The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

1/14/2004 jburneko: [The Pool] Eden Falls
Hello All, So, my weekday group concluded the Ravenloft game I was running just before the Hollidays and we started up a fresh game last night. For a while, I'd…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Valamir, Tim Alexander, Blake Hutchins.

1/14/2004 pete_darby: Why people find it fun to be sick...
[size=18px](This post has been rated 15 for language. And C-, must try harder, for content).[/size] So, in a sleep deprived state, and somewhat pleased (though not totally satisfied) from the…
In RPG Theory
Participants: pete_darby, Loki, Noon, Ron Edwards, Wolfen, lumpley, Matt Wilson, M. J. Young, inthisstyle, Calithena, Valamir.

1/14/2004 Steve: Task Resolution Systems
Hi. I'm new to the Forge and I wanted to know what are the basic dice task resolution system?
In RPG Theory
Participants: Steve, Valamir, Jasper, John Kim, M. J. Young.

1/14/2004 De profundis: Greetings
At last i got a copy of TROS and OBAM. Having the same experiences with old fashion game mechanics like Jake describes in the afterword of TROS i was blown…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: De profundis, Jake Norwood, StahlMeister, Mokkurkalfe, Lxndr.

1/14/2004 Ron Edwards: Sorcerer as teaching text
Hello, In Naked helpless sacrifice story, I wrote, What's very hard to explain is that I don't make any distinctions between "obvious" and "not obvious." You're not supposed…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, Lxndr, jburneko, greyorm.

1/14/2004 Matt Wilson: The Frankenstein System
This might be too daydreamy a post for the design forum, but I've been thinking about this other iron I have in the fire, and which elements of which systems…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt Wilson, Valamir, John Harper.

1/14/2004 bluegargantua: Providing Challenge in Adventures
Hi, So I'm assembling a quick one-shot for our local gaming group to test out the HQ system. We're just curious to take the system out for a spin and…
In HeroQuest
Participants: bluegargantua, Mike Holmes, Ian Cooper, Peter Nordstrand, Brand_Robins, RaconteurX, Scripty.

1/14/2004 Ron Edwards: [ReCoil] Preparation questions
Hello, I'm prepping for a session of ReCoil for the campus club group, and I've come up with a number of questions for you, Lance. If anyone else has read…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Wolfen.

1/14/2004 Jack Aidley: Advice on Web Hosting
I'm hoping to be releasing Great Ork Gods as a free .pdf in the near future. To do this I'll require a website. However some time spent searching for good,…
In Publishing
Participants: Jack Aidley, Matt Wilson, Matt, ADGBoss, Christopher Weeks.

1/14/2004 bcook1971: [TROS] A Sequence of Events OR a Series of Episodes?
[quote="Guest"]So many of the things mentioned on this thread are just two different roleplaying styles: 1) one player basically has a complete storyline prepared for his character, even to the…
In Actual Play
Participants: bcook1971, Jake Norwood.

1/14/2004 Brian Kittrell: Beat the Streets: A Police Simulation
Well, I took some time of from the vampire game and decided to do a little concept work on a game called Beat the Streets, where players play as police…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Brian Kittrell, montag, Mark Johnson, Wolfen, sirogit, xiombarg, anonymouse.

1/14/2004 xiombarg: [Unsung] Half an Episode, Out of Order
You might want to freshen up with the previous thread. This session had a lot more Gifts, in part because we "skipped ahead". As before, the first link…
In Actual Play
Participants: xiombarg, Mike Holmes.

1/14/2004 LizardLips: The foundation of my game.
Love this site. I've learned a ton from you guys in the last few weeks. I was hoping you wouldn't mind looking at this basic mechanic. I want to start…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: LizardLips, Umberhulk, Mark Johnson.

1/14/2004 Kilor Di: Recruitment Drive (Magic-Techno RPG)
With my workload being what it will be this semester (BTW I'm a college student), I think I might need some help on that game I keep talking about. If…
In Connections
Participants: Kilor Di.

1/14/2004 Kilor Di: Science in PnP
As stated here I use sciences in the game I'm working on. Just to get an opinion on how some of these ideas could work. With most of these…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Kilor Di, Matt Wilson, Ben Lehman, Jasper.

1/14/2004 Lara: 2D Role-play game in development (press release)
Portals Interactive Entertainment announces their first game, Sanctuary Portals. Sanctuary Portals is a 2D MMORPG, billed as a MMOCIG.The term is being coined to emphasize the focus on role-play and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Lara.

1/14/2004 Kilor Di: Recruiting for RPG
EDIT: Moved this to the proper forum. The moderaters can delete this at any time.
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Kilor Di.

1/13/2004 dyjoots: Probability Help
I'm again reworking the resolution system for my little RPG, and I was wondering if any of the math wizards here could help out with an equation or chart. The…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: dyjoots, M. J. Young, bluegargantua, Lxndr, Brian Leybourne.

1/13/2004 Drifter Bob: Initial impressions
Ok, I have finally been able to have a tantalizing taste of TROS, and we are on the verge of starting our first campaign. Let me say first of all,…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Drifter Bob, Ingenious, Clinton R. Nixon, Valamir, Wolfen, Mokkurkalfe, Vanguard, Jake Norwood, Deacon Blues, bcook1971, Salamander.

1/13/2004 Krammer: observation on magic
now, I know that the magic is meant to be powerful, but I never really knew just how powerful it was until recently. in a recent scenario, the seneschal decided…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Krammer, Wolfen, Bob Richter, Rico, Ingenious, kenjib, StahlMeister, Morfedel, Lxndr.

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Subsequent Topics

1/14/2004 anonymouse: making a game out of character creation: Scrabble!
Random bit of system piece.. So, random chat over in #indiegames and I hit upon the idea of using Scrabble, or a similar system, for character generation. You'd get a…
In RPG Theory
Participants: anonymouse, Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro, gobi, GB Steve.

1/15/2004 cthulahoops: [Everway] Story when?
Hi, Well, I've finally decided to post to the Forge after lurking for quite some time... I've just finished a three session game of Everway, and thought I'd post a…
In Actual Play
Participants: cthulahoops, Ron Edwards, Michael S. Miller, greyorm, Christopher Kubasik.

1/15/2004 Anthony: Good Cop/Bad Cop
In Beat the Streets: A Police Simulation Mark Johnson asked 4) Are you going to have the players directly address the deep moral issues involved? Which…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Anthony, Kryyst, gobi, Mike Holmes, Doctor Xero, james_west, clehrich.

1/15/2004 Dev: MythDeck: supershort 1pg storygame for newbies
[b]MythDeck[/b] Purposes: (1) A game really, honestly designed for absolute newbies who know zero roleplayers and know a few jokes about RPGs, but will pick this up and play it,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dev, Mark Johnson.

1/15/2004 Dev: iRole: Role-based really characters/advancement
iRole? guh. I need a new title. But as is, the mechanics are muchly an iSystems knockoff with strongly octaNe flavor; this is a feature, as I can be assured…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dev, Mike Holmes, Mark Johnson, xiombarg.

1/15/2004 Rich Stokes: [Thugs and Thieves] We're off to save the princess
Advance appologies for all the typos I'm about to commit, I'm really busy at work and don't really have time to proofread this. Having recieved the playtest version of T&T…
In Actual Play
Participants: Rich Stokes, ethan_greer.

1/15/2004 Scripty: [D&D] CRPG leads this horse to water...
Following up on the thread at There's a lot of negativity being passed back and forth from both those who blindly support D&D and those who (in my…
In Actual Play
Participants: Scripty, Ron Edwards, Technocrat13, Zak Arntson, Andrew Martin, ADGBoss.

1/15/2004 Calithena: Another Sorcerer Combat Question
Hiero is fighting Gurk and Gookin. Hiero has five dice, gook and gurkin 3 each. They roll off. Hiero gets 65442; Gurk gets 543; Gookin gets 331. Hiero goes first.…
In Adept Press
Participants: Calithena, jburneko, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Lxndr, zmook, Blind Hero.

1/15/2004 doubtofbuddha: City of 10,000 Magicians: Heroquest Relationship Mapping
Well, I think I have enough information from my players to begin develloping a relationship map for my new HeroQuest campaign. So far I have six players, four of which…
In HeroQuest
Participants: doubtofbuddha, Mike Holmes, Peter Nordstrand, Donald.

1/15/2004 Deadboy: small publisher stuck on the cusp
Hi. My name is Jim Taylor, and I'm representing a small RPG company called Happy Nebula Adventures. We've published two different games, Revelation and War Machine, and have done a…
In Publishing
Participants: Deadboy, Paul Czege, Valamir, abzu, Ron Edwards, Jason L Blair, jdagna.

1/15/2004 Dev: CCG/RPG publishing for small publishers
I'm posting and idea I had to encourage folks to consider independent CCGs or, as has cropped up at times, CCG-based RPGs. I propose: A Free CCG Program! What?!? I'll…
In Publishing
Participants: Dev, Umberhulk, madelf, quozl, Marhault, Valamir.

1/16/2004 Jack Spencer Jr: Freeform gamism?
I think I have a handle on what freeform Narrativism and Simulationism would look like, but for some reason freeform Gamism esacpes me. Anyone have any thoughts on what the…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, Wolfen, M. J. Young, C. Edwards, Ron Edwards, John Kim, pete_darby, Calithena, xiombarg, sirogit.

1/16/2004 Jeph: [sorcery] Alternatives to Aging?
Now, the aging thing is cool and all, but to me seems to be the biggest barrier when porting TRoS (and TRoS-QS, which is probably the only iteration I'll ever…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jeph, Kilor Di, Blankshield, Ian.Plumb, kenjib, Paka, Ben Lehman, contracycle, StahlMeister, Lxndr, Stephen, Pyske, Wolfen, Andrew Mure.

1/16/2004 November Kilo: Spear & Shield
Okay... first thread of my own... I'm pumped - finally, I'll be running my first TROS session this weekend. I was gen'ing some sample grunts to blow through tutorial combats,…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: November Kilo, Salamander, Bob Richter, Sneaky Git, Durgil, toli, Anthony I, Paganini, Half-Baked, Loki.

1/16/2004 sirogit: "Dark fairytale retelling of rural america"
I'm working on a game. It's setting could be described as a dark fairytale-style-retelling of rural america. Very big on mood. Imagine a place where it's the laterside of twilight…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: sirogit, Jasper, wombat, Valamir.

1/16/2004 motherlessgoose: Existing setting in Universalis
I just recently got my copy of Universalis and have read through the rules. One question that has come up is: How can I use existing settings/characters/creatures in universalis? Do…
In Universalis
Participants: motherlessgoose, Valamir.

1/16/2004 Matt Wilson: Wushu: hard work, but rewarding
We're crazy guys. We did a crazy system switch: Spycraft to Wushu. It's like the 6th game in the run, and we bailed on poor d20, which was boxing us…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, Ron Edwards, Brand_Robins, Clinton R. Nixon, Blake Hutchins, Hafaza, rafial, John Harper, ejh, Valamir, gobi, DaR, ReverendBayn, Ian O'Rourke, James K..

1/16/2004 motherlessgoose: newbie question
As a newbie to universalis, it sounds like there is a lot of record keeping involved. I know about the rule: If something is important enough to write down, then…
In Universalis
Participants: motherlessgoose, Christopher Weeks, Valamir, Bob McNamee, RaconteurX, Mike Holmes.

1/16/2004 s3kt0r: Using Charts In Task Resolution
In deciding what type of dice mechanics I was looking for in my RPG, I decided the best method would be using different sided dice and progressing the size as…
In RPG Theory
Participants: s3kt0r, Valamir, Paul Czege, Mark Johnson, M. J. Young, Jack Aidley, Walt Freitag, Lxndr, Mike Holmes.

1/16/2004 Brian Leybourne: Book Arrived
Just a quick note to say that my book arrived and in good condition. I've completed one read through. Some questions are bubbling away already, but I'll wait until another…
In Universalis
Participants: Brian Leybourne, Christopher Weeks.

more subsequent topics >>