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Topic: Sci-Fi Narr-based with some healthy doses of Situation
Started by: Malechi
Started on: 4/16/2004
Board: RPG Theory

On 4/16/2004 at 9:42am, Malechi wrote:
Sci-Fi Narr-based with some healthy doses of Situation

Straight to the point..

we're looking for a low $ investment sci-fi rpg. It needn't be an actual Sci-Fi rpg but should definitely allow for some nice background setting, situation and colour that can paint us pretty pictures while we craft our neato stories in this world. What do we want? A game that's Narr obviously, but also has a bit of Sim crunch, but only insofar as it allows us to create interesting themes via premise...
We're thinking a kind of gritty tone, with a Far-trader-esqueness to it, but without having too much astrophysical calculations to make it work ;)

any advice?


Jason K.

Message 10814#114820

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On 4/16/2004 at 6:01pm, Dev wrote:
RE: Sci-Fi Narr-based with some healthy doses of Situation

I wish I'd finished my own by now. <g> But I can offer you the half-done notes.

I would say use a some pastiche (frex, Western or Noir) for color, remove major government (so you don't have to retcon it), always frame past the specifics of FTL (or simply have all travel exist within a single system), and focus primarily on the comings and goings of the world you're currently working. Sorcerer or HeroQuest are sturdy Narr systems, but if you are more drifting Sim play towards themes, then you have your pick up systems, really. (I've used Active Exploits; especially with some rules modifications, it's a Sim core with some Narrativist rewards that could overdetermine the CA.)

This is all rather subjective, however. What sort of themes are you looking to explore? What genre of story and what settings are you hoping to color in?

Message 10814#114897

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On 4/17/2004 at 3:05am, Malechi wrote:
RE: Sci-Fi Narr-based with some healthy doses of Situation

hey there Dev,

thanks for the reply.

we're looking at an early Stellar human "empire" without any aliens just yet. We're not going to rule out aliens for now.

Essentially we're going to fast-forward our earth timeline and use some contemporary political and environmental conditions as background. Bush-Doctrine, Global Warming, Overpopulation. The idea that space was once a trendy holiday destination or place to live, populated by the rich, but once Earth became both environmentally stable (Kyoto II Agreement states each nation should move a % of production Off-World to lower emissions added to Terraforming applications to scrub our own atmosphere) the rich return and displace the poor Off-World into Orbital Slums and later the Moon and Mars Colonies. This repeats and stretches itself as humanity reaches for other stars and planets kind of like our urban sprawl and the cycle of Inner-City housing going from Rich Neighbourhood to Slums and Back again.

The rich and powerful see Off-Worlders as simply existing to produce their goods and services in a kind of feudal arrangement. There's obviously some heavy "class" distinctions (Class-Warrior alert) that'll drive premise formation here. "Welfare-Worlds for Votes" programs where the poor are given a place on a Colony in return for votes that are contractually obliged to be given to a certain political entity. Colonial rebellions, sanctions, military actions, smuggling and humanitarian aid relief work across the stars.

Cloning and Genetic Engineering are there, producing very capable yet exceedingly specific individuals limited in scope and the identity issues that exist as a result (kind of like Transhuman Space in this regard). Parents are driven to copyright/patent their children's DNA sequences at conception or indeed are able to sell the rights to their children's DNA to the highest bidder if need be. Without a copyright corporations can acquire your DNA and apply for a copyright on it, sometimes without your knowledge.

The first Bang of the game sees the characters awaken inside a derelict prison ship drifting in space. Their immediate background and reasons for being there are undefined or unknown at that point. The rest of the ship is silent with only minimal life support and energy for systems avalailable. Identity being a large factor in this game and how ID relates to genetic makeup, your past etc all seem like good directions for the game to go in.

i'll check out the notes you linked to. I was thinking of Sorcerer but somehow it didn't gel for me. Its a general problem i've had moulding Sorcerer to settings and ideas that don't directly and obviously refer to "demons" or at least some form of supernatural existance. I understand demons can be whatever you want them to be but for some reason its giving me a wierd creepy feeling in my spine trying to reconcile the application in a non-supernatural/occult setting. I had thought of Dust Devils and InSpectres (humour toned down) as well... any other ideas guys?



Message 10814#114995

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On 4/17/2004 at 5:02am, Dev wrote:
RE: Sci-Fi Narr-based with some healthy doses of Situation

Malechi wrote: Essentially we're going to fast-forward our earth timeline and use some contemporary political and environmental conditions as background...

I think realistically, there's not so much reason to spend the money on the poor to send them into space, as there are cheaper ways of handling them; HOWEVER I say the aesthetics are far more important. The political material you're seeding could be quite rich indeed. Politics can act as a character's "surface" motivation, but through play they would have to tackle the cost of that agenda.

Identity being a large factor in this game and how ID relates to genetic makeup, your past etc all seem like good directions for the game to go in.

On one hand this touches on the whole "you all wake up naked and without memory in a jail cell", but it also really sets up the importance of identity. Perhaps begin the session with most of the screw scavenging this derelict ship, and finding a single indentiless person left surviving.

Incidentally, here's a bit I never fully fleshed out: how about a population of people called Blanks - basically folks who either take random numbers (Joron Eighttwentyone) or words for "blank" or "white" as their last name. Culturally speaking, they're all refugees, and all committed to existing oustide of traditional ID/Big Brother structures. (Just as Gypsy's were frequently unwelcome refugees from nation-states.)

As for systems: you mentioned Transhuman Space, which has some great stuff, and you could drift it Narr; however, a lot of the information could get in the way of taking on the big awesome premises.

You should look into Sorcerer & Space (in the Adept Press forum, was a game run by Mike Holmes) which combined Space Western pastiche with symbollic demons. You can get a lot of leverage out of using symbollic demons. It's funny you mention InSpectres, since that was in fact my pick for re-running my ensemble-based space-opera, but that sort of story would focus more on the interactions between characters amidst their various schemes gone awry. I'm simply not sure how much the humor can be turned down (frex, would the Job Dice work for your format?).

Dust Devils would also work great - the Devils seem to hit just right, so this might be your best choice.

Message 10814#115004

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On 4/17/2004 at 2:51pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: Sci-Fi Narr-based with some healthy doses of Situation

I used Unknown Armies for a space-based game once. It worked really well - nice, gritty, humano-centric... and with Madness Meters that seem like they might fit the Identity bill.

Message 10814#115028

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On 4/17/2004 at 7:51pm, b_bankhead wrote:
The Ship and The Stars

Here are some notes I have compiled for a system I am working on for serial science fiction;The Ship and The Stars,I have concepttually based it on the Pool, but it's unfinished, you might find it's ideas helpful.

Heh, you might even enjoy looking at the cover I am working on for it...

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Message 10814#115048

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On 4/18/2004 at 7:13am, Malechi wrote:
RE: Sci-Fi Narr-based with some healthy doses of Situation

hrmm i really like the concept you've got there for your "The Ship and The Stars" game supplement. I'm curious about the mechanics you're using or recommend. It seems the descriptors could be cool as well. Has the game developed any futher? I'd be willing to playtest it for you in a campaign situation if you're interested in some further feedback.


Jason K.

Message 10814#115091

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On 4/18/2004 at 2:08pm, b_bankhead wrote:
Further adventures of S&S(?)

Malechi wrote: hrmm i really like the concept you've got there for your "The Ship and The Stars" game supplement. I'm curious about the mechanics you're using or recommend. It seems the descriptors could be cool as well. Has the game developed any futher? I'd be willing to playtest it for you in a campaign situation if you're interested in some further feedback.

Well I intend to do some gaming soon using some Pool variant to become familiar with that game then finish the Pool oriented mechanics, I'm working now on material to sue it For Prime time adventures, (which I'd also like to play with a little too) Hope to be doing so on the Indie Netgaming IRC channel soon, want to participate? Drop me a line and get an IRC program (though I'd like to do some Indie gaming in the Yahoo! chat domain too)

Message 10814#115116

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