this idea of how things are going to go and then they just implode.  I guess thats what they are talking about when they…
In Game Development
Participants: stefoid, Ron Edwards, Noon, happysmellyfish.

1/20/2011 Ron Edwards: [The Rustbelt] Kid gloves are the sux
About a month ago at the Dice Dojo, Peter, Megan, Phil, and Sam joined me for playing some games. I'd been wanting to get The Rustbelt going since my shiny…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, stefoid, pkalata, Marshall Burns.

1/20/2011 Axe4Eye: Experience, Personality, Skills, Abilities & Emotions = Experskabilition?
I have decided to combine these things together (Experience, Personality, Skills, Abilities, Emotions, Baggage, Background, etc.) into one metric which I simply call experience because for the purposes of MAYA,…
In Game Development
Participants: Axe4Eye, Ron Edwards, Chris_Chinn, Paul DuPont.

1/20/2011 MatrixGamer: Exanded Indy Convention Center opens today
Just heard on the news as I drove to work that the convention center is openning up the new parts today. I'll have to drive up to Indy and check…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer.

1/20/2011 punkbohemian: decision making, conflict resolution, and the metagame
I've been thinking about resolution mechanics on more of a metagame level lately. To give you a frame of reference for this discussion, think of games like d20, Tribe 8,…
In Game Development
Participants: punkbohemian, Ron Edwards.

1/19/2011 AyeGill: Pre-second round thoughts and prep
Hi Everyone. Ron, is there any sort of plan as to when the second round will begin? Or will it just happen when the Round one entries have been reasonably…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: AyeGill, Ron Edwards, Ghostlight Games, Nathan P..

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Subsequent Topics

1/28/2011 davidberg: [Apocalypse World] uncertainty and immersion
So, my friend Matt has been running an AW for me and 3 other friends.  He's itching to play a character, and mine is nicely poised to retire to safety…
In lumpley games
Participants: davidberg.

1/28/2011 RBjakeSpecial: [Lacuna Part I The Mystery and the Girl from Blue City] CONTROL
[b]Spoilers - Please do not read if you don't want any of Lacuna spoiled.  [/b] Lacuna Part I:  The Creation of the Mystery adn the Girl from the Blue City…
In Actual Play
Participants: RBjakeSpecial, Ron Edwards, Yokiboy, Jared A. Sorensen.

1/29/2011 Cliff H: What Does Sharing Narrative Control Show?
In another thread I spoke about the odd ways in which my players would use the limited narrative control I handed them to gimp their own characters. Over the past…
In Actual Play
Participants: Cliff H, Eero Tuovinen, Noon, masqueradeball, stefoid, Paul Czege, Jeff B, Anders Gabrielsson.

1/29/2011 konratius: Order problems with Adept Press
Ron, I tried to get in touch with the email listed at your site, but kept getting my messages returned, saying that I couldn't reach you. I thought about joining…
In Adept Press
Participants: konratius, Ron Edwards, hardcoremoose.

1/30/2011 happysmellyfish: [Secret Hearts] Second Playtest - Getting Better
Not sure if I need to post this again each time, but here's the version of the rules we used... Of course, those rules are largely obsolete by now.…
In Game Development
Participants: happysmellyfish.

1/31/2011 stefoid: [Ingenero] Dramatic conflict resolution- help with definitions.
Hi, Im fleshing out a game that concentrates on the dramatic style of conflict resolution. My def of that is that 'fiction reality' guides the players in what is possible…
In Game Development
Participants: stefoid, happysmellyfish, SteveCooper.

1/31/2011 David Artman: [IAWA] Oracle Generator app for Android
I wanted to play with App Inventor, but I didn't want to, you know, actually INVENT an app. So I lobbed, with this: <a href="">IAWA Oracles for Android</a> Any typos…
In lumpley games
Participants: David Artman, lumpley, Artanis.

1/31/2011 Catelf: Potential "returning member" would like some advice.
Hi. Catelf here, it was, i assume, more than a year ago since i was even the slightest active here. I saw the changes, and i think they are good.…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Catelf, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young, hix.

1/31/2011 Paul Czege: some kind of mathematical notation?
My current game design project has resolution mechanics that involve drawing tokens of various types from a bowl, and interpreting the combinations against a menu of possible outcomes. Some of…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards.

2/1/2011 Solarsaurus: [A System w/ No Name] Basics
A friend and I have started work on a new system as of recent after he found the New World of Darkness (the Storytelling System) limiting and ultimately uninteresting. Work…
In Game Development
Participants: Solarsaurus, Mike Sugarbaker, Noon, Silverwave, horomancer.

2/1/2011 Gregor Hutton: [Swords of the Skull-Takers] 23 Days To Kill
I was at WarpCon in Cork, Ireland over the weekend and I got in some Sword of the Skull-Takers in UCC's Old Bar. Two games, one of 7 days and…
In Game Development
Participants: Gregor Hutton, Dantai.

2/2/2011 whduryea: [Danse Macabre] Playtesting
I've playtested my Ronnies entry, Danse Macabre, three times now, twice with three players and once with four. All three sessions mostly went well. Here are a few of my…
In Game Development
Participants: whduryea, Ron Edwards, Dan Maruschak.

2/2/2011 .:. Lupo .:.: [DitV] Advice for long-lasting campaign
Hi, I am new here. Hello to everybody, and thanks to Vincent Baker for his wonderful game. It was a privilege to be able to buy it directly from its…
In lumpley games
Participants: .:. Lupo .:., lumpley, Eero Tuovinen, dindenver.

2/2/2011 Catelf: [CyberCross](Preliminary name)
Ok, here goes ..... Hi, i am trying to make a game that mixes Cyberpunk, Furries, and Goth. Even though the basic parts of the rules are testplayed, and working,…
In Game Development
Participants: Catelf, Ron Edwards.

2/3/2011 GarretTeldt: Relative RPG Newbie
Hello, my name is Richard Rebouche, and I'm fairly new to RPGs. I got my feet wet in d20 Modern and Mutants and Masterminds, and enjoyed both systems greatly. d20…
In Actual Play
Participants: GarretTeldt, Eero Tuovinen, Cliff H, Paladin, Ron Edwards, Natespank.

2/3/2011 Ron Edwards: [RONNIES 2011] February round begins
Submission period: either one week from today at the time of this posting, or 24 hours from when I announce the ninth submission here. 1. Pick two (and only two)…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Gryffudd, Vulpinoid, stefoid.

2/4/2011 happysmellyfish: [Secret Hearts] Looking for feedback and play-testers
Hiya Forge! After a whole bunch of grunt work, version 0.3 of Secret Hearts can be downloaded at This is a huge step up from the other versions, largely…
In Game Development
Participants: happysmellyfish.

2/4/2011 BunniRabbi: Wargame Testers
(I'm hoping this is in the right section, because the better place for it seems to be under "Connections", but there isn't an apparent way to post there.) I'm looking…
In Publishing
Participants: BunniRabbi, Ron Edwards.

2/6/2011 GarretTeldt: [d20 Modern] Adding mechanics
I've been reflecting over my (admittedly short) time playing d20 Modern and Mutants and Masterminds and decided some of the mechanics required serious overhaul to reflect the more realistic, fast-paced…
In Game Development
Participants: GarretTeldt, Noon, SteveCooper, Ghostlight Games.

2/6/2011 Natespank: account management questions
I was unsure where to post this. Is there an section of this site where I can adjust user settings? What I have in mind is a signature, a box…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Natespank, Ron Edwards.

more subsequent topics >>