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Topic: Quick thought on Guns and Will
Started by: Nev the Deranged
Started on: 5/20/2004
Board: Adept Press

On 5/20/2004 at 1:13am, Nev the Deranged wrote:
Quick thought on Guns and Will

I was thinking... about guns.

Seems to me there are some situations in which it makes more sense to roll Will to fire a gun than Stamina.

Say, for instance, you're hiding behind a door with a double barrelled sawed off shotgun, and the minute some unsuspecting person opens it BLAM!!! unload both barrels into their chest.

Doesn't take much in the way of Stamina to pull a trigger. What it does take, to my mind, is the Will to turn a fellow human being into hamburger.

There are other examples I could cite, but I think this gets the point across.

Anybody with me on this one?

Message 11291#120448

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On 5/20/2004 at 4:17am, DannyK wrote:
RE: Quick thought on Guns and Will

Good point, although I can tell you, as someone who is the only non-gun nut in their family, that firing a shotgun is pretty damn physical. Even a pistol is work, if you're trying to hit something.

From a metagame aspect, this significantly devalues the Stamina stat in any game where gunplay plays a big role.

Message 11291#120462

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On 5/20/2004 at 4:35am, Dev wrote:
RE: Quick thought on Guns and Will

You could certainly roll Will v. Stamina for bonus die, and use Stamina for the main hit.

Message 11291#120465

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On 5/20/2004 at 5:06am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Quick thought on Guns and Will


Nope, nope, nope, a thousand times nope.

Just recently, I posted an important point about Sorcerer score values: they are not "body" and "mind." Not at all.

Stamina and Will are both physical and mental phenomena. When your character looms physically to intimidate someone, that's Will. When your character calls upon memories of childhood abuse to draw upon hate in order to heft that portcullis, that's Stamina.

Stamina = impact on, influence over physical motion. Will = impact on, influence over personalities. Both draw on whatever physical and mental reserves are necessary for these effects.


Message 11291#120472

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On 5/20/2004 at 7:28am, Dev wrote:
RE: Quick thought on Guns and Will

So this would nix the bonus roll possibility I suggested?

Message 11291#120492

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On 5/20/2004 at 2:27pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Quick thought on Guns and Will

Hi Dev,

Given that the time, circumstances, and knowledge among the characters permit it, I suggest that a standard Will vs. Will roll might feed some bonuses into Stamina for combat purposes. But as I say, this is a highly contextual thing, as are all get-bonuses rolls in Sorcerer.


Message 11291#120537

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On 5/20/2004 at 9:30pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Quick thought on Guns and Will

Ron Edwards wrote: Nope, nope, nope, a thousand times nope.

Just recently, I posted an important point about Sorcerer score values: they are not "body" and "mind." Not at all.

Stamina and Will are both physical and mental phenomena. When your character looms physically to intimidate someone, that's Will. When your character calls upon memories of childhood abuse to draw upon hate in order to heft that portcullis, that's Stamina.

Stamina = impact on, influence over physical motion. Will = impact on, influence over personalities. Both draw on whatever physical and mental reserves are necessary for these effects.

Fair enough. Might we get a link to the post/thread you mention above? Or at least the name of it? I think I get what you're saying, but it would be helpful to have more exposition with which to better explain it to players.

Thankies ^_^

Message 11291#120620

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On 5/20/2004 at 9:37pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Quick thought on Guns and Will


I couldn't remember the thread when I posted, and figured it would be a bitch to find ... but then, just now, it all came back to me:

Write and run demons from the hell-side of town


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Message 11291#120623

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On 5/20/2004 at 9:40pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Quick thought on Guns and Will

Thanks! I never would have found that.

Message 11291#120625

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