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Topic: Contest to Define Kudara
Started by: bcook1971
Started on: 3/24/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 3/24/2004 at 8:05am, bcook1971 wrote:
Contest to Define Kudara

Hello. Don’t know if this has been done already. Or if it’s welcome. Thought I’d post to find out. My idea: post a contest to define Kudara. (Then Shiragi and T’zaul, if this is well received.) We can start a second thread to tally a week’s worth of votes. The winner receives (1) a bid for endorsement by Driftwood (assumptive) or (2) simple bragging rights. Anyway, I thought it might be fun. Here’s mine.


Geography: Most of the country is jungle, opening to marshes and grassy plains to the South. The mighty river that runs from the steppes of Krym-Khanan empties into the Sea of Sails. The delta teams with sea-life and trade ships. The coast is dotted with harbor towns, including the rich town of Ubeda, Kudara’s center of trade.

Deep in its jungles lie the ruins of an ancient civilization. Some cities are rumored to still be inhabited by surviving descendants of those peoples, but these places are inaccessible for the tangles of overgrowth, as though the jungle had some dark secret to keep, or something precious to protect.

Religion: There is a mixing of religious influences in Kudara between (1) the aggressive advance of Otamarluke’s Emir and the Seven Vows, (2) the more philosophical, exploration of great truths from Tengoku and, to a lesser extent, Vhedij and (3) the cult of the Life-Swallower, the embodiment of jungle spirit, which gapes as an open maw, ready to devour the accomplishments of man that they may pass from memory. Adherents to the latter are viewed as ruffians who cause trouble, laying curses and sacrificing animals.

Politics/Military: Kudarans do not benefit from an extensive armory, with the exception of forces to the South, where such arms are more easily preserved from the jungle’s artifice. However, they are accustomed to moving unnoticed in small groups through dense foliage, employing animal poisons, blow guns, spears and bows.

Along the coast, they boast a skillful navy of light craft, chiefly formed as a reaction to defend against Tengoku raiders and drug runners.

Fortunately, the Marluks are held in check by the perilous jungle. And having no contrary ideology, Kudara fails to incense undue righteous fury. Kudara enjoys favorable relations with Svarastra and Savari. Relations with Tengoku are balanced by various tensions.

Legal System: Clan leaders judge there own in the jungle and the marshes. In the plains and on the coast, there are constables who enforce order. And for every wealthy merchant, there is a circle of personal guards that provide protection. The palace in Ubeda is home to the ruler of Kudara. He is the highest authority and rules as a king. Kudara is a fairly civil state and proud of its accomplishments in trade and rising above its dark and backward history.

Economics: There is trade in silk, silver, gold and spices. Kudarans sell fish, medicinal herbs, exotic birds, and jungle culture artifacts. They serve as a bridge to the culture of southern Tegaarn for the eastern edge of Mariah. Thus far, they have avoided the demands of Otamarluk for payment of tributes, due to an inability of enforcement.

Inhabitants/Culture: Kudara matures as it comes to the Sea of Sails. Various clans inhabit the vast and dense jungle lands, living simple lives, hunting and defending their villages. Across the plains, towns are formed of farms where families raise crops and tend livestock. What goods they produce beyond their need are ferried to market in the port cities. Here, dress and manner increase in refinement. Principals of trade and accounting have been refined, giving rise to a mercantile class that enjoys uncommon privileges. Svarastra coinage has largely subplanted local currency. The thick, rectangular shecks with the queer symbols of Tengoku are also common.

Places of Note: Ubeda is where the King approves tax law, and it is where the most powerful merchants do business. The two go hand in hand. A Vhedijan-style monastery, famous for the teachings of its headmaster, Zhi-Ga’an, is found outside the port town of Bezhel, in the southeast corner of Kudara.

Message 10370#109174

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On 3/24/2004 at 8:39am, Ingenious wrote:
RE: Contest to Define Kudara

Sounds good so far, and I beleive this idea was presented by Jake awhile ago regarding supplements for Tzaul and the blank countries. Though I am skeptical as to whether or not there will be an official 'mainstream' version of it that is widely accepted.. I'd rather see as many different versions of the blank countries as possible.. because narrowing it down to just a few would detract from why they were left blank in the first place.

One question though Billy.. is that if these people rumored to still live in the jungle ala the ancient civilization bit.. will they have the same national bonus as those whom live in the cities along to coast? Or will there be two types of nationality bonuses for your version like other countries that already exist?

Also, due to the way the borders are drawn on the map.. there are completely nameless countries also that one might attempt to describe/define.

As far as seperate threads go.. I'd rather see everyone's thoughts on these countries in one rather than many.. for sheer simplistic reading and ease of finding it all.


Message 10370#109179

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On 3/24/2004 at 8:36pm, bcook1971 wrote:
RE: Contest to Define Kudara

Ingenious wrote: One question though Billy.. is that if these people rumored to still live in the jungle ala the ancient civilization bit.. will they have the same national bonus as those whom live in the cities along to coast? Or will there be two types of nationality bonuses for your version like other countries that already exist?

I don't know. Now that I'm looking at the book, I realize I left out Player Bonuses for my entry, so here it is:

Whether making cunning trade deals or stalking treasure hunters in the jungle, Kudarans are a clever lot (+1 Wit). They are also generally good-natured (+1 Soc), though most harbor a dread that the forces of their past may one day rise up and swallow all they have achieved (-1 WP).

Message 10370#109289

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On 3/24/2004 at 11:55pm, Edge wrote:
RE: Contest to Define Kudara

My current group is travelling through Tzaul and about to enter the nameless country next to it. i have given it a name for the purposes of the game and detailed the people living there.

It is working rather well :)

Message 10370#109334

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On 3/25/2004 at 6:23pm, bcook1971 wrote:
RE: Contest to Define Kudara

Well, cool. You probably created a concept for T'zaul, too.

It's that kind of player-generated information that I want to consolidate in this thread. Either posters are busily writing their entries or there's not a lot of interest. So I guess we can broaden focus to all undeveloped nations. Since you've already got two countries done, please post them here, in the gamebook format.

Since you have an ongoing campaign, you may want to flag with spoiler provisos.

Message 10370#109514

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On 3/25/2004 at 8:54pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Contest to Define Kudara

Check out these previous threads:


Forge Reference Links:
Topic 7135
Topic 5233

Message 10370#109554

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On 3/26/2004 at 4:59am, bcook1971 wrote:
RE: Contest to Define Kudara

Well, looks like it's been done. Thx for the links, Mike.

Message 10370#109647

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On 3/26/2004 at 4:50pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Contest to Define Kudara

Still wouldn't mind seeing the list expanded. Anyone else thought about Kudara?


Message 10370#109725

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