The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

9/27/2011 AXUM: (SORCERER) A few questions about the Shapeshifter Demon Ability
Hiyas! Stumped - please help! Questions about the Shapeshifter Demon Ability (if these have already been answered, please point me in the right direction - thanks): 1-In the…
In Adept Press
Participants: AXUM, Karl, pfischer, Ron Edwards.

9/26/2011 Thriff: [The ASH System, V2.00] Fluidity and Creativity
Hello all, Welcome. So, let’s try again shall we? Simply put, V2.00 is “doing less, better”. The language is simpler, layout polished, design goals refined, and many mechanics have been…
In Game Development
Participants: Thriff, Rubbermancer.

9/26/2011 MasterGeek: Stuck regarding my resolution mechanic
Hey all, I'm working on designing an RPG called Time Heroes.  Here's a link to my design blog: A quick summary of the game world (for those who don't…
In Game Development
Participants: MasterGeek, lumpley, Rubbermancer, Eero Tuovinen.

9/25/2011 Sebastian: Importing to the UK (Customs and Freight)
I'm going to import several hundred decks of cards from India to the UK. I have no idea what I'm supposed to look out for. Can someone help me? If…
In Publishing
Participants: Sebastian, Eero Tuovinen, Miskatonic.

9/25/2011 Rubbermancer: Setting Invasion
This idea is too short to warrant a link, all of the information is here.  I hope you all enjoy it, steal it, run with it. Here’s how it works: …
In Game Development
Participants: Rubbermancer, Thriff, D.R. Clifford.

9/23/2011 Jake Richmond: Jedi x Sith
I was playing G x B for the 20th or so time in the last month when someone asked me if the game could be used to play Star Wars.…
In Game Development
Participants: Jake Richmond, Daniel36, lumpley.

9/22/2011 Richard: [Echelon A&A] Magic system and magic spells.
Hello chaps. Not being a generally magically orientated person, I'm having a dash of a time thinking up of spells and names of said spells in my system. Also, as…
In Game Development
Participants: Richard, Paladin, Rubbermancer, Thriff.

9/21/2011 Native_Element: Open Fantasy Initial Development Questions
Hey, all, this is my first post, and I have been toying around with developing this system. My experience is basically only with d20 games, especially Pathfinder. I have done…
In Game Development
Participants: Native_Element, bosky, Thriff, Rubbermancer.

9/20/2011 Thriff: [ASH: A Saviour’s Heart] Full Game and System-Specific Questions
Please read the post below for a summary of ASH. This first post is reserved for my reasons for posting and a link to the game. Full Game PDF:…
In Game Development
Participants: Thriff, stefoid, Rubbermancer.

9/20/2011 aryus: [Heroes of the Second Age] - Development
I'm looking for some help on my current rpg project called Heroes of the Second Age. PDF files is located at and character sheet at The default setting…
In Game Development
Participants: aryus, Thriff.

9/16/2011 Dan Maruschak: [Final Hour of a Storied Age] Adding a "relief valve" to my dice mechanic
A few months ago, one of the listeners of my podcast (Designer vs. Reality, my AP podcast about playtesting roleplaying games by independent game designers) was kind enough to run…
In Game Development
Participants: Dan Maruschak, Noon, Ron Edwards, mark2v.

9/16/2011 Drachasor: Different Resolution Mechanics
I've been thinking a lot about resolution mechanics lately.  Has anyone ever gone through and done an examination of the pros and cons of different mechanics? By this I mean…
In Game Development
Participants: Drachasor, Thriff, dreamborn, Kyles Games, Ar Kayon, Roguelantern, Noon, Richard, gtroc, Ron Edwards.

9/16/2011 Drachasor: My experiences with different systems
Well, I was going to post in the design forum, but it recommends posting here first.  So, here is my experience and thoughts about the different games I have played. …
In Actual Play
Participants: Drachasor, Artanis, Ron Edwards, stefoid, Roger, contracycle, Abkajud, davidberg.

9/15/2011 SaintSinner40k: Best Place to Start on Game Design
So I have been mulling over this idea for a sci fi horror game for a while, & have even wrote up some basic background & system ideas for it,…
In Game Development
Participants: SaintSinner40k, Kyles Games, Thriff, stefoid.

9/15/2011 Abkajud: [Apocalypse World - Red Front edition] Adobe Town and the Blood-Sick River
Just started a new campaign of Apocalypse World. Super excited about more chances to get some practice MCing! The Cast Biff - playing Diamond, a grinning, goateed Chopper whose gang…
In Actual Play
Participants: Abkajud, lumpley.

9/15/2011 daranp: Scenes from the Mall
Hi, I am in the process of writing the first scenario for the ParaSpace Role Playing System. Scenes from the mall begins with a wraith awakening and zombie uprising (although,…
In Game Development
Participants: daranp, Mike Sugarbaker, Daniel36.

9/14/2011 Stregheria Games: Stregoneria Going Into Print.
Sorry Ron to post again but I needed to get this last piece of news out: I've taken time off work to finish my book and have been working my…
In Game Development
Participants: Stregheria Games, Daniel36, daranp, Kyles Games.

9/13/2011 lumpley: HGMO & GxB
So, screw it. I've decided to be enthusiastic about playing games instead of reluctant. Take THAT, me. HGMO is a sweet, fun, easy game. Give it a try. GxB is…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, Melinglor, Ben Lehman, Jake Richmond, Daniel36, JasperN..

9/13/2011 Cedric: [Föld] "moral inhibitions" system?
Hi all, I am a french author (apologies for my english mistakes by the way) of a RPG universe called 'Föld'. In a nutshell, it's a frozen post-apocalyptic world where…
In Game Development
Participants: Cedric, Noon, stefoid, Thriff.

9/12/2011 bosky: Dinosaur Cowboys skirmish game
[center][img][/img][/center] Hi, first post here. I've been developing a game for a while now and it feels pretty solid and playable by this point. I haven't had much luck getting…
In Game Development
Participants: bosky, Kyles Games, Daniel36, Thriff, sumonkhan44.

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Subsequent Topics

9/30/2011 Rubbermancer: Session Ambience
I produce a lot of music, and I'm always looking for a new challenge.  I don't believe in money, so I'm happy to work for free, because it's what I…
In Game Development
Participants: Rubbermancer, Thriff, Cedric.

10/1/2011 Salsa: [Polaris] I don't like it when conflicts skip big amounts of time. As the Mistaken, I would close the conflict after "but only…
In Actual Play
Participants: Salsa, Ben Lehman, Frank Tarcikowski.

10/1/2011 Rubbermancer: The Broken Realms - Necromancy, Steampunk, and Psychotic Gods
WHEW!  Been busting my posterior on this one for a while now, and I think I've finally come as far as I can without outside feedback.  My first obvious question…
In Game Development
Participants: Rubbermancer, Mike Sugarbaker, Noon, Thriff, Paul Czege.

10/2/2011 woodelf: [midsummer night's scheme] better dice mechanics help
I'm returning to my Game Chef 2011 entry, to rework and polish it and, you know, turn it into a complete game. One of the things I want to do…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2011
Participants: woodelf, zircher.

10/3/2011 lumpley: Playtesting Murderous Ghosts
Hey, I've been working on a quick-playing 2-player horror game called Murderous Ghosts, and I've just put out a call for playtesters. If you're interested, come to my blog and…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards.

10/3/2011 Cedric: Work in progress publication question
Dear Forgies, I've been making progress on a RPG since a couple of years. Now that it truly begins to take form, I've started exchanging ideas on this very forum.…
In Publishing
Participants: Cedric, Eero Tuovinen, Thriff.

10/5/2011 Cedric: [Föld] DX System - v1.0
Dear Forgies, So, after a thread full of comments about how to create a nice game system, here comes my very first attempt. It was made with the background universe…
In Game Development
Participants: Cedric, Thriff.

10/5/2011 BadgerTemplar: Some RPG pre-release questions
Hey all, I am working on preparing a new RPG for release and I have some questions to sound out. The RPG is called Lefrin the Role Playing Game, and…
In Publishing
Participants: BadgerTemplar, Cedric.

10/5/2011 szp: [Waking to Dreams] Too good for your own good?
Here is the link to Waking to Dreams, which is a work in progress with only a fraction written out yet. (For those keeping track, this is the second time…
In Game Development
Participants: szp, Rubbermancer, Thriff, Cedric.

10/7/2011 Paka: Gone, gone, oh form of man... I haven't read the Demon mini-series in years but have fond memories of it. I thought these pages were neat from a Sorcerer point of view.
In Adept Press
Participants: Paka, James_Nostack, Ron Edwards.

10/7/2011 Ron Edwards: Trollbabe: in print, in English, updated text, for reals
Hi everyone, The past year has been a constant logistic nightmare to get Trollbabe finally back in print. My plan was November 2010, and that was itself a back-up, emergency,…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, Neil the Wimp.

10/8/2011 Eliarhiman6: [AW] one gun, some guns, all the guns?
Reading the gunlugger playbook.  Page 53 The Silencer option in "serious guns". Says "remove loud from any of your guns" It means "from one gun of my choice"? Or "from…
In lumpley games
Participants: Eliarhiman6, lumpley, Miskatonic.

10/8/2011 DougE: Nightmare Cove
Hello!  I've co-created (with two friends) a horror RPG on Facebook.  We describe it as an "interactive horror story game."  We just released it in beta.  Here's the link -…
In Game Development
Participants: DougE, pvaughan007.

10/9/2011 Eliarhiman6: [AW] a blood-crazed NTBFW gunlugger
If a Gunlugger is fighting like a gang (the "Not to be fucked with" move) does he still get the +1harm from "Bloodcrazed"? (4-harm instead of 3-harm)? More in general:…
In lumpley games
Participants: Eliarhiman6, lumpley.

10/10/2011 GregStolze: System 6/10 -- wanna take a look?
Here's the new crazy thing I'm doing. Y'all ready? At the end of this post is a link to a nascent little set of RPG mechanics I've been noodling and…
In Game Development
Participants: GregStolze, Thriff, Noon.

10/10/2011 PROleary: Leap of Faith - A Cinematic single-session gaming system
Hello All, There was a particular style of RPG I always wanted to play. Since I was never able to find the experience I decided to make up my own…
In Game Development
Participants: PROleary, K.Hoffren, Porterhaus.

10/10/2011 AXUM: Alas! The demon in the book has played my for a fool again...!
Hi: Can you "spot" a sorcerer via rolls (player: "Is she a sorceress?" GM: "Roll Lore"), & how, if so?  Is this explicit in the rules' text? (That darn demon…
In Adept Press
Participants: AXUM, Ron Edwards.

10/11/2011 knudsone: [Lacuna] You Don't Have Clearance To Access That Information
Hey all! The following is an actual play report for Lacuna, Part 1 that contains spoilers. Players, be warned! This was my first time running the system, and it occurred…
In Actual Play
Participants: knudsone, Ron Edwards.

10/11/2011 Eliarhiman6: [AW] I want to be what you were
At the start of the game, everyone choose one booklet. No duplicates. OK, that's easy. Let's say that I am playing an Angel, and my friend is playing a Hardholder. …
In lumpley games
Participants: Eliarhiman6, lumpley.

10/11/2011 lumpley: Lamentations of the Flame Princess is made of lies
Fruitful, fruitful lies. Let's see. It's our first real session, after a session of character creation and a bit of fumbling. I'm GMing. Meg's playing Van Joost, a dwarf. Sam's…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, Paka, Eero Tuovinen, Noon, James_Nostack, Ron Edwards, davidberg, C. Edwards, contracycle, JimLotFP, rabindranath72, Abkajud.

more subsequent topics >>