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From Day One

Previous Topics

4/19/2011 Ron Edwards: [Within My Clutches] Ronnies feedback
I placed David Berg's Within My Clutches as a Runner-Up. My take on the terms is that lust and chains are near-synonyms, making the game about one thing rather than…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, davidberg.

4/19/2011 Galwinganoon: TSoY PBP?
So, I've tried to play D&D on a forum before and it went reasonably well...  Until we got into combat.  A single combat encounter (even an unimportant encounter) took about…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: Galwinganoon, Eero Tuovinen.

4/18/2011 Ron Edwards: [In Exile] Ronnies feedback
Jacob Bouvier's In Exile, Queens of Time and Space, and Queen of Thorns make an interesting trilogy: respectively, restoring a deposed queen who is still very much the leader, serving…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Tokala.

4/18/2011 Ron Edwards: [You Are My Destiny] Ronnies feedback
Guy Shalev's You Are My Destiny is a Runner-Up, and a very near one. I ultimately found myself confused by too many procedural details, unable to imagine presenting it to…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Thunder_God, Jason Petrasko.

4/18/2011 szp: Psychological randomness
When I was stuck in Korea last summer, I had come up with an idea for a game about dreams and psychological healing that I finally got around to committing…
In Game Development
Participants: szp, DarkHawkPro, baxil, K.Hoffren, Tokala.

4/18/2011 Ron Edwards: [Queen of Thorns] Ronnies feedback
Eric Boyd's Queen of Thorns is probably the best entry for me to explain what I mean by a design that needs some fermentation. Both the Ronnies terms and the…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Eric J. Boyd, Tim C Koppang.

4/18/2011 Vanoj: [Poison'd] Hugely successful first session
I was a bit anxious about running Poison'd. I'd read a lot of threads in which seasoned indie folks expressed befuddlement. But, from reading those, I figured that there was…
In lumpley games
Participants: Vanoj, lumpley.

4/16/2011 Ron Edwards: [Tales of Lust] Ronnies feedback
Andreas Eriksson's Tales of Lust wins a Ronny! As with Homage to Ninshubar, the game is in such a playtestable state that I have only a few comments at this…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Andreas Eriksson.

4/16/2011 Ron Edwards: [Her Son] Ronnies feedback
I would love to see Jackson Tegu's Her Son as its own custom card game of some kind, given some design refinement, probably next to a similarly-packaged final version of…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards.

4/15/2011 Ron Edwards: [Beholden] Ronnies feedback
Baxil's Beholden is a Runner-Up this round. For the record, an adaptation of someone else's game is a viable design approach; some of the best games out there started life…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, baxil, Ben Lehman.

4/14/2011 Ron Edwards: [Homage to Ninshubar] Ronnies feedback
Ben Lehman's Homage to Ninshubar wins a Ronny! The terms are right there on target, and it's instructive to consider the listed references. I think as it currently stands it's…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman.

4/14/2011 Ron Edwards: [The Shackled Self] Ronnies feedback
I placed Raffaele Manzo's The Shackled Self into my "ferment" category, meaning that I think its system does not live up to the potential of the content. And here by…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Rafu, baxil.

4/14/2011 Edge0618: Changing the perspective of game and character creation.
I have been a gamer on and off for 26 years and with  all games rpgs. The character creation comes first. As I became a more mature gamer meta gaming…
In Actual Play
Participants: Edge0618, DarkHawkPro, davide.losito, Ron Edwards, Trevis Martin, epweissengruber, D.R. Clifford, jsmorrison55.

4/14/2011 CSBone: [Nanolite6] Space Rangers sometimes fail but the game didn't
I want to show how the game plays by writing up the best demo session from UBCon22. This was a bit unusual because the person I was demoing for wanted…
In Actual Play
Participants: CSBone, Ghostlight Games.

4/13/2011 DarkHawkPro: Mythos Saga A TRPG
Hey folks.  Alright, i'm new to "The Forge" but my current group of helpers have become greatly unavailable to help with with development.  So i'm turning to the online community. …
In Game Development
Participants: DarkHawkPro, F33, Thriff, Ckelm, Noon.

4/13/2011 Rafu: Ron on the "GM"?
I remember reading some classic thread where Ron broke the traditional "GM" role apart into constituent functions/roles. Unfortunately, it appears I didn't bookmark it, and I can't remember the thread…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Rafu, hix, Eliarhiman6.

4/13/2011 Ben Lehman: [Camwhores] Analysis
So I have a non-neutral perspective with regard to Camwhores, first because Elizabeth is my friend and showed me the game as it was in progress, but also because it's…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ben Lehman, Elizabeth, Ron Edwards, Ghostlight Games.

4/13/2011 buffaloraven: Announcing Fall of Granada by Dionysius Games
Hey folks, first foray into non-Game Chef posting! Fall of Granada, my submission for Game Chef 2010, has been vastly improved and is at the printers as we speak!  I…
In Publishing
Participants: buffaloraven, Ron Edwards, Nathan P..

4/13/2011 hix: [The Strongest Link] Some initial thoughts
Out of this month's Ronnies entries, I was most interested to read The Strongest Link, a game about group decision-making. This is a topic I'd like to write design a…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: hix, Ron Edwards, PaulVogt.

4/12/2011 Josef Wilhelm: [DitV] Play-by-Post
I recently picked up DitV, and ran a couple of RL sessions, which were fantastic. Now I'm planning to attempt to run one over on, and was wondering if…
In lumpley games
Participants: Josef Wilhelm, Eliarhiman6.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

4/27/2011 daranp: Getting reviews
Hi all, I've been a lurker around here for quite some time now and, firstly, just want to say thanks to everybody that takes the time to write up all…
In Publishing
Participants: daranp, CSBone, Tokala, Zala, Ben, Mike Sugarbaker, Hailen, Seamus, Ron Edwards.

4/28/2011 BeZurKur: [Sorcerer] How Do You Handle Failed Contacts and Summons?
So the player does the cool narration, is moving the story forward, and engages the mechanics by having the character drop some LSD... picks up a bucket of dice when…
In Adept Press
Participants: BeZurKur, jburneko, Ron Edwards, angelfromanotherpin, John Stephens, Paka, James_Nostack.

4/28/2011 stefoid: [INGENERO] conflict res - tactical crunch players would u like this?
My aim is to provide tactical flair without the crunch.  Id be interested in those players who like a  good tactical fight.  would this appeal to you?  (there are sections…
In Game Development
Participants: stefoid, DarkHawkPro, Noon, Ron Edwards, phatonin.

4/28/2011 BeZurKur: [Sorcerer] Please Explain the 'Big' Ability
The text says Stamina is increased for purposes of resisting damage and makes it clear this is not for attack or defense rolls.  What damage roll does it mean?  Is…
In Adept Press
Participants: BeZurKur, jburneko, Karl, Klaus_Welten, pfischer, Ron Edwards.

4/28/2011 John Stephens: [Sorcerer] Actual demon: The Willbreaker
This is not from actual play, but something I have an ongoing relationship with now that I realized is demonic. The Willbreaker Type: Object (small fleece blanket) Telltale: A creature…
In Adept Press
Participants: John Stephens, Ron Edwards.

4/28/2011 MatrixGamer: Cool news about Engle Matrix Games and the Australian Army
Just got word on Facebook that there is a professional article on how the Australian Army is using Engle Matrix Games. Very cool. <A HREF="">Link</A>
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer, Ron Edwards.

4/28/2011 Brazen Saint: Kickstarter: Invulnerable RPG
My super hero roleplaying game, Invulnerable RPG, is written and in playtesting now.  You can have a look for yourself at my site or see the game on Scribd…
In Publishing
Participants: Brazen Saint, Zala.

4/29/2011 Anatola: Making Religion a Real Organization in Fantasy Role Playing
This is my first post here, and it is mainly just some thoughts I am having while fleshing out a setting for a role playing game I am soon to…
In Game Development
Participants: Anatola, Chris_Chinn, rolepages, stefoid, Noon, Ron Edwards.

4/29/2011 rolepages: Coordinating a Game With Hundreds of Players
I have an online community called and we have several thousand members all of whom are relatively active. While the style of this community is very free form open…
In Game Development
Participants: rolepages.

4/30/2011 Zala: World of Balviene fantasy setting invite
Hey all! Been a lurker for a long time, and have been putting some effort off and on into a generic campaign setting. My goal is to create a PDF…
In Game Development
Participants: Zala.

5/1/2011 Gunnox: DrakHaven - The free forum MMORPG
[sup][center][b]Forewords[/b][/center][/sup] Hello it have been a while since I visited this site and for a long time ago I had multiple ideas about tabletop roleplaying games but I have scrapped…
In Game Development
Participants: Gunnox, Ron Edwards.

5/2/2011 Zala: Site Design or just Full RPG
So I made a post earlier, but I want to be sure, is RPG setting design allowed here, or is the forge strictly just for development of RPG with their…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Zala, Ron Edwards.

5/2/2011 Warrior Monk: How many variables can we include in a magic system?
Ok, I know the simple answer is "enough to make it fun" So I'm posting this to put some order in my thoughts, see how many blind spots you can…
In Game Development
Participants: Warrior Monk, stefoid, Vulpinoid, AdamG, JSDiamond, Ron Edwards.

5/3/2011 Ben: Online PDF Retailers (who did what and why?)
As the time of publication draws near, I find myself in a quandary about which online store (I have a short list of them) to go with. I was curious…
In Publishing
Participants: Ben, Pelgrane, Davik of Kent.

5/3/2011 Ron Edwards: Back home
Hi, In case you've wondered why I haven't been Ronnying, it's because I've been in Italy for InterNosCon. I'm still trying to fix the inevitable shambles my ordinary life became…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Paolo D., davide.losito.

5/3/2011 Eero Tuovinen: Spiel Essen 2011 Forge Booth
As the Forge forums don't do conventions anymore (that is, there's no appropriate subform for it), I've started a discussion about this year's Essen Spiel planning at Story Games. Feel…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: Eero Tuovinen.

5/4/2011 Dan Maruschak: [Brick & Mortar] First playtests
Yesterday, Nolan, Leo, and I ran some playtests of Brick & Mortar: Last of the Independents, the game I created for the April round of The Ronnies. I just released…
In Game Development
Participants: Dan Maruschak, Thunder_God.

5/4/2011 Vulpinoid: A Ronnies failure...but the core of where I may be redeveloping a game
I'm excited about "Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple". I'll be putting down my $50 for a pre-ordered hardback with my name in it somewhere ($40 plus $10 international). I…
In Game Development
Participants: Vulpinoid, Thunder_God.

5/4/2011 Paka: Moorcock on World Building Reminded me of Sorcerer & Sword. I hardly know what this means. I used to draw a rough map if the story was a 'journey' adventure and made up…
In Adept Press
Participants: Paka, Ron Edwards.

5/5/2011 Anatola: Biased Information Table
I tend to create a lot of high-level information (politics, theology, philosophy) for my game worlds, and sometimes some of this is pertinent to certain characters; based on their backgrounds…
In Game Development
Participants: Anatola, Ron Edwards.

more subsequent topics >>