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9/16/2008 John Blaz: Your thoughts on my game mechanics
Hey everybody! Long time lurker, first time poster. I've been tossing an idea for an RPG around for some time, a modern day tactical survival horror game. One of my…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, maov, Selene Tan, Vulpinoid, vgunn.

9/28/2008 John Blaz: yet another core mechanic I'm toying with
Hey everyone, I've been trying to come up with a system for a fantasy and modern day survival horror RPG for a while now. I have a decent idea of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, Vulpinoid, hoefer, soundmasterj, David C.

10/1/2008 John Blaz: A different kind of eXPerience system
Had an idea for an XP system similar in ways to the Elder Scrolls games (Morrowind, Oblivion) but not as detailed. There are four categories of XP. Combat, Exploration, Technology…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, Vulpinoid, walruz, Menigal, Wolfen, David Artman, Darcy Burgess, Dementia Games.

10/5/2008 John Blaz: Thoughts on a wounding/damage system?
Note: Nothing is set in stone, just tossing around the idea. Let me know what you think! Wounds are based on a severity level, which shows exactly how deep and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, Axe4Eye, hoefer, Darcy Burgess.

10/28/2008 John Blaz: Fear/ Sanity system for a Survival Horror game
I'm looking for a fear system to implement into my modern day survival horror system. The main premise involves creatures from other dimensions appearing in our world, and the players…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, anders_larsen, Sentience.

11/20/2008 John Blaz: Action Dice - a core mechanic
Hey everyone, I've recently come up with an idea for a core rule. Action Dice. Now I'm sure everyone is familiar with "Action Points", where each combat round a character…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, dindenver, jag, Creatures of Destiny, Vulpinoid, Altaem, DWeird.

12/6/2008 John Blaz: damage in a success level system (Action Dice)
So with all the help from fellow Forgers, I managed to hammer out the basic outline of a system I'm working on (shown below in maroon). The problem I'm having…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, Vulpinoid, Hereward The Wake, Creatures of Destiny, DWeird, charles.

3/30/2009 John Blaz: Combat system - risky stakes
Hey all! After browsing through this and's boards, I decided that I like the idea of a combat system that allows for a bit more strategy than your standard…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, Luke, Egonblaidd, mjbauer, Seamus, MacLeod, TheDeadlyPlatypus, GozerTC.

4/29/2009 John Blaz: d20 or 3d10? A skill improvement system question
Hey Forgers! It's me again (you know the guy that posts an idea for a new system about once a month). Anyway, I have an idea for a Swords &…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, Selene Tan, MacLeod, zmobie, Egonblaidd.

7/19/2009 John Blaz: Speed and Accuracy, new system thought with example of play
Hey everyone, second time attempting to post this, so I'll be brief. The quicker you want something done, the less accurate it will be. Simple fact. I wanted to make…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, Simon C, Bill_White, Noon, Garbados.

9/3/2009 John Blaz: Close Quarters Combat mechanic
Hey everyone. I had this idea for a CQB mechanic before bed last night: Basically, each character's Hand-to-Hand skill is a die type, (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12), with d12…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, Darcy Burgess, David Artman, Creatures of Destiny, greyorm.

12/7/2009 John Blaz: help with an Armor/ Damage system
Hey all, I've recently started going over what I began months ago for a Post-apocalypse RPG system. The setting is ideally somewhere between Fallout and Mad Max. Anyway, my armor/…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz,, Ken, Catelf, Quizoid.

12/22/2009 John Blaz: Mechanics for scale: ie mouse, man, dragon
Hey all, working on a sword & sorcery type game right now, and I had a thought. Do my mechanics work with the different scales of creatures? Right now, the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Blaz, chance.thirteen, lumpley, Noon, Catelf, David Artman.

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