The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

7/6/2011 ScottOden: [ATTIKA] A Principia Hack
(Originally posted at Story Games) After reading Tony Dowler's PRINCIPIA, I've thought of creating a hack called ATTIKA, centered around ancient Athenian politics. Spanning the Classical Age (508-322 BC), the…
In Game Development
Participants: ScottOden, John Michael Crovis, Ron Edwards.

7/5/2011 pawsplay: Conquest of the Universe
Conquest of the Universe is a science-fantasy RPG. Right now it's in kickstart mode, as I try to get the funds to pay for art and layout up front:…
In Game Development
Participants: pawsplay, Ron Edwards.

7/5/2011 btrc: EABA v2 playtest
As a crunchy, generic system, EABA might not be everyone's cup of tea here, but because there are a lot of really sharp designers roaming these parts, I figured it…
In Game Development
Participants: btrc, Ron Edwards.

7/3/2011 Yragael: Re: Buying my games
Hi, I ordered Trollbabe abd S/lay W/me last week and I haven't heard anything from Ron Edwards yet. Is it how it usually happen? Will I happyly find the books…
In Adept Press
Participants: Yragael, Ron Edwards.

7/2/2011 Err: Robot Explorers in the Moon
So I had an idea for a game mechanic the other day, and so I decided to embrace the spirit of those 24 hour design contests, ans see how far…
In Game Development
Participants: Err, John Michael Crovis, phatonin.

7/1/2011 John Michael Crovis: Crowd-Sourced RPG Development - Has it been done successfully?
I'm rather new to open-content gaming, and I've been seriously considering the impact Wikis could have on game design. I've tried to find games that were designed in this manner,…
In Publishing
Participants: John Michael Crovis, Mike Sugarbaker, Nathan P., pells.

7/1/2011 John Michael Crovis: SYNERGY Role Playing Game Version 1.5
I'm looking for comments and constructive criticism for the first RPG I've designed. This RPG is designed with spontaneous storytelling in mind. This game provides a rules-light framework that is…
In Game Development
Participants: John Michael Crovis, voidgere, Chris_Chinn.

6/29/2011 scramble: [IAWA] 3-player session, some thoughts, some problems
Hi all, first of all sorry for the fuzzy topic. I recently ran IAWA with my group after it turned out we weren't enough to play our regular game. I…
In Actual Play
Participants: scramble, Noon, Ron Edwards.

6/28/2011 DDG_Brian: PDF file security
Hello, this is my first post here. I've been a lurker for a short while. What has been your experience with PDF security? If I were to sell a PDF…
In Publishing
Participants: DDG_Brian, Mike Sugarbaker, lumpley, pawsplay, reaction, Thunder_God, Richard, Ron Edwards, Aisha Bennett, tymotzues, Finarvyn.

6/27/2011 Warrior Monk: Party went bananas. How do I keep the campaign going from here?
Last session of the, let's say, generic heartbreaker my group is currently playing, went spinning in a different way than expected. Not that I complain, I kinda like the result,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Warrior Monk, Frank Tarcikowski, scramble, Ron Edwards, Daniel36.

6/27/2011 drkrash: Translations of Game into New Language
One of my game's fans has become an informal associate of mine; he did editing and development work for a supplement, but was paid only in his listing in the…
In Publishing
Participants: drkrash, ODDin, Ron Edwards.

6/27/2011 jburneko: [Silent Sound] Revisiting My White Whale
So I thinker with game design from time to time.  I admit I'm not crazy serious about it but there is one project I keep revisiting.  It is very much…
In Game Development
Participants: jburneko, hix, Chris_Chinn, Noon.

6/26/2011 Eliarhiman6: [AW] Hocus cult, PC cultist in stupor and other questions
Hi! This is a question about the effects of being in a cult Character Creation, first session. Snake is a Hocus, his cult contain followers involved in successful commerce, they…
In lumpley games
Participants: Eliarhiman6, lumpley.

6/25/2011 Grognard: [HeroQuest 2] New GM Advice...
Hello everyone, I will be using Law's HeroQuest 2 game to introduce a D&D4E group to something a bit more abstract and lighter on rules. I want to keep things…
In Actual Play
Participants: Grognard, Chris_Chinn, Chew, Web_Weaver, formen, epweissengruber.

6/22/2011 Richard: Newbie requiring assistance about what to ask and where
Hello there chaps! My name isn't Dave, and I'm new. I've been developing an rpg system and setting over the last 6 months, and it's almost ready for playtesting. I've…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Richard, Eliarhiman6, hix.

6/22/2011 darp: Looking for direction as a writer
I'm new to the forums, and I want some general direction as to who to talk to if I want to collaborate and help write a story for a classic…
In Game Development
Participants: darp, Locke, Eero Tuovinen.

6/21/2011 lumpley: lumpley games PDF library sale
Hi! To celebrate this beautiful holiday, I've put the complete lumpley games PDF library on sale for $25. If you're interested, check it out! -Vincent
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley.

6/18/2011 Malckuss: [Custom Star Wars RPG]
This is only my second time discussing a game here, so please keep that in mind. I will try to adhere to Mr. Edwards rules. I am doing this project…
In Game Development
Participants: Malckuss, Noon, mark2v, voidgere, Ar Kayon, Vulpinoid.

6/18/2011 fire_rods: Living in the Alleys
This is a game that I came up with. I haven't finished the game itself, but would love some feedback; and know if it sounds like an interesting enough game.…
In Game Development
Participants: fire_rods, Mike Sugarbaker, Ron Edwards.

6/18/2011 Locke: [Age Past] Up on Kickstarter LIVE!
Hello All, My game Age Past has been in development for some time. I have just recently launched a Kickstarter to help me get my book finished. Please take the…
In Game Development
Participants: Locke, Mike Sugarbaker, Ben Lehman, lumpley, John Michael Crovis, valador, Thriff.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

7/6/2011 Locke: [Age Past] Game 1 of 5
So while I have run and played in more than 30 games of Age Past accumulating about 130 hours of play testing I have never written about actual play of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Locke.

7/7/2011 ADGBoss: Empire of the Dragon Lotus
I lost some of my notes on this design, which is something I want to get back too. The feedback I received on it was good, but since I cannot…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: ADGBoss, lumpley, Miskatonic.

7/8/2011 clausbo: [Crimson Exodus] Tips for promoting a roleplaying game
Ok, so I've published my second roleplaying related book, and my first fully fledged roleplaying game, but how in the name of the Empress do I get the word out?…
In Publishing
Participants: clausbo, Vulpinoid, Mike Sugarbaker, ADGBoss, Hailen.

7/9/2011 Tazio Bettin: Orphan artwork in search for home
Hi everyone. I was doodling some Mignola-inspired artwork last day and came up with this picture: I thought "hey, this might work for some RPG artwork, maybe a cover..."…
In Publishing
Participants: Tazio Bettin, buffaloraven.

7/10/2011 fire_rods: Living in the Alleys abilities
My game is called "Living in the Alleys", for those who haven't seen my other post. It centers around the characters, who are thieves, and are tasked with stealing various…
In Game Development
Participants: fire_rods, Vulpinoid, Ar Kayon, Ron Edwards.

7/10/2011 Eliarhiman6: [DitV] Relationship dice: a form of content authority?
Hi! I often encounter Internet posts that propagate a specific misconception about the use of Relationship Dice in DitV.  The last case, that prompted me to write this post, was…
In lumpley games
Participants: Eliarhiman6, lumpley.

7/11/2011 Vulpinoid: [FUBAR] Expanding on a free game with low cost supplements
For over 12 months now, I've had my game FUBAR available to the public. In this time I've had almost 2000 downloads of the game (split between the basic version…
In Publishing
Participants: Vulpinoid.

7/11/2011 Red Lila: Initial Concept Mechanics
I need some feedback as to viability of  a system concept. Strictly dealing with mechanics at this stage. The system makes use of a Tarot deck as the primary method…
In Game Development
Participants: Red Lila, Xmarksthespot, contracycle, Ron Edwards.

7/11/2011 mozartprado: (D&D 4e) Would need some ideas
I'm from Brasil so if my English gets somehow confusing I can clarify if asked... I have ran D&D games for long time, also Vampire, Shadowrun, etc, just now I…
In Actual Play
Participants: mozartprado, Chris_Chinn, ADGBoss.

7/11/2011 Aberzanzorax: Books or sites describing/reviewing indie rpgs?
I asked this on ENworld here: But the folks there said that the real experts on indie rpgs might be here or at I'm asking here. I'm a…
In Publishing
Participants: Aberzanzorax, buffaloraven, Jason Pitre.

7/12/2011 Jaakko Koivula: [Sorcerer] Also spielte Zarathustra, thoughts
Hi, I got an idea for a Sorcerer and would like to showcase it a bit. Basically, I read Nietzsche and Sorcerer at the same time and realized, that Nietzsche's…
In Adept Press
Participants: Jaakko Koivula, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, wholeridge, The Dragon Master.

7/12/2011 Sp4m: Evil High: a game about would-be villains in highschool
Hello World! This is my first post to these forums, and my first post discussing this project after 7 years, so let's see if we can make some music…
In Game Development
Participants: Sp4m, Ron Edwards.

7/12/2011 Sp4m: Printable Card Templates?
I'm looking to print some custom cards for a game, probably on business card stock perforated paper. I could make my own, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel.…
In Publishing
Participants: Sp4m, Nathan P..

7/13/2011 jjafuller: Effects of Magic on the Real World
I am not sure if this topic has been addressed before, if so let me know and I'll take a look at the other work. Right now this is just…
In Game Development
Participants: jjafuller, ADGBoss, stefoid, happysmellyfish, mark2v.

7/13/2011 Sp4m: Repost: Evil High: Would-be Supervillains, in High School
This post was originally placed in Game Dev. This is the more appropriate place. I do not know how to delete the original, otherwise I would. ... Hello World!…
In Publishing
Participants: Sp4m, Mike Sugarbaker.

7/13/2011 Sp4m: An Introduction
I'm a newcomer to these parts. I heard about Gamechef about a week ago, and I'm looking forward to putting my best foot forward. I'm no one special, just an…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: Sp4m, AMuses, Nathan P., Marhault, Xander V, MrLax, somori, Fredrix.

7/13/2011 Vulpinoid: [Game Chef 2011] Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dwarves
I've had an idea for Game Chef...lets see if the ingredients allow me to run with it.
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: Vulpinoid, ADGBoss, JeffR, Gryffudd.

7/14/2011 Queue: Clarification/Stupid Question
The way the contest rules are written up it sounds like we're supposed to write up an entire system (and in 3,000 words no less). The task for Game Chef…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: Queue, Nathan P., Jonathan Walton, jasonm, Fredrix, anansi, Paolo D., EleriTMLH, hansel, zircher, Gryffudd, Ice Cream Emperor, baxil, lexnoctis, woodelf, Narmical.

7/14/2011 Squeejee: [Game Chef 2011] King's Men RPG
First draft coming soon.  It's pretty good.
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: Squeejee, Jonathan Walton.

7/14/2011 ADGBoss: Hosting Files for Game Chef
Folks, if you need space to host your game I am more than happy to do so on my site: I also have the limited ability to turn most…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: ADGBoss, jasonm, MatrixGamer.

more subsequent topics >>