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From Day One

Previous Topics

5/21/2011 Stregheria Games: Stregoneria RPG Released May 30th 2011.
A while back Ron said i could announce the arrival of my game here. I realise that this is not a site purely for advertising one's product, so anyone that…
In Publishing
Participants: Stregheria Games, Mike Sugarbaker.

5/20/2011 Ron Edwards: [Winter phase] Publisher forums drawdown
Hi, Back when Vincent and I scaled down the forums for the Winter phase, my idea was to take down all the publisher forums with the exception of his and…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, lumpley, Eliarhiman6.

5/18/2011 Seamus: Ink Density Problem for Lightning Source
Hello, I have a problem with one of our covers which will be printed using lightning source. They changed their total ink coverage (also heard this called ink density) to…
In Publishing
Participants: Seamus, Vulpinoid, Artanis, Eero Tuovinen.

5/18/2011 Eliarhiman6: [DitV] Escalating in dice but not in the fiction
I was reading this recent thread:  questions on Raises and Sees, and that made me think again about the "seeing a specific arena means escalating to it" rule (it's…
In lumpley games
Participants: Eliarhiman6, lumpley, Noclue, Artanis.

5/17/2011 Ross: Learning to rolepaly - actor stance and engaging the system
Hi Quick background - beyond a few highly abortive attempts when I was ten or so I have no real rpg playing experience (I may have an embarassingly large collection…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ross, Chris_Chinn, Roger, Dan Maruschak.

5/17/2011 Nocker: [DitV] questions on Raises and Sees
Hello there, First question : Can you confirm that when someone Escalates on his Raise, you have to Escalate just to be able to See this Raise ? It's either…
In lumpley games
Participants: Nocker, Artanis, lumpley.

5/16/2011 Warrior Monk: Aventuras Epicas, a card game to make stories... to train RPG players.
Ok, alpha version of the game is finished, here are the rules and list of cards: This is a card based game to make stories. It's been designed with…
In Game Development
Participants: Warrior Monk.

5/16/2011 wholeridge: Looking for Discussion of "Story and Narrative Paradigms in Role-Playing Games"
Does the Archive hold any threads commenting on John Kim's "Story and Narrative Paradigms in Role-Playing Games"?
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: wholeridge, lumpley, stefoid, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards.

5/15/2011 ChristianAndersson: Music for RPG Games: New Epic/Trailer/In-Game
Hi Guys, Here's an up-front-no-fake-voice short heads up for my available RPG-style music, for licensing, 40€ - 200€ per song. Latest RPG project - Main Title Track for Abydos Online…
In Publishing
Participants: ChristianAndersson, Ron Edwards, Artanis, Seamus, Stregheria Games.

5/14/2011 James_Nostack: Rick Jones, Sorcerer
For anyone who doesn't know who Rick Jones is, fie and for shame.  In the very earliest issues of The Incredible Hulk, which lasted for all of 6 issues in…
In Adept Press
Participants: James_Nostack, Ron Edwards.

5/13/2011 Bret Gillan: [Cold Soldier] Playtest copy available
Just a heads up to anyone interested in Cold Soldier that the playtest document is going to be on - just click on Cold Soldier on the top. I'd…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Bret Gillan, whduryea.

5/13/2011 Warrior Monk: A card game to make stories... to train players to become GMs
Ok, here's the alpha version of the rules, finally in english this time: The idea started from another game I was thinking of here: Ok, my goal is…
In Game Development
Participants: Warrior Monk, Galwinganoon, nuverian, Ar Kayon, mozartprado, Ron Edwards.

5/12/2011 Tazio Bettin: Beyond the Mirror, a sci-fi game on memories and humanity -in development
My current game designing effort, Beyond the Mirror, is a roleplaying game set in a dystopian post-war period whose aim is to explore characters' memories in order to find out…
In Game Development
Participants: Tazio Bettin, Paul Czege, Ben Lehman, davide.losito, Rafu.

5/12/2011 Vulpinoid: [FUBAR] Director's Cut Now Available
[size=15pt][b][url=]FUBAR Director's Cut[/url] [/b][/size] To the many of you who have downloaded my game FUBAR (and the few of you who have offered constructive criticism and useful feedback), I have…
In Publishing
Participants: Vulpinoid.

5/12/2011 stefoid: [INGENERO] Traits, motivations and rewards.
Please see my sig for the link. Primarily, Motivations (like beliefs from Burning Wheel) in my game are used to drive goal setting or complicate things in interesting ways for…
In Game Development
Participants: stefoid, Warrior Monk.

5/9/2011 AlCook1: Creating a solo rpg system
I am have been developing a solitaire rpg system that would be used in conjunction with Mythic GM Emulator.  I know that pretty much any game can be used with…
In Game Development
Participants: AlCook1, Noon, killxo, Ron Edwards, Warrior Monk, Anders Gabrielsson.

5/9/2011 ODDin: [Don't Rest Your Head] How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the System
I've been running convention games, and one-timers in general, for some time now. I used to run freeform games, or more precisely, games were I, as the GM, had all…
In Actual Play
Participants: ODDin, Paul Czege, Tim C Koppang, Elkin, Noon.

5/6/2011 Warrior Monk: How do I turn this into a GMfull minimalist RPG for beginners?
Here's the ruleset Sorry it's in spanish and incomplete, I'm having a lot of design doubts right now, However don't worry, I made a short version of the ruleset…
In Game Development
Participants: Warrior Monk, Chris_Chinn, JSDiamond.

5/5/2011 Anatola: Gods and Philosophers
This is for the fantasy world I am working on Rule Note: I am thinking of doing this in Fudge. 'Success dice' are dice that are either blank or +.…
In Game Development
Participants: Anatola, Ron Edwards.

5/5/2011 Anatola: Biased Information Table
I tend to create a lot of high-level information (politics, theology, philosophy) for my game worlds, and sometimes some of this is pertinent to certain characters; based on their backgrounds…
In Game Development
Participants: Anatola, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics

5/22/2011 stefoid: [INGENERO] second draft available. How does it grab you?
I think Ive got some stuff going on with this game. Heres the spiel. I would love to get some feedback on this from other designers and Ron particularly,…
In Game Development
Participants: stefoid.

5/22/2011 daranp: Awakened Earth
Now that I've finally published ParaSpace, I am in the process of getting all the material together with a view to publishing Awakened Earth. Awakened Earth is set in a…
In Game Development
Participants: daranp.

5/23/2011 Noon: [D&D4E] Some WOTC encounters
For awhile now I've been playing at one of those D&D game nights WOTC kind of organises and provides the adventure material for at various game stores. I have to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, Vulpinoid, Jeff B, Anders Gabrielsson, Chris_Chinn, Ron Edwards, contracycle, Balesir, happysmellyfish, mark2v.

5/24/2011 joewolz: 2 GMs, 1 Mic
Howdy, I'm one of the hosts of 2 Gms, 1 Mic, a new podcast about GMing.  One of the segments we have is "Favorite game of the week" and this…
In lumpley games
Participants: joewolz, lumpley.

5/24/2011 The Traveller: Codex Imaginata
Hello, I'm setting up a new RPG, Codex Imaginata, free to play for all, and I hope I'm in the right forum. This will be a generic system with several…
In Game Development
Participants: The Traveller, Ron Edwards, JSDiamond, Malckuss.

5/24/2011 Altaem: [FitV] First impressions using the Dogs in the Vineyard System
I'm GMing a session of FitV (Dogs in the Vineyard, Firefly Verse) and things aren't going that great.  My story is hanging together quite well, but the DotV engine is…
In Actual Play
Participants: Altaem, Noclue, Web_Weaver, Ron Edwards, Dan Maruschak, Noon, Abkajud, mark2v.

5/24/2011 Catelf: [Streed Rpg] Idea confusion.
I am troubled. I have so many ideas, and i essentially wants to possibly turn all of them into Rpg's. I have tried to summarize my preferred genres(i got some…
In Game Development
Participants: Catelf, DarkHawkPro, Warrior Monk.

5/24/2011 Ron Edwards: Ethical moderation issue
So, the question is whether I'm going to request the Forge community not to link to Torrent or other similar sites/services. I'm not laying judgment down on any current threads.…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards, Chris_Chinn, lumpley, Noon, Eero Tuovinen, Miskatonic, Paolo D., contracycle, Ben Lehman, Matthew V, Rafu, Eliarhiman6, M. J. Young, epweissengruber.

5/25/2011 Clout: [Clout] Prototype rules
Hi guys. I've read these forums for a while and just registered to post a link to my blog, where the pdf of my prototype ruleset is hosted.  It's just…
In Game Development
Participants: Clout, Noon.

5/26/2011 Melinglor: [The Dreaming Crucible] Trauma and celebration
[b]Trigger warning for rape and sexual abuse of children.[/b] In the thread Poison'd: [url=]cooperative pirates, and fleshing out NPCs?[/url], Ron addressed my struggles with hitting [url=]I Will Not Abandon You[/url]…
In Actual Play
Participants: Melinglor, Ron Edwards.

5/26/2011 Aetius: [Trollbabe] "Aestethic" Magic
Hi to all. Recently, on GenteCheGioca, we are discussing about magic and its uses in Trollbabe, and I've decidede to come to the origin, to clarify some of my doubts…
In Adept Press
Participants: Aetius, Eliarhiman6, Ron Edwards.

5/27/2011 New Fire: Narrative Mechanic Ideas
Greetings, all. I am currently designing a fantasy RPG set in a fictional world based on Aztec, Maya, and other Mesoamerican mythologies (here is a link to the game website:…
In Game Development
Participants: New Fire, stefoid, Warrior Monk, Abkajud.

5/29/2011 Matthew V: [Beloved] In a dream ... II (split)
I'm quite happily married and have no qualms about this game. As others have mentioned, it seems riskily shallow or even rediculous on the surface, but when I poked a…
In Game Development
Participants: Matthew V, Noon, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman.

5/29/2011 carshow2: DitV - Rules Clarification - "De-escalate"
Question both for the esteemed designer and those who've done this in the past: Is it possible to start a conflict at physical (or fightin' or gunfightin') and then to…
In lumpley games
Participants: carshow2, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Eliarhiman6.

5/30/2011 Kanosint: Mini-games within an existing system: Is it doable?
Greetings, kind comrades Today I would wish to consider a rare mechanic. Certainly, I never saw it before. Still, I think it could be interesting. As you might have guessed…
In Game Development
Participants: Kanosint, Matthew V, Catelf, Warrior Monk, JSDiamond, Anders Gabrielsson.

5/30/2011 Chris_Chinn: [Apocalypse World] The Hardhold on the Hill, er, Cliff
Hi, We ran our first session of Apocalypse World today.  The group is myself, Sushu, and Jono, whom I've been roleplaying with for over a year, now.  I've been the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Chris_Chinn, Abkajud.

5/30/2011 stefoid: No investigations? III (split)
I ran a 'mystery game' last night where the PCs were MI6 operatives sent to Rome to find out what some known SS operatives from the occult arm of the…
In Actual Play
Participants: stefoid, ADGBoss, Ron Edwards, D.R. Clifford, Noclue.

5/31/2011 lumpley: Winterizing: Forum Closed
If you have questions or comments about my games, please bring them to my new forum, barf forth apocalyptica. Thanks! I'll see you there. -Vincent
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley.

6/1/2011 jburneko: [The Dreadful Secrets of Candlewick Manor] Automated Relationship Drama
At Gamex 2011 I ran a game of The Dreadful Secrets of Candlewick Manor (which itself is a version of Monsters & Other Childish Things). What I want to know…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, stefoid, Vulpinoid, Noclue.

6/3/2011 carshow2: (DitV) Bitterwater
Well, I've never posted an AP anywhere before, but my loosely organized group(s) are trying to get more awesome in our games. I play in a couple groups and there's…
In Actual Play
Participants: carshow2, Web_Weaver, luminos, Noon, Artanis.

more subsequent topics >>