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Topic: Acting as Gamist Play
Started by: Alan
Started on: 4/8/2004
Board: RPG Theory

On 4/8/2004 at 12:21pm, Alan wrote:
Acting as Gamist Play

Hi all,

Recently I've read two threads, Regarding the nature of roleplaying and Immersive Story Essay.

They've triggered several ideas, but here's the one I want to put up for discussion in this thread:

Some roleplayers emphasize the actual act of acting - performing in character - as an epitome by which roleplaying should be judged. Until recently, I've always assumed this is a niche of simulationist style play. But is it possible that it's actually a kind of gamism?

Consider that gamism values a player's willingness to step up, take a risk, and perform under pressure. Isn't acting a kind of risk-taking performance? When a group values this kind of performance-intensive play above other elements, aren't they also prioritizing Step On Up?

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On 4/8/2004 at 12:43pm, Alan wrote:
RE: Acting as Gamist Play

I posted in the wrong forum.

Please don't reply in this forum. Go to Acting as Gamist Play in GNS Theory.


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