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Topic: Progress on my Egyptian game ...
Started by: Mithras
Started on: 5/10/2004
Board: Indie Game Design

On 5/10/2004 at 7:22pm, Mithras wrote:
Progress on my Egyptian game ...

In this thread here: I sketched out my ideas for an Egyptian game. It later switched to another thread (which I can't find) with Egyptian in the title I think, and I remember Mike Holmes providing lots of input.

Well I did work up lots of things for it and in a roundabout way talked to Jeff Kyer about doing it as a Hero Wars supplement. I can't remember who actually came up with that cool idea. But anyway, the baton has passed to Jeff and he's recently been given the green light from Greg (apparently) to proceed with the MS.

Is that cool ... or what?

Someone else gets to write the game of my dreams! Yeehah!

Thanks everyone who participated in the threads (fif you can remember that far back!).

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On 5/11/2004 at 7:30am, contracycle wrote:
Re: Progress on my Egyptian game ...

Mithras wrote:
Is that cool ... or what?

No, not really. The Gloranthan style is very different to what I had understood the design goals to be, and it would seem to me to be highly un-likely to produce the bounded game I had understood you to have wanted to be realised.

Message 11146#118756

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On 5/11/2004 at 7:38pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Progress on my Egyptian game ...

Well, it all depends on how the HQ system is changed, now doesn't it? If it's ported without alteration, just changing the homeland keywords or something, then it's going to be problematic, yes. But I would assume that some of the assumptions from the work we three did would make it into the modified mechanics. I mean, if not, then what's the point? Any view of Egypt would do.

So I remain optimisic. Also Jeff has a good sense for design from what I've seen so...


Message 11146#118875

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On 5/11/2004 at 7:50pm, Mithras wrote:
RE: Progress on my Egyptian game ...

Hah, no.

What I discussed with Jeff was a classic HQ-style rendering of ancient Egypt. Not the subtle and all-encompassing model that the first thread developed. No, that game, where the actions of PCs can affect the stats of Egypt which in turn affect the actions and difficulties of the PCs is untranslatable into another system.

But after seeing several recent ancient history games all D20 (sadly, useless to me with their inflated rules), plus those GURPS sourcebooks and ICE's long-dead but cool Mythic Egypt/Greece (for Hero and Rolemaster, yak!) I'll be thrilled to see an ancient game I can actually use and get right into without mechanical pre-amble.

Message 11146#118879

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On 5/11/2004 at 8:16pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Progress on my Egyptian game ...

I think that what Gareth and I are talking about, Paul, is not so much all that detail that we specifically got into, but just magic in general. My point is that I don't think that there can be Animism, Theism, and Wizardry as presented in HQ used "as is" in Egypt. It just wouldn't fit.

How do they intend to adapt magic?


Message 11146#118889

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