The Forge Reference Project: Reading Lists


Index of reading lists

Reading list Intent Initiate Execute Effect
Compiled by Ron Edwards

10/18/2001 Manu: The 4 steps of action (for Ron)
Hey again, you mention these four steps in any action: Intention, Initiation, Completion and Effect; could you again provide some examples of what you were thinking about? Thank you - great essay by the way :smile:
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Manu, Ron Edwards, Laurel, Le Joueur.

1/22/2002 Logan: What is IIEC?
In RPG Theory
Participants: Logan, Ron Edwards, Gordon C. Landis, Paul Czege, Le Joueur, Manu.

2/13/2002 lumpley: Disruptive and/or Stupid IIEE Question
So if roleplaying is like every other shared creative activity I can think of, it's built out of this kind of process: Proposal ] Negotiation, Amendment, Counter-proposal ] Acceptance Like this: "Hey, how about if my guy jumps up and runs along the tops of everybody's heads like Jet Li?" "Dude, your guy's a feeb. The dice say so." "Dang.…
In RPG Theory
Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards.

7/7/2002 Jasper: Interruptions and Order (IIEE)
I suppose I should announce that this is my first topic, though I've been lurking for a bit. Bravo to everyone here, it really is a great place. On with it though: Putting new and interesting ideas about very "out-there" directoral mechanisms and so on aside, I decided to revitalize what is probably the most successful of the several systems…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jasper, Ring Kichard, Christoffer Lernö, damion, Mike Holmes.

10/1/2002 rumble: Chickens and eggs
Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Which comes first: the action statement or the die roll? I'm finding myself more and more frustrated with games which encourage players to make outrageous anticipatory statements, but then take all the wind out of the player's sails when they fail their skill check. Feng Shui is the particular offender that comes…
In RPG Theory
Participants: rumble, Paul Czege, Clinton R. Nixon, Zak Arntson, Le Joueur, M. J. Young, simon_hibbs, Jeremy Cole, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, contracycle, talysman, Walt Freitag.

9/23/2003 lumpley: I finally got IIEE!
Occasionally my job requires me to sit quietly under very boring and technical circumstances. I was doing that the other day and BAM! So you have some people talking about what happens in the in-game: talk talk talk. When, under what circumstances, do they consult the mechanics? -When a character's deciding to do something? -When the character's beginning to do…
In RPG Theory
Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, kalyptein, ethan_greer, pete_darby, cruciel, LordSmerf.